Attachment DA 05-2671

DA 05-2671

ORDER submitted by FCC,IB

DA 05-2671


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050513-00100 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                  Federal Communications Commission                             ba os.zem

                                               Before the
                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                         Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Mater of                                        )
DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC                          )
                                                  )            File Nos. SAT—MOD—20050513—00100
                                                  )                      SAT—MoD—20050513—00101
Applications for Modification of Assigned Orbital . )
Location of th the DIRECTV 8 (K) Ka—              )            Cll Signs: $2132; S2622
Band Payload and DIRECTV 8 (D) DBS                )
Payload from 100.85° W.L. to 100.75° W.L.         )

Adopted: October 07, 2008                                                  Released: October 072005

By the Deputy Chief, Satllite Division, Iternational Bureau:

         1.. By this Order, we modify the authorizations of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (DIRECTV) for ts
Direct Broadeast Satelite (DBS)space sation and Fixed Satllte Service (FSS) Ka—band" space sttion‘ on
the DIRECTV 8 Geosttionary Satelite Orbit (GSO)stelite to allow for relocation ofthe DIRECTV 8
satelite from the 100.85° W.L.orbital location‘t the 100.75° WL. orbitl location.® In doing so, as
explained below, we decline to condition this grant on DIRECTV‘s successful coordination of the
DIRECTV 8 satelite with the satelites of Mobile Satelite Ventures Subsidiary, LLC (MSV)at the nominal
101° W.L. locationas sought by MSV.® Grant of these appliations willresult in th efficient deployment
of orbital resources and reduce the stationkeeping burden on DIRECTV.
! As used in this Order,the torm "Ka—band" referto the 18.3—188 GH(spaceto—Bart), 19.7—20.2 GHe (spacto
Bard),28 35—28.6 GHe (Runtto—space), and 29.25—30.0 GHte (Rurto—apace) frequency bands
* As used in this Orde,th term "space sation" has the meaning givein the International Telecommunication
Urion(FTV) Radio Regultions, e, one or more transmitrs,o eceives,oa combintion of ranstiterand
receivers necessary fo carrying on a radicommunication servce, and located on an oblct which is beyond. oris
intended t go beyond,themajorportion f heEath‘satmosphere. TTU Radio Repubtions Artcles .61 and 1.6t;
seealso 47 CER. § 25201
* DIRECTV 8 wasnched in May 2005. DIRECTV was granted authorty, pursuanttoa Specil Temporry
Authority (STA),t conduct inorbit testing ofthe DIRECTV 8 stlite‘s DBS payload atthe 138 WL location
and upon compltion of th test o retunthe satelite o is assgned loction. SeIntenational Borenu, Policy
Branch Information: Actions Taken, Public Notie, Report NoSAT—O0317 (rl. August26, 2005)(ganting Fle No:
The 0.change in orbit location coresponds o minimum horizotal separation of about73.6 klometes,or 457
sttute miles
° See Comments of Mobile Satelfte Ventres Subsiiary LLC, ied May 31, 2008 (MSV Comments)

                                  Federal Communications Commission                              pa oszen

         2._ In 2004, the Commission authorized DIRECTV to operate two separate space stations on the
DIRECTV 8 satelte at the 100.85° W.L. orbital location. One authorization is for a DBS space station
(Call Sign $2632) and one is for a Ka—band FSS space station (Call Sign $2132)° The DBS space station
is authorized to operate on the 16 odd—numbered channels between 1 and 31 inclusive in the 122—12.7
GHz (space—to—Rarth) and 17.3—17.8 GHe (Earth—t0—space) frequency bands. The Ka—band SS space
station is authorized to operatein the 18.3—18.8 GHe (space—t0—Earth), 19.7—20.2 GHz (space—to—Bath),
28.35—28.6 GHz (Rarth—to—space), and 29.25—30.0 GHz (Eartho—space)frequency bands. Underits
suthorization, DIRECTV 8 is assigned to the 100.85° W.L. orbital location with +0.05° longitudinal
stationkeeping, +., DIRECTV 8 currently has an authorized longitudinal range of100.80° W.L. to
10090° WIL.
        3._ Six in—orbit stelitesare authorized to operateatassigned locations within 0.25 degrees of
the 101° W.L.location,including DIRECTV 8. Specifially, MSV‘s in—orbit satelite, AMSC—1 is
authorized to operate atthe 100.95° W.L. orbital location with +0.05° lngitadinal stationkeeping."
AMSC—1 therefore has an authorized longitudinal range of100.90° 101.00° W.L. DIRECTV‘s
DIRECTV 1 sateliteis uthorized atthe 100.85° W.L. orbital lcation with +0.05° longitudinal
staionkeeping, e.. DIRECTV 1R currently has an authorized longitudinal range of 100.80° WL. to
100.90° W.L" DIRECTV‘s DIRECTV 4 sateie is authorized atthe 101.20° WL. orbial ocation with
+0.05° longitudinalstationkeeping, thus DIRECTV 48 has an authorized longitudinal range of 101.15°
° SeeIntermational Bureas, olBranch Information: Actions Taken, Publc Notice, Report No. SAT—00256 rel.
Novermber 5 2004) (graning File Nos.SAT—RPL—20010620.00127 (DBS space sution) and SAT—MOD—20040630—
00128 (Ka—band spacestaion). ‘The November 5 2004 actions authorized he DIRECTV 8 satlite t operteat
the 100.83° WL. orbiallocation. Subsequent modifcations and Special Temporary Authoizations (STAs)reating
to DIRECTV & did notaffect the authorized orbia lacation. See Interntional Bureau, Policy Branch Information:
Actions Taken, Public Notic, Report No. SAT—00317 (rel. August26, 2005) (grantig File No. SAT—STA—
20050624—00136 for imortttesting); Report No. SAT—00308 (el.July 15, 200%)(ganting File Nos. SAT—STA—
20050826—00108 (DBS space sttion)and SAT—STA—2005052600109 (Ka—band space sation); Report No. SAT—
00202 (rel. June 24, 2005)(graning File Nos. SAT—STA—20050616.00126 (DBS space surion) and SAT—STA:
2005061600126 (Ka—band space sution); Report No. SAT—00294 (el. May 27, 2005) (rantingFile Nos.SAT—
STA—20050506—00095 (DBS space stion) and SAT—STA—20050506—00006 (Kband spacestion)). The oigin of
the DIRECTV & selitedates o 1997, when the Commisionauthorized DIRECTV‘spredecessoin—intret,
Hughes Communications GalaxyIn., t lanch and operate a GSO FSS satelitesytem. See Hughes
Communications Galay, nc., Order and Authoriatin, 13 PCC Red 1351(1997), moifed by Hughes
Communications Galsy, n., Order and Authoriatin, 16 PCC Red 2470 (2001)furthr modfed by Hughes
Communications Galsy,In., Order and Authorizion, 16 FCC Red 12627 (2001), In Aprl2002, the Commission
authorized the proforme assignment ofthisHcense from Hughes Communications Galaxy,Inc. to Hughes Network
Systems, Inc.See File No. SAT—ASG—2001 1204—00110. In May 2004, the Commisionauthorized hepofoma
assignment ofhi cense from Hughes Network Systems to DIRECTV. See File No. SAT—ASG—20040520—00101,
" See Inernational Bureas Policy Branch Information: Actions Taken, Publc Notie, 19 FCC Red 20460 (el.
August 27, 2006) (Grining File No. SAT—MOD—20040623—00120).
" SeeInteational Bureau, Poliy Branch Information: Satlite Space Applications Accepted foFling, Publc
Note, Report No. SAT—00123, File No. SAT—STA—20020910—00172 (el. September27,2002). The DIRECTV IR
satelite was relocated in conjunction withth relocationofthe DIRECTV 3 saelit o enable DIRECTV 1R to
carythetaificasigned to DIRECTYV 3. DIRECTY subsequentlyfiled a modifeation applicaton o makthese
changes prmanent. See File No. SAT—MOD—20030205—00032. Thisappleation, exceptfohe portion dexling
withthrequestto redesignte theorbial oeaton for DIRECTV 1R, was withdraun by DIRECTV on March 9,
2004. See Letr from James R. Butterworth, Senor Viee President, DIRECTV,to Thomas 5. Tycz, Chet Stllte
DivisionInernational Bureas,dated March 9,2004. Seealso
    se           .tc povterdevibpage FerchAtactment®atach            =374272 for rantstamped applcationto

                                 Federal Communications Commission                              ba oszeri 101.25° WL. SES Americom has satelite, AMC—, that is authorized to operateatthe 101.00°
W L. orbiallocation with +0.05¢ longitudinal stationkeeping. thus AMC—# has an authorized longitudinal
range of 101.05° WL. t 100.95° W.L." DIRECTV‘s DIRECTV 2 satelite is authorized to operateat the
100.8° W.L. orbital location. Recently, DIRECTV requested and received an STA o move DIRECTV 2
to 100.6° W.L. in anticipation otransfering trifc from DIRECTV 2 to DIRECTV 8. In addition to
the in—orbit satelites, one satelt is authorized to operate within .25 degrees of the 101° W.L. orbital
location but is not yetlaunched. Specificaly, on May 23, 2005, the Commission granted MSV‘s
application for MSV—1 t be located at the 101.0° W.L. orbital location with +0.05° ongitudinal
stationkeeping, hus MSV—1 has an authorized longitudinal range of 100.95° 101.05° W.L. The
MSV—1 satelite is expected to be launched in 2010. Other applicationstoIaunch and operate satelitesat
assigned locations within 0.25 degreesof the 101° W.L. orbial location remain pending at the
        4. On May 13, 2005, DIRECTV fled two applications — one for each space station — secking
authority to relocate the DIRECTV 8 satelite from the 100.85° W.L.location to the 100.75° W.L.
location."" DIRECTV‘s applications were placed on public notice as accepted for fling on June 10,
205. On May 31, 2005, MSV filed comments requesting us to condition grant of the DIRECTV 8
relocation upon DIRECTV‘s successful coordination of DIRECTV 8 with MSV‘s satelitesat the same
orbital location."* On September 22, 2005, DIRECTV filed an ex parteleter stating thatsuch a condition
is without precedent." DIRECTV also stated that because the DIRECTV 8 stelite will replace another
DIRECTV satelt lcensed to operate at the nominal 101° W.L. orbital location, there will be no ncrease
in congestion atthis orbial location."" On September 30, 2005, MSV fild an «x part lette in response to

* See Assignment of Orbita Locations t Space Stationin the Domestc Fzed—Satelite Service and the
Applications of GE American Communicaions,In., Order and Authoriaton, 13 PCC Red 3385 (1999)(AMC4
Authoriation Order)(grnting Fle No. SAT—MOD—19981023—00076 for the101.00° W L orbtl location)
Subsequent modifications and STAsrelating to AMC4 did not afect herepularly authorized orbita location. See
Internationl Bureau, Plicy Branch Iformation: Actions Taken. Public Noic, Report No. SAT—00194 (rel
Fbruary 23, 2004) (grnting Fle No. SAT—STA—20030626—00118); Report No. SAT—00128 (rel. November 15,
2002) (granting Fle No. SAT—MOD—20021 108—00206)
" SeeInteational Bureau, Policy BranchInformation: Actions Taken, Public Notie, Report No. SAT—0023 (rel
September 30,2005) We anicipatthatDIRECTV will ie frther modifcation with espect to DIRECTV 2 to
Jocate t nea t 101° W.Llcation asani—orbit pare orto move it another loction.
"trernational Boreso, Policy Branch Iformation: Satllte Space Applcations Acceptd for Flig, Publc Notic,
Report No SAT—002(rl. April 29, 2006)(accepting File No. SAT—RPL—2005022—00070 for fling) (Application
of DIRECTV for Autority to Launch Operate DIRECTV 95,a Diret Broadcat Srellte, at 101° W.L); Fle
Nos, SATLOA—19970608—00050 (aplicaton t operte in th 17 Gi BSS band}; SAT—LOA—20020822.00003
(application t operae in the 17 GHte BSS band), The 17 GHte BSS applications have not yetbeen accepted for
" Pile Nos. SAT—MOD—20080513—00101 (for DBS authorization) and SAT—MOD20050513—00100 for Ka—band
authorization). The appliationsaresubstanively identical, herefre,we will efe o the two applications
collctively as he "Appliation® or he "DIRECTV Applicaton:"
° SeeInterational Bureau, Policy Branch Information:Satlite Spoce Applications Accepted forFling, Publc
Notce,Report No. SAT—00297 (rl.June 10,2008)
"MSV Comments at3.
© Leterto Marlene . Dortch, Secetary,Federal Communicatins Commission, from Wiliar M. Witshie,
Counselfor DIRECTV EmerprisesLLC, dated September22, 2008 (DIRECTV Ex Pare Leteo.
" ul an.

                                  Federal Communications Commission                             a os.zem

DIRECTV‘s leter."" MSV statesthatthe Commission should make it clear that launch and operation of
the new DIRECTV satelite prir to launch and operation of MSV‘s next—generation stelite does not
provide DIRECTV with greaterrightsthan MSV to operateat a given location in the orbital are."
         5.. DIRECTV requests authority to reposition the DIRECTV 8 stelite from the 100.85° W.L.
orbital location to the 100.75° W.L. orbital location. DIRECTV indicates that the requested relocation
will emable it to operate its DIRECTV 8 satelite in a sttionkeeping volume that does not overlap with
any of the other space stations operating atthe nominal 101° W.L. orbiallocation."" We conclude that
grantothe requested modification will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity because it
will result in th efficient deployment of orbtal resources.
          6. Grant of DIRECTV‘s Application will resultin DIRECTV 8 having a longitudinal range of
 100.70° W.L. to 100.80° WL. This wll simplify sutionkecping operations for DIRECTV 1R and
DIRECTV & by eliminating the overlap between the stationkeeping volumes. We also notethat because
the DIRECTV 8 satelite is a replacement for the DIRECTV 2 satelite, operation of DIRECTYV 8 atthe
 100.75° W.L. location will not increase congestion atthe nominal 101° W.L. orbtallocation."" With
respectto MSV‘s concems, we note that grant ofthis equest will result in a minimum angular separation
of0.1° between DIRECTV 8 at ts requested location and AMSC—1. This would presumably obviate any
stationkeeping concer of MSV atthis location with respect to DIRECTV 8. This would also hold true
with respect to the authorized but not launched MSV—1 satelt. Thus, grant of DIRECTV‘s application
will increase the separation between the DIRECTV 8 satelite and MSV‘s current and future authorized
satellites at the nominal101° W L. orbitallocation.
         7. With respectto MSV‘s proposed condition, we note as an intil matr that th authorization
for the MSV—1 satelte was not conditioned upon successful coordination of is satelite with those of
DIRECTV at the same location. Therefore, adopting the condition proposed by MSV would constitute
inconsistenttreatment of the two licensees."" We note, however,that partieslicensed at a particular
orbital lcation are expected to coordinate with other parties icensed atthe same location o avoid in—
orbitcollsions." Thus, we will notimpose the condition requested by MSV regarding adjacentstelite
" Leter to Marlene H. Dotch, Scretry, Federal Communications Commisson, from Jennifer A. Manner,Vice
President, Regulatory Affrs, Mobile Satlite VenturesLP,dated September 2 , 2005.
" DIRECTV Application at 13.
® se DIRECTV Ex Pare Leterat 2.
"e n
""see Miigation of Orbitl Dcbris, Second Repor and Order, 19 FCC Red 11567 (2004) (OrbialDebris2" Report
und Order). Inthe OrbialDebris2" Report and Order, the Commission concluded tat, whle th choiceof orbital
regimes is bestlf to the disretono opertors, in someinstancethe publc iterest would be erved by a deailed
iscusionof how opertors would avoid ptenta ollsions between opertiona spacecraft wth overlapping
stationtecping volumes, 14 at pras. 49—50. For example,where operators proposed t coloeate mutiple satelites
atthe same aeostationry orbtal location.the Commisson equired operators o state what measures willbe taken o
preventcolisions. d at para. 1. The Commission noted that, although it is posibleto successfully locte
mubipe satlites t a singlocation and within the same sariontecping volume.such arrangementsrequire rea—
time coordination hat mustbe disclosed t he Commissin. 14. The record reflcts that DIRECTV, MSV, and SES
Americom have hld discussions concerning thecurrentarrangement osteltesat he 101°W orbtallocation.
DIRECTV Ex Parte Letrat 1. We note thatshould a coortination arrangement between the lcenscesresltin
parametrs not consistent    theauthorized parametrsforany spac station, we expect he lcensee ofthaspace
sttionto filan approprite modiffation requesprior toimplementation of that agreement. Opertions not
consitentwith hose authorized aresubject o enforcementaction.

                                  Federal Communications Commission                              ba os.2071

coordination on DIRECTV and will as is our normal practie, rely on the operators to coordinate in good
        8. Accordingly, TT IS ORDERED that, the request of DIRECTV Enterprises LLC to modify the
assigned orbital location of its DIRECTV 8 satelie from the 100.85° W.L. orbital location to the 100.75°
W1 orbital location, File Nos. SAT—MOD—20050513—00101 (Call Sign $2632) and SAT—MOD—
20050813—00100 (Call Sign $2132),18 GRANTED,subject to the following conditions:
                 a..—    DIRECTV Enterprises, LC shall coordinate all drif orbit DBS and Telemetry,
                         Tricking, and Control operations with other potentilly affected n—orbit
                 b.      During the relocation of the DIRECTV 8 satelite operations shall be on a non—
                         harmfulinterference basis, meaning that DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall not
                         cause interference to,and shall no claim protection from interference caused to it
                         by any other lawfully operating satelites.
                 6.      In the event that  any harmfulinteference is caused as a result ooperations
                         during the relocation of the DIRECTV 8 satelite, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC,
                         shall cease operations immediately upon notifieation of such interference and
                         shallinform the Commission immediately, in writing, of such an event.
                d        All o the originallyauthorized terms, conditions, and technical specifications of
                         the DIRECTV 8 DBS space station (Call Sign $2632) and FSS space station
                         (Call Sign S2132),exceptfor the uthorized orbitallocation, remain in effect
         9.. TT IS FURTHER ORDERED that DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC has 30 days from the date of
the release of this order to decline this authorization as conditioned. Failure to respond within that period
will consttue formal acceptance of the authorization as conditioned.
          10. This order is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegations of
suthority, 47 CER. § 0.261, and is effective upon release.

                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONs conmssION

                                                   Fary : Quemalach—
                                                  Fem J.Jarmulnck
                                                  Deputy Chief
                                                  Satelite Division
                                                  Interational Bureau

®See, 5.Satelite Transponder LeasingCorp.5 FCC Red 1651, 1652 (ComCr. Bu. 1990) and American
Satelite Company, S PCC Red 1186, 1189 (Com. Car. Bur. 1990) (Bureau deline to impose coortination
conditions where noinsurmountabl coortination issues were rased)

Document Created: 2005-10-07 11:50:24
Document Modified: 2005-10-07 11:50:24

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