Attachment grant


ORDER submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050301-00054 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                         Zoes®mso )—Ooosy


 Secretary                                           liew
 Federal Communications Commission                          Q
 445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
 Washington, D.C. 10554                                      \
         RE:    Globalstar LLC Requestfor Authority To Implement an Ancillary Terrestrial
                Component for the Globalstar above 1 GHz, of Big LEO, Mobile Satelite Service
                (MSS) System (Call Sign ES2115); Globalstar USA LLC Application for
                Modification of Blanket License Authorization for Mobile Earth Station
                Terminals (Call Sign E970381) —— FCC File Nos. SAT—MOD—20050301—00054
                and SES—MOD—20050301—00261

 Dear Ms. Dotch:
        This leteris written on behalf of Globalstar LLC and Globalstar USA, LLC (collectively
 "Globalstar®),to request modification of the ex partestatus of tproceedings concering the
 above—referenced applications from "restrieted" to "permit—but—disclose.""" We also ask that the
 Commission expedite action on this request.
         On March 1, 2005, Globalstar fled the above—referenced companion applications ("ATC
 Applications*) seeking authority to implement an Ancillary Terrestrl Component ("ATC") for
 the Globalstar Above 1 GHz, or "Big LEO," Mobile Satellite Service (‘MSS®)system.
        On April 15,2005, the International Bureau announced by public notice that the ATC
 Applications had been accepted for fling and providing interested parties with 30—days in which
 to file comments"

 ®      See 47 CFR. § 1.1200(a)(the Commission has the discretion to modify the ex parte
status of proceedings "where the public interest so requires").
2       See "Policy Branch Information — Satelite Space Station Applications Accepted for
Filing, Report No. SAT:00284, Public Norice (rl. April 15, 2005); Satellite Communications
Services —— Satelite Radio Applications Accepted for Filing, Report No. SES—00704, Public
Notice (rel. April 15, 2005) (collectively "Public Notices").


           On May 16, 2005, the Wireless Communications Association International, In.
     ("WCA") and the Society of Broadcast Engineers (‘SBE") filed comments® and an informal
     objection® requesting that the Commission hold Globalstar‘s ATC Applications in absyance
     pending Commission action on the petitions for reconsideration filed by WCA and others of the
     Commission‘s Report and Order in TB Dockets 02—364 and 00—258® Altematively, WCA
     requests that the Commission condition the grant of the ATC Applications on the outcome ofthe
     pending petitions for reconsideration of the Reallocarion Order. On May 26, 2005, Globalstar
     filed a reply to the WCA and SBE filings, arguing that WCA and SBE have fuiled to provide any
     legitimate reason why the Commission‘s grant of Globalstar‘s ATC Applications should be
     delayed or subject to any condition other than Globalstar‘sfull compliance with all elevant
     Commission rules.® These pleadings remain pending. Accordingly, pursuant to section 1.1208
     ofthe Commission‘s rules," the expartestatus of these proceedings is ‘restricted."
         Generally, the Commission‘s use of "permit—but—disclose" procedures is appropriate
 where such status allows the Commission "to engage in discussions for the purpose of obtaining
 information deemed essental"to, and "to resolve expeditiously the issues raised" in a
 proceeding.®" Given the importance to Globalstar and its customers of an expeditious grant of
 Globalstar‘s ATC Applications, Globalstar believes that the public interest would be served by
 applying the "permit—but—disclose" procedures in this case.
         In addition, WCA and SBE have attempted tolink Globalstar‘sATC Applications with
 issues raised before the Commission in ts pending reconsideration of the Reallocation Order.
 Although, as Globalstar has argued in its Opposition to WCA and SBE‘ filings, there is no
 justifiation for delaying Commission action on the ATC Applications pending the outcome of

 4      See Comments of the Wireless Communications Association International, Inc., FCC File
 Nos. SAT—MOD—20050301—00054 and SES—MOD—20050301—00261 (May 16, 2005).
 9     See Informal Objection of the Society of Broadcast Engineers,Inc., FCC File Nos. SAT—
 MOD—20050301—00054 and SES—MOD—20050301—00261 (May 16, 2005).
*       See In the Matter of the Review of the Spectrum Sharing Plan Among Non—Geostationary
Satelite Orbit Mobile Satellte Service Systems in the 1.6/2.4 GH Bands; Amendment of Part 2
of the Commission‘s Rules o Allocate Spectrum Below 3 GHz for Mobile and Fixed Services
To Support the Introduction of New Advanced Wireless Services, including Third Generation
Wireless Systems, Report and Order, Fourth Report and Order, and Further Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, 19 FCC Red 13356 (2004) ("Reallocation Order®).
9         See Reply of Globalstar LLC and Globalstar USA, LLC tothe Comments of the Wireless
Communications Association International, Inc., FCC File Nos. SAT—MOD—20050301—00054
and SES—MOD—20050301—00261 (May 26, 2005).
7.        Seed7 CER§1.1208.                                                           i
®      See Bechive Telephone, Inc.v. The Bell Operating Companies, 12 FCC Red 17930,4 26


  the Reallocation proceeding, exparte presentations in that proceeding are subject to the
  Commission‘s "permit—but—disclose" procedures. By designating the above—seferenced
  application proceedings as "permit—but—disclose," Globalstar, WCA, SBE and the Commission
  staff will be able to discuss the impact of a decision in one proceeding on the other.
        Finally, the Commission has concluded in the past that ATC licensing proceedings
 should be granted "permit—but—disclose" status, and to refuse to do so here would prejudice
 Globalstar by limiting its abilty to engage freely in discussions with the staff concerning the
 merits and technical aspects ofits ATC Applications

         Accordingly, Globalstar requests that the exparte status of the pending proceedings
 relating to he above—referenced applications be modified to "permit—but—disclose," and that
 action on this request be expedited.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       lmw—U. lake
                                      Williom T. Lake
                                      Counselto Globalstar LLC and Globalstar USA LLC

9       See Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Application for Minor Modification of
Space Station License for AMSC—1; Application for Minor Modification of Blanket License for
Authority to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with MSAT—1, Order and Authorization, 19 FCC
Red 22144 (Int! Bur, 2004) at J 8 (Applicants request to convert ATC application proceeding to
"permit—but—disclose" status was approved by grant—stamp on December 2, 2003).


                                   CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

           1, Josh L. Roland, do hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing Letter filed by Globalstar
  LLC and Globalstar USA LLC was served by hand this 6h® day of July, 2005, on the following
  parties, unless otherwise noted:
  Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
  Federal Communications Commission
 445 12" Seet, SW
 Room CY—B402
 Washington, DC 20554
 Kathieen Campbell
 Intemational Bureau
 Federal Communications Commission
 445 12" Street, SW
 Room CY—B402
 Washington, DC 20554
 Paul J. Sinderband®
 Wilkinson Borker Knauer, LLP
 2300 N Street, NW
 Washington, DC 20037—1128

 Chistopher D. Imlay*
 Booth, Freret, Imlay and Tepper
 14356 Cape May Road
 Silver Spring, MD 20904

                                                       1    L. Roland

+By United States Postal Service, First Class postage prepaid.

July 6, 2005


IBFS File Nos. SAT—MOD—20050301—0054 and SES—MOD—20050301—00261 are
adjudicative licensing proceedings and are generallyrestrcted under the Commission‘s
ex parte rules. See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1202(d) and 1.1208, On July 6, 2005, Globalstar LLC
and Globalstar USA, LLC filed a request to designate Files Nos. SAT—MOD—20050301—
0054 and SES—MOD—20050301—00261 as "permit—but—disclose" under the Commission‘s
ex parte rules. See Letter from William T. Lake, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dore,
LLP, Counsel to Globalstar LLC and Globalstar USA LLC to Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, Federal Communications Commission. The Burcau concludes that the public
interest will be served by designating IBFS Files Nos. SAT—MOD—20050301—0054 and
SES—MOD—20050301—00261 as "permit—but—disclose"in order to facilitate comment on
the issues implicated by the applications. Accordingly, on July 7, 2005, the Satellte
Division, Policy Branch granted the request and designated the appliations as "permit—
but—disclose." 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1200(a), 1.1206 and 1.1208, Note 2. This action is without
prejudice to any determination regarding the processing of the application.

Document Created: 2005-07-08 11:03:18
Document Modified: 2005-07-08 11:03:18

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