Attachment GRANT

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050609-00118 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                                                                                   Approved by OMB
                                                                                    To (/L (Zm?
                                                                      trom 2/4(4eSs (D                           3000—0678
Date & Time Filed: Jun 92008 6:19:37:003PM                            appoce      e                  eAselelihe
Hile Number: SAT—MOD—20080609—001 18
                                                                          Zelael6 AMas) Lmgtatetzaraal_
                     ree 312 MaIN FoRM FOR OFFICIAL UsE ONLY

Entera descripion ofthis application to identif it on the main menu
Modification of C—3 license to assign it t79.05 deg. WL.
1—8. Leyal Name ofApplicant
          Name:       SES Americom,Inc                Phone Number:               600—087—4000 xt
          Ths                                         Fax Number:                 co0—987—233
          Streets     4 Research Way                  E—Mai:                      nancy.eskenaziQses—americom.

          City:      Princcton                                                     w
          Countrys USA                                                            ossso
          Attention: Ms. Nancy J. Eskenazi

                                   Conditions of Authorization
                                           July 20, 2005
     1.          SES Americom, Inc.‘s ("SES Americom") application, SAT—MOD—
20050609—00118, IS GRANTED. Accordingly, SES Americom‘s current authorization
(SAT—MOD—20040812—00159) to operate its C—band Satcom C—3 satelite (Call Sign
§2447) currently assigned to the 79.0°W.L. orbitallocation is modified to reflect
operations at 79.05° W.L. with +0.05° East—West longitudinal station—keeping, in the
frequency bands 3700—4200 MH (space—to—Earth) and 5025—6425 MHz (Rarth—to—space).
Other than the change in orbital location, the conditions contained in the prior
authorization otherwise remain in effect and the Satcom C—3 satellite will operate in
accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical specifications set forth in its
application, this Attachment and the Commission‘s Rules.
    2.           SES Americom shall prepare the necessary information, as may be
required, for submission to the ITU to iniiate and complete the advance publication,
international coordination, due diligence, and notification process of this space station, in
accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations. SES Americom shall be held responsible
for all cost recovery fees associated with these ITU filings.. We also note that no
protection from interference caused by radio stations authorized by other administrations
is guaranteed unless coordination and notification procedures are timely completed or,
with respect to individual administrations, by successfully completing coordination
agreements. Any radio station authorization for which coordination has not been
completed may be subject to additional terms and conditions as required to effect
coordination ofthe frequency assignments of other adminisrations. See 47 C.FR. §
    3.         The license term for the C—band Satcom C:3 satellite expires on October
16, 2007 (Le., 15 years starting from October 16, 1992, the date that SES Americom
commenced operation on the Satcom C:3satelite).
   4.          SES Americom is afforded thirty days from the date ofrelease of this
grant and authorization to decline this authorization as conditioned. Failure to respond
within this period will constitute formal acceptance of the authorization as conditioned.

    $.         This Grantis ssued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules
on delegated authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release. Petitions for
reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.115 of the
Commission‘s riles, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be fled within 30 days ofthe date of
the public notice indicating thatthiaction was taken.

5716. Nime ofContact Represeniaive
          Name:        KarisA. Hastings                                                    202—637—5767

          Company: Hopan & Hartson LLP.                                                    20%—637—5910

          Streets  585 13th Street, NW                                           

          Cit:         Washington                                                           nc
          Country:     USA                               Zipeode:                          ano04=1109
          Attention:                                     Relations                         Legal Counsel

17. Choose the bution xt to the
llasifation that appliesto this fing for (NA) b1. Applicationfor LicensofNow Sition
both questionsa. and b. Choose only one (NA) b2. ApplicationforRegistration of New Domestic Receive—Only Station
for 17a and only one for 17b             ( (N/A) b3. Amendmentto a Pending Application
                                            @ (N/A) b4. Modification of Licenseor Registation
   @ al. Earth Stion                       b5. Assignment ofLiense or Registation
   @ @2 Space Stion                        b6. Transfer ofControlofLicenseor Registation
                                           @ (NA) b7. Notifation of Minor Modifcation
                                          (NA) b&. Appliationfor Licenseaf New Receive—OnlySation Using Non .. Licensed
                                           (N/A) b9. LeterofIntent o Use Non—U. . Licensed Satliteto Provide Srvice in the United
                                          & (N/A)b10. Other (Please specify)

  T7Isa fe submited wthisapplcation?
® If¥es, completeand atach CC Form 159.       If Noindicatereason for fee exemption (see 47 CFR Section 1.1114)
gp Governmental Entity & Noncommercialeducational censce
g Otertplease explain}

Fee Clasifiation BEY ~ Space Suition Modifecation(Geostitionary)

 18. Ifthisfiling is in referenceto an   19. fthis fling is an amendmentto a pending application enter both feld, ifthisflingi a
exisingstation,cater:                    modification pleas enter only thefle number
(®)Call signofstation:                   (») Date pendingapplication was fled           (6) File numben

TVPE OF SERVICE                                               :
20. NATUIRE OF SERVICE:This lng is for an authorzatio to rovide oruse tfllowing type(s) f service(s; Scletll that apply
[i] a Bived Sacifte
[ ® Mobile Sattfie
[C] & Radiodetermination Satelite
[C] 4Barth Bploration Satelite
    e Directto Home Fixed Satelite
[C] S Disital Audio Radio Service
[C] s Otber(ilese specit)

21. STATUS: Choose thebtton next to theapplcable status. Choose   [22, iearh st m applicant, check allthatapply
only one.                                                         gusiev: Hicensed sateltes
 & Common Carvir @ Non—Common Carier                              [Z] Using Non—US. leensed satelites
23. Iapplican is providng INTERNATIONALCOMMON CARRIER service, e insrucions regarding Sec. 214 flings. Choose one. Arethese
£ Connectedtoa Public Switched Network 2y Not comected toa Public Switched Network @p N/A
  24. FREQUENCY BAND® Place an °x‘ in the box(es) next to all applicable frequency bando)
[R] s CBand @6 Gite) [b Ku—Bard (1204 Gite)
[C] c Other (Pleas specify upper andlowerfrequenciesin Mite)
       Frequency Lower: Frequency Upper: (Pleas specify additional requencis in n attachment)

25. CLASS OF STATION: Choose ts btton next to the clas ofsation tat applis. Choose onl one.
 @ a. Fized Earth Sation
 & b. Temporay—Fixed Earth Sution
 @ c 1214 GitzVSAT Nemwork
 & 4. MobileEathStation
 @ c Gcosationary Space Station
 & £ Non—Geostationry Space Stition
 & 8. Other (pleas specity)

76 tyE or Existamion FACIY:
& TransmitRteceive gy Trmsnit—Only gp Receive—Only @ NA
"For Space Sution applcations, select N/A"


27. The purpose ofthis roposed modification io: (Placean      in the bon(es)nex o all that apply)

   [7] a —— suthoriationtoadd new emission designator and related service
    [C] b —authoriztion to change emission designatorand related ervice
    [C] c— suthoriationtoincreasc EIRP and EIRP densiy
    [—J 4—authoriztion to replace antena
    [C] e— suthoriationto add anterna
    [C] ¢—aborization o relocate fixed sution
    [C] a— authoriztion to change fiequency(ies)
    [C] b —authorization o add frequeney
    8: authoriation toadd Pointso Communication (satelites & countrics)
    [C]) — authorivtionto change Points of Communication (stelites & counties)
    [C] k— authorivtionfor fiilitiesfor which envisonmental assessment and
radiation hazard reporting is required
           — authorization o change orbit location
    Ca—ates tionto perform feet management
     [C] a —authoriztion to xtend miletones
     [7] 0— Other (Pleasespecity)


28, Would a Commission trant ofany proposal in this application o amendment have a significant envionmental   qy es @ No
 impact asdefined by 47 CBR 1.1307? IFYES, subrmit the statementas required by Sections1.1508 and 1.1311 of
 the Commission‘s rules, 47 CRR11308 and 1.1311, asanextibt t this appliationA Radlation Hazard Study
 must ccompany all applicationsfornew trmsmiting faclties, major modifiations, ar majoramendments

ALIEN OWNERSHIP Earth station applicants not proposing to provide broadeast, common carrir, aeronautical en route or
aeronauticalfixed radio station services are not required to respond to tems 30—34.

 29. s the applcanta foreign government or the representativeofany foreign government?                        9 Y« @ No

 30. s the applicant an alienorthe representativeofan alien?                                                  9 Yo @ No q NA

 31. s the applicanta corporation organized underthlws ofany forcign government?                              9 ¥s @ No g NA

 32. s the applcanta corporation ofwhich more than one—ith ofthe capitalstock is owned ofecord orvoted by qy Yes @ No > N/A
 atiens or ther representativesor bya foreign govermment or representaive thercaorby any corporaton organized
 undeth laws oa foreign country?

33. Is thapplicana corporation diecty oindiecily contolled by any other corporation afwhich more than            @ ¥es ¢y No @> N/A
one—fourth of te capital tock is owned of record or voted byaliens,their represenitves, or bya freign
governmentorrepreseniative thereoforby any corporation organized underthe laws of a forign country?

34, Ifany answerto questions 29, 30, 31, 32 and/or 3 is Yes, attachas an exhibit an identiation of thaliens or   ExhibitA
foreign entties, thirnationaliy, therreationshipto theapplican,and the percentage of tock thy ouwrn or vte


35, Doesthe Applicant request ny waivers orexemptionsfrom any of the Commisson‘s Rules?                              o«     o
1f¥es, attach asan exhibt.copiesof the requests for waiversor exceptions wth supporting documents.

36. Has thapplicant oany partyto thi application oramendment had any FCC station authorization oicense               o      en
revaked or had any application foan intial, modifeation orrenewal ofFCC station authoriation, lcense,or
construction permi deniedby the Commission? IfYes, atach as an extibit, an explinationofcirsumstances

37, Has the applicant,orany partyto this aplieation oramendment,orany party directly oindirecly contraling         gy es   e No
the applicant everbeen convicted ofa flony by any stateor Federalcourt? IfYes, atach as anexhibit n
explination ofcireumstances

38, Has any court fnally adjudged the applcant,or any person direcily oindirectly contraling the applicant,        gvs     oN
guily ofunlawhily monopolizing or attempting unlawfull t monapolizeradio communication, direcy or
indirecty, through controlofmanuctureor sale of radio apparatus, exclusive rafficarangement or any other
means ounfair methods ofcompetiionIfYes, atach asan exhibit anexplanaion ofircumstances applicant,orany petson direcly orindireilcantriling the applicant, crrcnly a partyin any pending             gvs     oN
mattr refered o in the preceding two iems? Ifyos, atach as an exhint, an explanation of he circumstances

40. If the applicant is a corporation anis applying foa space station leense, ttach as an exhibit the names,
address,and ciizenship of those stockholders owning a record andlor vating 10 percentar more ofthe Filer®
votingstock and the percentages so hld. In the case of fiduciary control,indicat th beneBciary(iesor lass of   Exhibit B
beneficiaris. Also list the names and addresses of the offcersand directorsof the Filer

41. By checking Yes, the undesigned cerfies, that nitherapplicant nor y otherpart t the application is         es         o~
subject t a denialofFederalbenefis that includes FCC benefits pursuant t Section $301 of the Ant—Drug Act of
1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862 because ofa comviction forpossession ordstibutionof a contrlledsubstance. Sce
47 CFR 1.2002(b)forthe meaning of&quot—paty t the applicationdquot, for hese purposes

42. Doesthe applicant intend to use a non5. eensed sateliteto provide service in the United States? f¥es,      o          eN
answer 42b and attch an exhibit providing th information specifed in 47 C.RR.25.137,as approprit. fNo,
proceed to question 43.

42b What adminstation has ensed or is in the process o icensingthe space statio?If no Tcense willbe issued, what administaion has
coordinated ois in the process ofoordinatingthe space sttion?

3: Descripion(Summarize t natur ofthe applicaion and thservicesto be provided)._ (Ifthe complete description docs not appcari his
loo, lease go to the end of theform to viw it in its entirens)
     ses ANERICON, Inc. seeks a modification of its license for the Satcon C—3 satellite to
     lassign the spacecraft to 79.05 deg. W.L.                   See Att. 1.



[The Applican waives any laim to the usofany panticular frequency or afh elecromagnetc spectrum as againttheregulary power ofe
[United Statesbecause ofthe previous use ofhe same, whether b lcensc oothervise, ind requestsan uthorizationin accondance with this
lpplication.The applicant certifes that grant othis appliation would not cause the aplicant o be in vioation ofthspectrum aggregation limit
in 47 CFR Pat 20. Allsttements made in extibtsarea materil parthereofand are incorporate hereina ifse ut in fullin this appliation.
‘The undersigned. individualy and for heapplicant, hereby certies thatal statements made in ths apliction and in all atched extibts are
trie,complete and correst o the besohis or her knowledgeand belif andare made in good fith.
[¥; Applcantisa (any (Choose the bution nex o applcable response)
 0 Individual
 @ Unincorporated Association
 @ Pamerstip
 @ Comoratin
 & Govemmental Entiy
 @ Other lease specity)

     5. Name of Pson Signing                                          [i6. Tulsof Peson Signing
     Nancy J. Eskcnazi                                                ‘VP & Assoc.Gen. Counsel

                   (US. Code, Tite 18,Sction 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZAtiON
                 (US. Code,Tite 47, Section 312(a¥(), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, ite 4, Section 503).


ree Nomier requiken By THE rAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT
"The public reportingfrthis collectionoinformation is esimated to average 2 hours per response, ncluding the time for revewing nstructions,
searching existing data sources,gatherig and maintainingthe required dta, and completingand reviewing the collection ofinfomation: Ifyou
have any comments on this burden estimate,or how we can improve thcaltion and reduce th burdenit causes you,please wite o he
Federl Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Redution Project (3060—0676), Washington, DC 20554, We willalso accept
your comments regardingthe Paperwork Reduction Act aspectsofths colletion via the Intemct ifou send them toleyce gov. PLEASE
o Nor sEND comPLETED FORMS To Ts apprES$
Remember——You are notrequied to respond to a collection oinformationsponsored by the Foderl govermmentand the govermment may not
conduct or sponsor this colection, untess it displaysa currenty vali OMB contrl numbeorifwe ul to provide you with this notice. ‘his
colletion has been assigned an OMcontrl number of 3060—0678
Tik ForEcoiNG Nomick is Requikep By Te APERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 199, PUBLIC LAW 10+—13, octoBER
1, 1905, 44 Us.C. SECTION 3s07.

                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                          Exhibit A
                                                                         Page 1 of 1
                              ALIEN OwnERSHIP
                              (Response to Item 34)
             Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
establishes certain limitations on indirect foreign ownership and voting ofcertain
common carrier and broadcast licensees. By definition, these limitations do not
apply to non—common carrier space station licenses held by SES Americom, Inc.

                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                          Exhibit B
                                                                         Page 1 of 3
                        (Response to Item 40)
             The applicant, SES Americom, Inc. (‘SES Americom‘),is an indirect
wholly—owned subsidiazy of SES Global S.A.(‘SES Global"). SES Global—Americas,
Inc. and four wholly—owned subsidiaries of SES Global—Americas, Inc. (GES
Subsidiary Inc. 23, SES Subsidiary Inc. 24, SBS Subsidiary Inc. 25 and SES
Subsidiary Inc. 26) together directly hold 100% of the capital stock of SES
Americom. SES Global Americas Holdings GP, a Delaware goncral partnership
that is wholly owned by SES Global, holds 100% of the capital stock of SES Global—
Americas, Inc. With the exception of SES Global, all of these entities are U.S.
corporations or partnerships.
             SES Globalis a Luxembourg company, formed for the purpose of
holding indirectly 100% of the shares of SES Americom and directly 100% of the
shares of SES ASTRA (formerly Société Européonne des Satellites S.A., as well as
other non—European and non—U.S. satellite interests that were formerly owned by
SES Americom and SES ASTRA. Through its subsidiaries and affiliates, SES
Global engages in the provision of satellite services in North and South America,
Europe and Asia.
             SES Global has offices at L—6815 Chiteau de Betzdort, Luxembourg.
The address of the intermediary holding companies is 4 Research Way, Princcton,
NJ 08540.
             The directors of SES Americom are:

                   Romain Bausch
                   Robert Bednarek
                   Perdinand Kayser
                   Mark Rigolle
                   René Steichen
             The address of Mesers. Bausch, Bednarek, Steichen, Rigolle and
Kayser is SES Global S.A., L—6815 Chiteau de Betzdort, Luxembourg. Mr.
Bednarek is a U.S. national; Messrs. Bausch, Steichen and Kayser are Luxemboure
nationals; and Mr. Rigolle is a Belgian and British national

                                                                        FCC Form 312
                                                                             Exhibit B
                                                                            Page 2 0f
                The officers of SES Americom are:

                NAME                                          TITLE
 Edward D. Horowite                          President & CEO
 Paula Fairle                                Senior Vice President
 Andreas M. Georghiou                        Senior Vice President
 Anders Johnson                              Senior Vice President
 Robert J. Kisilywicz                        Senior Vice President/CFO
 Bryan McGuirk                               Senior Vice President
 Brent Bruun                                 Senior Vice President
 Jack Friedman                               Senior Vice PresidentiSecretary
 Michael Agostinelli                        | Vice President
 William Berman                             | Vice President
 Carl Capista                                Vice President
 Cynthia Dickins                             Vice President
| Naney J. Eskenazi                          Vice President/Assistant Secretary
[Peter Gustafeon                             Vice Prosident
[Daniel J. Harel                             Vice President
| Richard A. Langhans                        Vice President
[ David J. Lidstone                          Vice   President/Assistant Secrotar
[Monica Morgan                               Vice   President
| Sergy Mummert                              Vice   President
 John A. Nelsen                              Vice   Prsident
 Michael J. Noon                             Vice   President
 Maureen Offord                              Vice   Prsident
 Orlando Skelton                             Vice   Prosident
 Elins Zaceack                               Vice   Prosident
 Steve Corda                                 Vice Prosident
 Stanley Konopka                             Assistant Treasurer — Taxes
 Hanaa Nase                                  Assistant Treasurer — Taxes
 Anron Shourie                               Assistant Secretary
 Steve Mesarick                              Assistant Secrotary
             The address of all the officers is SES Americom, Inc., 4 Research Way,
 Princeton, NJ 08540. All of the officers are U.S. nationals.

              The names, addresses, and citizenship of stockholders owning of record
 and/or voting 10 percent or more of SES Global‘s voting stock are:
    1. General Electric Capital Corporation (°GE Capital") holds shares of SES
       Global representing an economic interest of 30.73% and voting power of
       20.10%. GB Capital is a corporation organized under the laws of New York.

                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                          Exhibit B
                                                                         Page 3 of 3
      GE Capital engages in a broad spectrum of inancial services, including
      distribution, sales financing, commercial and industrial financing, real estate,
      transportation and reinsurance. GE Capital‘s address is as follows:

                   General Electric Capital Corporation
                   260 Long Ridge Road
                   Stamford, CT 06927

      The State of Luxembourg and Banque et Caisse d‘Epargne de I‘Etat (BCEE")

      and Société Nationale de Crédit ot d‘Investisement (‘SNCI), each of which is
      an institution created by act of the Luxembourg Parliament and 100% owned
      by the State of Luxembourg, hold shares of SES Global, representing a
      combined total economic interest of 16.67% and voting power of 34.90%. The
      principal business of both BCEE and SNCI is financial services. The
      addresses of BCEE and SNCI are as follows:

                   Banque et Caisse d‘Epargne de IEtat
                   1, place de Metz
                   1—2054 Luxembourg
                   Société Nationale de Crédit ot d‘Investisement
                   7, place du St. Eeprit
                   1—1475 Luxembourg
The address for the State of Luxembourg is Ministry of State, 4 rue de l
Congrégation, L—2910, Luxembourg.

                               Before the
                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS comMIssIOn
                         Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of Application by
SES AMERICOM, INC.                                     File No. SAT—MOD:

Por Modification of Satcom C—3
Fixed—Satellite Space Station Liconse


             SES Americom, Inc. (‘SES Americom") hercbyrespectfully requests a
modification of its liconse for the Satcom C:—3 fixed.satellite space station to assign
the satellite permanently to the 79.05° W.L. orbital location. Satcom C:3 is
currently being drifted toward 79° W.L. from 131° W.L. pursuant to authority
granted by the Commission last year.‘ SES Americom seeks to operate Satcom C—3

at a slight offect from 79° W.L. in order to simplify stationkeeping at this location,
where SES Americom‘s AMC—5 satellite also operates. SES Americom is

concurrently filing a modification application seeking authority to operate AMC—5

centered at 78.95° W.L.

             ‘The proposed offsets of these two spaceeraft will eliminate any overlap
of the stationkeeping volume, facilitating safe operation of the satellites.
Accordingly, grant of the instant request will serve the public interest. A completed

FCC Form 312 and a technical appendix are attached in support of this application.

1     See File No. SAT—MOD—20040814—00158 (granted Oct. 18, 2004).

             SatcomC:3 is a C—band satellite that was launched on September 10,
1992, and is authorized to operate at the 79° W.L. orbital position. SES Americom
secks a modification of the Satcom C—3 license to permit operation at an offeet once
the spacecraft arrives at 79° W.L. in early August. Both Satcom C:3 and AMC—5
could operate centered at 79.0° W.L. by flying the satellites in formation to permit
sharing of the same stationkeeping volume. However, such an arrangement would
require an increased number of mancuers to maintain an appropriate separation
between the spacecraft. Purthermore, AMC—5 is fully stationkept, but Satcom C:3
will be operating in inclined orbit, making it more difficult to synchronize the
movementof the satellites and keep a safe distance between them.
             In order to simplify stationkeeping once Satcom C:3 arrives, SES
Americom proposes to operate both satellites at slight offsets from the 79° W.L.
nominal orbital position. ‘The offsets will eliminate any overlap of the
stationkeeping volumes of the two spacecraft, thereby facilitating joint operations.
             As demonstrated in the technical appendix, grant of the requested
authority will not adversely affect any other operators. The locations immediately
adjacent to Satcom C:—3‘s assigned location, 77° W.L. and 81° W.L., are both
currently vacant. The nearest operational C:band satellites to 79° W.L. are SES
Americom‘s AMC—9 at 83° W.L. and PanAmSat‘s Galaxy 3R at 78.95° W.L. ‘The
small proposed shift in Satcom C—3s orbital location will have a de minimis effect on
the interference environment in which adjacent satellites operate.

             Por the foregoing reasons, SES Americom seoks a modification of the

Satcom C:3 license to assign the spacecraft to the 79.05° W.L. orbital location. SES

Americom seeks action on this application prior to the scheduled arrival of
Satcom C—3 at 79° W.L. in early August.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       SES Americom, Inc.

                                       By: J.
                                          Nancy J. Bskenazi
Of Counsel                                Vice President and
Peter A. Rohrbach                           Associate General Counsel
Karis A. Hastings                         SES Americom, Inc.
Hogan & Hartson LL.P.                     Four Research Way
Washington, D.C. 20004—1109               Princeton, NJ 08540
‘Tel: (202) 637—5600
Dated: June 9, 2005

                                  Technical Appendix
1. introduction
This technical appendix is submitted in support of the application of SES Americom, Inc.
(‘SES Americom‘) for a modification of ts icense for the Satcom C—3 C—band spacecraft
SES Americom seeks permanent assignment of the spacecraft to 7.06° W.L. instead
of 79° W.L. SES Americom incorporates by reference herein the technical information it
has already provided with respect to Satcom G—3,! and provides here technical
information that is changing as a resultof the proposed modification
2.     Gain Contours
SES Americom is not submitting new contour maps with this application. The proposed
shif in orbital location from 79° WLL. to 79.05° W.L. will produce no visible change in the
gain contours from the maps already on fle
3.    Link Budgets and Interference Analys
The positons immediately adjacent to Satcom C—3‘s assigned location are currently
vacant. The closest operational C—band satelites to 78" W.L. are SES Americom‘s
AMC—9 at 83° WL. and PanAmSat‘s Galaxy 3R at 73.95° W.L
An interference analysis was submitted to the FCC in connection with the applieation to
relocate Satcom C—3 to 79° W.L. demonstrating that operation of Satcom C:3 was
compatible with adjacent satelites and with the Commission‘s two—degree spacing
requirements * The proposed offset operation of Satcom C—3 willnot cause any
material change to the interference environment. The proposed offset would result in
Satcom C—3 moving slightly closer to AMC—9, but the resuling change in the
interference environment will be negliible. In any event, SES Americom can manage
the traffic on it satelite networks t ensure no harmful interference occurs
The impact of the proposed offset on a future spacecraft at one of the orbital positions
immediately adjacent to 78° W.L. would also be immaterial. SES Americom has
calculated that implementation of the proposed offset would result in a change of
approximately 0.3 dB in the interference environment of two—degree compliant earth
stations communicating with a future spacecraft at 77° W.L. or at 81° W.L., as shown in
the table below

f      See File No. SAT—MOD—20040814—00150
*      id Aftachment B, Two Degree Spacing Analysis in Support of Satcom C—3 at
79° WL., and Annex to Attachment B

             Current OrbtalPosition (79
                     Offset Angle                 200                 200
                Gain(1) @ Offst angie             BB                  2us
          |Proposed OrbitalPosttion (79.05
                    Ofset Angle                   205                 185
               Gain 2) @ Offst angle              2e                  2s
           4 (Gain()) ~Gain C                      os
Given that the proposed offset operation of Satcom C—3 wil not result in any material
change to the interference environment with respect to Satcom C—3 and current or
future adjacent satelites, no link budget analysis is provided herein. n the unlicely
event that any future concerns arise concerning operations of Satcom C—3 at the
proposed offset location, SES Americom will coordinate with the adjacent operators in
order to arrve at a mutually satisfactory solution

4.      Schedule S
As discussed above, the proposed modification of the Satcom C—3 license to offset the
satelite by 0.05 degrees from 79° WL. will not result in any materia! changesto the
spacecraft‘s operating characteristics or to the interference environment. As a result
the information requested in Schedule S duplicates information thatis already on fle
with the Commission concerning the technical parameters of Satcom C—3‘s operation
In similar cases involving requests for slight offsets from the nominal orbital position, the
Satelite Division has not required the submission of a new Schedule 8. Accordingly,
SES Americom is notfiing a new Schedule S with this application. SES Americom will
nevertheless prepare and submit a Schedule S if requested to do so by the Satelite

*      See, e.9. File No. SAT—MOD—20040405—00076 (PanAmSat request for authority
to operate SBS—6 at 74.05° W.L. rather than 74.0° WL).

                        DECLARATION OF JAIME LONDONO
               1, Jaime Londono, hereby certfy under penalty of perjury that | am the
technically qualfied person responsible for preparation ofthe technicalinformation
contained in the foregoing exhibit; that | am familar with the technical requirements of
Part 25; and that either prepared or reviewed the technical information contained in the
exhibit and thatit is complete and acourate to the best of my knowledge, information
and belief
                                               // Jaime Londono
                                               SES Americom, Inc.
Dated: June 9, 2006

Document Created: 2005-07-20 16:09:13
Document Modified: 2005-07-20 16:09:13

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