Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20040819-00160 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                              Approved by OMB
Date & Time Filed: Aug 19 2004 1:11:22:266PM
File Number: SAT—MOD—20040819—00160

                     Fce 312 MAIN FoRM FoR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Entera description ofthis application to identfy t on the main menu:
Application to Relocate INTELSAT 602 from 50.5 EL. to 157.0 EL
1—& Legal Name ofApplicant
          Name:        Intelat LLC                     Phone Number:                    200—944~7808

          ona                                          Fax Number:                      202—94—7860
          Streets      3400 Itermational Drive, N.W.   E—Mail:                          susancrindall@intelstcom

          City:      Washington                        State:                            nc
          Countrys USA                                 Zipeode:                         20008        ~3006
          Attention: Susan Crandall

                                                                                        fls SQT— in 0—00403Y_O0 60
                                                                       s                CattSign 52
                                                                                        (or other ideniieq

                                                                       GRANTED          eC                         Te
                                                                  Lntrousions! Barsos   Appaoret 7.                 (a
                                                                                        W coudiic

                                      INTELSAT 602
                                      Call Sign $2389
                                     October 28, 2004

    Intelsat LLC‘s (Intelsat) request, File No. SAT—MOD—20040819—00160, to relocate its
    C/KU band satellte, INTELSAT 602, from its current location at 50.5° EL. to 157°
    EL. and operate atthe 157° E.L. orbital location IS GRANTED.. Accordingly,
    Intelsatis authorized to drift INTELSAT 602 from 50.5 E.L. to 157 E.L. and operate
    the satellite in the 3625—3700 MHz (space—to—Earth), 3700—4200 MHz (space—to—
    Earth), 5850—5925 MHz (Earth—to—space), 5925—6425 MHz (Earth—to—space), 10.95—
    11.20 GHz (space—to—Earth), 11.45—11.95 GHz (space—to—Earth) and 14.0—14.5 GHtz
    (Earth—to—space) frequency bands atthe 157.0° E.L. orbital location, in accordance
    with the terms, conditions, and technical specifications set forth in its application, this
    Attachment and the Federal Communications Commission‘s (Commission) Rules.
    1) During the drift of tsatellte from 50.5° EL. to 157.0° E.L Intelsat shall not
       operate the communications payload on the INTELSAT 602 satellite.
    2) Intelsat shall coordinate all ofits Tracking, Telemetry, Control and Monitoring
       (TTC&M) operations with existing geostationary satellites to ensure that no
       unacceptable interference results from its TTC&M operations during its drift.
    3)| During the drift ofthe satellite from 50.5° EL. to 157.0° E.L no harmful
        interference shall be caused by the INTELSAT 602 satellte to any other lawfully
        operating in—orbit satellte. Operations ofthe INTELSAT 602 satellte shall cease
        immediately upon notification of such interference and Intelsat shall inform the
        Commission in writing immediately ofsuch an event.
    4): During the drif, Intelsat is required to acceptinterference from other lawfully
        operating in—orbit satelltes.
    5) Any action taken or expense incurred as a result ofoperations pursuant to the drift
       authority are solely at Intelsat‘s own risk.
    6) Intelsat shall operate ts INTELSAT 602 satellte at the 157° E.L. orbital location
        in compliance with all existing coordination agreements.
    7) Intelsat is afforded thirty days from the date ofrelease ofthis grant and
       authorization to decline this authorization as conditioned. Failure to respond

1       ‘We also grant otesa‘srequest hat tPar 25 technicl walvers originally uranted to INTELSAT
602 in ts rigiallcense continueto be applid o the INTELSAT 602 satelit at 157 EL. Sce
Appliations ofntelsat LLC For duthorityto Operate,and to Further Construct, Launch and OperateC:
Bandand Ka—BandGlobalStelites That Form a Global Communictions System in Geostaonery Orbi.
15 FCC Red 15460, Appendix C 2000)

    within this period will constitute formal acceptance of the authorization as

®   This Grant is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 ofthe Commission‘s rules on
    delegated authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release.. Petitions for
    reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section
    1.115 ofthe Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within
    30 days ofthe date ofthe public notice indicating that this action was taken.

                                               Fik    "EBRT—MCOO— RoGzen
                           @               |                             C 2001039 —coies
                                                     sassq                    l0 »5]04

5—16. Name of ContactReprescntative (Ifother than applican)
           Name:    JemiferHindin                        Phone Number:                    (202) 719—7000
           Company: Wiley Rein & Fieding                 Fax Number:                      (202) 119—7207
           Streets  1776K Streey, NW                     R—Mai:                           jhintin@vrtcom

           City:         Washington                       State:                           pe
           Countrys       USA                                                              20006

17. Choose tbutton next t the
ctassifation hat appliesto ths Aling for (N/A)b1. Application for License of New Station
both questionsa.and b. Choose only one (NA) b2. Application for Reaistration ofNew Domesti Receive—Only Sttion
for 17a and only one for176.              ¢ (N/A) b3. Amendment t a Pending Application
   @ a1. Eath Station                      @ (N/A) b4. Modification of icense or Registrtion
                                          b5. Assignment of License or Registation
   @ 32. Space Station                    66. Transfer of Contrl ofLicnse or Reaistration
                                           @ (N/A)b7. Notifcationof Minor Modifiction
                                          (NA)b8.Applicationfor License ofNew Receive—Only Station Using Non—U.S. Licensed
                                           (N/A) b9. LetteoIntent to Use Non—8, Licensed Satelite to Provide Service in the United
                                           & (N/A) b1. Other (Please specify)

  170. Is fee submited with this application?
@ 1fYes,complete and attach FCC Form 159. No,indieate reason fofee exemption (see 47 C.R Section 1.1114)
g> Govemmental Entity .cy Noncommercial educationalTcensce
@ Other(please cplain):

Fee Classfeation A BFY — Space Station Modifcation(Geostationary)

18 If this filing is ireference to an   19. f this iling is an amendment toa pending application enter both felds, ifthisiling is a
existing sation, eter                   modifcation please enter onlthe fle mumber:
(#) Callsign ofi                        (a) Date pending application was fled:          (6) File number:

20. NATURE OF SERVICE: This fling i foran authorzation to provide or us thfollowing type(s) of servic(s) Selecallthat apply

    a. Fixed Satelite
[—] b. Mobile Satelfte
[—J ©Radiodetermination Satelite
[ 4. Bitth Buploration Satelfte
[CJ 0Direct o Home Fixed Satelite
[C] & Digital Audio Radio Service
[—] #Other (lease specity)

21. STATUS: Choose the button next thapplicablestatus. Choose     22. IF eahstaton applicant,check all hat apply.
lonly one                                                          [7] Using U.S. eensed sateltes
gp Cormes taries 5> Mor—Commen Caries                              [C] Using Non—U.S.lcensed sateltes
23. If applicantis providng INTERNATIONAL COMMON CARRIER service, sistructions regardingSec, 214 flings. Choose one. Arethese
 & Connected t a Public Switched Netwark gy Not conneeted toa Public Switched Nemwork @ N/A
  24. FREQUENCY BAND(): Place an ‘X" in the bon(es)nextto allapplicable fequency band(s)
pgg s C—Band i Gite)    b Ku—Band (12/14 GHa)
[] ©Othe(Pleasespecify upperand lower frequenciesin Mitz)
      PErequency Lower: Frequency Upper: (Please specify addiionalfrequencies in an atachment)

25. CLASS OF STATION: Choose th button next to the clas osation that apples. Choose only one.
 g    a. Fixed Barth Station
 g    b. Temporiy—Fixed Earth Sttion
 &    c 12/14 Gifz VSAT Network
 @    4. Mobile Earth Sution
 @    © Geostitionary Space Station
 &    . Non—Geostationary Space Sution
 @5   sOther (please specify)

 @ TransmitReceive gy Transmit—Only gp Receive—Only             @ NA
"For Space Sution applications, select N/A."


27. The purpose ofthis proposed modification is to(Place an°X in the box(es)next to all that apply)

   [—] a — suthorization to ad new emission designator and elated service
    g* authoriztiont change emission designator and related srvice
    g° authoriztion o increase EIRP and EIRP density
    g* authoriztiont replace antenna
    oJ 0 —suthorization to add anterna
    [—] {— authoriationt relocate fixed stution
    o — athorization to change frequencyies)
     [C] h —authorization to add fequency
          — authoriation to add Pointsof Communication (stelites & countries)
    [Z] i — authorizationto change Pointsof Communication (stelites &countris)
        k authorization for ficiltiesforwhich environmentalassessment and
radiation havard reporting is required
           — suthorizationto change orbitlocation
     [CJ m — sithoriztion to perform fect management
     [ 0 —authorization to extend milestones
     [C] 0— Otfer (Please specify)


 28. Would a Commission grantof any proposal n thisapplicationoamendment have a signficant envitonmental        Yes @ No
 impact as defined by 47 CER 113079 FYIES, submit thestatement as required by Sections 11308 and 1.1311 of
 the Commission‘s ules, 47 C.FR, 1.1308 and 1.1311, asan extibtto this application A Radiation Harard Study
 must accompany all applications for new transmiting ficlties, major modifications,ormajor amendments

ALIEN OWNERSHIP Earth station applicants not proposing to provide broadeast, common carvir, acronautical en route or
aeronautical fixed radio station services are not required torespond to Items 30—34.

 29,Isthe aplicanta foreign govermment orthe representative ofany forsign govermment?                         0 1# e N° o NA

 30,Isthe applicant an alien or the representaive of analien?                                                 0 Y @ No o NA

 31. Is theapplicanta corporation organized under the aws ofany forcign govermen?                             0 1# e N° o NA

 32,Is the applicnta corporation of which more thanone—fthofthe capital stock is wned af record or voted by g Yes @ No g NA
 aliens or their representatives or by a foreign povernment or epresentatve thereof or by any corportion organized
 under the laws of a foreign country?

33. Is the applieanta corporation directly or ndirectly conrolld by any other corportion ofwhich morethan           @ es gy No «> N/A
one—fourth of the capital stock iowned ofecord or vated by alins,their representatives, or by a forcign
govermment or epresentative thereaorby any corporation organized underthelavs of freign country?

34. Ifany answer to questions   29,30, 31, 32 and/or3 is Yes, attach as an exhibit anidentifiation of thaliens or
foreign enttes, heirnationality, their relationship to theapplicant,and the prcentage ostock they ownor vote


35, Does the Applicant request any waiversor exemptions fom any ofthe Commission‘s Rules?                              eYs    oN
If es attach as an exhibt, copiesof the request for waiversor exceptions with supporting documents

36. Has the applicant oany party t this aplieation or amendment had any ECC sttionauthorizationor license              ow     e
revaked or had any applicationfor n nitl, modifietionor enewal of FCC sttion authorization, lcense,or
construction permit denied by the Commission? 1fVes attach as an exhibt, anexplination of ireumstances.

37. Has the applicant,orany party o thisapplication oramendment,orany partydirecly oindirectly contrlling         o«
the applicant ever been convicted ofelony by any stateorfederal court IfYes, attach as anextibt, an
explination of ircumstances.

38, Has any court finlly adjudged te applicant, or any person direcly ointirectly contrllingthe appliant,         o«
guilty of unlawfully monopolizing or atempting unlawhily to monopolice radio communication,diectly or
indirecty, through control of manufictureor sale of radio apparatus, exclusivetaffiarmngement o any other
means or unfiir methods of competiion?IfYes,attach as an extibit, anexplanation ofircumstances

39.Isthe aplicant,or any person directly or intrectlcontrlling the applicant, curently a party in any peoding     o1«
matteeferredto in the preceding two items? f yes, atach as an exhinit,an explanation ofthe cioumstances.

40. If the applicant i a corporation and is applying fora space stationlicens,atich as an exhibt the names,
address, and citizenship of hose stockholders owninga record and/orvoting 10 percent or more of the Filers
voting stock and the pereentages so held. In the case offiduciary cantral,indicate the beneficiry(ies)or css of
beneficiaies. Alsolistthe names and addresses of the ofiers and directorsof the Filer

41. By checking Yes, the undersigned certfies, thatnether aplicant nor any other prty t the applieation is       e«
subject toa denil of ederal benefis that ncludes FCC benefits pursuantto Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act of
198§, 21 U..C. Setion 862, because of t comviction forposssionor distrbution ofa contralled substance. Sce
47 CFR 1.2002(0) fothe meaning of &quotiparty to the applictionquot;for these purposes

42. Docs the applicant ind to use a non~U.S. lcensed satlfite to provideservicein the United Stats? I¥es,         gvs        @ No         i
answer 42b and attach an extibit providing theinformation specified in 47 C.RR. 25.137, as appropriat, IfNo,
proceed to question 43

426. Whatadminisration has censed ois in the process of censing thespace station? Tno Hicensewill b ssued, whatadiministation has
coortinated ois in the process o coortinating the space station?United Stites

43. Description.(Surmmarizeth nature ofthe appliation and the servicesto be provided).._ (Ifthe complete descripton does otappeari this
loox, lease goto the end ofthe form t view it in ts entrety)
     Intelsat requests modification of its license to relocate INTRLGNT 602 from 50.5 B.L. to
     157.0 R.L. Intelsat plans to start the relocation of INTELSAT 602 in October/Novenber
     2004 and have the satellite at the 157.0 E.L. location in March/April 2005.

|Extibns P2


[The Applicant waives any elaim to the use ofany particuar requency oof the electromagneti specirum as againsttheregulatory powerothe
[United States because ofthe previous use of tsame, whether by icense arotheris, and requests anauthorization in accordance with this
application. The applicant certfies that grant ofths appleation would not causetheapplicantto be n violation of he spectrum agaregation limit
in 47 CFRPart 20. All statements made in exhibits area materinl part hereaf anare incorporated herein as ifset ut in fullin thi appliation
‘The undersigned, individually and for heapplicant, hereby cerfies thatal sttements made in this aplication and in all attached exhibits are
Ine, complete and corrt to the best ohis or heknowledge and belif,and are made in good fith
. Applicant is a (any (Choosetbution next to applicable response )
 0 Individual
 g Unincorporsted Association
 0 Partnersip
 & Comor n
 & Govemmental Entity
 @ Other lease specify)

     45. Name of Person Signing                                         46. Tide of Person Signing
     Patick . Cerra                                                     VicePresident

17. Please supply any need atachments.
  Atlachment 1: Extibits P. 1                    Atachment 2:                                   Atachment3:


              (U.S. Code, Tite 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
            (U.S. Code, Tile 47 Section 312()(1), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Tile 47, Section 503)


"The public reportingforthis colletionof information is stimated to average 2 hours peresponse, including the time for eviewing insructions,
searching existingdata sources, athering and maintaningthe required dato, and completingand reviewing the collectionoinformation. If you
have any comments on this brdenestimate, or how we can improve tcallction and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD~PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC20554. We wl also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Actaspectsofthis colltion via the Itemc ifyou send them to jooley@fce.go. PLEASE

Remember ~ You arenot require to respond to colletion ofinformation sponsored by the Federal government, and the govemment may not
conduct or sponsor thi collection, unlessit displays a currenly valid OMB contrl number orif we fal to provide you with thisnoti, This
collection has beenassigned an OMB contrl number of3060—0678.
1, 1995, 41 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.


Document Created: 2004-10-29 13:24:51
Document Modified: 2004-10-29 13:24:51

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