Attachment ex parte

ex parte


ex parte


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050301-00054 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                T                    weems"          EX PARTE OR LATE FILED
Globalstar                   mc«                     bewne
     December 13, 2005                                                  EC 13 2008
     Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                        l commuicaton onniasn
     Secretary                                                           imesotsecntay
     Federal Communications Commission
     445 Twelth Street, SW
     Washington, DC 20554

            Re:     Ex Parte Submission in File No. SAT—MOD—20050301—00054

     Dear Ms. Dortch:

    On December 13, 2005, the undersigned, along with Tosh Roland and Paul Monte, spoke
    by telephone with Richard Engelman and Williem Bell ofthe Commission‘s Intemational
    Bureau (‘TB") staffregarding the status ofthe above—referenced application. During
    those conversations, e TB staffrequested farther information regarding Globalstar‘s
    compliance with Section 25.149(b)(2)() of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR. §
    25.149()@)(). Section 25.149(b)(2)G) requires that "Operational NGSO MSS ATC
    systems shall maintain an in—orbit spare satelite."
    In Exhibit B, p. 2,ofi ancillary terrestrial component ("ATC®) application, filed March
    1, 2005, Globalstar explained how it met this rle requirement. The TB staffhas inquired
    whether, in light ofthe more recent information contained in Globalstar‘s Annual MSS
    Report for S2115, filed October 17, 2005 ("Annual Report"), Globalstar continues to
    mmaintain an in—orbit spare capable ofuse to maintain the geographic and temporal
    coverage required by the Commission‘s ATC rules.
    ‘As noted in the Amwel Report, significant number of Globalstar‘s satellites have
    experienced S—band antenns subsystem anomalies and have had to be taken out ofservice
    cither temporarily or permanently, Because ofrecent additional anomalies, Globalstar
    has placed its three in—orbit spares into operation. The company hopes to bring some or
    all ofthe recently failed satellites back into service; however, the process of doing so
    takes many months because changes in payload operating parameters must be
    commanded slowly over time before commercial use can begin again. Accordingly,
    while at this time Globalstar does not have an in—orbit spare, t is likely that satelltes
    temporarily out ofservice will be recovered. prior to the planned initition ofATC
    service during the latter part o2006. Furthermore, Globalstar will Inunch at least four,
    and perhaps all eight, ofits ground spares beginning in the first or second quarter of
    2007,) at which time it expects to have multiple in—orbit spares once again.

    * Globalsta is curenty negotatinglawnch serviees agreements with o vendors prsuantto Technical
    Assitance Agreement and TechnologyTransfir Control Agrecments ecenty approved by,respectively,
    the Directorate ofDeftase Trade Contols ofe U.S. DepertmentofSate, and the Defense Tecinology
    Securty Administation.

 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
 December 13, 2005
 Page 2 of2

 Ifthe Commission determines that the in—orbit spare requirement must be satisfied at the
 time that an ATC authorization is granted, rather than at the time that ATC service is
 initlated, and that Globalstar does not meet the in—orbit spare requirement imposed by
 section 25.149()2)), then Globalstar respectfully requests a waiver ofthat provision
 for tlimited period oftime before Globalstar retums to full compliance. Grant of
 Globalstar‘s request fora waiver ofthe in—orbit spare requirement for a limited period of
 time following grent ofts ATC appliation, but prior toits initition of ATC service, is
 fully consistent with the TB‘s MSV ATC Order," which waived the analogous spare
 satelite requirement applicable to L—band MSS systems for a imited period oftime.
                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Mbaul" Cole)
                                                William BAdler
                                                Vice President—Legal & Regulatory Affairs
CC: Roduey Porter
    Robert Nelson
    Richard Engelmen
    William Bell

* See Mable Stelte Ventures Subsidiry LLC—— Applicatio for Minor Modification of Space Staon
Licease for AMSC—1, CC File Now.SATMOD—20031118—00233, SAT—AVD20031118.00337, ses—
MOD—20031118—01879, 19 FCC Red 22144 (Noventber $, 2004)at 125.

Document Created: 2005-12-30 11:49:12
Document Modified: 2005-12-30 11:49:12

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