Attachment congressional

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050301-00054 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


    LISA MURKOWSKI                                                                                   510 L STREET,SUITE 550
                                                                                                   ANCHORAGE,   AK 99501-1956
           ALASKA                                                             Q                          (907) 271-3735
  MAJORITY DEPUTY WHIP                                                        ."*
                                                                              "0                    101 1 2 AVENUE,
                                                                                                                ~ ~ Box 7

                                         Wnited Statu Senate 5
                                                                                                   FAIRBANKS,AK 99701-6278
       COMMITTEES:                                                                                       (907) 4560233
                                                                                                       P.O. Box 21647
       WATERAND POWER                          WASHINGTON, DC 20510-0203
                                                        (202) 224-6665
                                                                                    si              JUNEAU,AK 99802-1647
                                                                                                       (907) 586-7400
     FOREIGN RELATIONS                                                                          110 TRADINGBAY ROAD,SUITE 105
                                                      (202) 224-5301 FAX
   CHAIRMAN,SUECDMMI~EE    ON                                                                        KENAI, AK 99611-7716

                                                 December 16,2005
                                                                                     s                  (907) 283-5808

                                                                                                  540 WATERSTREET,SUITE 101
ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS                                                                       KETCHIKAN,AK 99901-6378
                                                                                                        (907) 225-6880
                                                                                               851 EAST WESTPDINT DRIVE,SUITE 307
                                                                                                     WASILW AK 99654-7142

                                                                                                         (907) 3767665
          Ms. Martha Johnston
          Director of Congressional Affairs
          Federal Communications Commission
          445 Twelfth Street SW
                                                                               Ivi                       P.0 Box 1030
                                                                                                 31 1 WILLOWSTREET,BUILDING3
                                                                                                      BETHEL,AK 99559-1030
                                                                                                         (907) 543-1639

          Washington, D.C. 20554

          Dear Martha:

                   Please find enclosed a copy of a letter I recently received from one of my constituents,
          Mr. Jon Shepherd of Palmer, Alaska. Mr. Shepherd has some concerns regarding his company's
          application to the Federal Communications Commission to gain authority to provide ancillary
          terrestrial component services. I would appreciate your review of his concerns and any
          assistance you might be able to provide Mr. Shepherd in resolving them.

                  Please send your reply to my Washington, D.C., office. For administrative purposes,
          please reference Mr. Shepherd and the date of his letter to me in your response. Thank you in
          advance for your careful attention to this matter.


                                                   isa Murkowski
                                                  United States Senator


                                               HOME PAGE AND WEB MAIL



PORT GRAHAM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION                          901 Cope Industrial Way, Palmer, AK 99645

Decembcr 15,2005
The Honorablc Lisa Murkowski
709 Hart Senate Office Suilding
Washington, DC 205 10
Dear Senator Murkowski,
I am writing to urge you to contact the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”)to
emphasize the need for quick action on a pending matter that affects the ability of Globalstar
LLC to provide enhanced telecommunications services to the citizens of Ala-ka.

Globalstar has been providing limited voice and data Mobile Satellite Service to Alaskans for
approximately five years and has an estabiished and growing presence in this state. Globalstar is
also in the process of investing significant capital in the.constructionof a new earth station
facility in Wasilla, Alaska, to communicate with its sateHite network. The new gateway,
scheduled to provide full commercial service by June 2006,will ensure that Globalstar is able to
provide robust, reliable service to its customers located in even the most remote areas of Alaska.

Tn March 2005, Globalstar filed an application with the FCC seeking authority to provide
“Ancillary Terrestrial Component,’’ or “ A T P Services in conjunction with its existing satellite
services. ATC authority wiIl enable tilobalstar to dramatically improve the quality and
ell’lciency or thc services it provides to its public safety and consumer customers. ATC authority
also will allow Globalstar to deploy a number of new services - including e n h a n d broadband
capabilities-that will benefit both existing and future customers, especially in Alaska.

However, even though Globalstar’sATC application was filed more than nine months ago and is
non-controversial, I understand that the FCC still has not acta3 on it. This dclay on Globalstar’s
application a p p a t s to ignorc the undeniable public interest benefits that ATC authority would
provide, and appears to disregard the existing and fbture communications needs of the
company’s Alaskan customers. Without your intervention, I am concernd chat thc FCC will
continue to delay action on Globalstar’spending ATC: application - a delay that will harm not
only Globalstar, but the many current and future Alaskans who stand to benefit enormously from
the services that Globalstar is poised to offer.

cc.       The Honorable Ted Stcvcns
          The Honorable Don Young
          Anthony J. Navma, President, Globalstar LLC




                                      The Globalstar Stow

Satellite services to handheld telephones are not a dream of the hture - they are a valuable reality
today. Having survived a chapte~11 banknrptcy, Globalstar now provides voice and data Mobile
Satellite Services (“MSS”) to roughly 183,000 customers,including first responders and other public
safety personnel for whom satellite service may be the only means of communicdthg in the event of
a disaster. Globalstar’s services proved their value to emergency response agencies in the wake UT
this year’s Gulf Coast hurricanes.

Globalstar is a Caliibrnia-based company with satellite earth slation facilities in Texas, Florida,
Alaska, and Puetto Rico. It is in its sixth year of operations and provides services to customcrs in aII
parts of the world except central and southern Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent.
Its 183,000 customers are spread across 120 different countries, but its largest markets are the U.S.
and Canada. ‘l‘he company is moving to expand its service footprint by taking over or installing
gateways in Venezuela, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, China, and India New customers me signing
up at an amazing rate - the customer base grew at an average annual rate of 45 percent during the
first five y a m of Globalstar’s existence, and it increased by 50 percent in the last 18 months.

Globalstar is committed to providing its senices worldwide at prices comparable to those that
terrestrial wireless subscribers have come to cxpect. For example, Globalstar’s U.S. customers can
now purchase voice and data service in bulk for 17 cents per minute and pay no roaming or lung
distance charges anywhere within North America and the portions of thr: Caribbean served by
Globalstar’s Gateway in Puerto Rico.

IJnlike terrestrial wireline and wireless networks, which can he disabled by natural disasters,terrorist
attacks, and power outages, Globalstar’s satellite network is largcly unafkted by these events and
Serves as a vital communications link during times of emergency. For example, during and after the
recent hurricanes that struck the Gulf Coast, Globalstar’s MSS system remained operational and
Globalstar customers, many of whom are first responders and state and federal emcrgency response
agencies, were abIe to maintain vital wmmonications links. Globalstar provided approximately
10,000 additional handsets to public safety officials (including FEMA and thc governor’s offices in
Louisiana and Mississippi) in the regions impacted by these storms, and the company was able to
shift its system capacity to meet the surge of demand in the southeastern United States. Without
Globalstar service, many state and federal agencies would have been left without communications
links in the wake of these storms.

On March 1, 2 0 5 , Globalstar applied for ancillary terrestrial component (ATC) authority for its mobile
satellite service (MSS) system. ATC is vital for Globalstar and its customers. ATC authority will enable
Globalstar to offer truly ubiquitous voice and data communications solutions. Oflw MSS suffers from
poor reception in urban areas where tall buildings and other structures can block satellite signals. ATC
will enable Globalstar to eliminate t h gaps in coverage and will permit a new line o f more powerful
communications devices. ATC will also enable Globalstar to offef mobile communications services in
response to emergencies and natural disasters. The frst responders, emergency providers, and
government agencies that Globalstar serves particularly need the scamless coverage ATC will d l c .
ATC Will allow rhcse customers to have a ubiquitous and robust communications solution that can
withstand the natural. and man-made disasters that often disable traditional terrestrial wireless and
wireline communications systems.

                         Chronolow of Globalstar's ATC Aptllicatioq
March 1,2005        Globalstar files its ATC application. Thc application hlly complies with dl FCC
                    rules and q u i r e s no waivcrs

April 15,2005       Globalstar ATC application is placed on Public Notice

May f6,2005         The period for public comment on Globalstar ATC application closes. Only two
                    parties filed comments (the Wireless Communication Association (WCA) and the
                    Socicty o f Broadcast Engineers (SBE)). Neither party challenged the application on
                    its merits

May 25,2005         NTIA sends a letter to the FCC staff asking that Globalstar bc required to
                    meet certain radio frequency emission h i t s that are stricter than those
                    required by FCC regulations. However, because the FCC failed to forward a
                    copy of the letter tu Globalstar or place it in the record, Globalstar did not
                    learn of NTIA's cmcerns until many months later
May 26,2005         Globalstar filcs reply commentsaddressing WCA's and SBE's concerns

Augast 2005         Cfobalstar erters into discussims with NTlA to adddress its w m s

Oct. 17,2005        Globalstar resolves outstanding issues with NTIA and agrees to meet the emission
                    limits requesled by N T I A in order to ensure an expeditious grant or its ATC

November 2005       NTlA approvcs Globalstar's proposed emission limits

November 2005       Globalstar is told by FCC staff that an order is being drafted and a grant of its ATC
                    application is imminent
Week Dec.
5,2005              Globalstar is informed, without any explanation, that the &ail ATC order hiis lost
                    momentum and cannot provide any assurances that it will he released before the end
                    ofthe year

Document Created: 2006-01-13 15:04:00
Document Modified: 2006-01-13 15:04:00

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