Attachment Comment


COMMENT submitted by Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050301-00054 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.




                                        Maxh 27. 2006            RECEIVED
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                              Mar 2 7 2006
Federal Communications Commission                                   OftectSecmay
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554
       Re:—   IBFS File No. $AT—MOD—20050301—00054

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       Attached for inclusion in the formal record ofthe above—referenced application
proceeding is a leter submitted by Mississippi Govemnor Haley Barbour to Chairman Kevin J.
Martin on December 21, 2008, supporting the grant of Globalstar‘s application. Globaltar is
submitting the leter in order to make certain that tletteis included in the Commission‘s IBFS
database filefor the application.
       Should there be any questions concerning this matter, please contact the undersigned.

                                            Respectfully Submitted,

                                                  L Cmm—Z—
                                             osh L. Roland
                                            Counsel to Globalstar,Inc.

cc:    William F. Adler

              Wilmer Cule Picering Hiland Dorer, 2445 M Sre, NVW Washingzon, DC 20037
Botnere: Begng Besn: Boran: Bnaieh angon Musah Newon NomenVogn Oc Pabte Waiman. Waamngon


    s                                       STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
  6@                                          OFFICE oF THE GOVERNOR

narey marmoun

                                             December 21, 2008

         The Honorable Kevin T. Martin
         Federal Communications Commission
         445 12th Streat, S.W.
         Washington, D.C. 20554

                RE: Globalstar LLC Mobile Sutellite Services

         Dear Chairman Martin:

         It has come to my attention that the Poderal Communications Commission (‘FCC‘)
         currently has ponding before it an application for "ancillary terrestral component"
         (PATC®) authority filedby Globalstar LLC that, once granted, will onnble Globalstar to
         exhance and improve the already invalusble mobile satelite ("MSS") communications
         services thatit has beon providing to public safely and other crtical frst responders in
         Mississippi and other Gulf States. T request that the CC act promptly to grant
         Giobalster‘s application.
         ‘As you know, Hurricane Katrina destroyed the entire communications infastructure of
         Mississippi‘s GulfConst. Communications systems in many otherparts of our atete were
         rendered inopermble, while systems that were operational were overloaded. It is my
         understending thet Globalstar‘s satellite phones were not affected by the hurricene, and
         remained fully operational both during and after the storm. In addition, in the immediate
         aftermath ofthe storm, Globalsta: distributed additional setellte phones to looal, State
         and Federal officials who otherwise would have had great difficulty communicating with
         each other to coordinate their reliof efforts. The moming after Hurrioane Katrina,
         Globalstar called my office offering to deliver 100 phones to my staff and our responso
         officials. We were using the phones within 48 hours. Within the first 72 hous after
         Xatrina, Globalstar established temporery disribution conters and hand—delivered
         approximately 2,500 handsats to the aren; within 10 days ofthe storm, that number grow
         to more than 6,000. T applaud Globalstar for its dedication and ability to supply these
         essential emergensy communications services in such a rapid fashion. As a result of
         Globalstar‘s performance, setellie phones are now a part of(be State Emergency
         Response Team deployment paokaige for future emergencies.

     sost oo sox ts + incxson, issisipmanos «rroamons: tsipatso + M(00 3ib®
     soo                                                            wen crvemeemmmmmcarmene—

       The Honorable Kevin J. Manin
       December 21, 2008
       Page 2

       The first responders, emergency providers, and government agoncies in Mississippi that
       have come to roly on Globalitar‘s services will bensfit greatly by these improvements. 1
       request that the FCC grant Globalstar‘s application for ATC euthority to enable
       Globalstar to onsure these invaluable communication services are available as soon as

                                                               y Bb

       ec:    Commissioner Jonathan 8. Adlstein
              Commissioner Michael J, Copps
              Senator Thad Cochran
              Senator Trent Lott
              Senator Ted Stovens

room                                                                  ons sevrormmct  rmt

Document Created: 2006-04-03 15:20:19
Document Modified: 2006-04-03 15:20:19

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