Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050621-00130 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                          miee 5&] M‘%KDEQGQ—O&}"
                                                                                     5w                         uns
                                                                          sn BZNG               Gospae          n OS
                                                                          {orother idenifer)                           Approved by OMB
                                                                                                TermDates                    3060—0678
                                                                          rom E/n /os                  To b{p}zpl\
Date & Time Filed: Jun 21 2005 3:29—46«693PM
File Number: SAT—MOD=20080621—00130                                       mto =——Olegd Sihelie
                                                                                Bist EAkls) Cé;/nw,, BEark
   FCC APPLICArION FoR SPACE AND EAKTH STATIONMOD OR AMD ~ MAIN FORM                               [FCC se Only
                      ree at2 MAmN FoRM For oFFICIAL USE ONtY

Fnter a descrition of this application to identify it on the main menu:
G9 mod (change assigned location to 90.0W)
1—8 Leyal Name ofApplicant
           Name:        PanAmSat Licensee Corp            Phone Number:                        ane—202—4300
           oua                                            Fax Number:                          an—202—078
           Streets    1801 K Steet, NIW                   E—Mail:
                      Suie 440
           City:      Washinzton                         State:                                 nc
           Country: usa                                  Zipeode:                              20006        —
           Attention: Mr Kalpak S Gude Esq

                                   Conditions of Authorization
                                          August 11, 2004

    4.         PanAmSat Licensee Corp.‘s applications, SAT—MOD—20050621—00130
and SAT—STA—20050124—00010, ARE GRANTED. Accordingly PanAmSat Licensce
Corp.‘s authorization (SAT—LOA—19941027—00058) to operate its GALAXY—9 satellite
(Call Sign S2146)at the 127.0°W.L. orbital location and its authorization to operate
GALAXY—9 on a temporary basis at the 90.9° W.L. orbit location (SAT—STA—20040809—
00158) ARE MODIFIED to reassign GALAXY—9 to 90.9° W.L. with +0.05° longitudinal
station—keeping, and to operate in the frequeney bands 3700 — 4200 MHz (space—to—
Earth), and 5025—6425 MHz (Earth—to—space). Other than the changein orbitallocation,
the conditions contained in the prior authorization‘ remain in effect and the GALAXY—9
satelite will operate in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical
specifieations set forth in its application, this Attachment and the Commission‘s Rules.
    2.          PanAmSat Licensee Corp. shall prepare the necessaryinformation, as may
be required, for submission to the ITU to initiate and complete the advance publication,
intermational eoordination, due diligence, and notification process of this space station, in
accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations. PanAmSat Licensee Corp. shall be held
responsible for all cast recovery fees associated with these ITU filings.. We also note that
no protection from interference caused by radio stations authorized by other
administrations is guaranteed unless coordination and notifiation procedures are timely
completed or, with respect toindividual administrations, by successfully completing
coordination agreements. Any radio station authorization for which coordination has not
been completed may be subject to additional terms and conditions as required to effect
coordination of the frequency assignments ofother administrations. See 47 C.F.R. §
    3.         PanAmSat Licensee Corp. is afforded thirty days from the date of release
ofthis grant and authorization to decline this authorization as conditioned. Failure to
respond within this period will constitute formal acceptance of the authorization as
   4           This Grantis ssued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules
on delegated authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release. Petitions for
reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for reviewunder Section 1.115 ofthe
Commission‘s riles, 47 C.FR. §§ 1.106, 1.115, maybe filed within 30 days ofthe date of
the public notice indicating that this action was taken.

NIBFS Fle Number SAT—LOA—19941027—00058.

9—16. Name of Contact Represcnutive
          Name:    Joseph A. Godles, Bsg           Phone Number:                       202—429—4900
          Company: Goldberg Godles Wiener & Wright Fax Number:                         an—ns—w012
          Street:  1229 19Street, NW               r—mai                     
          Ciy:       Washinzton                       State:                            nc
          Country: usa                                Zipeode:                         annso—2n3
          Attention: Attomey                          Relationship:                    Legal Counsel
17. Choose ts button next to the
classifcation thataplies t hisfilingfor (N/A) b1. Application for License of New Sution
both questionsa. and b. Choose only one (NA) b2. Application for Revistation of New Domestic Receive—Only Staion
for 17and only onefor171                 ¢ (N/A) b3. Amendment to a Pending Applcation
                                         @ (N/A) b4. Modifeation ofLicenseor Reg ation
   @ a1. EathSttion                     5. Assignment of Lienscor Regisation
   @ 2. Space Suaion                    b6, Tranfer ofContral ofLicense or Registation
                                         & (N/A) b7. Notification of Minor Modifiation
                                        (NA) bt Application for License of New Receive—Only Sition Using Non—U.S. Licensed
                                        (NA)b0. LeterofIntent to Use Non—U.S. icensed Satellite to Provide Ser in the United
                                         @ (N/A)b10. Other (Please specify)

 T7c.i fe submited withthis application?
@ 1Yes, complet and attach FCC Form 159. IFNo, indicat eason forfee exemption (see 47 C.ER.Section1 114)
& Governmental Entity y NoncommercialeducationalTcensee
@ Otber(lease explain)
Fee Clasifiation BFY ~ Space Stition Modifation(Gcostationary)

18. Ifthisfilingi n reference t an     19. Ifhisfiling is anamendmentto a pendingapplication cnter both feld, ifthis flingis a
existing station,enter                 modifiction please eater onl thfil number
(#) Callsizn ofsution:                 (8) Date pending applicationwasfle:           (6) File numben

 20. N&ruke or sERVICE: T        ling i for an authorzation t provideouse the following type(s) ofsrvices) Scect llthat apply
     a. Pixed Stelite
 [—] bMobile Saelite
 [C] & Radiodetermination Stclite
 [—] 4 Barth Bxplonation Satelte
 [C] c Direct o Home Fixed Satelite
 [—] C Disital Audio RadioService
 [C] s Otber (nease specity)

21. STATUS: Choos the button next t tapplcablesttus. Chaose—       [22, IF earthstation applicant, check al that apply
only one.                                                          [C] Using U.S.liecnsed steltes
& Common Carrier @ Non—Common Carier                               [Z] Using Non—U.S.licensed stelites
25. fappliant is providng INTERNATIONAL COMMON CARRIER service, seinstrationsregarding Sec. 214 filings, Chooseone. Are these
@ Comnecteto a Publc Switched Netwark y Not connected toaPublic Switched Nemwork @ N/A
  24. FREQUENCY BANDGG): Place an ‘X" n the box(es) next t all aplicable frequency band(9)
[] s C Baed @6 Glle). Jb Ku—Band (124. 01
[C] ©Oiter (Pease specify upper and lowerfrequenciesin MHtz)
       Frequency Lower: Frequency Upper: (Please specify addtionalfequenciesin an attachment

28. CLASS OF STATION: Choose the button nexto heclassof sation that applcs. Choose only one
 & a. Fixed EathStation
 @ b. Temporay—Bixed BarthSation
 @ o. 12014 Gite VSATNetwork
 @ 4. Mobile Earth Station
 @ c Gcostationary Space Station
 & { Non—Geostationay Space Stition
     1: Other(please specity)

26. Tyre or Eaiem stanion ractury:
( TransmitiReceive qy Transmit—Only gy Receive—Only           @ NA
"For Space Station applications, select NCA."


27. The purpose ofthis proposed modifiation i t(Place an   in the bon(es) next to all hat apply)

   [7] a authorization toadd new emission designator and relateservice
    [—] 5 suthoriationto change emission designator and reated service
    [C] eauthorzation tincrease EIRP and EIRP density
    [—] d authoriationto replace antenna
    [C]— authorzation toadd antenna
    C father ationto relocat fixedsttion
    [C] a— suthoriation tochange fequency(ies)
             authoriationto add frequency
            uthorization toadd Points of Communication (satelites & counties
    [C]i — suthoriation to change Points of Communication (stefitesdamp; countres)
    [C] k —suthoriationfor fiifties fr which environmental assessment and
radiation havard repoting is required
     [] I — suthorization to chnge orbit loction
    [C] m —authorization t perform feet management
    [C] n—authoriztionto extend miletones
    [C] o —Oe (Please specit)


 28. Would a Commission grant ofany proposa in this application oramendment have a signifiant envronmental   qy Yes @ No
 impact asdefinedby 47 CBR 113072 IFYES, submit he statementas required by Sections 11308 and 1.1311 of
 the Commission‘srales, 47 CRR. 11308 and 1.1311,as an exhibit t this application A Radiation Hovard Study
 must accompany ll appliationsfor now trnsmitingficiltics, major modification, r majoramendments

ALEN OWNERSHIP Earth station applicants not proposing to provide broadcast, common carrir, aeronautical en route or
aeronautical fixed radistation services are not required to respond to Items 30=34,

 29. Is tapplicanta foreign goverment ortherepresentativeofn foreign government?                             9 Yo @ No

 30. ts the applicant n alien orthe representativeofn alien?                                                 0 Ys 9 No @ Na

 31. Is thapplicanta corporation ormanized under thlaws of any freign government?                            0 ¥s 9 No @ Na

 32. Is the applcanta corportionofwhich more than one—fih of the capital stock is owined ofrecard or voted by gp Yes g No @ N/A
 altens or teir epresentativesorbya foreign government or representaivethereaorby any corporation organized
 wnderthelavs ofa foreigncounty?

33. s th applicanta corporation directly or indrecty contolled by any other corporation ofwhich morethan       qy Yes qy No @ NA
one—fourth ofthcapital tack is owned ofecord orvted by aliens, ther represcnttives,or bya foreign
govemment orrepresentative thereafor byany corporation organized under the lavs ofa foreigncountry?

34. Ifany answer to questions 29, 30,31, 32 and/or 3 i Yes, attachas an exhibit an identationothaliens or
foreign enttes,thir nationalit, their elationship to the aplicant, nd the percentage ofstock they own or vte


35, Doesthe Applicant request any walversorexemptions from any ofthe Commission‘s Rules?                           ovs   @N
If¥es, atach asan extibt, copies of therequestsfor waivers or exceptions withsupporting documents

36, Has th applicant oany party t hisapplication or amendment had any FCC station authorization orlcense           es    oN
revaked or had any aplication foran intil, modifetionor enewal of FCC station authorization, leense, or
construction permit denied by the Commission? IfYes, atach as an extibit, an explinationoircumstances
                                                                                                               Ques 36

37. Has the applicant, oany party to thisappliation or amendment,orany paty directly orindirectly contrling   o vs   @ No
the applicant ever been convited ofa felony by any stateor federal court?TYos,atach asan exhibt,an
explination ofcircumstances.

38, Has any court finlly adjudged theapplicant, oany person directy oinirectly controlingthe applicant,              @ No
uilty ofunlawhlly monopolizing or atemptiing untawfily o monapalizeradio communication, drecty or
indirectlythrough contralofmanufactureor sale of radio apparatus, xclusive rafarangement oany ther
means ounfiirmethods ocompettion?If¥es,attach asan exhibit,anexplanation ofcicumstances

39.Isthe applican, oany person diectly oidirecly contriling the applicant, currcnly a pary in any pending     o vs   N
matteefered o in the preceding two tems? fyes, atach asan exhinit,an explanationof t ircumstances

40. 1fthapplicantis a corporation and i applyingfor a space station leense, attach as an exhbit tnames,
address and itzenship ofthos stockholders owninga record andor vating 10 percent or more ofthe Filer‘s
voting stock andthepercentages so held. In the case offiduciary contol.indicatthe benefiiaryes) o lass of
beneficiaies. Alsolst the names and addresses ofthe ofcers and directorsoftheFiler

41. By checking Yes, the undersigned ceifes, that neither applicant noany other prty tthe application is            es          oN
subject t a denial ofFederal benefitsthat includes FCC beneBits prsuant o Section $301 ofthe Anti—Drag Act of
198§, 21 U.S.C. Setion 862, beeause of a comviction for possession or distibutionofa cantrlled substance. See
47 CFIR 1.2002(b)forthe meaning of&quotiparty o the application&iquot;forthese purposes

423. Does the applicant itend to use a non—U.S. Heensed satelit t provideservice i the United Sates? If¥es,         ovs         @N»
answer 42b and atach anexhibit providing thinformationspecifd in 47 C.FR. 25.127,asappropriate fNo,
proceed to quesion 43

42 What admiistation haslensed or is n the process oflensing thespace sition? f no hcense will b issued, whatadminisration has
coordinted oris in the process of coortiatingthe space sttion?

[3 Deseription. (Summarize the nature ofthe aplication and th servicestobe provided)._ (If the complete descrition does not appcarin this
box. pleas go o the end oftheformto view it in itentiety)
     FanMnsat seeks to modity its license to change the pernanently assigned location of the
     lGataxy 9 satellite to 90.9 N.



[The Applicant waivesany laim to the use ofany particularfequency or of the clectromgnctspectrum asayains theregulatory power ofthe
[United Satesbeeause of the previous use ofhe same, whether by eenseor otherwise, and requess anauthoriation in accordance with this
appliation.The applicantcetifis that grantofthis applietion would not cause thapplicant o be in volition ofthe spectrum agzregation Timit
in 47 CFI Pat 20. All satements made in exhibisarea materia part herofand ar incorporated herein as if set out in fln this applcation
[The undersigned, individually and fothe applicant, hercby certifesthatall ttements made in thiapplcation and in all attsched extibits are
Ime, omplete and corectto the best ofhis orher knowledzeand belief, and are madl in good fith.
4. Applicantisa (am (Choose the btton nex o appleable response)

@ Individeal
@ Unincorporated Association
@ Pamerstip
@ Comorstion
@ GovernmentalEntty
@ Other (nlease specify)

     45. Name of Person Signing                                      (i6. Tite of Person Signing
     Kalpak Gude                                                         socite General Counsel

                       (U.S. Code, Ti18,Setion 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AVTHORIZATION
                     (US. Code, Tite 47, Section 312(a)(1), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Tite 47, Section 503)


ree Noviek requrken ny TE mrERWORK REDUCTION ACT
"The public eporingforthis collection of nformation is esimated to average 2 hous per response,icluding thtime for reviewing instrctions,
searchingexisting dat sources, atherig and maintainingtherequired dta,and completingand reviewing thecolletion of information. Ifyou
have any comments on this brden estimate,orhow we can improve thcallection and reduce the burden t causes you,please write t the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperork Reduction Project(3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554, We willalso aceept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Actaspects ofthis collction via theItemet if you sethem toley@fec o. PLEASE
bo Nor sENb coMPLETED FORMS o THis appress
Remember —You are not required to respand to a collectionoinformationsponsored by the Foderl govemment, and the govermment may not
conduct or sponsorthis collecton, unless it isplays a crrenty valid OMcontrl number orif we fal to provide you with this natice. This
callection has been assined an OMB contolnumber of 3060—0678.
Tik rorEGoiNc Novick is RequtRep By TiE rAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995, PUBLIC LAW 10+—13, OCtoBER
1, 1995, 44 Us.C. SECTION 307.

Document Created: 2005-08-11 16:28:47
Document Modified: 2005-08-11 16:28:47

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