Attachment request


REQUEST submitted by EchoStar



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20041008-00196 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                STEPTOE &JOHNSON«
                                         artorneys at caw

Pantes Michatopoutos                                     orangnon    1330 Connectia Avence. NW
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   December 8, 2004
                                                             DEC — 9 200
    Marlene H. Dortch

    Federal Communications Commission
                                                       Fateal Conm            M

    The Portals, Room TWA325
    455 12th Street, S.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554

    Re:     EchoStar Satellite L.L.C.,File Nos. SAT—LOA—20030827—00177 and SAT—MOD—
            20041008—00196, Call Sign $2490
    Dear Ms Dortch:
                   Pursuantto Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission Rules governing the
    submission of confidential materials, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.457, 0.459, EchoStar Communications
    Corporation and EchoStar Satellite LL.C. ("EchoStar®), respectfully request that certain portions
    of the attached contract‘ between EchoStar Orbital Corporation IF and Lockheed Martin
    Corporation ("Lockheed") for the construction of a Ka—band satellite to be located at the 117°
    W.L. orbit location, and materials related to the contract, be afforded confidential treatment and
    not be placed in the Commission‘s publicfiles. Also attached are the Statement of Work,

            ‘ To the extent the contract and specifications reflect enhanced capabilities not included
    in any authorization, EchoStar is proceeding with construction of the satellite atits own risk. See
    47 CER.§25.11300

            * EchoStar Orbital Corporation 11 is one hundred percent indirectly owned by EchoStar
    Communications Corporation, the ultimate parent ofEchoStar Satelite L.L.C. (consistent with
    the relationship between the contracting party for the EchoStar 9 satellite and EchoStar Satellite
                                               FOR INTERNAL U
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                                                                          STEPTOE &JOHNSONw

Marlene H. Dortch
December 8, 2004
Page 2

Product Assurance Plan, Spacecraft Performance Specifications and Comprehensive Test Plan
for the satelite, for which EchoStar also requests confidentia treatment. This information is
being provided to demonstrate that EchoStar has met the contract execution milestone contained.
in EchoStar‘s Ka—band authorization for the 117° W.L. orbital location."
                Please note that the effective date ofthe contract is December 8, 2004, and that
the scheduled delivery date ofthe satellite is a number ofmonths before the launch and operation
milestone. Accordingly, this documentation establishes that EchoStar has entered into a binding
contract for the construction ofa Ka—band satellite thatis scheduled to be delivered in time to
meet the remaining milestones set forth in EchoStar‘s space station authorization."
                In a separate submission, EchoStar is providing the Commission with a public,
redacted version ofthicontract and the related materials for the satelite, and this request for
confidential treatment relates only to the portions ofthese materials redacted from the public
version." The redactions are indicated by brackets in the public version.
                The redacted portions of the contract and related materials contain information
that qualifiesas "commercial or financial information"® that "would customarily be guarded from
competitors" regardless of whether or notsuch materials are protected from disclosure by a
privilege. See 47 C.F.R. § 0.457(d); see also Criical Mass Energy Project v. NRC, 975 F.2d
871, 879 (D.C. Cir.1992) ("[Wie conclude that financial or commercial information provided to
         * See Stamp Grant, SAT—MOD—20041008—00196, at Condition 2 (granted Dec. 6, 2004)
(establishing a contract execution milestone ofDecember 8, 2004). See also 47 CFR.
§25.164() and /n the Matter ofAmendment ofthe Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Rules
and Policies; Mitigation ofOrbital Debris, FCC 03—102, First Report and Order and Purther
Notice ofProposed Rulemaking in TB Docket No. 02—34, and First Report and Order in TB
Docket No. 02—54, 18 FCC Red 10760, at 4 185 (2003) (requiring that a licensee submit ts
satellite construction contract on or before the contract execution milestone.) (*Pirst Space
Station Licensing Reform Order")
       * See Stamp Grant, SAT—MOD—20041008—00196, at Condition 2 (establishing December
8, 2004 as the contract execution milestone, and December 8, 2008 as the launch and operation
        5 See Letter from Pantelis Michalopoulos, Counsel to EchoStar,to Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, FCC, dated December 8, 204. This redacted version is being provided to the
Commission in accordance with the Commission‘s order amending its space station licensing
1ules. See First Space Station Licensing Reform Order at 1 187.

                                                                           STEPTOE &JOHNSONw

Marlene H. Dortch
December 8, 2004

the Goverment on a voluntary basis is ‘confidential" for the purpose of Exemption 4 if it is of a
kind that would customarily not be released to the public by the person from whom it was
               In addition, the redacted portions ofthe contract contain sensitive information that
ifdisclosed could place EchoStar and Lockheed at a compeitive disadvantage, including specific
information regarding price terms, interest terms, insurance terms and obligations, allocation of
Hiability, and termination provisions, and therefore warrant protection under 47 C.F.R. § 0.459.
Both EchoStar and Lockheed would be placed at a significant disadvantage ifthese detailed
terms oftheir contract were revealed to competing service providers, who stand to benefit
competiively from any knowledge of the redacted commercial terms included in these materials
               In support of this request,and pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 0.459(b), BchoStar hereby
states as follows:

                1.     The information for which confidential treatment is sought is contained in
                       EchoStar‘s submission to demonstrate compliance with its contract
                       execution milestone and includes specific information regarding the price
                       and other critical non—price terms agreed upon with Lockhed, a satellite
                       contractor. As noted above, BchoStaris filing a redacted version of this
                       contract and related materials, and this request for confidentia treatment
                       pertains only to provisions of contract thatare redacted from the public
                2.     The information is being submitted, as required under 47 C.FR.
                       §25.164(c) to demonstrate compliance with the contract execution
                       milestone contained in EchoStar‘s Ka—band license for the 117° WL.
                       orbital location.*
                3.     This information contains extremely sensitive commercial and financial
                       information that would customarily be kept from competitors.
                       Specifically,the information consists of the price terms and commercially
                       sensitive non—price terms agreed upon with Lockheed forthe construction
                       of a Ka—band satellite for EchoStar. EchoStar would be severely
                       prejudiced in its ability to compete ifspecific information regarding
        * See Stamp Grant, SAT—MOD—20041008—00196, at Condition 2 (granted Dec. 6, 2004)
(establishing a contract execution milestone of December 8, 2004). See also First Space Station
Licensing Reform Order at§ 185.

                                                                          STEPTOE &JOHNSON«

Marlene H. Dortch
December 8, 2004

                    Lockheed‘s price and critical non—price terms were released to
                    competitors. Moreaver, Lockheed would be prejudiced in any fiture
                    negotiations regarding construction of satellits if ts pricing, technical and
                    insurance—related information were available to other satelite construction
                    companies or to prospective purchasers of satellits —— as a result,
                    Lockheed has requested that EchoStar redact this information.
                    The information for which non—disclosure is sought pertains to Ka—band
                    satelite services, for which numerous competitors have received licenses.
                    EchoStar‘s competitors (as well as the competitrs of Lockheed) for Ka—
                    band services stand to benefit competitively from any knowledge of the
                    price and critical non—price terms contained in the contract between
                    EchoStar and Lockheed.
                    Disclosure ofthe information for which non—disclosure is sought could
                    result in substantial harm to EchoStar and Lockheed by revealing totheir
                    competitrs, the satellite construction industry and the public EchoStar‘s
                    agreed—upon price terms and critical non—price terms for its satellite
                    system. Such information could be used by the competitors of EchoStar to
                    develop competing service offerings. See In re Application ofMobile
                    Communications Holdings, Inc. for Authority to Construct the ELLIPSO
                    Elliptical Orbit Mobile Satelite System, 10 ECC Red. 1547, 1548 (Int‘1
                    Bur. 1994) (‘buyers receive a clear competitive advantage if they know
                    the prices that other buyers have been charged as a result ofindividual
                    negotiations."). Moreover, EchoStar would be prejudiced in any future
                    negotiations regarding construction ofsatelites ifpricing information
                    were available to satellite construction companies.
                    EchoStar takes significant measures to ensure that this information is not
                    disclosed to the public.

                    The attached material for which non—disclosure is sought is not available
                    to the public.
                    EchoStar requests that the attached material be withheld from disclosure
                    for an indefinite period. Disclosure ofthis information at any time could
                    jeopardize the competitive position of EchoStar and Lockhced.
                    Finally, EchoStar notes that denying its request that this information be
                    kept confidential would impair the Commission‘s ability to obtain this
                    type of voluntarly disclosed information in the future. The ability of a

                                                                           STEPTOE &JOHNSON«

Marlene H. Dortch
December 8, 2004

                      government agency to continually obtain confidentialinformation was
                      behind the legislative purpose in developing exemptions from the
                      Freedom of Information Act. See Critical Mass Energy Project v. NRC,
                      975 F2d 871, 878 (D.C. Cir. 1992) (‘Where, however, the information is
                      provided to the Government voluntarily, the presumption is that {the
                      Government‘s] interest will be threatened by disclosure as the persons
                      whose confidences have been betrayed will in all likelinood, refuse
                      further cooperation."). The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has
                      recognized a "private interest in preserving the confidentiality of
                      information that is provided the Government on a voluntary basis.". Z4at
                      879. The Commission should extend a similar recognition to the enclosed

               EchoStar requests that the Commission not release these redacted materials if ts
request for confidentialty is denied in whole or in part without first consulting with EchoStar.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

David K. Moskowite                                   Pantelis Michalopoulos
Senior Vice President and General Counsel            Steptoe & Johnson LLP
EchoStar Satellite Corporation                       1330 Comnecticut Ave., N.W.
5701 South Santa Fe                                  Washington, D.C. 20036
Littleton, CO 80120                                  (202) 420—3000
(303) 723—1000
                                                      Counselfor EchoStar Communications
                                                      Corp. and EchoStar Satellite L LC.


ces    Thomas Tyez, Intemational Bureau

Document Created: 2004-12-30 11:07:54
Document Modified: 2004-12-30 11:07:54

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