Attachment letter

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050926-00182 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


it                 Wiley Rein & Fielding us

anecsmuerie        March 27, 2006
                                                                   27   2006                 Jeonifer0.Hnin
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1ion               Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
msaoes mm on       Federal Communications Commission
surt ame           445 12th Street, SW
nwinee             Washington, DC 20554                                     *
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                   Re:   100 Satellite Services, G.P, Application for Modification, File No. SAT—
                   Dear Ms. Dortch:

               Intelsat North America LLC ("Intelsat"), by its counsel, fles this etter n response!
               to the above—referenced request of 1CO Satellite Services, G.P. ("1CO®) for waiver
               of Section 25.202(g) ofthe rules ofthe Federal Communications Commission
               (‘FCC" or "Commission®) to permit ICO‘s use of C—band frequencies for telemetry,
               tracking and command ("TT&C") operations during transit t 93° W.L. following
               lunch ofits proposed geostationary satellite orbit ("GSO") satellite and in the event
               of emergencies involving temporary or permanent failure of ICO‘s Ka—band TT&C
               First, Intelsat assumes that, consistent with the Commission‘s first—come,first—
               served procedures, the International Bureau will find that the C—band frequencies
               requested by ICO are not available for assignment. Intelsat already holds a license
               from the Commission to operate, and is operating, 1A—6 at 93° W.L. using the same
               C—band frequencies requested by ICO. In the Commission‘s Sarellite Licensing
               Streamlining Order, the FCC determined that "a first—come, first—served procedure
               is the best option available for GSO—like satelite systems, i.,satelite systems
               where the earth station antennas accessing the satellites that system can exclude

               ‘         "Totheextentnecessary, ntlsat requests eave to l these comments later than thiny days
               aite the date ofpublc notice anouncing 1CO‘s application. 47 CFR. §25.154(6)(llowing the
               Commisionto conside a at—fled pleading asan informal objection). To the extentthat leav is
               not granted, Intelst respectfill requests considention ofts loter under Section 141. 47 CER.
               §141. Consient with Section 11208 of the FCC‘s rules governingrestricted proceedings, a copy
               othis eter has been served on 1CO and ManSat. 47 CIFR.§1.1208, Note 1, Example 1.
                        Policy Branch Infrmation, Stelite Space Sution Applications Accepted for Fling, Report
               No. SAT—00328 (Oct 21, 2005)(Public Notice)
                        1n the Mater ofLoral Sutelit,In. (Debtor—in.Possession and LoralSpaceCom
               Corporation (Debtor—in.Possession, Assignors and Inelsat North America, LLC, Assignee;
               Applicationfor Consentto Asignments 7Space Station duthorizations and Peitionfr
               Decleratry Ruling Under Section 3100)(4) ofthe Communications dt of1934, us Amendad, Order
               and Authorization, 19 FCC Red 2404 (2004).

Document Created: 2006-03-30 12:36:52
Document Modified: 2006-03-30 12:36:52

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