Attachment response





This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20040717-00134 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


      Skappen, Arps, State, MeaGHeR & FLOM LLDRlG‘NAL
                         140 new yone avenue, nw
                        wekmeton. oc 200082111                                     wl
                               rugosar—r0ee Meceiveg                              BEZ.
                               rax gozi 3032760                                    ho
                                wnnustagdencom      NOY q 4 2004                    Fewnl
                                                     Pollcy Brangh                     se
                                                 MMematonalBureay                   Musue

                                            November4, 2004 peEoEjJVED 3s%.
                                                                     NOV ~ 4 2004
Marlene Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission                                          a
445 12th Street,S.W.
12th Street Lobby, TW—A325
Washington, DC 20554

                      RE:    Celsat America, Inc.

Dear Ms. Dortch:

                Enclosed on behal of Celsat America, Inc.("Celsat*), please find the
two most recent monthly progress reports issued by Space Systems/Loral, Inc.
(*Loral®)in accordance with the satellite manufacturing contract pursuant to which
Loral is building Celsat‘s satellite. This submission responds to a letter dated
October 27, 2004 to the undersigned counsel from Fem Jarmulnck, Deputy Chiefof
the Satellite Division ofthe Commission‘s Interational Bureau.
               Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions
concerning this submission.
                                            Sincerely,                 3
                                            Brign D. Weimer
                                            Counsel to Celsat

cc:    Fem Jarmulnck
       Alyssa Roberts

s12000seeca usw

                                  Celsat Monthly Progress Report
                                        September 12, 2004
a.. Major Program Events:
*   Contract amended 712704 for new satellte design.
* Finalized amendment to contract documents. Documents approved and signed:
  — Amendment 1 to Celsat Contract
    ——   Exhibit A, Statement of Work
    ——   Exhibit B, Spacecraft Performance Specification
    ——   Exhibit C, Product Assurance Plan:
    ——   Exhibit D, Satellte Program Test Plan
* Supported Celsatsubmission of FCC Form 312. Performed initial satellte budget and
    performance predictions to support filing.. Included antenna analyses, payload design, bus
    configuration and sizing, and TT&C link analysis.
* Established Program Management Office for the Celsat program. Provides Celsat customer
  interface and interal company direction.
    Completed price validation exercise.
    Allocated 32,000 Ssolar cells from inventory for use on Celsat solar arrays as part ofstart of
    construction activities. Cells are stored in Japan at manufacturer and will be available for
    solar array construction
* Initial assessment of facilities and factory processes for Celsatstarted. The Celsat satellte is
  expected to present no difficulties for production handling and test as it is very similar to
  other programs completed by SS/L.
* SS/L is 180 9001 certified. Standard quality plans and procedures are approved for all
  programs. A review ofthe applicability ofthese standard plans and procedures has been
* Performance budgets and qualifiation status lit are in development. Detailed results and
  compliance matrix are to be available at CDR per the contract.
b.. Technical Status:

1. Spacecraft — See attached description for current design status summary.
   —— Preliminary mass, power, thermal, propellant analyses completed. Results show
      spacecraft is within normal design limits for satllite and Iaunch vehicles.
    ——   Preliminary propellant analyses show positive mass margin to current budget.
    — Spacecraft will fit in 4m fairing compatible launch vehicle.
    — Working with 2 antenna suppliers for define iniial stowage and deployment interface
    — Spacecraft will y 20—30 degrees offearth—pointing normal to obtain FOV and optimum
         antenna configuration.

2.. Payload —The payload detailed design is underway.
    — Payload uses 12m unfurlable antenna with 48 element array for CONUS and AK
       coverage. Separate subarrays provide HI and PR/USVI coverage. Finalization of array
Fages Morthy Progress Repor 712004                                                   yc

       size based on coverage area, performance, repeater equipment factor, and configuration.
       46 clements are used for transmit and 48 elements are used for receive.
   —   Discussions with antenna suppliers started.
   — Repeater uses S—band TWITA with DRC. This allows improved de and thermal efficiency
     for same rf power. Penalty in mass and size versus previous SSPAs.
   — Repeater channelizes to full 20MHz MSS band to support ground—based beamforming
     architecture using analog S—band channelfilters. Gateways determine segmentation of
     the band for users. Single conversion between Ka and S—band simplifies repeater design.
     Modified versions of existing repeater units(filters, converters, ampliiers) are used to
     minimize NRE and achieve best schedule.
   — Developed generalized calibration and pointing coefficient methodology to support
     ground—base beamforming. Beamforming coelficients for each antenna feed element
     generated at gateways. "Quasi—user"terminals monitor satellite ransmissions and uplink
     testsignals to provide calibration information for coefficient compensation.
   — Detailed repeater equipment list being refined. Discussions with suppliers started.
   — S—band antenna peformance trades between GT, EIRP and C1 started. Optimizations for
     various seenarios of frequency reuse for capacity in process. Frequeney reuse for K = 3
     thru 12 being evaluated.
3.. Bus— The bus detailed design is underway.
   —.— Bus structure chosen similar t iPStar program currently under construction. Enables
     reduced NRE while providing fexibility for payload equipment accommodation.
   — Initial layout and configuration studies started. Optimizing comm panel layout for
     payload performance,
   — Eliminated deployable radiatiors by use ofTWTA with DRC which reduced thermal
     demand to spacecraft significantly.
   — Evaluating ADCS and propulsion to support "canted" angle orientation ofplatform.
       Trades of wheel size and thruster locations underway. Will use standard 12N biprop
       thrusters for EWSK. No NSSK planned.
   — Baselined electical power to come from standard solar cell and NiH battery technology.
     Initil analysis of available power due to shadowing of solar array by antenna mesh based
     on lessons leamed from MBSAT program which also uses 12m antenna.
   — Current baseline for TT&C is to use C—band for orbitraising and contingency. C:—band is
     common and supported by numerous TT&C stations worldwide. Orbit mising
     interference TBD. On station TT&C will be thru Ka gateway beams. At least one
       gateway will be designated for spacecraft operations.
.. Program Controls:
1. Schedule— Inital program schedule attached. Schedule supports FCC filing date to bring
   frequencies into use by Feb 17, 2007.   Identification of eritical paths and validation of the
   overall schedule is underway. Mitigation plans for schedule risk items will be developed.
   Schedule driver expected to be 12m antenna subsystem including reflector and boom
2.. Major NCR Status— None

CelsatManthy Progress Report 1204
Page2                                                                                LORAL

3.. Class 1 Waivers, Deviations — None.

4.. Status of Outstanding Action Items — See attached.

5.. Invoice Status — No outstanding invoices. Received Milestone Payment No. 5.

6.. Status of Contract Changes — None.

Clsat Monthly Progress Report 1204
Pages                                                                         LORAL

                                         Celsat Spacecraft Key Features
     Uhindcaion           zo uie
     $land Artcera
        Retbace           12imurtatie
        Fond              1t comertanay
     Kitond Aterna
        Reteaee           Zmigd
        es                4wot/onds
     HPA Sand             in syor mora
           Kotund         saswses mta
     Mss                  amig
     D0 Powe              s Wt
     TrermalOasipaton     39M
     tren rnmdopemys
   Patorm                 use reco
    O ass                 arstle                                         12n Ratece
    Servcn te             1?yous
    Eletrea Pover
       DGPove             e taweo,
       Sole Arays         251+2Gate parlsporwng
       Baterien           222eal 176.A NH batores
    Promlbicn             Bgmpelan, 2140ky tomgetark, 12008 trusies, NST
    DaaHandeg             9t Onee Supertnb ovaliun
    Astade Cored          Asbenls hiline RlegLaner Gon,enand un semorn
    Sutntersira           «£Odig NS
    Tremal                Heatigen, henton lanies onentrefecors
    Meturisns             2 udararaydrve ssoniies
    Trie                  Cbanderitrainy, Knb onio cormand enenptn
   Lsrchvahices           ProimSeaburch, are, Alos 2A

Gaisat Monthly Progress Report ant2004
Page d

                                     Primary EIRP Summary
                     rex                                     a=—ms
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                     oro                                            im
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                                                            an na
                    letrensaese                                    lc
                    earae                                    wo smne
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                          Hivaiiitrointer                    P               sn
                          Mrossrene                 noien    &               Sa
                     forrne ouseomecmreae                           a»
                          Toh inmcamce ue                    P               on
                          prwiro neace                       a               sa
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                    benine                                   a n
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                          Rrove                              a               34
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                          Hencumyomcs                        «               se
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                    Farse man                                w vas
                    n romon                                  a      Cw
                    Eemetanyme                              Pommes
                    ie«                                             me
                    biego                                            a
                                         Primary G/T Summary
        rearemuey                                                              zowe
        brtess es                              bat keun               az           «
        rtecer ons                                                             ana
        lenent ns                                                              aiso
        Eeao mre                                 oso om «e                     ana
        W¥idgimer                                                              am «n
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        beo ant manaen                                                         ate
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        emaitstoten                                                            aisce
        Inctetrg reerany                                                       azsca
        hrtema Tonp @500 0                                            mor          «ax
        lmocns«                                                im                  «
        eonntuton ofpecesse s ater                             oz                  «a
        ht ons Picorntutcnns                                   aro                 «
        Ie atariems ement                                              im          «
        N amage t cans mestat 0                                    an
        hrurea Omeiiy, c                                              aso          «
        lor, on                                                       mss          «on
        eprctcatoncant                                                150
        hn io                                                          ass
        GT eengs dEotam iroan mcserato0                            mn
        ns Omctuy,on                                                  as           «
        on cor                                                        1sos         «an
        Spectcaton cant                                               1soo         «an
        ooc                                                            oos         «
Calsat Monthly Progress Repor 1204                                                 fim

                                         Spacecraft Mass Budget

                                                             Mass              Risk
                             Subsystem                        t          to)           %

         Structure                                            asss|        s38   70%
         Mechanisms                                             18.         0s 18%
         Propuision                                           1455          s2. 36%
         Electrical Power                                     sseo|        420 36%
         Solar Array                                          1709          se 40%
         RepeaterTransponder                                  Trea|        T26 100%
         Communications Antenna                               2029)        203 100%
         Tmac                                                   166         0s 50%
         lancs                                                 73.          15 20%
         Data Handling System                                  se.7         310 38%
         Thermal Gontrol                                      fres)        124 70%
         Electrical Integration                               1300          o2 10%
         Spacecraft—Dry Nominal                              2sri2]       i7si 689%
         Spacecraft—Dry     w Risk                                    27493

                                         Spussralt Fover Batget
                                                              Electteal Power (Watts
          Isuesystem                                        Ts En                 se
          Payons                                              ested) ssieal           sstea
          ons                                                  was|   uss|              arsa
          mc                                                    cos|   ces              se
          hocs                                                 mas    mes|             1e
          Propuiion                                              so      s               sal
          ers                                                  1sao)  ises|            neal
          rarmat                                               seno!  seeal            seel
          bamess                                                ors!   soel             szal
          svesveramtont                                       Tanal —reseal           —riess
          eatey Crarnoiorargny toss                             Tesl  swos
          osctarr toss                                                                 To
          LowYatage Commntr Losses                              saal   sral             seal
          Baten—PCU Hamess toss                                                         seal
          sracecramrora                                       rereal —ameal           —aises
          Scer Amy Gapaany (@ EL ie y                         sorl —omra
          sia ShadominLosses                                   soss|  ied
          lscr Aray Gapanity (snadouing incuded)              esseal suesol
          lsouar anmay no.racume maron                       134%| 103%
          SR raiue Conmainy (t ierr Greus)                     eral   smeal
          lcAray Gapabity (EOL with Shacowingiratures)        szaee) sre2)
          lsorar ammay worsr—case mrom                        asr|   se
          [hamns batey Fove                                                            ez
 sartery so0                                                      1os%
          frat GaFanro Gontngeney (ecorsy                                              sos
          (worst—case sartery voo                                                     730%
Celsat Monthy Progress Report ant2l04

                                                    Program Schedule
                                                Program Master Schocule
                  vesuies              7   ma ronmrrnmnra ons
  coummnasmres                        f    uid HWHAMHHHNERHEH
   uen                                     wrofe          ap
        emteviecs                                                            neuntharon
     Soomnttansionmore                                  MWtmsfi                              d
   messmmenmtwine                                                   —           3                          r
     tm                                                                            rtomanedar
     commimeermarcnmes                                                  M,T.....
     nmorsinans sn reies                        |          |
       inihranees                                     e                                             io
       Anounotre                                           |                             miuume
       nuomsto towe cett rapon                                                                    mc
     e                                               ——=                sn
     w                                                 Aarctonc hm
 | Antrmm                                   [ hm
   wmm                                     ho aniesmms        ntm
   oob    trame                                mssn ie
     esmm                                           rer
   bmpetries Gomreaien                                                  m             sw
   mrmen                                                                     [
   mnioiorem                                                                          se
   nmanmoa‘e                                                                             Ges:
   Tooanme                                                                                   pa‘ssst
   fenrame                                                                                          s
   mromois                                                                                           ‘s!

Glsat Monthly Progress Report 01204                                           Pusersn
Page?                                                                         LORAL

                                                                             Celsat Action hems
             Die T               m              Action                                                       Comment                                    Emm
 _fi es
                                                                   .               io rrored ho ueeetreemerncetines
19          tAg       Incease#Focolements                                          +008 mprovement. Sconfouraton and accommodaton needs     n process

i122t       sns
            it ies                                                                                   >                           ,      ez                    >>
        |   +o Usentgrated antena temporatire on a beam                            200now used. Intogrted eaemp over antemna FOV should Inprocess

 3|         zng mpoen                              >
        |"i—kug.      |"In—hoam and beanroam inoerense inclonaf Risen,frowe,       To t ordereduang Rivercamr haps: Reduand carier capaoly n process
        ‘             Pooims.                                                      can b compensated by increasingreuseforltsstom.

            Txg                                                                    Immpmmamnemimaen uo memas romes
                k                                                                  COWA inoface requremont                                                    .
            tAg                                                                    What is max fcodesicaria possbla?
 a          ¥A9       Gateway archtactre. Prosenappronch detroctos al spectum      Alomateapproach coud mprove sstom portamance by minmizng i process

                      mds imiegenninnt amim begimen.                               appbportinentecnenn romied Aoom,
                      fora satoffoadstoa given GW for pocessing. Atorata           mutile paths fo prase cotrl. Aso, ul alow tme phased

                                                                                   Increases sis design— moactlo se accommodationTBD

                                                                                   cooespaiien eireeresntt Tson iige in
 s          tAg       2 covcated sateites using coherent 2 apertrespace comoring   Does M use 2 Tx antemnas t avad mutiacton and space      Cosed

 8| 10—Aig            Meansofredicng e downinkbandvidh and nurmibe of
                                                                                   Comonsen        on in ies
                                                                                   Curent dosignalous ful 2:20 Mz pofond wmont. Tunatio
                                                                                                                                        C in process i o
        naeikgeine                                                                 Firs? Gan we atccate S—band bandvich tous fooden
      .        ,
 I— m rearppmaummens                                                               sutoret
                                                                                   muax                                                   cone       e
 8|         10.Au9 |—Refornce mass buigets                                         Suppi eforence mass busget                               Cosed
 o          10u9|_Relernce Pover Busgots                                           Suppy reterence power buignt                             coses                 S
10          1009      Qualfcaton tatusfor 12mantomnas                              Same ralacio ason NBSAT                                  Gowd

            Seee        n en
            Celsat Morthly Progress Report 12104
                                                                                                       e en

                               Celsat Monthly Progress Report
                                        October 10, 2004

a. Major Program Events:
* Submitted new design based on single S—band receive polarization approach.
  Assumes userterminals are circularly polarized and system does not use polarization
    diversity combining. New architecture reduces number of gateways from 3 to 2
    which reduces overall system cost and potentially improves beamforming control.
* Received ROM cost and schedules from 12m antenna suppliers.. Evaluating
* Initited generation ofrepeater equipment mini—specifications to begin detailed
    design work ofcritical equipment items.
    Held status review meeting with Celsat on 21 September.
    A Product Assurance Program Manager is being assigned to oversee product
    assurance implementation per Exhibit C. Exhibit C, Product Assurance Program
    Plan, will verify facilities, parts, processes, procedures and personnel are appropriate
    and qualified for the Celsat satelite construction. SSAL‘s quality system is fully
    documented, and is available t all employees on—line through the company intranct.
    The quality system addresses the life eycle of SS/.‘s products from development
    through engineering, tst, unit and component manufacturing, subsystem integration,
    and satellite assembly, integration and test (AIT), and launch.
b. Technical Status:

1. Spacceraft — See attached description for current design status summary.. Basic
   spacceraft design is unchanged from previous report. Minor modifications for new
   repeater design accounted for.
   — Initil spacecraft assessment of modified payload design completed.
   — Updated mass, power, thermal, propellant analyses to incorporate modified
       payload design.— Results show spacecraft is within normal design limits for
       satellite and launch vehicles.
   —— Propellant analyses continues to show positive mass margin after incorporation of
       payload modifications.
   —— Interfacing of spacecraf to candidate 4m fairing compatible launch vehicles is
       being evaluated
    —— Continuing to work closely with potential antenna suppliers to define initil
         stowage and deployment interface requirements. Source selection to be made in
         the next few months
    —    Attitude control group evaluating inclined orbit operation and spacecraft
         requirement to fly 20—30 degrees offearth—pointing normal to obtain FOV and
         optimum antenna configuration. The incorporation of pointing control
         mechanism being evaluated.
2.. Payload — The payload detailed design is undervay. Antenna design is unchanged
    from previous report. Repeater equipment is updated for new design.
Gelsat Monthl Progress Repot 10/10/04                                                 "Aaar
Page 1                                                                                LORAL

    — Assessment of payload modifications for new design completed and incorporated
      in revised prelimary layout.
    — Redundancy for critical repeater units added since "gracefil" degradation from
         multiple pathways not possible since only single polarization pathway is
         implemented. 6 sets of 10:8 S—band TWTAs, 12 sets of 5:4 S—band LNAs for
         CONUS beams, 1 set of 4:2 S—band LNAs for HI and PR, 16 sets of 4:3 S—Ka
         upconverters for CONUS and 2 sets of2:1 S—Ka upconverters for HI and PR. (see
         block diagram).
    — Selection of payload load unit designs has begun.
    —    Analysis of 12m unfurlable antenna with 48 element array for CONUS and AK is
         in progress. Separate subarrays provide HI and PR/USVcoverage.. Finalization
         ofantenna design based on coverage area, performance, repeater equipment
         factor, and configuration and C/I will be completed over the next month. No
         changes are being made to the design which incorporates 46 clements for transmit
         and 48 elements for receive. Transmit and receive are being individually
         optimized. Continuing S—band antenna peformance trades between G/T, EIRP
         and C/L. Evaluation of different beam sizes for 0.35 and 0.5 degree spacings have
         been added to the optimizations for various scenarios offrequency reuse for
         capacity including K = 3 thru 12 cases. These are currently in process.
    ——   Baseline repeater channelization initilly unchanged: provides full 20MHz MSS
         band to support ground—based beamforming architecture using analog S—band
         channel filtrs. Since actual Celsat frequency allocation has not been determined,
         an analsis is being performed to determine the impact of a tunable filer to
         replace fixed 20 MHz bandwidth units.. This would enable the satellite to tune to
         one or more segments of the MSS spectrum once the final allocations are
         determined by the FCC. Currently 4 to 5 Mz per system is expected to be
    —— In process of generating proposal for further investigation into calibration and
       pointing coefficient methodology to support ground—base beamforming. Detailed
       repeater equipment lst being refined. Discussions with suppliers started.
3.. Bus—— The bus detailed design is underway. Bus subsystems are unchanged from
    previous report. Layout is modified for new repeater equipment items.
    — The current iPStar—type bus structure is expected to support the modified payload
       design. Main area ofchange on communications panel layouts.
    — Initil layout and configuration studies for new design started. Routing for
        redundancy requires additional layout time. Optimizing comm panel layout for
       payload performance.
    — No change to propulsion and station—keeping strategy caused by modified
    — No change to electrical power design caused by modified payload.
    —— Evaluating TT&C on—station command pathways for 2 gateway architecture used
       by modified payload.
    —— In discussions with vendors to procure common bus components not presently in
c.. Program Controls:
Glsat Monthy Progross Report 1/10004                                                ‘Aaar
Page2                                                                               LORAL

1. Schedule — Program schedule attached. Current program chedule still supports FCC
   filing date to bring frequencies into use by Feb 17, 2007, Schedule driver will be
    12m antenna subsystem including reflector and boom. Unfurlable antenna system is
    on critial path. Schedule will be updated upon evaluation of antenna supplier
    proposals. Mitigation plan to be submitted based on schedule impacts.
2.. Major NCR Status—None.
3. Class 1 Waivers, Deviations — None.
4.. Status oOutstanding Action Items — See attached.
5.. Invoice Status — No outstanding invoices. Received Milestone Payment No. 6.
6.. Status ofContract Changes — None.

Gelsat Monthly Progross Repot 1010/04                                             Ehnar
Page 3                                                                            LORAL

                                Celsat Spacecraft Key Features
Chamatzaton           zoune
Stand Artenna
   Retecr             12im untatatie                 Admngten ene
   Feod               4b lomont aray ++ PR
Karband Aetomna
   Reteci             2mige
   reod               2 spotends
wen Sm                soe asw nor twra
     Katans           sa csw sos mm
Mass                  sitie
DC Pover              solum
ThomalDsspaton        3.tkw
‘noe rernaCommmynon

Pratem                sen 1s00
 Oy mass              2sSig                                                    12mRatoco:
 Sevice io            12yous
 Electcal Power
    00 Power          anmweo.
    soirArays         281 +2 Gate panls parwing
    Batetes           2 3zc0t 170. NH botores
 Prepuon              Bpropetont 2140 k storge tak, 12 20GS twustos, MST
 Data Harang          56. Omene Suportud seraltus
 ABuce Gonve          #atenl, iBimeAng—Laser Gyros, eath and sun sersors
 Statontooping        +—8degNo
 Thoma!               Raddato pandlsheatopes, htors Nantals, aptcalrafactors
 Mactorioms           2 ouraray drve assenties
 Tec                  Chand oritraiing. Kaband onataton,commant encypton
Launctvenices         im Proign, Sealaaech), on (Pane5, Atas$, H2A)

Celsat Monthy Progress Report 10/1004
Page d

                                             Payload Block Diagram

                         ananten       )47
                         «pemnerrus tB4


                            Coist Bc Dagam
                               Snge RET Po
                              nev aorsioe

Celsat Monthy Progress Report 10ri0s                                 poanmpnorm
Pages                                                                LORAL

                 n                                              a
              Imta mooe                                        4
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                    Rmmaciee                                         e
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                    Ieaake                               a           i9
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                    In ssm                               &           f
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                    Wtc omcs  has                        «n  a0
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              lout m im mege                                 zs
              mtrormn                                   ar—an
              mtroamanm                                  o vak
              In tr mamycows us oi prn                  w ‘an
                 dn innommngme                          m——fe
              wirge                                     m     ns
                                   Primary G/T Summary

Gelsa Morthly Progress Repot 101004                                        snacemerem
Page 6

           ramanisecontan comge
          fevace                        s    iwt     ‘a  S    *4
          uie   e                                        s0%
          Reoer                           ie   ce oe     uo
          o                               in se m        12%
          en  eomemes                                se MA**8
          emanpiae                                       <um
          Innonantra ermrers                             nsl
          [mamaionanar                                   se
          belatn essune                                  Nok
                                               xm    ——*    %
          e  m esols                                         #i
          it                                                  f
          omemvenes                                           x
          femed omarnyan fconos ts cavana            s
                                                     4:    ‘%
          ue4        s                               5
                                                     i.     :#
          lots meuaror meronmecuts
          fnamony       hnd in ains                  a
                                                     :      2  #
          rne       o                                4
                                                     #      &
          froce                                       4#_#
                                    Spacecraft Mass Budget
                                                       Mass       Risk
                       S                               to       to    x
  Structure                                             a991]    349 70%
  Mechanisms                                             18.7      os 18%
  Propulsion                                            145.5      s2 s6%
  Electrical Power                                      ssao|    120 36%
  Solar Array                                           1709       ss 40%
  RepeaterTransponder                                   soas|    se4 10.0%
  Communications Antenna                                2020|    203 10.0%
  Trac                                                   156       o8 s0%
  apcs                                                   T30       15 20%
  Data Handling System                                   se.r      s1 35%
  Thermal Control                                       1901|    is9 70%
  Electrical Integration                                130.0     o2 _70%
  Spacecraft—Dry Nominal                               2e7
  Spacecraft—Dry wl Risk

                                   Spaccerat Power Budget

Celsat Monthy Progress Report 10/10/04
Page 7                                                                   LORAL

                                               Electieal Power (Watts
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      tA Shadoning Losses
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Celsat Monthy Progress Report trrorne
Page s                                                                    LORAL

                                       Propram Schedule

                                       Program MasterSchedule
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Celsat Monthy Progross Report 107104
Page 0                                                          LORAL


            ,rawso e               en                                                            Comment
             Incroase iR demints                                          30 ds improrment S confpuaton ind scummodaton noods
                                                                          toberevened. Revew catip—cal poformarce datputon. Camet
                  _                                                       accommotate incurentconfowaton                       y  ;            L
    |—E709 Decease tap                                                                                                                         #
    |— Eu9| Recotatiosse iniF                                             Confuaten gnen. arcurgs i antguaininped _                            %
    |~£au9 Use inogmtedantemaionparaize on a beam                         260now usd. ntegtednarhfomp oveantema FoV oo
    |                                                                     reduce. Usenograld eart omp of 255
  3| £%g mpowl                                                                                                               t                 ce
     | uq. |"inbean and beam—baam rrence hnctn t frses, reuse,            To Tt odarredueny Rusercamihabs: Redicd carr apaoly Inprocess
             Preams                                                       can becompensate o ncresingrease ool sstom
           ¥An                                                            Processng uin eavton ncluds plo ns tam. WTs arior| Gosed
                                                                          OMA itetce reaurement?t COMA budpetales ino accontlone
       tR                                                                 Whatis mFeofencanar posssn? Asoime w10 vsers per       Cored             €
  4°~|~¥¥09          Gitemay acniecize: Pesentapposc danoves l spearan    Alomale appoadh muld inpro sem parfomancsby mininang in roons        T
                     Tor asetotfeedo aghen GW forpocessng. Atorate        imutine pas tor prase conta. Msovould alow tme prased
                     anproch it alecate speciunforat oeds o a ghen GW     capacty gouthb adding Gs wow domant. Hovever,
                                                                          increases se des— impacto sacconmodatonT80
  5|       tAug|"2eacandstaites vangeaneren2 aperire space combring.      Dorsuse 2 Ts ariemas io avol malipacion nd space         Gised       <a
                                                                          combines sgnalsfom bot antennas??? Yo,alo t aps in Ink
                                                                          ‘budgnt nc cach carteris at n szo
| 6        16e Mean tieduang ha doinink bandvidh anrnber o                 Curentdesgn atomsful 220 hz perfosd oment. Towice       ied
               fectatnksatons                                              fherst Can we atoate Sband bandtn t ncvval oocerink
                                                                           stalons? Decisan t sinwit curent desgn f 0tz pe o.
  T—|      16209 Rewanse Popan schedues win miesones                       Sndyrelcmren ces                                        case
  6~|      1009 Retwense mass buiges                                       Suvot referance mass buiget                             Cosed
0|         1009|_Reloance Pove Suign                                       Surot reterence porebigt                                Cosed
~10~|      10w Ovaifeaton so tam anomcas                                   Same refece as on MGSAT                                 Cosed
  11        tost |"took atinoutbeiveen eed hormeand LNR win he ojeciv l    |Ongong. New contqualon iRneoded                        Inprocess
                  mininzzng e us of h inorcomnecion catos. Gois o
                  geceasecaionsetonoss by 056B
                  Frovdewats uptare on afors oresice npotoed ons                                                                   inprocass
                  Daiemne wa mnpestot mressng EW SK «FGT oayoss           Rediced maneoninposelansavrosresised nass                n
                     Provde mass update on tam aniemar                    Do fom supplars                                          inrocess

       Colsat Monthly Progress Report 1071004
       Page 10

Document Created: 2004-11-17 20:12:00
Document Modified: 2004-11-17 20:12:00

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