Attachment grant

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050609-00117 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                          me + 5BA k%—mfi
                                                                                 4          € >                               Cla.flx‘(n—s
                                                                          CtSim $218e onmipue 2/%9/ tS
                                                                          (or othr    ideniien                                 Approved by OMB
                                                                          o          ie            Te Y!)I:V’r\       §   é          3060—0678

Date & Time Filed Jun 92008 6:18:5646PM
File Number: SAT—MOD—20080609—00117                                       smops e          Chigk Sololte
                                                                           Rberl betbelas) EbFtn+2 /04Lrael
   Fee ArpLiCArioN For SPACE AND EAKTH STATION:MOD OR AMD ~ MAIN ror                                  FCC Use Only
                      ree 312 MAIN FORM FoR OFFICIAL USE ONtY

nter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
Modification ofAMC—$ license t assign it to 78.95 deg. WL.
1—8. Legal Name ofApplicant
           Name:       SES Americom, Inc                  Phone Number:                          609—987—4000 187
           pBa                                            Fax Number:                            wo—a8—amm3

           Strect:     4 Research Way                     E—Mat                                  nancy:eshenazifises—americom

                        Princcton                         State:                                  w
                         usa                              Zipeote:                               ossso            —
                        Ms Naney J Eskonazi

                                    Conditions of Authorization
                                            July 20, 2005
     . SES Americom, Inc.‘s (SES Americom) application, SAT—MOD—20050609—
       00117, to modify its current authorization, SAT—MOD—20040814—00159,‘ IS
       GRANTED, Accordingly, SES Americom‘s authorization to operate its Ku—band
       AMC—5 satellte, (Call Sign $2156) currently assigned to the 79.0°WL. orbital
       location is modified to reflect operations at 78.95° W.L. with a £0.05° East—West
       longitudinal station—keeping, in the frequency bands 11.7—12.2 GHz (space—to—
       Earth) and 14.0—14.5 GHz (Earth—to—space). Other than the change in the orbital
       ocation, the conditions contained in the prior authorization otherwise remain in
       effect and the AMC—5 satellite will operate in accordance with the terms,
       conditions, and technical specifications set forth in its application, this
       Attachment and the Commission‘s Rules.
     . SES Americom shall prepare the necessary information, as may be required. for
       submission to the ITU to initiate and complete the advance publication,
       international coordination, due diligence, and notifiation process of this space
       station, in accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations. SES Americom shall be
       held responsible for all cost recovery fees associated with these ITU flings. We
       also note that no protection from interference caused by radio stations authorized
       by other administrations is guaranteed unless coordination and notification
       procedures are timely completed or, with respect to individual administrations, by
       successfully completing eoordination agreements. Any radio station authorization
       for which coordination has not been completed may be subject to additional terms
       and conditions as required to effect coordination ofthe frequeney assignments of
       other administrations. See 47 C.ER § 25.111(b).
     . The license term for the Ku—band AMC—5 satellite expires on November 20, 2013
       (Le.,15 years starting from the date that SES Americom commenced operation on
       the AMC—5 satelite).
     . SES Americom is afforded thirty days ffom the date of release ofthis grant and
       authorization to decline this authorization as conditioned. Failure to respond
       within this period will constitute formal acceptance of the authorization as

     . This Grant is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 ofthe Commission‘s rules on
       delegated authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release. Petitions for
       reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section

* The August18, 2004 application modifid i urn thauthorization granted in 1998. Asignnent o
Orktal Location to Space Staions in the DomestiFiodSatelite Service and theApplicaton ofGE
American Communications In.for Modication ofAuthorization to Construct, Laurch and Operate a
Space Sationin the FiedSatelite Servce, 14 ECC Red 636 (St& Radiocomm. Div. 1998).

1.115 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within
30 days of te date of the public notice indicating that this action was taken.

9—16. Name of Contact Represcntative

           Name:    KarisA. Hastings                   Phone Number:                    anr—ear—s7er
           Company: Hogan & Harton LLB.                Fax Number:                      202—6a7—so10
           Streets  555 13th Steet.NW                  R—Mails                          KAMastings@hhtawcom

           Cit:     Washington                         State:                            no
           Country: USA                                Zipeode:                         20004—1100
           Atention                                    Relationship:                     Legal Counsel

17. Choose the btton next tothe
ctassifcaton that applies t hisAilingfor (N/A) b. Application for License of New Station
both questionsa. and b. Choose only one (NA) b2. Application for Revistation of New Domesti Receive— Only Station
for 17aand only one for 17b               & (NA) b3. Amendment to a Pending Application
                                          @ (N/A) b4. Modifeation of Licene or Registation
   @ at. FarthStation
                                          65. Assignment of icense or Repistation
   @ 2. Space Sation                      b6. Tranfer ofContralof Licens or Repistation
                                          & (N/A) b7. Notifcation of Minor Modifiation
                                          (NA) bApplication for icense of New Receive—Only Stition Using Non—U.. Licensed
                                          (NA) b9. Leterof ntent o Us Non—U.S. Licensed Satlfiteto Provide Srvicein the United
                                           & (N/A) 10. Other (Please specity)

 17. i a fe submited withthis applcation?
@ 1f¥es, complet and atiach FCC Form 159. If Noindicate reason for fee exemption(see 47 C FRSection .1 114)
& GovermmentalEntiy €y Noncommercial educationa lcensee
@ Ohertplease explain):

Fee Classfation BEY ~ Space Suition Modifiation(Geostaionary)

18. Ifthisfling is i reference t an    19. Ifhisfiling is anamendment o a ending pplicationeter bth felds, ifthis lig is a
existingstation, nter                  modifiation please enteronly th ie number
(@) Callizn of sation:                 (®) Date pending application was Ailed:      () File number:
                                                                                    sammon20021 rosooans

 20. NATURE OF SERVICE: This fling is foan uthorizationt provideo use thefollowing type(s) of srvices) Select l ht apply:
     a. Pived Stelite
 [C]b Mobile Satifte
 [C] & RadiodeterminationSateite
 [C] 4 Barth Buploration Satelite
 JI] c Directto HomeFixed Satefte
 [—] C Disiel Audio Radio Service
 [—] s Otber lease speci)

71. STATUS: Chaose the btton next to the applicable statu. Chooe   |22 Ifeath station applicant, check allthat apply.
only one                                                           [C] Usine U.S. Hcensed stelites
 & Cormon Carree @ Non—Common Carrier                              [C] Usine No#—US. consed satelftes
25. Wapplcant is providng INTERNATIONAL CONMMON CARRIER service,              instritionsreparding See 214 Ailings. Choose one.Are tss
 & Comected t a PubliSwitched Network        y Not connected t a PubliSwtched Network          @ N/A
  24. FREQUENCY BANDGPlace an ‘X" in the box(es) next t ll applicable requency bando)
C + CBand @6 Gite) gpb Ku—Band (12/4 0R
[Z] cOther (Pleasespecify upper and lover fequencics in MH)
       Frequeney Lower: Frequency Upper: (Pleasspecify additional requenciesin n atachment)

25. CLASS OF STATION: Choose the batton nex o the lass of station that appliesChoose only one
 @ a FixedBarthStation
 @ b. Temporay—Bixed Barth Sition
 @ o 12/14 GHz VSAT Nemork
 @ 0. Mobile EarthSttion
 @ c Geostitionary Space Station
 ( £ Non—Geostationry Space Sttion
 @ #. Otfer(please specity)

2e Tyre or Eniern starIoN FACILTTY:
@ TransmitRReceive g Transmit—Only gy Receive—Only
"For Space Stition applcations, select N/A "


27. The purpose ofthis proposed modification is to: (Place an‘X in the box(es) nextto all that apply)

   [7]J + —authorieation to add new emission desigator and related service
    [C] 5 —— suthorization tochange emission designatorand rlatedservice
    D ¢—     authorzation to increase   EIRP and EIRP density
    Dd       suthorizationto replace anterna
    D e — asthorization toadd antenna
    [C] (~—authoriztionto relocae fixed sution
    [C]# — suthoriation to changefequency(ies)
     g"       authorization toadd frequency
     [C] suthoriation to add Poins ofCommunication (stelites & counties
     [ i —sutheriationto change Points ofCommunication (stelftes & countris)
     [C] k suthoriation for ficilits for which nvironmentaasessment and
radiation hazard eporting is required
     [R] | — suthoriationtochange orbitlocation
    [CJ n —authorisation t perform flst management
    D n — authorization to extend milestones
    [C] 0 — Oe (Please speci)


28. Would a Commission gran of any proposalin this apleation oramendment have a signficant envronmental      q3 Yes @ No
impact asdefined by 47 CFR 1.1307? IfYIES, submitthe statement arequired by Sections 1.1308 and 1.1311 of
the Commission‘srules, 47 C.RR,1.1308 and 1131 1,as an exhibit to this applicationA Radhation Hazard Study
must accompany all aplications for new transmittig fciltes, majormodlfietions, omajoramendments

ALIEN OWNERSHIP Earth station applicants not proposing to provide broadcast, common carrier, acronautical en route or
aeronauticalfixed radio station services are not required to respond to tems 30—34 applicant a foreign govermment or the representative ofany foreign govermment?                         o vo g No

 30.Is the applicant an alienorthe representatve ofan alien?                                                 0 18 e + o NA

 31. s the applicanta corporation orzanized undeth laws ofany forcign povernment?                            0 18 @ \+ o NA

 32. the appliant a corporation of which more than one—fh ofhe apitalstock is owned ofrecord or voted by gp Yes @ No @y NA
 afiens or thei representtivesorbya foreign government or epresentative thereafor by any corporation onganized
 undeth laws ofa foreigncountry?

33. s th applicana corporation diectly oindirecly contrallby any othe corporation ofwhich more than          @ Yes g No gy N/A
one—fourth of the capital stock is owned of record or veted byaliens,thirrepresentatves,or by a foreign
government orrepresentative hereoror by any corportion organized underthe lnusof freign country?

34. Ifany answerto questions 29, 30, 31, 32 and/or33 is Yos, atach asan extibit an identifeation ofh allns or ExhibitA
foreign enttis, thir nationalit, therreatonship t he applicant, and the percentage of stock they own orvte


35, Doss the Applicantrequest any waiveroexermptions fom any ofthe Commision‘s Rules?                            ovs     @N
If¥es, atach asanexhibit copiesofhe requests for waivers oexceptions with spportngdocuments

36. Has th applicant or any partyto this aplication oamendiment had any FCC sttion authorizationor Heense        o       en
revaked or had any applieation fon intal, modification or renewalof FCC station uthorization, lieense,or
construction permit denied by the Commission? If¥es, attach as an exhibi,anexpination of circumstances

37. Has theapplicant, oany paty to thiaplication oamendment,o any party drecly oindirecly contrlling                o v=   @ No
the applicanever been convicted o felony by any se or federal court1f¥es, ttach as anexhbitan
explination ofeircumstances.

38, Has any courfinally adjudged th applicnt, oary person direcly or ndiectly cantrlling thapplicnt,                ovs    @ No
uily ofunlawfully manopolizing oatempting untawlly to monapolizeradio communication, directy or
indirealy, through control of manfictire or sale ofadio apparatus, exclusive ralc arangement oany other
means or unfir methods ocompetition?IfYes, attach as an extibt, an explanation of ircumstances

39. s theapplicant, or any peson directly or indirecty contolingthe applcant, currenty a party in any pending       o ¥s   P
materreferred t in the preceding two items? Ifes, ttach as an exhiit,anexplanation ofthcireumstances

40. Ifthe applicant is a corportionanis applying fo a space sttion eense,atach as anexhibit h names,
address,ancitizenship ofhose stockhalders owning a record and/arvting10 percent or more of he File‘s
votingstack and the percentagessohld. In the case of Aduciary control,indicatethe beneficiry(es)or class of     Extibic®
beneficaies Also lsthe names and addresses ofthe offices and diectors ofhe Filer

41, By checking Yesthe undersigned crtfes, that neither applicant nor y other paty to the application is             Ys     oN
subject ta denial of Fedea! benefits haticludes FCC benefis pursuant to Section 5301 ofthe Anti~Drug Actof
 1988, 21 U.S.C. Setion 862, becauseoa conviction for possession ordistibation ofa contralld substance See
47 CFR 1.2002(b)for the meaning of&quatparty tth applictiontquot;fothese purposes.

425. Doesthe aplicant intend t use a non—U.S. eensed sateliteto providesrvice in the United Sates? T¥es,         ols        @%
answer 42b and atach an exhbitproviding the information specifed in 47 C.RR. 25.137,as appropriate. f No,
proceed to quesion 43

42b, What adminisation has ecnsed ois in the process of ecnsing thespace station? T no hcense willb issued, what adininistation has
eoordinated ois in the proces of coordinating the spacestation?

[ Deseripton. (Summarizethe nature of te applcation and the servics to be provided). (If tcomplts description doesnot appeain his
box, please goto the endofthe form to view t in ts eatiety)
     ses anertco, mc. seeks a modification of its license for the ANC—S satellite to assign
     the spacecraft to 78.95 deg. W.L. See Att. 1.

an i


[The Applicant waives any claim to the us of ny paticular requency or of h elecromagnctispecrur asagainstheregulatory pover ofie
[United Satesbecause ofthe previous use of hesame, whether by icenseor otherwise,and equests anauthorization in accordance with this
anplication.The applicant certifes hi granohi apication would not cause the apicantto bein violation ofhespectrum aguregation Kimit
in 47 CFR Part 20. All satements made i extibts ar a material art hereafanare incorporated herein as if et out in fll n this apieation
[The undersigned, indivdually d for he applican,hereby cerifes thatall satements made in this appcation and n all atached exhibit are
frve, complete and correct tthe best ohior her knowledgeand beli, and are made in good fith
4. Applicantisa n (Choose th button next to applicable response )

&   Individual
@   Unincorporated Association
@   Pamerstip
@   Comoratin
@   GovermentalEntity
g   Other lease specity)

    45. Name of Person Signing                                      16. Tule of Person Signing
    Nancy J. Eskenaci                                               VP & Assoe. Gen Counsel

                      (US. Code, Tite 18 Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZAtION
                    (US. Code, Tite 47, Section 312G@(1)AND/OR FOREETTURE (U.S, Code, ie 47, Section 503).

ree Novick requied ny Te rAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT
"The public reporting fothis collectin ofinformation is estimated to average 2 hours peespons, ncluding th ime for reviewing instrictions,
searching existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collction oinformation. Ifyou
have any commentson this brden estimate, or how we can improve the collectionand reduce the burden it causes you.please wrie to the
Federal Communications Commision, AMD~PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project(3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554, We wll also accept
your commentsregardingthe Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of ths olletion via th Inteme ifyou send them to boley@fec gov. PLEASE

Remember ~ You are notrequied to respond to a colection oinformation sponsoredby the Federal rovernment, and the overnment may not
conduct osponsohis collection, unless it displaysa currenty vali OMB control numberorifwfail o provideyou with this notice. This
callction has been assigned an OMB contrl number o 3060—0678
Tie ForEGoNG Nomick is RequikeBy ThE APERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995, PUBLIC LAW 104—13, Ocroner
1, 1995, 44 Us.C. SECTION 3s07.


                                                                       FCC Form 312
                                                                           Exhibic A
                                                                          Page 1 of 1
                              ALrEN ownErsite
                              (Response to Item 34)
             Section 810(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
establishes certain limitations on indirect foreign ownership and voting of certain
common carrier and broadcast licensees. By definition, these limitations do not
apply to non—common carrier space station licenses held by SES Americom, Inc.

                                                                    FCC Form 312
                                                                        Exhibit B
                                                                       Page 1 of 3
                       (Response to Item 40)
             The applicant, SES Americom, Inc. (‘SES Americom"), is an indirect
wholly—owned subsidiary of SES Global S.A. (‘SES Global"). SES Global—Americas,
Inc. and four wholly—owned subsidiaries of SES Global—Americas, Inc. (SES
Subsidiary Inc. 29, SES Subsidiary Inc. 24, SES Subsidiary Inc. 25 and SES
Subsidiary Inc. 26) together directly hold 100% of the capitalstock of SES
Americom. SES Global Americas Holdings GP, a Delaware general partnership
that is wholly owned by SES Global, holds 100% of the capital stock of SES Global—
Americas, Inc. With the exception of SES Global, all of these entities are U.S.
corporations or partnerships.
             SES Globalis a Luxembourg company, formed for the purpose of
holding indirectly 100% of the shares of SES Americom and directly 100% of the
shares of SES ASTRA (formerly Société Européenne des Satellites S.A,, as well as
other non—European and non—U.S. satellite interests that were formerly owned by
SES Americom and SES ASTRA. Through its subsidiaries and affiiates, SES
Global engages in the provision of satellite services in North and South America,
Burope and Asia.
             SES Global has offices at L—6815 Chiteau de Botzdorf,Luxembourg.
The address of the intermediary holding companies is 4 Research Way, Princeton,
NJ 08540.

            The directors of SES Americom are:

                   Romain Bausch
                   Robert Bednarek
                   Perdinand Kayser
                   Mark Rigolle
                   René Steichen
             The address of Messrs. Bausch, Bednarek, Steichen, Rigolle and
Kayser is SES Global S.A., I—6815 Chiteau de Betzdort, Luxembourg. Mr.
Bednarek is a U.S. national; Messrs. Bausch, Steichen and Kayser are Luxembourg
nationals; and Mr. Rigolle is a Belgian and British national

                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                            Exhibit B
                                                                           Page 2 of 3
                The officers of SES Americom are:
                  Naute                                       TLE
 Edward D. Horowite                          President & CEO
 Paula Fairle                                Senior Vice President
 Andreas M. Georghiou                        Senior Vice President
 Anders Johnson                              Senior Vice President
 Robert J. Kisilywicz                        Senior Vice President/CFO
 Bryan McGuirk                               Senior Vice President
 Brent Bruun                                 Senior Vice President
 Jack Friedman                               Senior Vice President/Secretary
 Michael Agostinelli                         Vice President
 William Berman                              Vice Prosident
 Carl Capista                                Vice President
[ Cynthia Dickins                            Vice President
  Nancy J. Eskenazi                          Vice President/Assistant Secrotar
| Peter Gustafson                            Vice President
[Daniel J. Harel                             Vice President
 Richard A. Langhans                         Vice Prosident
 David J. Lidstone                           Vice President/Assistant Secretary
 Monica Morgan                               Vice President
 Sergy Mummert                               Vice President
 John A. Nelsen                              Vice Prosident
 Michael J. Noon                             Vice President
 Maureen Offord                              Vice President
 Orlando Skelton                             Vice President
 Elins Znccack                               Vice President
 Steve Corda                                 Vice President
 Stanley Konopka                             Assistant Treasurer — Taxes
 Hanaa Nase                                  Assistant Treasurer — Taxes
 Aaron Shourie                               Assistant Secrotary
 Steve Mesarick                              Assistant Secretary
             The address of all the officers is SES Americom, Inc., 4 Research Way,
 Princeton, NJ 08540. All of the officers are U.S. nationals.

              The names, addresses, and citizenship of stoclkholders owning of record
 and/or voting 10 percent or more of SES Global‘s voting stock are:

    1. General Electric Capital Corporation (°GB Capital") holds shares of SES
       Global representing an economic interest of 30.73% and voting power of
       20.10%. GB Capital is a corporation organized under the laws of New York.

                                                                      FCC Form 812
                                                                          Exhibit B
                                                                         Page 3 of 8
      GE Capital engages in a broad spectrum of financial services, including
      distribution, sales financing, commercial and industrial financing, real estate,
      transportation and reinsurance. GE Capital‘s address is as follows:

                   General Electric Capital Corporation
                   260 Long Ridge Road
                   Stamford, CT 06027
   2. The State of Luxembourg and Banque ct Caisse d‘Epargne de I‘Etat (BCEE")
      and Société Nationale de Crédit et d‘Investisement (‘SNCI‘), each of which is
      an institution created by act of the Luxembourg Parliament and 100% owned
      by the State of Luxembourg, hold shares of SES Global, representing a
      combined total economic interest of 16.67% and voting power of 34.90%. The
      principal business of both BCEE and SNCI is financial services. The
      addresses of BCEE and SNCL are as follows:
                   Banque et Caisse d‘Epargne de IEtat
                   1, place de Metz
                   12954 Luxembourg
                   Société Nationale de Crédit et d‘Invostisement
                   7, place du St. Eeprit
                   L—1475 Luxembourg
The address for the State of Luxembourg is Ministry of State, 4 rue de la
Congrégation, L—2010, Luxembourg.

                              Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of Application by
sEs AMERICOM, INC                                     File No. SAT—MOD—
For Modification of AMC—5
Fixed—Satellite Space Station License

             SES Americom, Inc. (‘SES Americom") hereby respectfully requests a
modification of its license for the AMC—5 fixed—satellite space station to assign the
satellite permanently to the 78.95° W.L. orbital location. SBS Americom seeks to
operate at a slight offset from 79° W.L. in order to simplify stationkeeping at this

location. SES Americom‘s Satcom C—3 spacecraft has also been assigned to
79° W.L.. and is currently being drifted toward that position. SES Americom is
concurrently filing a modification application seeking authority to operate
Satcom C:—3 centered at 79.05° W.L.
             The proposed offsets of these two spacecraft will climinate any overlap
of the stationkeeping volume, facilitating safe operation of the satellites.
Accordingly, grant of the instant request will serve the public interest. A completed
FCC Form 312 and a technical appendix are attached in support of this application.

1     See File No. SAT—MOD—20040814—00159 (granted Oct. 18, 2004).

             AMC—3 is a Ku—band satellite that was launched on October 28, 1998,

and is licensed to operate at the 79° W.L.. orbital position.* SES Americom seoks a

modification of the AMC—3 license to permit operation at an offset to accommodate

the arrival of Satcom C—3 in early August.. Both spacecraft could operate contered
at 79.0° W.L. by flying the satellites in formation to permit sharing of the same

stationkeping volume. However, such an arrangement would require an increased
number of maneuvers to maintain an appropriate separation between the
spacecraft. Furthermore, AMC—3 is fully stationkept, but Satcom C:—3 will be

operating in inclined orbit, making it more difficult to synchronize the movementof

the satellites and keep a safe distance between them.

             In order to simplify stationkeeping once Satcom C:3 arrives, SES

Americom proposes to operate both satellites at slight offsets from the 79° W.L.

nominal orbital position. The offsets will eliminate any overlap of the
stationkeeping volumes of the two spacecraft,thereby ficilitating joint operations.

             As demonstrated in the technical appendix, grant of the requested
authority will not adversely affect any other operators. The locations immediately

adjacent to AMC—5‘s assigned location, 77° W.L. and 81° W.L., are both currently

vacant. The nearest operational FSS Ku—band satellites to AMC—5 are SES

Americom‘s AMC—9 at 83° W.L. and PanAmSat‘s SBS—6 at 74.05° W.L. The small

*      Assignment of Orbital Locations to Space Stations in the Domestic Fixed
Satellite Service and the Application of GE American Communications, Inc. for
Modification of Authorization to Construct, Launch, and Operate a Space Station in
the Fixed—Satellite Service, 14 FCC Red 686 (Sat. & Radiocomm. Div. 1998).

proposed shift in AMC—5‘s orbital location will have a de minimis effect on the
interference environment in which adjacent satellites operate.
             For the foregoing reasons, SES Americom seoks a modification of the
AMC—5 liconse to assign the spacecraft to the 78.05° W.L. orbital location. SES
Americom seeks action on this application prior to the scheduled arrival of
Satcom C:3 at 70° early August.
                                       Respectfully submitted,
                                       SES Americom, Inc.
                                       By: /s/ Nancy J. Eskenasi
                                          Nancy J. Eskenazi
Of Counsel                                Vice President and
Peter A. Rohrbach                           Associate General Counsel
Karis A. Hastings                         SES Americom, Inc.
Hogan & Hartson LLLP.                     Four Research Way
Washington, D.C. 20004—1109               Princeton, NJ 08540
‘Tel: (202) 637—50600
Dated: June 9, 2005

                                   Technical    Appendix
1.     Introduction
This technical appendix is submitted in support ofthe application of SES Americom, Inc.
(‘SES Americom‘) for a modification of ts license for the AMC—5 Ku—band spacecraft
SES Americom seeks permanent assignment of the spacecraft to 78.95° W.L. instead
of 79° WL. SES Americom incorporates by reference herein the technical information it
has already provided with respect to AMC—5,‘ and provides here technical information
that is changing as a result of the proposed modifcation
2.     Gain Contours
SES Americom is not submitting new contour maps with this application. The proposed
shift in orbital location from 78° W.L. to 78.95° W.L. will produce no visible change in the
gain contours from the maps already on file
3.    Link Budgets and Interference Analysis
The positions immediately adjacent to AMC—5‘s assigned location are currently vacant
The closest operational Ku—band satelites to AMC—5 are SES Americom‘s AMC—9 at
83° WL. and PanAmSats SB5—6 at 74.05° W.L.

An interference analysis was submitted to the FCC in connection with the initial
operation of AMC—5 at 79° WLL. demonstrating that operation of AMC—5 was compatible
with adjacent satelites and with the Commission‘s two—degree spacing requirements."
The proposed offset operation of AMG—5 willnot cause any material change to the
existing interference environment. The proposed offset will esultin AMC—5 being
slghtly closer to SBS—6, but the two spacecraft wll stll be separated by 4.9 degrees
SES Americom has calculated that implementation of the proposed offset would result
in a change of approximately 0.1 dB in the interference environment of two—degree
compliant earth stations communicating with $BS—6, as shown in the table below

*     See File No. SAT—MOD—19980113—00002

&     1d, Aftachment C, Interference Analysis for GE—5 Ku—Band Transponders

             Current Orbtal Posttion (79
                     Offet Angle                  «85
                Gain(1) @ Offset angle            ns
          Proposed Orbital Postion (78.95
                   Ofet Angle                     «so
                Gain (2) @ Ofset angle            nz
           4 (Gain(l) ~ Gain ))                   a1
The impact of the proposed offset on a future spacecraft at one of the orbital positions
immediately adjacent to 79° WJL. would also be immaterial. SES Americom has
calculated that implementation of the proposed offset would result in a change of
approximately 0.3 dB in the interference environment of two—degree compliant earth
stations communicating with a future spacecraft at 77° W.L. or at 81° W.L., as shown in
the table below
                                                   zn                a
             Current Orbital Position (79
                     Ofset Angle                  200               200
               Gain(1) @ Offst angle          |   215               215

          |Proposed OrbitalPosition (78.95)
                    Ofset Angle                   195               205
               Gain 2) @ Offset angle             218               2e
           4 (Gain(l)— Gein ) )                   PB                 os
Given that the proposed offset operation of AMC—5 will not result in any material change
to the existing interference environment with respect to AMC—5 and current or future
adjacent satelites, no link budget analysis is provided herein. In the unlikely event that
any future concers arise concerning operations of AMC—5 at the proposed offset
location, SES Americom will coordinate with the adjacent operators in order to arrive at
a mutually satisfactory solution

4.      Schedule $
As discussed above, the proposed modification of the AMC—5 license to offset the
satelite by 0.05 degrees from 79° W.L. will not resultin any material changes to the
spacecraft‘s operating characteristies orto the interference environment. As a result
the information requested in Schedule S duplicates information that is already on file
with the Commission conceming the technical parameters of AMC—5‘s operation. in
similar cases involving requests for sight offsets from the nominal orbital position, the
Satelite Division has not required the submission of a new Schedule S Accordingly,
SES Americom is notfilng a new Schedule S with this application. SES Americom will
nevertheless prepare and submit a Schedule S if requested to do so by the Satelite

*     See, 6. File No. SAT—MOD—20040405—00076 (PanAmSat request for authoriy
to operate $BS—6 at 74.05° W.L. rather than 74.0° W.L)

                        DECLARATION OF JAIME LONDONO

               1, Jaime Londono, hereby certy under penalty of perjury that I am the
technically qualfied person responsible for preparation ofthe technical information
contained in the foregoing exhibit that | am familaar with the technical requirements of
Part 25; and that either prepared or reviewed the technical information contained in the
exhibit and that itis complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information
and beliet
                                               i&/ Jaime Londono
                                               SES Amercom, Inc.

Dated: June 9, 2005

Document Created: 2005-07-20 16:28:04
Document Modified: 2005-07-20 16:28:04

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