Attachment transfer


OTHER submitted by Hughes



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050523-00106 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                         LEVENTHAL SENTER & LERMAN PLC

                                           August 30, 2007

BY HAND DELIVERY:                                                               AUG 3 0 2007
Marlene H. Dortch                                                         Federal Communicauons Commission
Secretary                                                                 —     Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

                      Re: Transfer of Control of Hughes Communications, Inc.

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        By this letter, Hughes Communications, Inc. ("Hughes"), indirect parent corporation of
HNS License Sub, LLC ("HNS Sub LLC") and HNS License Sub, Limited ("HNS Sub Limited"
and, together with HNS Sub LLC, the "HNS Licensees"), hereby informs the Commission that
control of the Hughes companies was transferred without prior Commission approval as
explained herein. Hughes holds non—common carrier Title III space station authorizations for
the SPACEWAY 3 satellite; HNS Sub LLC and HNS Sub Limited hold numerous non—common
carrier earth station licenses and authorizations, and HNS Sub LLC also holds authorizations in
the Experimental Radio Service.

        Following a transaction that was approved by the Commission in 2005, and
consummated in February 2006 (see, e.g., File No. SAT—ASG—20050826—00168), Hughes and its
subsidiaries were indirectly controlled by Apollo Capital Management IV, Inc. and AIF IV
Management, Inc. (together, "Apollo IV"). Leon Black was the sole shareholder of Apollo IV,
which indirectly controlled five entities affiliated with Apollo (the "Apollo Stockholders"). The
Apollo Stockholders held approximately 63% of the stock of Hughes at the time Apollo IV
acquired control of Hughes in early 2006. Apollo IV, together with its affiliated investment
management entities ("Apollo"), is a global alternative asset manager, with a proven track record
of successful private equity, distressed debt and mezzanine investing.

        Late last week, Hughes‘s corporate officers and outside regulatory counsel were informed
by counsel for Apollo that a newly—completed corporate restructuring at the upper levels of the
Hughes ownership chain was effectuated pursuant to a three—step reorganization of Apollo, the
final step of which was consummated on August 8, 2007. In the second step of this
reorganization, which was consummated on July 13, 2007, control of Hughes and the HNS
Licensees was transferred from Apollo IV, which was controlled by Leon Black, to BRH
Holdings, which is controlled equally by Leon Black, Mare Rowan, and Joshua Harris (with Mr.
Black having certain veto rights, as explained below). Like Apollo founder Mr. Black, Messrs.
Rowan and Harris are co—founders and long—time principals of Apollo.

                         2000 K STREET, NW, SUITE 600, WwASHINGTON, DC 20006—1809
                       TELEPHONE 202.429—8970   FAX 202.293.7783   WWW.LSL—LAW.COM

Marlene H. Dortch
August 30, 2007
Page 2

        Specifically, pursuant to the Apollo reorganization, a series of intermediate entities has
been inserted into the chain of ownership of Apollo IV. In addition, pursuant to the Apollo
reorganization, control of Hughes and the HNS Licensees has been transferred from Apollo IV to
BRH Holdings. Apollo principals Leon Black, Mare Rowan, and Joshua Harris are the directors
of BRH, and Apollo‘s control of BRH Holdings is now exercised equally by Messrs. Black,
Rowan, and Harris. However, Mr. Black has the right to veto certain major decisions relating to
Apollo, such as the appointment of any director to the board of directors of Apollo.

        At no time prior to Thursday afternoon of last week (August 23, 2007) was Hughes or
any of its corporate officers aware that changes taking place at the top of the complex Apollo
ownership chain amounted to a transfer of control under Commission regulations and the
Communications Act. The matter apparently came to light within the Apollo group following an
ownership review that resulted from an unrelated proposal for the assignment of authorizations
held by a company in which the Apollo group of companies holds a minority stake, and counsel
for Apollo brought the matter to Hughes‘s attention on August 23.

        Hughes, its corporate officers, and outside regulatory counsel undertook an immediate
investigation of the facts involved. By the end of the day on Friday, August 24, although not all
of the details were yet known, Hughes was convinced that control had been prematurely
transferred, and ordered the preparation of appropriate documentation to align, formally, control
as it now exists with the Commission‘s records. Details of the restructuring transactions and the
timing of the transfer of control were assembled and provided to Hughes and its outside
regulatory counsel on Wednesday, August 29. Requests for transfer of control and temporary
authority related thereto are being prepared and will be filed with the Commission as soon as is

        Hughes understands that the Communications Act and the Commission‘s rules require
prior Commission consent to any transfer of control of a Commission Title III authorization.
Hughes acknowledges that such prior consent was not obtained before the transfer of control of
Hughes was consummated. By this letter, Hughes is formally apprising the Commission and
responsible staff of the circumstances of the change in its control, as expeditiously as possible,
even as it prepares the documentation that will bring its licenses into alignment with its
ownership chain.

       Hughes regrets that it failed to follow the Commission‘s regulations and the
Communications Act itself in connection with the transfer of control described herein. By
copying this letter to the staff members listed below, Hughes is promptly apprising Commission
personnel ofthis development and of the steps Hughes is taking to obtain the required
Commuission consent.

Marlene H. Dortch
August 30, 2007
Page 3

        Hughes asks that a copy of this letter be placed in the license, authorization, and/or
application files of each station listed on the attachment hereto.

                                              Respectfully submitted,
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                                              Raul R‘ Rodriguez                9
                                              Stephen D. Baruch
                                              Attorneys for Hughes Communications, Inc and its

cc (by email): Ms. Helen Domenici, Chief, International Bureau, FCC
               Mr. Julius Knapp, Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology, FCC
               Mr. Robert Nelson, Chief, Satellite Division, IB
               Ms. Andrea Kelly, Chief, Policy Branch, IB
               Mr. Scott Kotler, Chief, System Analysis Branch, IB
               Mr. James Burtle, Chief, Experimental Licensing Branch, OET


                                                  SATELLITE AUTHORIZATIONS
File Number                           Applicant Name              Call Sign                      Location
SAT—LOA—20050214—00038, as modified   Hughes Communications, Inc. S$2663 (SPACEWAY 3)            94.95W
by SAT—MOD—20050523—00106, as
amended by SAT—AMD—20060306—
00025, and further modified by SAT—
SAT—STA—20070720—00106                Hughes Communications, Inc.        S$2663 (SPACEWAY 3)     94.95W

                                                  EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
File Number                                          Applicant Name           Call Sign               Location
SES—MFS—20070419—00489                               HNS License Sub, LLC     E000166                 Germantown, MD
SES—STA—20070724—00980                               HNS License Sub, LLC     E000166                 Germantown, MD
SES—MOD—20040805—01106                               HNS License Sub, Limited E000362                 Kailua—Kona, HI
SES—L1IC—20010625—01298, as amended by SES—AMD—       HNS License Sub, Limited         E010187        San Juan, PR
SES—MOD—20040805—01103                                HNS   License   Sub,   Limited   E020195         Fairbanks, AK
SES—MOD—20040805—01107                                HNS   License   Sub,   Limited   E020205         Kodiak, AK
SES—MOD—20040805—01108                                HNS   License   Sub,   Limited   E020206         Sand Point, AK
SES—MOD—20040805—01105                                HNS   License   Sub,   Limited   E020207         Elelson AFB, AK
SES—MOD—20040805—01104                                HNS License Sub, Limited         E020208         Agana, Guam
SES—L1C—20040927—01461                                HNS License Sub, Limited         E040382         Wake Island
SES—L1IC—20041111—01674                               HNS License Sub, Limited         E040436         Wahiawa, HI
SES—LIC—20061017—01852 as amended by SES—AMD—         HNS License Sub, LLC             E060382         Castle Rock, CO
20061103—01954 and SES—AMD—20070207—00204
SES—STA—20070709—00908                                HNS License Sub, LLC             E060382         Castle Rock, CO
SES—LIC—20061017—01869, as amended by SES—AMD—        HNS License Sub, LLC             E060383         Fillmore, CA
20061103—01952 and SES—AMD—20070207—00203
SES—STA—20070709—00909                                HNS License Sub, LLC             E060383         Fillmore, CA
SES—L1C—20061226—02232, as amended by SES—AMD—        HNS License Sub, LLC             E060445         Germantown, MD
SES—L1IC—20070709—00913, as amended by SES—AMO—       HNS License Sub, Limited         E070110         Midway Island
SES—MOD—20070409—00463                                HNS License Sub, LLC             E940460         North Las Vegas, NV
SES—MOD—20030725—01030                                HNS License Sub, LLC             E990170         Southfield, MI


                                        EXPERIMENTAL AUTHORIZATIONS
File Number              Applicant Name               Call Sign     Location
0088—EX—RR—2006          HNS License Sub, LLC         WD2XFP        Germantown, MD; North Las Vegas, NV

0089—EX—RR—2006          HNS License Sub, LLG          WD2XJU         San Diego, CA
0011—EX—PL—2006          HNS License Sub, LLC          WE2XEW         N/A
0110—EX—RR—2007          HNS License Sub, LLC          WD2XRV         Germantown, MD

                                            PENDING APPLICATIONS
File Number              Applicant Name                Call Sign      Location
SES—STA—20070829—01149   HNS License Sub, LLC          E000166        Germantown, MD (STA extension request)
SAT—STA—20070830—00118   Hughes Communications, Inc.   $2663          STA Request for SPACEWAY 3 IOT

Document Created: 2007-09-05 15:36:48
Document Modified: 2007-09-05 15:36:48

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