Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050812-00158 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                              @0 ite?—00(7
fee. SA)TfipJ.flfiDh’i bo2s3                                                  m 5NT —Memp—220ep$i2—c0 15%
                   amp—2e3223 008
       fi\ 8
        se — mon — 2eocb215—003]                                               3232Sommpar7,
                                                                                          Sot z0s
                                                                                               CApproved by OMB
                                                                                      TermDates        30c0—0678
                                                                              opjul        To Se¢ ons
   Date & Time Filed:     Aug 12 2005 11:0620:500AM                            P   vg             “’w‘ i4 LCaled le
   File Number SAT—MOD—20050812—00158                           /_                          j
                                                                    oL E.Alsts.) 517/« cetaglara. oh.
                             Fce 12 MAIN FoRM For OFFICIAL USB ONLY

   ntera descrition of this application to identify it on the main menu:
   G14 mod change to 125.05 WL (Aug 2005)
   1—8. Legal Name ofApplicant
                Name:         PanAnSatLicensee Co          Phone Number:           a02—202—4000
                oua                                        Fax Number:             an—an—nrs
                Streets   1801 K Street, N\W.              E—Mail:
                          Suie 440
                Cig:      Washington                       State:                   ne
                           usa                             Zipeode:                20006
                Attentons Mr KalpakS Gude Bsq

5—16. Name ofContact Represcniaive
          Name:     JosephA. Godles,Bsg            Phone Number:                     202—429—4000
          Company: Goldbery Godles Wiener & Wright Fax Number:                       an—a20—w012
          Streets.. 1229 190SreetNW                E—Mail:                           jrodies@»

          Cit:       Washington                       State:                          pe
          Countrys USA                                Zipeode:                        aoosé—aa
          Attention: Attomey                          Relationship:                   Legal Counsel

17. Choose the btton next o the
ctassifation hat appliestoths fing for (NA) 1. Applcation for License of Now Sution
both questionsa. andb Choose only one (NA) 2. Applcation for Revistration of New Domesti Receive—Only Station
for 17a and only onefor17.             & (A) b3. Amendmentto a Pending Applcation
                                         @ (NA) b4. Modifeationof icense or Revistation
   @ 1. Barh Station
                                       bS. Assignment of Licese or Rexistation
   @ 2. Space Sxion                     b6. Transfer ofControl ofLicensc or Registation
                                         & (NA) b7. Notifcation of Minor Modifeation
                                       (NA) BApplcation for License ofNew Receive—Only Shition Using Non—U.S. Licensed
                                        (N/A) b9. Leter of ntent to Use Non—S. icensed Satlfite to ProvidService i tUnted
                                        @ (NA)b10. Other (Please specity)

 17c is a fee submited withths application?
@ 1f¥es, completeand atiach FCC Form 159. If Noindicatereason forfoeexemption (see 47 C.R.Section1.1114)
@ Governmental Entty gp Noncommercia educationl censce
@ Ohertpleasc cplain}

Fee Classifeation BEY — Space Station Modification(Goostitionary)

18. Ifths fln i n reference t an           19. Ifhis fling is an amendment to a pending appliationenter both felds, ithis filing i a
exising station, enter                   modification please enteronly tfie number:
(a) Callsien ofsution:                   (a) Date pending application was fled:           (6) File number:

TypE of seRvice
20. NATURE OF SERVICE: This Ailing is for an authoriation to provide or use the fullowing type@s) of servie(s) Slecall hat apply:

 [&] a ived Sclite
 [C]®Mobile Satelite
 [C] &RadiodeterminationSatlite
 [C] 4 Barth Exploration Satelite
 [C] & Direct to Home Bived Stelite
 [Z] C Disital Autio Radio Service
 [C] s Other tlease specifs)

1: STATUS: Choose the btton nex o heappleable tatus. Choose           —[22, Tarth station applicant, check allthatapply
lonly one                                                             [C] Usine US.licensed satelites
@ Common Catrier @ Non—Common Carier                                  C Using Non—US.liensed sutelites
23. IFapplicant is providng INTERNATIONAL COMMON CARRIER service, s instrictionsregarding Se. 2134 flings. Choose one. Arethese
5 Connected t a Public Switched Network y Not connected t aPublic Switched Network @ NA
  24. FREQUENCY BANDG: Place anin the box(es) next o allapplcable frequency bando)
    a C—Band (@6 GHte) [7] . Ku—Band 24 Gite)
[C] Other (Please specify upper and lower requencies in Mite)
       Frequency Lower. Frequency Uppor: (Please specify addiionalfequencies in anatiachment)

25. CLASS OF STATION: Choosethe btton next t thsls osationthatapplies. Choose only one.
 @ a. Fixed Earh Sution
 & b. Temporay—Fixed Earth Station
 @ c 12114 Gite VSAT Network
 @ 4. Mobile Barth Staion
 @ ©. Gcosttionary Space Stition
 & { Non—Geostitionary Space Station
 @ s. Other (lease specify)

26. Tyre or EarerN STATION FACITY:
& Transmi¥Receive @p Transmit—Only .( Receive—Only         @ NA
"For Space Station applications,sclct N/A."

27. The purpose of his proposed modifeation s to (Plae an xX   in the bon(es) next to al that apply)
   o      — authoriztion to add new emissiondesignator and related service
    [] 5 — authorizationto changeemission designator and relatedsrvice
    D e authorizationto incrcase EIRP and EIRP densty
    D d— authon       tion to replace antcna
    D e      authorization to add antenna
    [C] 5 authoriztion to relocaefixed sttion
    [—] #— suthoristion to change feguencyies)
    [C] h —authoriationtoadd frequency
    [C] i suthoriation to add Points ofCommunication(stellites &countrics)
    [C] i — suthorization to change Points ofCommunication (stelites & countics)
    [C] k— authoristion for ficifities for which evionmental assessment and
1adiation havard repotingis required
     [I] | — suthorization to change orbitlocation
     [C] m —suthorization o perform feet management
     [C] n — suthorization to extend milestones
     [C] 0 Other (Pleasespecit)


28. Would a Commission grant ofany proposain this application or amendment have asignificant envionmental   y ¥es @ No
impact as defined by 47 CFR 1.1307? IfYES, submitthe sttement asrequired by Secions 1.1308 and 1.1311 of
the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.BR,11308 and 1.1311, as anexhibit t this application A Radiation HazardStudy
must accompany all applications for new transmiting failies, major modifcations,ormajoramendments.

ALIEN OWNERSHIP Earth station applicants not proposing to provide broadeast,common carrir, aeronautical en route or
aeronautical fixed radio station services are not required to respond to Items 30—34

 29. Isthe applicanta foreign governmentor therepresenttive of any foreign govemme                          © ¥s g No

 30.Is thapplicant an alien o thereprescntative of n atien?                                                 0 Ys q No @ NA

 31. Is thapplicant a corporation oanied under the laws ofany foreign government?                           0 Ys q No @ NA

 32. Is the applicant acorporation of which more than aneh ofthe capitl stock is owned of record orvoted by q Yes y No @ N/A
 aliens or their epresentatives or bya forin government orepresentative thereaor by any corportion organized
 under the laws ofa foreign county?

33.Isthe applicanta corportion irectly or indiretly contriledby n other corporation of which more than          0 Ys q No @ NA
n faurth of the capital stock is owned ofrecord or voted by alens, their epresentaives, or bya forcign
government or represenative hereafor by n corporation organized under thelaws ofa foreigncounty?

34,Ifany answer to questions 29, 30, 31 32 and/or 33 is ¥s,atach as an xhibit an identfcation ofthe alles o..   Ques 34
foreignentites, theirnationality, thirrelatonship tthapplicant, and the percentage ofstock they own or vote


38, Docs the Applicant request any waiversor exemptions from any af the Commission‘s Rules?                         o‘    e
1fYes,attach as an exhibit   copiesof the requestsforwaiversor xceptions with supportingdocuments

36. Hastheapplicant or any paty to this application oamendment had any FCC stationauthorization orlcense
revoked orhad any applicationfr an initl, modifiation or renewal of FCC sttion authorization, eense, or
constrictionpermit deniedby the Commission? If¥s, attach asan exhibit an explination of ircumstances.

37. Hasthe applicant, oany partyto this application or amendiment, or any party direcly oindiecty contzoling     o v=   @No
the applicanever been convicted of felony by any state orfederal cour? If¥es, ttach asan exhibi, an
explintion ofireumstances.

38, Has any courfinlly adjudged th applicant, or any peson direcly or indiectl controlling the apicant,          ovs    @N
quity of unlwfully monopolizing oatemptting unlawfullyto monopolizeradio communicaion,drecly or
indirect, through contralof manufacture orsale ofadio apparatus, exclusivetrific arangement oany other
means or unfir methods ofcompetiion?If¥s, atach as anexhibt, an explanation f ircumstances

39. s the applicant,or any person directly or intreciy contollingthe applicant,curenty a paty in any pending     ovs    @N
matier refered to in the preceding twoitems? fyes, ttach as an exhinit, n explanation of the cieumstances

40. If the applicant is a corporation and i applying for a space station cense, attach asan exhibit the names,
address,and itizenship ofthose stockholders owning a record and/or voting 10 percentormore oftFler‘s
votingstock and the percentages so held. In thcase oAduciary control, indicte the benefciary(es) or class of
beneficires. Alsolistth names and addresses of the offee and diectorsof thFile.

41. By checking Yes, the undersignedcrtfes, thatnether applieant norany otherpaty totheappliation i            @1«        ow
subjec toa denil of Federalbenefis tha ncludes PCbenefis pursuant to Section $301 ofthe Ant—Drug Act of
 198§, 21 U.S.C.Section #62, because oa convitionforposessionor ditribation ofa cntraledsubstance. Sce
47 CFR 1.2002(b)forthe meaning ofRquotiart to theapplictiondequot;for these purposes.

42a, Does the applicantintend to use a non—U.. Heensed satliteto provide servie in the United Sates? 1¥es,     qs         @%
answer 42b and atach anexhibit providingthe informationspecifed n 47 C.R R, 25.137,as approprit. fNo,
proceed to question 3.

42b, What adminitration has censed ois in the proces ocnsing the space sation? fo hcense willbeissued, whatadmninistation has
coordinated ois in the process of coordinating the space sution?

15. Descripion (Summarizethe natureofhe applcation and theservicet be provided}._ (lf the complete descrption docs noappcar in this
lro, please goto the end ofth form to view it n ts entrets)
    PanMSat seeks to modify its license to cperate Galaxy 24 at 225.05 RL and to update
    technical information regarding those operations.


[The Applicant waives any laim to the use ofany particlar requency orof t lectromagntic spectrum as apuinst he regulatory powerothe
[United Satesbecause ofthe previous use of the same, whether bylicense or therwis, and requests an authorzation i accordance wit this
application.The applicantcertifs that grant ofthis aplication would not causetheapplicant to b in violation of the spectrum agarcaation Iimit
in 47 CER Pant 20. All tatements made i exhibis area material part hreof and are incorporated herci aifsct ut in full in thisapplication
(The undersigned, intividualy and fotheapplicant,hereby certifesthatall statements madin this aplication and n all atached exhibitsare
Ime, complee and corectto the best ofhis or her knowledee and belef and are made in good fith
[1; Applicant is a (n} (Choose the btton next t applicabl response)
 @   Individeal
 @   Unincorporated Association
 @   Pamership
 @   Comoratin
 &   GovernmentalEnity
 @   Other (please specify)

     5. Name of Prson Signing                                          16. Tide ofPerson Signing
     Kalpak Gude                                                       Associte General Counsel

                    (US. Code,Ti18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (U.S. Code, Tie 47, Setion 312(a11), AND/OR FORFETTURE (U.S. Code, Tite 47, Section 502.


ree Nomierequrd y TrArERWORK REDUCTION ACT
"The publireportingfor this colletion of nformation is esimated to average 2 hors peesponse, including the ime fo reviewing instuctions,
searching existin data sources, athering and maintaining the required dat, and completingand reviewing the collection ofinformation. Ifyou
have any comment on thisburden estimate,orhow we can improve the collection and reduce th burden t causes you. please writ o the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0673), Washington, DC 20554, We wl also accept
your comments regardingthe Papervork Reduction Act aspectsofthis calecton via the Intemct i you send tm t oley@eeov. PLEASE
bo Nor sENp CoMPLETED FORMS To THis AbpreSs.
Remember —You are not requied to respand to a collectionoinformation sponsored by the Federal govemment, and the povermment may not
conduco sponsorthiscollection, unles i isplays a curently valid OME control number or ifwe fail o provide you wth this notce. ‘This
collection hasbeen assigned an OMB control number of3060—0678.
1, 1998, 44 Us.C. SECTION 507.


                           Engincering Statement

PanAmSat Licensee Corp. ("PanAmSat") proposes to operate its Galaxy 14
spacecraft from 125.05° WL. Galaxy 14 would utilize the 5925 — 6425
MHz and 3700 — 4200 MHz frequencybands to provide U.S coverage.
PanAmSat also provides a correction of the commeand frequency for Galaxy
14. Specifically, the command frequency of the spacecraft is 6420.5 MHz
rather than the previously specified value of 6424.5 MHz.
As a result of changes over time to PanAmSat‘s plans for operations in the
vicinity of 125° W.L., there have been multiple modifications to the orbital
location requested for Galaxy14. In August 2003 PanAmSat requested
authority to operate Galaxy 14 from 125° WL (See FCC File No.: SAT—
AMD—20030827—00283). In December 2003, PanAmSat amended its
request by specifying 125.05° WL instead of 125° WL (See FCC File No.:
SAT—AMD—20031223—00365). In February 2004, the Commission granted
(by grant stamp) PanAmSat‘s amended request to operate Galaxy14 from
125.05° WL.. In February 2005, PanAmSat requested authority to operate
Galaxy 14 from 125.15° WL (See FCC File No.: SAT—MOD—20050215—
00039), and the Commission granted PanAmSat‘s request in March 2005.
With this filing, PanAmSat proposes to operate Galaxy 14 from the
previouslyauthorized orbital location of 125.05° WL.
To take the impact of this proposed change in orbital location into account;
this engineering statement updates the following technical information that
PanAmSat had previously submitted (for the 125.15° WL orbital location):
(1) gain contours, (2) PFD levels and (3) link budget analysis.

The coverage pattems for Galaxy 14 operating from the 125.05° WL orbital
location that is proposed herein are the same as those previously submitted
for the 125.15° WIL orbital location. Changing the proposed orbital location
from 125.15° WL to 125.05° WL will produce no visible change in the gain
contouts. Accordingly, no new beam gain contours are being submitted.
Power Flux Density Levels
Thepower flux density (°PFD®) level at that the Earth‘s surface produced by
Galaxy14 operating from the proposed 125.05° WL orbital location will be
the same as those corresponding to operation from 125.15° WL and are
presented in Exhibit 1 for the sake of completeness.
                                 Page 1 of 5

Link Budaet and Interference Analysis
The operational co—frequency satellites nearest to the proposed 125.05° WL
orbital location are Galaxy10R located at 123° WL, and Galaxy13, located
at 127° WL. Galaxy 10R and Galaxy 13 are licensed to PanAmSat. The
operating parameters of Galaxy10R and Galaxy 13 are specified in FCC
File Nos.    SAT—LOA—19990518—00054           and     SAT—LOA—19991207—00118
(SAT—AMD—20030228—00020), respectively.
An carth station receiving transmissions from Galaxy: 10R and having
antenna off—axis gain characteristics that are in compliance with Section
25.209(a)(1) of the FCC Rules would have an offaxis gain of 20.7 dBi in
the direction of Galaxy 14 operating from 125.15° WL._ With Galaxy 14
operating from 125.05° WL, the off—axis gain of the receiving earth station
would be 21.2 dBi. Hencethere would be a resulting increase in the off—axis
gain of the earth station antenna of 0.5 dB. Such a small increase in the off—
axis gain will not change in any meaningful way the interference
environment of Galaxy 10R receiving earth stations. Similarly, interference
from Galaxy 10R transmissions into Galaxy 14 receive carth stations would
be substantially unchanged (0.5 dB variation).
With respect to an earth station receiving transmissions from Galaxy 13, the
off—axis antenna gain of the receiving antenna would be reduced from 22.3
dBi to 21.7 dBi — a decrease of 0.6 dB. Such a small decrease in the off—axis
gain of the Galaxy 13 receive earth station will not change in any
meaningful way       the existing interference environment of Galaxy 13
receiving   earth   stations.    Similarly,     interference   from   Galaxy   13
transmissions into Galaxy 14 receiving earth stations would be substantially
unchanged (0.6 dB variation).
Given that the proposed operation of Galaxy 14 would not result in any
significant change to the existing interference environment as it pertains to
Galaxy14, Galaxy 10R and Galaxy 13, no link budget analysis is provided
herein. In anycase given that Galaxy 10RGalaxy 13 and Galaxy14 are all
licensed to PanAmSat, in the unlikely event that Galaxy14 operating from
125.05° were to adversely affect the transmissions from Galaxy 10R and/or
Galaxy 13, PanAmSat would take appropriate actions to resolve the matter
through internal coordination.

                                  Page 2 of 5

On August 2003, PanAmSat filed an application to operate Galaxy 14 from
125° WL (see FCC File No.: SAT—AMD—20030827—00283). In that filing,
the command frequency for Galaxy 14 was specified as 6424.5 MHz.
PanAmSat informs the Commission, herein, of a correction to the command
frequency of the spacecraft. Specifically, the command frequency of Galaxy
14 is 6420.5 MHz. The change in the command frequency of Galaxy 14 will
not necessitate any additional changes to the information contained in the
SAT—AMD—20030827—00283 filing.

Schedule S Submission
PanAmSat is providing herewith the Schedule S with its application.. The
Schedule S contains onlythose Galaxy 14 data items that have changed as a
result of the proposed modification and data items whose inclusion was
required in order for the software application to function properly. The
Schedule S does not, however, contain link analysis for Galaxy14 at the
125.05° WL orbital location, given that the there would be no significant
change in the Galaxy 14 links from this location as compared to those
associated with 125.15° WL, for which link information has previously been
provided. Additionally, no contour gain patterns have been included in the
Schedule S since there is no significant difference in the coverage provided
by Galaxy 14 from 125.05° WL when compared to 125.15°WL, for which
coverage information has been previously provided.

                                Page 3 of 5

                          Certification Statement

1 hereby certify that I am a technically qualified person and am familiar with
Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules and Regulations.        The contents of this
enginecring statement were prepared by me or under mydirect supervision
and to the best of my knowledge are complete and accurate.

    /s/ Abdolmajid Khalitzadch                      August 12, 2005
     Abdolmajid Khalilzadch                               Date
      PanAmSat Corporation
Senior Manager, Asset Engineering

                                 Page 4 of 5


Digial Carrier
Elevation Anel Gepresd           a         s        o      E1   a     a       %
Assumed ETRb m                  ar       azo|      uzo    u2 u2o az s
Spreading loss dim‘)            lexa     Te3      62      tesa teas Teas Nez
Maximum PD (dimie              ciser     css      cises   css ~isea cisea | ciora
(36Mite DigialCarien
PrD Link(dBimakito              ce       m        ces     on ces ce m

AnalogTV Carrier
Eevaton Angle Gepresn           o          s        o       ET   s    O3  %
Assumed EIRPi)                aan|       nsr|      m       eic} ac|  u[ e
Spreating oss dBm‘)           iea        i63       te2    eo 1ees Texs Te
Maximum PFD(dBmit             isw |      clsrd    cisol   "u99 clan| s1| "100
(36 Mite Analog TV |dvite ED)
PrD Limiidam@ktte              ce         on      c|       cur ces ce e
* These arethe maximum EIRP valoes t 0 and 5 fora bam—paak EIRP o13.1 dBW. Therefore, or
TV/EM carienstheEIRP would hav o e reduced by .1 B from ts maximum of442 B\W.

rrac ownn
Elevaion Angle Gepresd          o    s             to       B—T  ®—   3   %
Assimed EIRP B                  coman              y        1|  im       a
Spreating loss dBim‘)          Te| Te3            162|    1e | teas Toas To
Maximum PFD (dimio             —ss —nsa           css     «is2 «rrs| se |e
(250kte Digtal Canien
PrD Lini imte)                 ce   on            ces      car ces e e

Elevaion Anal Gepresd            o          s       u       B—T®—          T3  %
Assimed EIRP camn)              is         as      48|     4s    is        4s  4s
Spreating loss(dim‘)           Tesd       Tess    162|     tna Tees       Toas To
Maximum PFD (dimRtto           —mes      —17e4"   "1ea    —17e2 —1r..     e |2
0kiz Digtal Carien
PrD Liniidaimaktte)            ce         e       ces      c ce           ce ce

TT&C (Retecion
Elevaton Anal(degreso)           o          s       o        B—Ta~      3     %
Asumed EIRb m                    z         3        2o      2|    &     m     ~|—z
Spreading ow dim‘)             Te|        im3      ie2     tma ies Teas Tean
Masimum PFD (dBimRito          msld      —el2"|   clsll   —1610 —1609 »1o08 "1600
50z DistalCarien
PrD Linic(dim i)                mm        ecm     t3c      ess T sm

                                       Page 5 of 5

 reo o2                                         rebera communications commssion
 Schedules                                    saretute space stamion AutHoRtzations                       Frequency tiads,
                                                  (Technical and Operational Description}                 an aso ome
o1 aemervs nrormtiow consine       wite spteatons
ce snn tnune tmtane                       Iemmmnrmnarnzmerme mc                       irme ie sntni ons n Gomn Cen
 chae s                                                                                w
  nronntmsemsater                         remanasamme                                 immamnmnmromermsmmmreme
remmanempenne                           Irnnramncen                           Irrrnmancmmewsnrmsun
                                         m                                                              ie
Irmaromenge rmursoace                   Inrosmnnnrar tm e en nivamen rosme uen
                                         w                            ies             x) oso       roso
se. orematio rreauency BWO enty e eazenangeand vaninceve made o atfecuecy bnds n wich hssn uilcper
                           Aso indets h nf sevcns) o each rauencyband
           maue          eemsave             o. tm ode                    1 Natwe ofSevens Lt atbatasnt ts tand
              Wt         chance    Wtr
              i     s             ie                      mnnmtecs
              i     frso          i      —ir              radSmaiin Sevee
s3 orerat nrormnon ror crosmnowserewutes on
rrammonstrpmmtogen tm           ramsrosetnin mm                                        ie rassonmr amrtzntonsaccion
   resosw                                                                                 rrovee canstrvceto vntco stares
Enameramnen trsamniere                 rmmminaFpromerrencensman nsm
                                                    ols Free
                                                           Gvcu)      dores
 6 Tmntiex         005. Durem
 i tomstam         005. Do                            awe
                                                      h tatermon
[ Rassonorsevn e sabaen (Gricrn

                                              reperacommunications commssion                         Page 2:1680 orsts
                                            sarevure seace starion autHorizations
                                   FGG Form 312 — Schedule (Technicaland Oporational Description}
s« oreira. nrormmnow ror nowacostarowy sitewutes o
     Sta. ToalhunseraSuattsin Nevetk oSptem                1e GusiaReece Baty (ath in oots)
     51e ToNntera ObtalParesin Netroc oSptem               s1s ob oc ue
roreach onsrans Proite
  wous       uce omm moss                            ieannnenn [ove               y xmmammapen
  Peome slints |oue toane es i Reemm                          Potes          fes       peg es            ow
              Faw                 ce                           lX ban        care        es       us

sn mm snTeLLITE PHASE ANGLE Fa enc steita in c oita laeqovide e ithaseonge
  woss mase          C
          faree rawhoge

                                                  No Neso paTa FILED

                                             rebera. communications commssion                 Page 3: ServiceAras
                                           satetuire seace station Authorizations
                                  ECC Form 312 Schedule S (Technical and Operational Des ton)
 96 SERVGE AREA CHARAGTERSTICo ncsevce e povte
 mensme opaatese aeneminn [ eve In Demoen Feonniapryamc woss rermsn uTV ¥en mmerrgneiea
     5        eei(ree        ratme(Gara| enmammiogan
u           s                             mucenc
a           o                             c

                                               repera. communications commssion                   Page 4: Antenna Beams
                                            satetuire seace station autHorizations
                                   ECC Form 312 Schedule S(Technicaland Operational Descrition)
57. seace station ATENNW BEA CHARAGTERISTCS roreach ariems bean povte
    [R  TeR  oo
            ns     cce fas fumes es                Tess                    rez
 olE croucitolicol Ek  bar. Ti|Revere     has |—ofotese] m    |—a— Tt     o.
                                              ie |Pone in |ome [ caoice [eeersee
       8 B oo|oxpenfaen@] 252oo
                                Inttoon       k|
                                                  e|     B|TEZT    Joith
                                                         oi|teow] én
                                                                               Bs Th*
xi                                      r
ouz                                     —
on r                                    f

                                                repera communcations commssion                        Page : Beam Diagams
                                               sarevuTe space station Authortztions
                                    FGG Form 312 — Schadule (Technical and Operational Doscription)
se anteniw. NEADVAGRAUS Fo aach bean t prvide irefaranct e aagtiinage c nanercal ts
    Ab pove ie pown ux davty levls in encbean ul taithn h anion we nghet pown
 a 13 Te se fexssmmen| —neomes                                    m meremoummny
es 8 e‘            Th    Gowntergir cancorne ons           |~meormatenstomni mmen gmiiiol
 0 Jmal nitlehoglts
            m ons rerstemitom                  oi         wson mwas non omen |nnoe
           «m Joa em

                                            reperaL comunications commssion                          Page 6: Channelsand
                                           sarevure seace station AutHortztions                      Transponders
                                     FGG Form 312 Schedule : (Technical and Oporational Description)
 Sn SrAGE STATIONGHANIELSror ce Fecuang chamalproide: 510 SPAGE STRTION TRANGPOWDERS For carmpononporse
oo|msstsmeott |as)    Th es
                         reaaes  1.E         e
                                   ravicen |afterm     _#
                                                        uies _ _3 h es omimnii                onsie
   CC     "ou"            C‘ |GVCY          (Gee           3 |ravitese
                                                                 meay |Gize [ mt (nesno
(woxw        |~——maje— Jns      J          t
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one          ul Jans            —y         r

                                            repera communications commssion                       Page Digtaltocutation
                                          satetuire seace starion Authortzations
                               FGG Form 312 — Schedule 5: (Technical and Oporational Description)
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                                        repEra. communications commssion                   Page 6 Anatog Modulaton
                                      satezure seace station authortzations
                             FGG Form 312 Schedule S(Technical and Operational Descrition)
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                                       repera communications commssion                         Page Typical Emissions
                                      sarevute space station AutHoRzations
                             FGC Form312 — Schedule S: (Technical and Operational Description)
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                                             rebera communications commssion                                  Page 10: TT and C
                                          saTetute space starioN AutHoRtzations
                                FGC Form 312 — Schedule 5: (Fechnical and Operational Description)
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                                                 reperat communtcations commssion                                Page tts
                                                satezute seace station AutHoRtzations                            Charactorstics and
                                     ECC Form 312 — Schedule 5: (Zechnical and Operational Description)          Certiiatons
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  To addtio To t Iefomatinreaured in x Form, o space tatonanpican i requred o provd l ie infomatin pectid i Secton is11 ariie
                                                Comminsion‘s ies atCR § 2811e

Document Created: 2005-10-07 14:46:23
Document Modified: 2005-10-07 14:46:23

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