Attachment 8-18-05 ex parte

8-18-05 ex parte


ex parte presentation


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050301-00054 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


  HALE anp DORR .

                                                                                             Josh L. Roland

                                                                                                2445 M STREET NW
                                                   August 18, 2005                              WASHINGTON, DC 20037
                                                                                                +1 202 663 6266
                                                                                                +1 202 663 6363 fax
 Ms    Maflene H DOI‘tCh

 Federal Communications Commission
 445 12th Street, S.W.
 Washington, D.C. 20554

         Re:      Ex Parte Notice in IB Docket 02—364; ET Docket 00—258; WT Docket 03—66;
                  and File Nos. SAT—MOD—20050301—00054; SES—MOD—20050301—00261

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

         On August 17, 2005, the undersigned, Counsel to Globalstar LLC, and William F. Adler,
 Globalstar‘s Vice President—Legal & Regulatory Affairs met with Federal Communications
 Commission staff from the International Bureau, the Wireless Technology Bureau, and the
 Office of Engineering and Technology. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss Globalstar‘s
 pending application for ancillary terrestrial component (ATC) authority and Globalstar‘s pending
 petition for reconsideration and comments filed in the dockets listed above. The handouts used
 during this meeting are attached.

         Pursuant to Sections 1.49(f) and 1.1206(b) of the Commission‘s rules, a copy of this
 letter has been filed electronically.

                                                      Respectfully Submitted,

                                                       ,             o2
                                                          L. Roland
                                                      Counsel to Globalstar LLC

 Ce:     Howard Griboff
        Jennifer Gorny
        Frank Peace, Jr.
        Ron Chase
        George Sharp


John Schauble
Stephen Zak
Paul Locke
Geraldine Matise
Ira Keltz
Karl Kensinger
William Bell
Lisa Cacciatore
Scott Kotler
Hsing Liu
William F. Adler

Globalstar ATC
 August 17, 2005

                    Globalstar ATC

Globalstar needs an ATC authorization
   Provides opportunity to expand business
   Addresses inherent limitations of satellite coverage and connectivity
   Will provide significant public safety, homeland security and
   consumer benefits
   Viewed by investment community as essential augmentation of
   Globalstar is the only MSS operator that is poised to offer ATC
   service upon grant of its ATC applications

                     Globalstar ATC

Globalstar filed applications for ATC authority on March 1, 2005
The Applications fully comply with all of the FCC‘s ATC rules,
and are not contingent on any waivers
Upon grant of the Applications, Globalstar will be in a position to
deploy ATC services
 — QUALCOMM has started its ATC phone design program
 — Exact deployment schedule depends on availability of funding
Upon favorable FCC action, Globalstar will likely be the first
MSS provider to deploy ATC and to realize the economic and
public interest benefits envisioned for MSS/ATC service

                    Globalstar ATC

Only three parties (NTIA, SBE and WCA) filed comments on the
ATC Applications
No party opposes the Applications on the merits
SBE and WCA wish to hold Globalstar‘s ATC hostage because
they are disappointed with certain of the Commission‘s
decisions in an unrelated proceeding regarding S—Band sharing
 — Globalstar‘s ATC Applications comply with the S—Band rules as they
   exist today
 — It is fundamentally unfair to hold Globalstar‘s ATC Applications in
   abeyance based on the possibility that the Commission might
   reconsider its decisions in an entirely separate proceeding
 — Globalstar accepts the Commission‘s decision to require sharing in
   the S—Band and has only requested modest adjustments to the
    sharing plan

                           Globalstar ATC

«_   First: there is no legal or public policy basis to delay action on
     the Applications
      — Globalstar has certified in its ATC Applications that it will:
           (1) comply with all FCC rules regarding ATC operations (including
           any future rules the FCC might adopt on reconsideration);
           (2) ensure that ATC base stations do not cause harmful
           interference to services sharing the 2450—2500 MHz band through
           frequency coordination; and
           (3) perform any necessary frequency coordination prior to
           initiating service

                         Globalstar ATC

«_   Second: Delaying action on Globalstar‘s ATC Applications
     because of WCA/SBE‘s concerns is entirely inconsistent with
     Commission precedent:
     — The Commission routinely grants applications for authority to
        provide service where certain technical and other rules are subject
        to reconsideration;
      — In the case of MSV, the Commission granted MSV‘s ATC
        application even though the ATC rules themselves were subject to
        reconsideration; and
      — WCA/SBE‘s concerns can easily (and more equitably) be
        addressed by granting Globalstar‘s ATC Applications conditioned
        on the outcome of the S—Band sharing proceeding

                        Globalstar ATC

Third: The Commission already considered WCA‘s and SBE‘s
concerns and adopted rules to address any conflict between
BAS, BRS, and ATC service
— Contrary to WCA‘s insinuation, relocated BRS channel 1 does not
  even operate in the spectrum allocated to Globalstar‘s ATC
— Any potential interference to BAS channel A10 would be limited and
  confined to a small geographic region
 — BAS licensees have alternative channels available — Globalstar
   does not
 — In the event of irresolvable conflict between a BAS channel A10
   licensee and Globalstar ATC base stations, Globalstar would
   support the relocation of the affected BAS channel
     * See Globaistar LLC Consolidated Opposition to Petitions for
       Reconsideration, IB Docket Nos. 02—364 and 00—258 (filed October 27,
       2004) at 15—16

                      Globalstar ATC

NTIA has requested very stringent new out—of—band emission limits in
the 1559—1610 MHz Radionavigation Satellite Service (RNSS) band
 — The Commission specifically declined to adopt such stringent limits in the
   ATC Rulemaking Order on Reconsideration
 — "The record before us does not support the adoption [of] out—of—band levels
   more stringent than those required of GMPCS equipment. ... Furthermore,
   we disagree with certain of the assumptions made by NTIA in its analysis to
   support its position ...."
Notwithstanding NTIA‘s failure to justify the imposition of more stringent
limits, Globalstar intends to incorporate state—of—the art filtering in its
ATC terminals which will reduce out—of—band emissions below 1610
Globalstar will work with NTIA to develop a mutually agreeable
resolution of NTIA‘s concerns


Globalstar has become a vibrant MSS business providing
unique business and public safety voice and data
communications worldwide
The FCC must continue to foster a regulatory environment in the
U.S. — and globally — to enhance MSS products and services
ATC authorization is essential to accomplishing in a timely
manner the dual mode service features that Globalstar‘s public
safety, homeland security and consumer customers demand
Globalstar has certified in its ATC Applications that it will comply
with all Commission Rules — No more is required of an applicant
for a license

Document Created: 2019-04-10 18:39:27
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 18:39:27

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