Attachment ex parte

ex parte


ex parte


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050513-00101 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                       September 22, 2004                        RECEIVED

                                                      Received                      SEP 2 2 2005

     Marlene H. Dortch                                 CT
                                                      OCT   04 2 005          udn Communt atem
                                                                                   mmuniaten s Conniaton

     Seastar y                                         Poliey Branch
     Federal Communi cations Commission             intomational Bureau
    445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
    Washington, DC 20554

            Re:=—   DIRECTV Enterpriscs, LLC — Ex Parte Communication

    Dear Ms. Dortch

           DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (DIRECTV") has filed the above referenced
    applications for authority to locate two satellites, DIRECTV 8 and DIRECTV 95, at the
    nominal 101° W.L. orbital location. Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (°MSV")
    filed Comments on those applications in which it: (1) noted congestion at this orbital
    location due to the number of satelites operating there, (2) noted that DIRECTV and
    MSV have held productive inital conversations regarding the physical arrangement of
    their respective satellits atthis slot,but have not yet come to a comprehensive
    agreement, and (3) requested that the Bureau condition grant of DIRECTVs applications
    on successful coordination of its satellites at 101° W.L. with those of MSV at the same
    nominal location.!
            While DIRECTV agrees that this orbitalslot is congested, and has in fact
    discussed improving the current physical arrangement ofthe satellites at 101° W.L. with
    the other two operators that have satellites atthis location (%e., MSV and SES
    Americom), we disagree with the third point above. No such condition on grant of
    DIRECTV‘s applications is justified or required in this case. MSV cites no precedent in
    which the Commission has imposed such a condition, and DIRECTV is aware ofnone.
    ‘—   See Comments of Mobile Satllte Ventures Subsidiary LLC, File Nos. SAT—RPL—20050322—
         00070, SAT—MOD—20050513—00100, and SAT—MOD—20050513—00101 (filed May 31, 2005)

Hamas, Wirsume & Grannis
 Marlene H. Dortch
 September 22, 2005
 Page 2
 Moreover, because DIRECTV 8 and DIRECTYV 98 will replace other DIRECTV
 satelltes licensed to operate at 101° W.L., operation of these two satelltes will not have
 any effect on congestion at this slot.* Itis hard to understand how MSV‘s rights
 (whatever they may be) could be prejudiced by a substittion ofnew DIRECTV satellites
 for older ones thatleaves the total number ofits satellites at 101° W.L. unchanged.

         DIRECTV notes that, although the Commission recently authorized MSV to
 launch its own next—generation satelite (MSV—1) to the nominal 101° W.L. location, that
 authorization did notinclude a coordination condition such as MSV has proposed here."
 MSV has consistently characterized that satellite as a replacement for the AMSC—I
 satellite currently operating at 101° W.L., which would then become an in—orbit spare and
 therefore could be moved out ofthe congested center of this cluster." DIRECTV‘s
 replacement applications are no different in this respect, and therefore should not be
 subject to different treatment

         DIRECTV will continue to discuss possible improved physical arrangements for
 the satellites atthe nominal 101° W.L. location, and remains hopeful that the affected
 parties can reach a consensus plan. However,it would be inappropriate to impose the
 condition MSV has proposed — one that would make such consensus a precondition to
 operation ofDIRECTV‘s replacement satellites, and thereby give MSV unilateral veto
 rights, Such a condition finds absolutely no support in either the facts or Commission
 precedent, and should be refected.
                                        Sincerely yours,
                                         Tady... 1. Abilsct=>
                                        William M. Wiltshire
                                        Counselfor DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

* Contrary to MSV‘s assertion that "DIRECTV does not specify a precise orbital location" for
  DIRECTV 98 (seeid.at2), the application clearly statesthat it will replace the DIRECTV 1
  satellitatthe 101.125° W.L. orbital loction.". See Application, File No. SAT—RPL—
  20050322:00070, Exhibit D, at A—15. See also d. at A—18 (lsting 101.125° W.L. as
  proposed orbitl lcation).
* See Mobile Satelite Ventures LLC, 20 FCC Red. 9752 (Int| Bur, 2005).
* See, eg, Amendment, File No. SAT—AMD—20040209—00014, t 1 (‘MSV‘s replacement
  Mobile Satellte Service(MSSsatllte (MSV—1°)willbelocated in the geostatonary
  orbital are at 101° WL..... After the trafic is transfered, the frst generation satelite will
    be used as an in orbit spare.".

>   Marias, Wicrsinee & Grannis
     Marlene H. Dortch
     September 22, 2005
     ce    Cassandra Thomas
           Robert Nelson
           Chip Fleming
           Bruce D. Jacobs
           Jennifer A. Manner

Document Created: 2005-10-04 18:18:38
Document Modified: 2005-10-04 18:18:38

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