Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by Mobile Satellite Ventures



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050301-00054 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


Mobile Satllte Ventures >

      Via Hand Delivery                                     OCT 0 4 2005
      Ms: Matione H. Dorieh, Secsetary                       Potey Branch RECEIVED
      Federal Communications Commission                   International B:rsau
      445 12th Street, S.W.                                                      sep 2 9 2005
      Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                sconnision
                                                                          Eatun conmunicatinl
             Re:     GlobalstarLLC                                                se sties
                    Application for Authority to Implement an Ancillary Terrestrial Component
                    File Nos. SAT—MOD—20050301—00054; SES—MOD—20050301—00261
      Dear Ms. Dortch:

             Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (°MSV") urges the International Bureau
     (*Bureau") in acting on the above—captioned application to clarify that Globalstar LLC
     ("Globalstar®) requires additional authority from the Commission if it seeks to provide a poorer
     quality satellte service than that for which it has authority today.
              In the above—captioned proceeding, Globalstar is secking authority to implement an
     Ancillary Terrestral Component (*ATC®)in conjunction with its current—generation Big LEO
     Mobile Satellite Service (°MSS") system." One precondition for authority to implement ATC is
     a showing that the applicant will provide an "integrated service." 47 C.F.R. §.25.149(b)(4). The
     safe harhor for satisfying the integrated service requirement is to offer a dual—mode handset that
     can communicate with both the satellite and terrestral network. 47 C.FR. §25.149(b)(8)G). In
     its application, Globalstar certifies that it will offer a dual—mode handsct. See Globalstar ATC
     Application at Exhibit B—A.
             Globalstar states in its application that it has not yet concluded the design or production
     ofthe user equipment it expects to deploy for ts proposed service. See Globalstar ATC
     Application at Exhibit B—4. The application does, however, specify the output power (EIRP) and
     antenna gain of the user equipment. 1d. Moreover, based on its existing satellte license,
     Globalstar is authorized to provide satellite service at an average data rate of no less than 2.4
     kbps." Ifthere is any reduction in the size and weight of its pictured user equipment,these key

     ‘ See Application of Globalstar LLC, File Nos. SAT—MOD—20050301—00054; SES—MOD—
     20050301—00261 (March 1, 2005) ("Globalstar ATCApplication").
     * See LoraliQualcomm, L.P., Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate Globalstar, Order and
     Authorization, 10 FCC Red 2333, § 24 (Int‘1 Bur. 1995). Globalstar‘s application was granted
     "in accordance with the technical specifications set forth n its application," meaning that
     Globalstar cannot offer consumers satellte service ata lesser data rate without secking prior
                                                                         Footote continued on next page

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
September 29, 2005
Page 2
parameters (EIRP, antenna gain,and data rate) are likely to change in ways that would affect the
quality ofthe satellite service." As such, in acting on Globalstar‘s application, the Bureau should
clarify that Globalstar must seek prior approval to the extent it modifies these parameters and, if
Globalstar modifies these parameters, the Bureau also should require Globalstar to specify the
services thatit plans to offer on ATC.

       Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.
                                              Very truly yours,

ce     Don Abelson
       Cassandra Thomas
       Howard Gribof
       William Bell
       William Adler
       William Lake

Doomers comnva

Footnote continued from previous page
Commission approval. See Application of Loral/Qualcomm Partership, L.P. For Authority to
Construct, Launch, and Operate Globalstar, File No. SAT—AMD—19941 1 16—00077 (November
15, 1994),at Tables 4—2 to 4—5.
* For this reason, MSV received authority to operate a link margin booster with dual—mode
handsets used with ts current—generation MSS system. See Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary
LLC, Order andAuthorization, DA 04—3553 (Iut‘ Bur. 2004), at 28—33.

Document Created: 2005-10-04 18:27:57
Document Modified: 2005-10-04 18:27:57

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