Attachment request


REQUEST submitted by ICO



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050926-00182 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                        April 2, 2006

By Hand Delivery                                              RECEIVED
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                           APR ~3 2006
Federal Communications Commission                         FatenCommenicators Comnisson
445 12° Street, S.W.                                             anee Smiey
Washington, D.C. 20554

        Re: Application for Modification ofAuthority for Use ofthe 2 GHz
            Bands to Provide Mobile Satelite Service (File Nos. SAT—MOD—
             20050926—00182 & SAT—AMD—20050927—00186)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        1CO Satellte Services G.P. (‘ICO®) requests thatthe above—referenced
application proceeding be designated as "permit—but—disclose" under the Commission‘s
rules governing ex parte communications."
         1C0 filed the above—referenced modification application and minor amendment
on September 26 and 27, 2005, respectively.. The modification application included a
waiver request to permit temporary use ofC—band frequencies forin—transit and
emergency telemetry, tracking, and command ("TT&C") operations. The modification
application and minor amendment were placed on public notice on October 21 and
December 7, 2005, respectively." Long after the closing of the formal pleading eycle,
Intelsat North America LLC ("Intelsat") untimely fled a letter on March 27, 2006,
requesting denial of ICO‘s waiver request"

        ! Seed7 CRR. § 1200 arseq
         See FCC Public Notce, Plicy Branch Iformation: Satelite Space Applications Accepted For
Filng, Rep. No. SAT—00325 (Ot 21, 2005% ECC Public Notee, olicy Branch Informaton: Stelite
Space Applications Aecepted For Fling, Rep. No SAT—00333 (Dec.7 2008)
        ° See Leter rom Jenifer D. Hindin, Counselt Intelsat, to Marlen H. Dotch, Secretay, PCC,
(Mar.7, 2009)                                                                           815 Conmmciet Avencein
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                                                                                        vet. in icocom

Marlere Donch, April2, 2006                                                     Page2
       For exparte purposes, this modification application proceeding is a "restrited"
proceeding under Section 1.1208;‘ The Commission, however, has the authority to
modify the ex parte status of a proceeding "[Jhere the public interest so requires.""
Grant of this request will serve the public interest by facilitating communications with
Commission staff to address complex technical, legal, and policy issues raised in these
proceedings. The Commission routinely has redesignated the exparte status ofa
proceeding as "permit—but—disclose" where complex technical, legal, and policy issues are
raised." In fact, the Commission previously granted a similar request by ICO to
redesignate as "permit—but—disclose" a related application to modify its 2 GHz mobile
satellte service to substitute a geostationary satellite orbit system for a nongeostationary
satellte orbit system."
        Accordingly, ICO urges the Commission to grant this request expeditiously.
                                               Very truly yours

                                               Suzauné Futchings Malloy             7
ce:     AndreaKelly

       ‘See 47 CR 55 1.1206@G),1.1208.
       * See id.§1.12000).
       * See,g, ECC Publc Notie,In‘T Bureax, Satelte Policy Branch Information: Ex Parte Status
ofPending Loral Modication Applicatons, 16 ECC Red 14774 (1 2001); Appliation ofStyiridge
LLLC, 13 PoC Red 11076 (iB 1999)
       " See ICO Sutelite Services G.P, 20 FCC Red 8246 (1 2005

Document Created: 2006-04-06 11:51:27
Document Modified: 2006-04-06 11:51:27

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