Attachment annual report

annual report

REPORT submitted by ICO

annual report


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050926-00182 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                       Received                                                 s
                              q 6 1005
                        $2     Brench                                       ICO
                          Polilnargurest               RECEIVED
                       ‘""*""" October 3, 2005
                                                        OCT ~ 3 2005
By Hand Delivery                                  Fateel ConmunestinsConnostn
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                       *
                                                                of Secay

Federal Communications Commission
The Portals
445 12" Street,S.W., Room TW—A325                         2005 ANNUAL REPORT
Washington, D.C. 20554
       Re:—    1C0 Satellite Services G.P.
               Annual Section 25.143(e) Report
               File Nos. 188—SAT—LOI—97; IBFS Nos. SAT—LOI—19970026—00163,
               SAT—MOD—200501 10—00004, SAT—MOD—20050926—00182 and
Dear Ms. Dortch

        Pursuantto section 25.143(e)of the Commission‘s rules, ICO Satellite Services
G.P. (ICO) submits the enclosed annual report on the status of ts 2 GHz mobile satellite
service (MSS) system.
       Please direct any questions regarding this submission to the undersigned.

                                         irga MatikyUhatloy
                                     Suzanne Hutchings Malloy
                                     Senior Regulatory Counsel
cc:—   Karl Kensinger
       Williem Bell
       Columbia Operations Center (Columbia, MD)

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1CO Satellite Services G.P. ("1CO®) submits the following information, current as of
September 30, 2005, pursuant to Section 25.143(e) of the Commission‘s rules.

    1.     Status of satellte construction and anticipated launch dates, including any
           major problems or delays encountered.
On May24, 2005, the International Bureau granted ICO‘s application to modify its letter
of intent authorization to provide 2 GHz mobile satellite service (°MSS") to the United
States through a geostationary satellte orbit (°GSO") system instead of a non—
geostationary satellite orbit system.". The Bureau found that ICO already had entered
into a non—contingent satellte manufacturing contract with Space Systems/Loral and
completed critical desin review for its GSO system*

Since grant ofits modification application, ICO has met the applicable FCC—prescribed
milestones on a timely basis and continues to make rapid progress in construction ofts
GSO system. Specifically, ICO has commenced physical construction ofits satellite and
has met the first two milestones prescribed in the ICO Modification Order.
in addition, ICO has raised $650 million in an August 2005 deboffering, the proceeds of
which willfund a substantial portion of its costs to develop the 1CO 2 GHz GSO MSS
1CO expects to launch its 2 GHz GSO satellite July 1, 2007 and to begin satellite
operations by July 17, 2007, consistent with the milestones set forth in the ICO
Modification Order.
   2.      Listing of any non—scheduled space station outages for more than 30 minutes
           and the cause or causes ofthe outage.
Not applicable.
   3.      Detailed description of the utlization made ofthe in—orbit satelltesystem
           (including percentage of time that the system is actually used for U.S.
           domestic or transborder transmission, the amount of capacity (ifany) sold but
           not in service within U.S.territorial geographic areas, the amount of unused
           system capacity and, if applicable, te actual number ofsubscriber minutes
           originating or terminating in unserved areas within the unserved areas
           expansion spectrum as a percentage of the actual U.8.system use).
Not applicable.
} Ste 1O Satlite Services G P, 20 FCC Red 9797 (InI Bur, 2005 (*10O Modication Order").
  uy 2225.

   4.      Identification of any space stations not available for service or otheriwise not
           performing to specifications, the cause or causes ofthese difficulties and the
           date any space station was taken out of service or the malfunction identified.

Not applicable.

Document Created: 2005-10-06 16:11:39
Document Modified: 2005-10-06 16:11:39

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