Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by Celsat



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20040717-00134 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                  Skappen, Arps, State, MeacHer & FLoM LLP
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                                                        January 28, 200                              Te
          Marlene Dortch, Secretary
          Federal Communications Commission                                     JAN 2 8 2005
          445 12th Street, S.W.
          12th Street Lobby, TW—A325                                       reden commicaton Connissin
          Washington, DC 20554                                                    Oftert Secmiay
                                   RE:     Celsat America, In
          Dear Ms. Dortch:
                          Enclosed on behalfof Celsat America, Inc.("Celsat") please find a
          letter from David D. Often, Chairman & CEO of Celsat, responding to a letter dated
          January 24, 2005 to the undersigned counsel from Fem Jarmulnek, Deputy Chiefof
          the Satellite Division ofthe Commission‘s International Bureau.
                        Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions
         concemning this submission.

                                                       Brizn D. Weimer
                                                        Counsel to Celsat


         cc:      Fem Jarmulnck
                  Alyssa Roberts

         $738.00 Sev in hsw

                                                                                                  David D.Ottw
                                                                                                Catman & CED
 Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554

Attention: Fem J. Jarmuinek
Deputy Chiet, Satelite Division
Dear Ms. Jarmuineic:
        in response to yourletter of January 24, 2005,to date, Space Systems Loral (‘LoraF) has not assumed
Celsat‘s satelite manufacturing contract, as amended (the "Celsat Contract). Any such assumption by Loral
of the Celsat Contract will require bankruptcy court approval.
        When Celsat fled is request to modify ts satelite system and alter certain milestones with the
Commission in July of 2004, Loral was expected to exit bankruptcy in the fall of 2004. Subsequent to Celsats
request, however, the bankruptcy proceedings were delayed, and we are advised a hearing has now been
scheduled for February 8", 2005, to obtain Gourt approval on the suffciency of the Loral Disclosure
Statement. If approved on that date, a Confirmation Hearing wil be scheduled, which hearing date may fall as
early as the end of March, 2005. Should all of these procedural matters continue on course, the timing for
Loral to emerge from bankruptcyand assume contracts (including the Celsat Contract) wil be delayed untl no
earier than the end of April208.
       While Lorals final Plan has not been presented to, or voted on by the creditors in the bankruptey
process, allindications from Loral are that they plan to assume the Celsat Contract. Celsat will notify the
Commission as soon as possible once Loral assumes the Celsat Contract and the assumption is approved by
the bankruptey court
       Celsat did request that Loral assume the Celsat Contract last year, by motionin the banksuptey
proceedings, but Loral has not agreed to that request — indicating that they prefer to simply fie the Plan
previously mentioned, and assume all contracts at the same time.

Yours Sincerely,
Celsat America, Inc., by

Aa«_ 0 P—
David D. Often
Chairman & CEO

                                       14220 Deniags Ount. Ress 79 59511
                    ‘Taplace (775) S61—5780   Fax (77S) SS1—S16%   EM

Document Created: 2005-02-03 11:16:24
Document Modified: 2005-02-03 11:16:24

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