Attachment reply


REPLY TO COMMENTS submitted by Wireless Communications Association International Inc.



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20050301-00054 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                      Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of                                   )
Globalstar LLC                                      )      File No. SAT—MOD—20050301—00054
Request for Authority. to. Implement an )
                                                    )                                  RECEIVED
Ancillary     Terrestrial Component for the )                  Received
Globalstar above 1 GHz, or Big LEO, Mobile )                      i 1 4 2005            JUN =8 2005
Satellite Service (MSS) System (Call Sign )                    30                  FotwalCommunicatorsCommile
Es2ii5)                                    )                    Policy Brench             OfectSecmy
                                                    )         intornationalBurcau
Globalstar USA, LLC                                 )      File No. SES—MOD—20050301—00261
Applieation for Modification of Blanket             )
License Authorization for Mobile Earth )
Station Terminals (Call Sign E970381)  )

                       INTERNATIONAL, INC.

        The Wireless Communications Association. International, Inc. (‘WCA®), by. its
attomeys, hereby submitsits reply comments in response to the "Reply of Globalstar LLC and
Globalstar USA, LLC" submitted with respect to the above—captioned. applications of
Globalstar LLC and Globalstar USA, LLC (collectively, "Globalstar®) for authority to add an
Ancillary Terrestrial Component (°ATC®) to its Big LEO Mobile Satellite Service (°MSS®)
system.‘ As shown below, Globalstar‘s filing is highly disingenuous and is otherwise

! See Reply of Globalstar LC and Globalstar USA, LLC, File Nos. SAT—MOD—20050301—00054 and
SES—MOD—20050301—00261 (fled May 26, 2005) [*Globalstar Opposition"}. Globalsar‘s filng is an
opposiion to WCA‘s intal commentsand the Society of Broadeast Engineers® Informal Objection filed
in response to the Commission‘s April 15, 2005 Public Norices announcing acceptance of Globalstar‘s
wpplications for filing.. See Policy Branch Information, Satelite Space Station Applications Accepted
(eontast onnetare)


unresponsive to the concerns WCA and the Society of Broadcast Engineers ("SBE") have
raised regarding the potentally devastating interference consequences of Globalstar‘s proposed
ATC operations. It therefore remains imperative that the Commission hold Globalstar‘s
appli   tions in abeyance pending Commission action on the pending. petiions. for
reconsideration of the Commission‘s Report and Order in IB Docket No. 02—364 (the
"Reallocation Order")>— Altemnatively, if the Commission elects to authorize Globalstar to

deploy ATC, it should condition any grant of the Globalstar applications on the results of the
Commission‘s future reconsideration of the Reallocation Order, including but not limited to

any band—clearing or other obligations imposed on Globalstar to ensure that grandfathered
Broadcast Auxiliary Service ("BAS") channel A10 licensees and relocated Broadband Radio
Service (‘BRS") channel 1 licensees in the 2483.5—2500 MHz band (the "S—band") are
protected from harmfulinterference,
        As an initial matter, the Globalstar Opposition is based on the false premise that the
interference concems raised by WCA and SBE have no bearing on the grantability of

for Filing, Report No. SAT—00284, Public Notice (rel. April 15, 2008); Satelite Communications
Services Re: Satelite Radio Applications Accepted for Filing, Report No. SES—00704, Public Notice
(rel. April 15, 2005); Comments of Wireless Communications Ass‘n Intl, File Nos. SAT—MOD—
20050301—00054 and SES—MOD—20050301—00261 (filed May 16, 2005) ["WCA Comments"};Informal
Objection of the Society of Broadcast Engineers, IB Docket No. 02—364 (filed May 16, 2005) [*SBE
* See Review ofthe Spectrum Sharing Plan Among Non—Geostationary Satelte Orbit Mobite Satelite
Service Systems in the 1.6/24 GH: Bands and Amendment of Part 2 of the Commission‘s Rules to
Allocate Spectrum Below 3 GHs for Mobile and Fized Service to Support the Introduction of New
Advanced Wireless Services, including Third Generation Wireless Systems, Report and Order, Fourth
Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 19 FCC Red 13356 (2004)
[*Reallocation Order"}; Petition of Wireless Communications Ass‘n InI for Reconsideration, 1B
Docket No. 02:364 (filed Sept. 8, 2004Perition of Society of Broadcast Engineess. for
Reconsideration, IB Docket No. 02—364 (filed Sept. 8, 2004) [*SBE Petiion}; Petiion of Nextl
Communications for Reconsideration, 1B Docket No. 02—364 (fled Sept. 8, 2004); Petiion of Sprint
Corporation for Reconsideration, IB Docket No. 02—364 (fled Sept. $, 2004)


Globalstar‘s ATC applications. More specifically, Globalstar suggests that WCA‘s and SBE‘s
interference concerns should not be heard here because they arose "in another proceeding," Ze.,
1B Docket No. 02—364." That is nonsense — the procedural history of the Commission‘s ATC
rules does not change the fact that an unconditional grant of Globalstar‘s ATC applications may
have serious and possibly irreparable interference consequences for others and the Commission
has a fundamental obligation to ensure that such interference does not occur. Globalstar‘s
argument is a smokesereen and should be dismissed as such.

        More important, save for eross—citing its prior filings in 1B Docket No. 02—364,
Globalstar does not address, much less contest, the interference concerns raised in the WCA
and SBE filings. WCA‘s position was quite clear: were the Commission to allow Globalstar to
deployATC pending action on the WCA‘s Petition for Reconsideration in IB Docket No. 02«
364 (and on similar petitions filed by Nextel Communications and Sprint Corporation),
Globalstar could deploy ATC facilties and then contend thatit cannot reasonably modify those
faciliies to comport with the Commission‘s decision on reconsideration." To date, Globalstar
has yet to give any indication that it will not do this. Absent such a commitment, the
Commission should not permit Globalstar to eliminate the options advanced by WCA and

others on reconsideration by deploying ATC facilities prior to the resolution of the serious
pending concems before the Commission in IB Docket No. 02—364.

* Gllobalstar Opposition at 2; see also id. (stating that WCA‘s and SBE‘s requests for reconsideration
"have been fully argued [in IB Docket No. 02—364] and will be resolved there; there is no reason for
them to be made an issue here.")
‘ See WCA Comments at 3—4.

        Likewise, Globalstar once again glosses over SBE‘s undisputed showing that (1) BAS
channel A1O licensees and relocated BRS channel 1 licensees cannot co—exist within the 2495—
2500 MHtz band," (2) BAS channel A1O licensees cannot co—exist with MSS/ATC operations in
the 2487.5—2493 MHz band designated. for MSS/ATC in the Reallocation Order, and (3)
frequency coordination between MSS/ATC and BAS is not a viable solution to the problem."
As before, Globalstar‘s Opposition does not even acknowledge the undisputed interference
threat its ATC proposal poses for BAS channel A1O, instead repeating Globalstar‘s vague
commitment to "perform any required frequency coordination"" prior to initiating service.". Of

course, SBE has already shown that given the itinerant nature of BAS this is no solution at all,

* See SBE Perition at 5 ("any attempt (by BAS/BRS channel 1] to share operations in the same area
would result in disastrous co—channelinterference."); SBE Objection at24.
° See, e, SBE Porition at 3 (*t appears that the Commission believes that grandfathered TV BAS
operations on Channel A1O are relatively minor, but this is most defintely not the case. TV BAS
Channel A10 is heavily and regularly used by the TV Pickup licensees with grandfather rights
[MJany individual TV stations hold TV Pickup lieenses with Channel A10 grandfather rights, and rely
heavily on the availabilty of a third TV BAS channel at 2.5 GHz to make frequency coordination
possible. Finaly,this grandfathered use of Channel A1O traditionally takes place in the very same
venues that MSS ATC will most likely wish to deploy. The result would be massive and mutval
interference to operations in both services, and would bring chaos to good faith BAS frequency
coordination efforts that SBE has so carefully fostered."); id. at 2 (SBE concedes that frequency
coordination between a grandfathered fixed link TV BAS Channel A1O station and MSS ATC base
stations might be possible, given "heroic‘ frequency coordination and engineering that would include
use of a costly ulthigh performance, shrouded, receiving antenna by the fixed—link TV BAS station.
SBE cannot envision such techniques as ever working for mobile/portable/tinerant grandfathered
Channel A1O TV Pickup operations, where heavy, large—diameter parabolic dish antennas. are
completely impractical for electranic news gathering (ENG) and manpack applications.") (emphasis in
" See Globalstar Opposition at 3; Application of Globalstar LLC, FCC File No. SAT—MOD—20050301—
00054, Exhibit B—3 at 2 (Riled March 1, 2005) (footmote omited)

and nothing in Globalstar‘s Opposition otherwise gives the Commission any comfort on that
        In sum,it is ironic that Globalstar portrays itself as the victim here." To the contrary, it
is BAS Channel A1O licensees who stand to suffer harmful interference should Globalstar be
awarded unconditional authority to deploy ATC.. Globalstar‘s dramaties aside, WCA is only
asking the Commission to address Globalstar‘s ATC applications in a time sequence that
prevents such interference and assures the Commission full fexibility to address potential
interference to relocated BRS channel 1 licensees. Ultimately, the onlyway to truly ensure fair
treatment ofall licensees in the 2483.5—2500 MHz band, and especially those who are today
operating in the band and face an immediate risk of interference, is to hold Globalstar‘s
applications in abeyance pending completion of the reconsideration phase in IB Docket No. 02«
364. Quite clearly, the Commission has more than ample authority to take such action.""

* Globalstar plays loose with the facts when it claims it "has made crystal clear that intends to comply
fully with . . . any modifed rules that may eventuste from reconsideration of the existing
[ATC/BASTBRS] spectrum sharing plan." Globalstar Opposition at 3 (Footmote omitted). Globalstar‘s
ATC applications in fact make no reference whatsoever to any of the pending petitins for
reconsideration in IB Docket No. 02—364 or how Globalstar itends to comply with any Commission
actionthereon. Indeed, as pointed out by SBE, Globalstar‘s ATC applications do not even acknowledas
the ATCBAS imerference problem, much less make any. commitment to comport with the
Commission‘s resolution of that issue on reconsideration...See SBE Objection at 3 (‘Although the
Globalstar application addresses how its proposed ATC would protectthe Radio Astronomy Service
.; the Radio—Navigation—Satellite/Aeronautical Radio—Navigation Services . ; the Table Mountain
Radio Receiving Zone at Boulder County, Colorado .. ; the National Radio Astronomy Observatories
at Green Bank, WV and Sugar Grove WV .         ; and all FCC Monitoring Stations      ., nowhere in (is]
application does Globalstar mention the existence of. co—channel TV BAS Channel AIO operations,
with their co—equal pririt, and carlie—n time status").
° See Globalstar Opposition a2.
" See Amendment of the Commission‘s Rules Regarding the 37.0—38.6 GHs and 386—40 GH: Rands
Inplementation of Section 309G) of the Communicetions Act — Competitive Bidding, Memorandum
Opinion and Order, 12 FCC Red 2910, 1915 (1997) (*[Tihe Commission may take temporary measures
to hold applications in abeyance pending its decision on the substantive matters upon which public
comments is sought"). Globalstar dismisses the relevance of the Commission‘s decision in ts 39 GHz

        WHEREFORE, for the reasons set forth above and in WCA‘s initial comments, WCA

requests that the Commission hold Globalstar‘s ATC applications in abeyance pending

Commission action on the petitions for reconsideration of the Commission‘s Reallocation

Order in IB Docket No. 02—364. If the Commission elects to move forward on the Globalstar

ATC applications before addressing those petitions, at a minimum it should condition any grant

of the Globalstar ATC applications on the results of the Commission‘s future reconsideration of

the Reallocation Order, including but notlimited to any band—clearing or other obligations

rulemaking to hold pending 39 GHe applications in absyance pending resolution of application
processing issues in that proceeding. See Globalstar Opposition at 4—5. Once again, howeve,
Globalstar mistakenly hangs its hat on the irelevant fact that the Commission is addressing the
ATCIBASTBRS interference issue in IB Docket No. 02—364, not n IB Docket No. 01—185. See id (*In
{the 39 GHz] case, the FCC was reexamining the very licensing process for award of the licenses at
issue.. Mere, by contrast, the FCC has already adopred final rules to govern the processing of ATC
applications        The fact that disappointed parties have petitioned for reconsideration of spectrum
sharing rulesin a forally separate proceeding should have no impact on the Commission‘s consideration
of Globalstar‘s ATC applications.") (emphasis in original). As shown above, that argument is a red
herring: the fact that the Commission is addressing the ATCBAS/BRS interference problem in a
separate docket has no bearing on the Commission‘s fundamental obligation to ensure that Globalstr‘s
proposed ATC operations do not cause interference, Holding Globalstar‘s applications in absyance
pending resolution of the reconsideration peritions i IB Docket No. 02—364 remains the most equitable
solution for all lcensees in the 2483,5—2500 MHz band and, as refleted in the Commission‘s 39 GHz
rulemaking,is hardly unprecedented


imposed on Globalstar to ensure that grandfathered. BAS channel A10 licensees and relocated

BRS channel 1 licensees are protected from harmful interference.

                                            Respectfully submitted,
                                            THE    WiIRELESS   COMMUNICATIONS
                                            ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                           Wilkinson Barker Knaver, LLP
                                           2300 N Street, NW
                                           Suite 700
                                           Washington, DC 20037—1128

                                           Iis attomeys
June 8, 200

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        1, Michelle A. Bynum, hereby certify that the foregoing Reply Comments of The
Wizeless Communications Association International, Inc. was served this 8th day of June, 2005
by depositing true copies thereof with the United States Postal Service, first class postage
prepaid, addressed to the following:

Mike Kozlowski                                    Anthony J. Navarra
Globalstar USA, LLC                               Williom E. Adler
1340 Treat Blvd.                                  Globalstar LLC
Suite 601                                         461 S. Milpitas Blvd
Walnut Creek, CA 94597—7961                       Milpitas, CA 95035
Kathieen Campbell*                                Williem T. Lake
International Bureau                              Josh L. Roland
Federal Communications Commission                 Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dore LLP
445 12th Street, S.W.                             2445 M Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, D.C. 20037

                                                        Michelle A. Bynum

*Delivered by hand

Document Created: 2005-06-20 13:04:06
Document Modified: 2005-06-20 13:04:06

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