Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by Globalstar



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050301-00054 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                   EX PaRTE onR Late y ED
WILMER CUTLER PICKERING                                                         ge
                               »v 2005
                       Foicy Branch October 17, 2005    vep                          memetonncaom
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 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                               prrvectineniion
 Secretary                                                   act 1 1 29
 Federal Communications Commission                                  ces conmisies
 445 12th Street, S.W.                                  rosea ‘“ml\m sm““
 Washington, D.C. 20554
         Res    Ex Parte Submission in ECC File No. SAT—MOD—20050301—00054
 Dear Ms. Dortch:
        Globalstar LLC ("Globalstar®) is submitting the attached letter o address the concems
 aised by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (°NTIA®)in
 connection with Globalstar‘s pending application for ATC authority. Globalstar accordingly
 requeststhat the letter be associated with the above—referenced application.
        Pursuant to Section 1.1206(b) ofthe Commission‘s rules, an original and four copies of
 this letter are provided for the public record.

                                                   Respectfully Submitted,

                                                   Josh L. Roland
                                                   Counsel to Globalstar LLC

 cc:    Karl Kensinger
        William F. Adler

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   October 14, 2005

   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 Twelfth Street, SW
   Washington, DC 20554
           Re:     File No. SAT—MOD—20050301—00054, Globalstar Ancillary Terrestral
                   Component (*ATC®) Application
   Dear Ms. Dortch:
         On May 25, 2005, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration
   ("NTIA") submitted a leter in this proceeding ("May 25 Letter®) to the Intemational Bureau
   (‘1B") requesting that the Commission impose more stringent out—of—band limits on emissions
   from Globalstar‘s ATC terminals into the Radionavigation Satellite Service ("RNSS®) band at
   1559 — 1610 MHz than the Commission‘s rules currently require." NTIA‘s specific proposalis
   presented in Table 1, attached. NTIAs arguments in its May 25 Letter are essentially similar to
   those that it made in the ATC Rulemaking Proceeding in which the Commission declined to
   adopt NTIA‘s request for more stringent emission limits for ATC terminals in any ofthe three
   MSS bands"
           Recognizing the importance of providing the maximum feasible protection for the U.S.
   Global Positioning System ("GPS")," in early—August® Globalstar entered into discussions to that
   end with NTIA,i its capacity as Chair ofthe Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee
   (‘IRAC"). After thorough investigation, analysis and testing, in mid—September Globalstar
   advised NTIA that, notwithstanding the existing FCC rules govering emission limits, Globalstar
   would voluntarily implement more stringent emission limits in its ATC terminals. Specifically,
   Globalstar committed to build its ATC terminals t satisfy the protection level requested by
   NTIA for GPS, ce, —90 dBW/MHz below 1590 MH immediately and —100 dBW/MHz below
   1590 MHz by 2012." n the RNSS band segment immediately adjacent to Globalstar‘s ATC
   band assignment, Globalstar proposed a somewhat higher emission limit of —20 to —75 dBW/MHz
   Iseer on paszsim(0
   *Fledilyfor Delvr fConmaicaionby Mable Suelit Senice Proiers in the 2 t and,th L—Ront ond h 1624 Glt
   nds Repor and Oand Note f repore ulenating, FCC 0318 t Fenany 1020031 179184 & 197200;
   Menerandam Opinion inOrde an ezond Order on Resonsideaton,FOG 0330 i. Apnl1, 209.3872
   "See Preident‘s Drconber 18,2004, US SpceRand PstoningNevigaion, andTiingPoleyCGPS PolcySitenent) utich,
   aongoter inss povids idace or erclopment aequnton, opetonnaintand mademcaon ots Gioal
   Psitoning Sstem and U.Sdevlopd, uned andoroperted suters uol t nupnent o teris mprove th Gabal Postonng
   NTR id otseveis leer o Glotasar,and h lter id otcom o Globalsar‘ atenion wl nuy
   *The GPS Lt fuency i centreat 137542 MBz ‘The e sing d ropectve GPSrqsecis e lowe in h RNSS bands
   and notaféta y Globalsar ATCteina misios. Thieminion initaso rotetstheropectveGalleo RNSS system t te

between 1610 and 1605 MHz determined by linear interpolation.. Although this emission limit
would fully protect GPS,it appears that one or more ofthe IRAC members is unwilling to
accede to t
        Globalstar‘s abilty to fulfll ts business and financial objectives for the next several
years is contingent, in par, on obtaining ATC authority." Globalstar believes that it has cartied
its burden of demonstrating that the public interest, convenience and necessity require
expeditious grant ofits ATC application as filed. Globalstar will continue its dialog with IRAC
through NTIA in an effort to reach a more suitable agreement on emission limits; however, at
this ime Globalstar cannot afford any further delay of its ATC application." Accordingly,
Globalstar will commit to meet the emission limits for 1610 — 1605 MHz in Table 1. Mecting
these limits may require Globalstar to fund new technology development for its ATC phone, or
to reduce power in itslowest ATC channel (1610—1611.25 MHz for a CDMA channe"
        Globalstar consents to inclusion of the emission limits in Table 1 as a condition upon
Globalstar‘s ATC authorization. Because these emission limits are notin the Commission‘s
rules and can only be incorporated therein following a rulemaking proceeding, Globalstar
requests that the Commission stipulate that the condition on Globalstar‘s ATC authorization is
subject to modification upon completion of any fature rulemaking proceeding," or upon any
future Globalstar agreement with NTIA and TRAC members that may permit an increase in the
acceptable emission limits.
                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Anthony J.


CC:—    Mr. Fred Wentland, NTIA
        Mr. Karl Nebbia

( on . Gltnaae ATC expote osenaion, e No SAT—MOD2005001—0008, td Avpos17,2008
"Eenifthe Comnisin weredapose o ranh applcaion the Commiion i conmited i cootie ts dession wit oter US.
Govenmentapenciestounh NTHA. Aenlyo DeiveofCommuncotan b Moble SvilSericeProvides i2 Gx
Pnd th t—Rand ontth 124 GHHents, Memorandum Opinion d Oe and Second Orler on Resonidetion, PCC O$ 0(
"Globlai cmentyautorized o opet ATC i ony 5 MB ot1135 Mof .6 Gie spectun (pire w5 Min te
24 6lt Band o which i s acesfr 38. 7 CR § 2 10yid J
t ou ineriont csublahdiscsions witoheragnces . o beter ndesad wha roteionlvels o GPS e varaned
‘Te resul ofhredausinsmaylexd o fuurerlenakingpropai . " Merorndan Orinin and Orter and Secod Orer on
Resowidemtionefor Delvay ofConmutcotonty Mable Suella Serice Proier in t2 t Rrd,th Ltent ond
the 1 624 GltHands, ECGOS20i. Apnl 122005470


The authorized mobile earth terminals (METs) shall comply with the following unwanted
emission limits:

 Frequency                                    EP
   (Mig                @bwing                            @bwni kn
 Teos—1610              85 to 42                          95 to 2
                 level determined by linear        Tevel determined by linear
                        interpolation                    interpolation
  1600—1605                 —85                              95
  1590—1600              —90 to —85                       +100 to 95
                 fevel determined by linear        Hevel determined by linear
                        interpolation                     interpolation
 155041500                   90                               —100
METs placed in service after 2012 should restrict EIRP Tevels to 5 dB lower
than the values shown in this table.
                                NTIA Proposal

Document Created: 2005-10-20 16:55:49
Document Modified: 2005-10-20 16:55:49

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