Attachment redacted


OTHER submitted by Hughes



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050523-00106 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                            BEFORE THE

           Federal Communications Commission
                                    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20584

In the Matter of

Hughes Communications, Inc.                                  File Nos. SAT—LOA—20050214—00038
Authorization To Launch and Operate a                                    SAT—AMD—20060306—00025
Geostationary Orbit Space Station in the                                 Call Sign: $2663
Fixed—Satellite Service Using Ka—Band at the              leceli                                  C
95° W.L. Orbital Location                                Received                   RECEIVED — FCC
                                                         APR 2 0 2
To: Chief,Intemational Bureau                                           9                 APR 1 9 2006
                                                          Polioy Bran
                        pEMONSTRATION or ComprraNcRaving feornzerncmnee
        Hughes Communications, Inc. (‘Hughes"),by counsel and pursuant to Section 25.164 of
the Commission‘s Rules, hereby demonstrates to the Commission that it has met the frst three
milestones set forth in the authorization issued on April 19, 2005 granting authority to launch
and operate a Ka—band geostationary Fixed—Satellte Service ("FSS") payload at the 95° West
Longitude orbital location. See SkyTerra Communications, Inc., SAT—LOA—20050214—00038,
Grant Stamp, April 19, 2005 (‘95W License Grant")." In particular, Hughes demonstrates herein
that:() it is party to a binding and non—contingent contract (a copy of which is Attachment 1
hereto) for the timely construction ofthe FSS satellte authorized in the 95W License Grant;
(i) it has completed Critical Design Review for the spacecraft; and (ii) it has commenced.
physical construction of the authorized facility. As a result othese showings, Hughes
respectfully requests that the Intemational Bureau determine that Hughes has satisied the first

* Seealso Public Notee, DA 05—1130 (rel. April 2, 2005). Parsuant to an August 2005 applcationforproorma
assignment of cemse, the lcense of SkyTera Communications, Inc. wasassigned t SkyTera HoldingsInc. See
Pile No. SAT—ASG—20050826—00168. In December 2005, SkyTema Holdings,Inc. informed the Commission that
is name had changed to Hughes CommunicationsInc. See Letr dated December 20,2005, rom counselfor
Hughes and ShyTeto thSecretry ofthe Commision. ile No. SAT—ASG—20050826—00168, In this
submission, references t"Haghes" shll nclude Huhes Communications Ic.and.a appicabl, ts predecessors
in interest witrespect o the 95W License Gran, SkyTerra Communications, Inc.and SkyTerra Holdings, Inc

three milestone requirements set forth in the 9SW License Grant. The determination that Hughes
has satisfied the first three of the four satellite implementation milestones will allow Hughes to
reduce to $750,000 the $3 million bond that it posted on May 23, 2005 pursuant to the 95W
License Grant.®
1.      ExecutiveSummary
        The Commission granted Hughes® application for a Ka—band FSS space station license at
the 95° W.L. orbital location on April 19, 2005. ‘The 95W License Grant requires Hughes to
meet four satellite implementation milestones, as follows:

                Execute a Binding Contract for Construction by April 19, 2006
                Complete the Critical Design Review by April 19, 2007
                Commence Physical Construction by April 19, 2008
                Launch and Begin Operations by April 19, 2010
See 95W License Grant at 42. Hughes was also required to post a $3 million bond with the
Commission within thirty days of the effective date of the grant pursuant to procedures
established by the Commission. 1d. Hughes fled the required bond with the Commission on
May 23, 2005. See Letter from Robert A. Mazer, Counsel to SkyTerra Communications, Inc., to
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, dated May 23, 2005 (transmitting performance bond).
Hughes is the 100% owner and parent of Hughes Network Systems, LLC (‘HNS®)"

* Mughes ifling his equest withtheatachments omited from the copy intended for pblic disclosire (ncluding
its constrictioncontract and other confidental and propricry infrmation). This request, wthallatachments, is
being filed contemporaneously undera requestfor confidenta treatment
* On Aprl22, 2005, DIRECTV (through is wholly—ouned subsidiay, Hughes Network Systems,Inc,transfered
10 SkyTerra Communications, Inc. an inita 50% of the memmbership interestsof HNS. See Aughes Nemork
Syitems, Linited and Hughes Networks Systens, Inc. Assignors, and HNS License Sub, Linited and HINS License
Sub, LC AssigneesApplicationsor ConsentforAssinnnent ofrth Station License and Associated Specal
Tenporary Authorizations, Order and Autborization, 20 FCC Red 8080 (2005),and Order, 20 FCC Red 9106
(2005). I Seprember 2005, kyTera Communications,Inc. ransfered ts 50% of HNS to SkyTerra Holdings,Inc.
a wholl—owned subsdhry of kyTerra Communications,Inc. On Janary 1,2006, DIRECTY (through is
subsidiy DTV Network Systems,Inc. (formerly known as Hughes Network Systems, Inc.) sold it remaining 50%
of HNS to Hughes Communicationsn (formerly known asSkyTera Holdings,In.,resutingin Hughes
Communications, In. owning 100% ofHNS. See Letr o Ms. MarleneH. Dorich, Secreuiry, Fedeal
Communications Commission,from Mr.Tom W. Davidson, EsIBFS NosSES—TIC:—20050829—01 180 and
sE—TIC20050829—01181 (ln.19, 2006)

        Under the Commission‘s Rules, a geostationary satellilicensee may reduce the amount
ofits bond by $750,000, twenty—five percent of the total amount, upon successfully meeting each
ofthe milestones set forth in its authorization. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.165(d). ‘The Commission‘s
procedures provide that licensees will be permitted to file a new bond at a lower amount only
after the Intemational Bureau announces that the licensee has met the milestone(s). See FCC
Public Notice, Report No. SPB—187, DA 03—2602, 18 FCC Red 16283 (2003).
        On December 17, 1999, Hughes Network Systems,Inc.(a predecessor—in—interest to
Hughes® wholly—owned subsidiary HNS) and Hughes Space and Communications, Interational,
Inc. (‘Bocing")" entered into the Agreement for Delivery of Space Segment and System
Engineering Services for the Spaceway North America System (*Spaceway Contract‘). The
Spaceway Contract provided for Boeing to construct the first two SPACEWAY satelites and to
procure the long lead parts for SPACEWAY 3. ‘The Spaceway Contract also contained an option
to complete the construction of SPACEWAY 3. Boeing was directed in a November 29, 2004
amendment (Amendment No. 11) to the Spaceway Contract to complete and deliver
SPACEWAY 3 per a defined schedule. On April 21, 2005, The DIRECTV Group, Inc.
("DIRECTV") assigned to its wholly—owned subsidiary, HNS, the rights to the satellte work in
progress and the obligations for all future payments for the SPACEWAY 3 satellite. See
Artachment 2,Bill of Sale and Assignment and Assumption Agreement between DIRECTV and
HNS, dated April 21, 2005.
        On March 6, 2006, Hughes applied for authority to conform the technical parameters of
the spacecraft specified in the 95W License Grant (as then proposed to be modified by Hughes in

°* Atthe timethatthe contact wasexecuted,boh paries were subsidiris of Hushes Elecronics Corpoation
("HEC). Subsequenty, Hughes Space and Communications Itermational, Inc. vas sld t The Bocing
Corportion and was renamed Bocing Sitelite Systems International, nc. Thereafe,in December 2003 a
contoling inerest in HEC was sold to The News Corportion.and in March 2004 HEC was renamed The

a stl—pending May 2005 modification of license application) with the specifications of the
SPACEWAY 3 work—in—progress that it had determined to associate with itslicense for the 95°
W.Lorbitallocation. Progress toward completing this satellte is aready well advanced." In

fact, as of the date of this fling, Hughes has already reached three ofthe four milestones
contained in the 5W License Grant, and is on target to reach the fourth milestone within
approximately 12 months from now. As shown in Table 1, below, each of these milestones was
met by Hughes in all respects on April 22, 2005, the date on which the ownership of the
SPACEWAY 3 work—in—progress became attributable to Hughes through itsintial acquisiion of
a 50% interest in HNS.°

* See Hughes March 2006 Amendment, File No. SAT—AMD—20060306—00025, at Extibit C (Notlication of
Commencement of Space Sution Constuction)
* Alhough the milestonesestablshe in the 95W Licnse Grant were satfid in April2005, coincidentallyjust
diays aferth icense applictionwas granted, it wa nountl atethat Hughes decided to associtethe
SPACEWAY 3 work—impropress with ts lcensefor 95° WL. See Hughes March 2006 Amendment, File No SAT—
AMD—20060306—00025, t Exhibit C (NotIietion ofCommencement of Space Station Constuction).

                                                     Table 1:

                              Milestone        Date on Which the
PCC Rute Mitestone            RE8MWWEPE ppuestone was                     Evidence of Completion"
                              PSW ECS sutistied byNt
                              Grant               Licen
28164000 Envy imo a           April 19,2006 Aprit22, 2008                 Spacevay Contact signed on December 17,
         RBnding. Non—                                 .                  1999 (bnding contact o procure longlead
         Contigent                          ToWConmeN®tt                  pars forSpACEWAY3)
         Contaet                              S e
                                            extcuted); November29,        Spacevay Contract, Amendment 11 @ § 1
                                            2004 (completion of           (option under Deceimber 1999 Spacouay
                                            SPACEWAY 3 diected)]          Contrct exercied; completion and delivery of
                                                                          SPACEWAY 3 direcid)
25.164(0) Criiel Design April 19, 2007 Aprit22, 2008"                     BocingLener at$ 2 (Atachment 3 ereto;
            Review                            (Key Dates: March9,         Hughes Declaration at 8 (Atactment4
                                              2001 (actl completion herec)
                                              orcbr o SPACEwAY
25.1640)0) Commencement Apri192008 Aprit22,2008"                          Bocing Lener at3;
              Pysical              (Key Dates: December                   Hughes Declantion at 19
                                              17, 1999 (contact           Spaceway Contact signed on December 17,
                                              executed; ordering of lng    1999 (bndingcontract to procurelong lead
                                              lead pats fr                pats forSPACEWAY 3)
                                              seaceway 3:
                                              November 29,2004            Spacevay Contact Amendment 11 @ § 1
                                              (completion o               (option under Dec. 1999 Spacevay Contact
                                              SPACEWAY 3 directed]        exercised; completion and deivery of
                                                                          SPACEWAY 3 direcid)

    Each element summarized above is discussed below in detail, and each document referenced is


            Accordingly, Hughes is filing this notification pursuantto Sections 25.164(c), (d) and (e)

    of the Commission‘s Rules to reportits completion of these three milestone requirements. In
    addition, because satisfaction of these requirements permis it to reduce the amount ofthe bond

    posted with the Commission,® it is requesting that the Commission review this submission and

    * Asdiscussd above, the SPACEWAY 3 wor          progress wasassined to Hughes on Aprl 21, 2005, vidence of
    which iprovided in Atiachment 2. "The transfe of the ntal 50% inerest in NS to Hughes‘ predecessonin—
    inerestonApri22, 2005 i a matrorecordbefore the Commission
    * Seed1 CER§28.1680.

issue a Public Notice affirming that Hughes has met is first three implementation milestones,
thercby allowing Hughes to reduce the amount of its performance bond to $750,000,
commensurate with the progress made to date in bringing the 95° W.L. facility into service.
Appropriate showings regarding each ofthe three milestones are provided below.
1t      Milestone Compliance

        Mitestone 1 ~ Entry into a Binding Non—Contingent Construction Contract
        The inital contracting milestone requires thatthe licensee enter into a binding, non—
contingent contract for construction of the authorized facilty. See Amendment ofthe
Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, 18 FCC Red 10760, 10831 (1 184)

(2003) ("SSLR Order"). Hughes Network Systems, Inc., entered into the Spaceway Contract for
construction ofthe SPACEWAY 3 space station on December 17, 1999. At that time, the parties
to the Spaceway Contract agreed tothe procurement of long—lead items for SPACEWAY 3.
contemporaneously and in conjunction with the construction of the SPACEWAY 1 and 2
spacecraft that are now in orbit and are operated by DIRECTV. The binding, non—contingent
contractual amendment to complete the construction and to deliver the SPACEWAY 3 spacecraft
was signed on November 29,2004.
        A copy of the Spaceway Contractis attached hereto as Attachment 1," as required by
Section 25.164(c) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.164(c). As described above, the
rights to the "work in progress" for SPACEWAY 3 under the Spaceway Contract were assigned
to HNS on April 21, 205. A copy ofthe April 21, 2005 Assignment is attached hereto as
Attachment 2. Both are submitted under request for confidential treatment in a concurrently
filed submission. Finally, as detailed above, on April 22, 2005, DIRECTV (through its wholly—

* The Spaceway Contrct l remains in effct withrespect to other Spacenay satlitesthat willb implemented
by DIRECTV. Amendment No. 12 o the Spacesay Contact perains only t these othersitelies,and therefore is
not provided here.

owned subsidiary, Hughes Network Systems, Inc.), transferred to Hughes® predecessor—in—

interest 50% of the ownership interests of HNS, bringing the work—in—progress under the control
of the holder ofthe 95W License Grant, Hughes (at that time, SkyTerra Communications, Inc.).
        The Spaceway Contract, as amended, satisies the Commission‘s contract milestone

obligation. ‘The agreement is binding and non—contingent as between the parties; it identifies the
specific satellite and design characteristics; t specifies the dates for the start and completion of

construction‘"; and it includes payment terms (spread throughout the construction phase of the
contract with significant initil payments and the majority of payments before the end of

construction) that unequivocally demonstrate Hughes® investment and commitment to
completion of the system."" These are the elements that the Commission looks to when assessing
compliance with the first milestone.""

        Milestone 2 Completion of Critieal Design Review
        The Commission has not prescribed a particular method or standard for determining
satisfaction of the second implementation milestone, the completion of Critical Design Review
("CDR"). It has, however, identified this stage as the point in "the spacecraft implementation
process at which the design and development phase ends and the manufacturing stage start."
See SSLR Order, 18 FCC Red at 10833 (4 191). The Commission has suggested that evidence of
compliance with this milestone may include: (i)proof ofa large payment of money, often

®      See generall Spacenay Contract, Atachment A Statement of Work at § 3.1, Atachment B, Space
Segment Requirements Specification. and Amendment 1 1, dated November 29,2004
" See, «2. Spoceway Contact, Atachment A.Satementof Work,at 3.1.12 (uthorzing immediate rocurement
o long lead pars)and Amendment 1 at 2dated November 292004(specifyinga chedulefor Consent o Shipto
oecur no lter thana dteuin
" see Spaceway Contract, Atachment D, Amendment 11 at 4 dted Novermber29, 200%; Amendment 13, dated
October26, 2005 and Bocing Leter at§4,dated Apri 10, 2006.
® See, e Mobile Communications Holdings,In., 18 FCC Red 11650, 1684 (2003), uoting Tempo Sarelite,
Ine., 7 FCC Red 6307, 6600 @ 13) (1902)

coincident with the completion of CDR;(i) affidavits from independent manufacturers; and (ii)
evidence that the long lead items needed to begin physical construction of spacecraft have been
ordered. 1d.
        As confirmed by Bocing, Hughes® contractor, the CDR for the 95° W.L. stellite was
successfully completed on March 9, 2001. See Letter from Louis F. Benfant, Manager,
Contracts, Bocing SatelliInternational, Inc., to Craig Plastrik, Legal Counsel, HNS (*Bocing

Letter®). The Bocing Letteris included as Attachment 3 to this Demonstration of Compliance
with Satellite Implementation Milestones. The fact that the Ka—band FSS satellite liensed to
Hughes is now in the late stages of construction (see discussion of Milestone 3, immediately
below), and that it is scheduled to be shipped from Bocing‘s manufacturing facility in the fourth
quarter of 2006, under the rationale ofthe SSLR Order, demonstrates unegquivocally that Hughes
has satisied the CDR milestone.
        Mitestone 3 — Commencement of Physical Construction
        As with the CDR milestone, the Commission has established no specific guidelines for
determining satisfaction of the third implementation milestone, commencement of physical
construction. Instead, it has stated that lcensees are required "to provide sufficient information

to demonstrate to a reasonable person that they have commenced physical construction of their
Hicensed spacecraft" SSLR Order, 18 FCC Red at 10834 (1 193).
        As stated above, actual construction of the SPACEWAY 3 satellite, now designated for

the 95° W.L.orbital location and authorized to Hughes, began in December 1999, with the
procurement of long—lead items for SPACEWAY 3 under the Spaceway Contract. See also
Bocing Letter at 1; Hughes Declaration (Attachment 4 hereto) at §.9.. In November 2004,
Bocing was directed to complete construction of the SPACEWAY 3 satellte and to deliver it per
a set schedule.

        Pursuant to the terms ofthe Spaceway Contract, Hughes (or its predecessors in interest)
has made payments totaling 86% ofthe total amount due for SPACEWAY 3 under the Spaceway
Contract. See Bocing Letter at 34.
11.     Request for Determination of Milestone Compliance
        Hughes has submitted the foregoing information in complisnce with Sections 25.164(c)
(d)& (c) ofthe Commission‘s Rules govering milestone compliance. This information
demonstrates that three ofthe fourimplementation milestones set forth in the 95W License Grant
have already been met. Hughes emphasizes that under Commission precedent,the fact that the
milestone showing relates to a satelite with technical parameters that are proposed in the
pending modification oflicense application, s amended, rather than to the technical parameters
of the spacecraftidentified in its authorization is immaterial for purposes of determining Hughes‘
satisfaction of the implementation milestones. ‘The Commission has determined that so long as
the contract the licensee submits to show milestone compliance is binding, non—contingent, and
demonstrative ofthe licensee‘s intent to use the spectrum authorized in a manner consistent with
the stated policy objectives of the milestone requirement(Le., to employ the resourcein a timely
manner and to ensure that spectrum is not held by licensees unable or unvwilling to proceed with
their plans), the milestone will be satisfied even though a modification of license application is
        A contract that requires the selected manufacturer to build a system that the Commission
has not yet authorized is no impediment, and certainly does not renderthe license null and void.
In addressing such a matter,the Commission indicated that such a contrary interpretation would:
              overlook{} the fact that the Commission often receives requestsfrom licensees
              to modify the technical design of their satelites while they are being
              constructed. In recognition of the several years required to construct a
!* See Teledesic LLC, 17 FCC Red 11263, 1265 (ln l Bu. 2000)

              satellite,... the rapidly changing technology, and our goal of encouraging
              more efficient use ofthe radio spectrum, the Commission generally allows
              Hicensees to modify their satellte systems provided the modifications are
              consistent with Commission policies and do not present any particular
              interference problems. [Each] modification application will be decided on its
              own merit and does not factor into our determination as to whether (the
              Hicensee} has met its inital construction milestone.""

        Under these circumstances, tfact that Hughes has a modification oflcense application

pending, and has a binding, non—contingent contract to construct a satellite that reflects the

technical parameters proposed in the modification application, in no way undereuts its
satisfaction of thfirst (and the two subsequent) milestones. The Commission expectslicensces

to act exactly as Hughes has acted here.""

        The 95W License Grant required Hughes to post a $3 million performance bond thity
days following grant. See ISW License Grant at $ 2. Pursuant to the Commission‘s rules,

geostationary satellite licensees "will be permitted to reduce the amount of the bond by $750,000

uon successfully meeting" each milestone deadline. 47 C.FR. § 25.165(d). Inasmuch as

Hughes has demonstrated herein thatit has completed the firsthree of the four implementation

milestones to which it is subject, it respectfully requests that the Commission affirm this fact by
issuing a Public Notice, thereby allowing Hughes to reduce the amount ofits bond to $750,000,

the amount that its lcense and the Commission‘s rules permit a geostationary satellite icensee to
post following completion of is first three implementation milestones.
                                           kok       0k   k0%

©* Hughes beleves that the determination in the Teledesi proceedingi corect and remains vital Commision
policy,even afterthe adopton ofthe implementation bond requiement in 2003. Should this not be th case, and
should the Commissin beinclined to dtermine thata binding., non—contingent contracttoimplementa proposed.
but not yetauthorized satellte i nsuffiient o satisthe contact milestoe, Hughesrespectfuly and contingenty
requestthe Commission o stath aperation oftheforfitreprocess untl actionon Hughes® May 2008
modificationof icense applcation, asamended in March 2006, is completed. Such reatment would avoid an
arbitrayand unnecessaly puntive resul, and would notundermine the polcyobjectives othe milestone
requrement. Hughesapplictionhas beenaccepted for Alng, drew no opposingcomments opettion t deny,
and is ie for imminentgrant. Inasmuch as thsatelite willb completly consructd in essthan six months,the
requested stay would not viggeany outyearchain reacton

       Should there be any questions regarding the foregoing information, please contact the
undersigned counsel.
                                            Respectfully submitted,
                                            HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                                     ul R. Rodriguer
                                                   Stephen D. Baruch
                                                   David S. Keir
                                                   Leventhal Senter & Lerman PLLC
                                                   2000 K Street, N.W., Suite 600
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20006
                                                   (202) 420—3070
                                                   Its Attomeys
Joslyn Read
Assistant Vice President
Regulatory & Intemational Affairs
Hughes Network Systems, LLC
11717 Exploration Lane
Germantown, MD 20876
April 19, 2006






        ATTACHMENT 4


Document Created: 2006-04-28 13:39:57
Document Modified: 2006-04-28 13:39:57

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