Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20040630-00128 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                        ri e S§T—/pb—2e0f0630 —00 1287
                                                                               |_     walsethe) ConPiHons
                                                                        Gisp 5213200              Noe 4, ZcoY
                                                                        (orather denifien               7  Approved by OMB
                                                                                      1                             3050—0678
Diate & Time Fied: Jun 30 2004   maoa: szsin        CHAMTRD
                                                  iwrale                im es                                    s ht
File Number: SAT—MOD—20040630—00128               Hroigs INont Ansont                                ¢fi\ Sdelite
                                                                            Glvt 6. M/u)syimanny Ensk
                      Fee 312 MAiN FoRM FoR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description ofthis applicationto identfy it on the main menu:
Spaceway Ka—Band Minor Modification 101 WL
1—8. Legal Name ofApplicant
           Name:        DIRECTV Entepris, LLC           Phone Number:                     a1o—720—4003
           oBa                                          Fax Number:                       aro—sas—s323
           Streets      2230 . ImperiaHuy               E—Mail:                 

           City:        El Segundo                      State:                            ca
           Countrys      USA                            Zipeode:                          sns        ~
           Attention: DavidA. Pailo

                                     Conditions of Authorization
                                          November 4, 2004
     1.      DIRECTV Enterprises LLC‘s (°DIRECTV*)application, SAT—MOD—20040630—00 128,
    CallSign S2132, 18 GRANTED.! Accordinely, DIRECTV is authorized o launch and operate
    its DIRECTV 8 Ka—band Fixed Satellite Service("FSS®)space station at the 100.85° W.L. orbit
    location, in the 18.3—18.8 GHz, 19.7—20.2 GHz, 28.35—28.6 GHHz, 29.25—30.0 GHfrequency
    bands in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technicalspecifications set fort
    application, this Attachment, and the Federal Communications Commission‘s ("Commission®)
2.     DIRECTV‘s Ka—band system authorization is MODIEIED to reflect the orbta location
assignment of 100.45° W.L. DIRECTV‘s DIRECTV 8 Ka—band FSS space station authori
18 MODIFIED to reflect the deletion of uthority to operate inte—satelite links also
3.       The DIRECTV & Ka—band FSS space sttion must be constructed, Inunched, and placed
into operation in accordance with the technical parameters and terms and conditions of this
authorization. Therefore, DIRECTV mustlaunch and beain operations by June 25, 2005. Failure
to meetthis date shall render ths authorization null and void.. Hughes Communications Galaxy
Inc. Application for Authorityto Constrict, Launch, and Operate a Ka—and SateliteSystem in
the Fixed Satelte Serviceand a Ku—band, Order and Authorization, 16 FCC Red 2470 (2001)
("Hughes ISLMMilestone Authorization Order®).
4.       Parsuantto Section 1.3 of the Commission‘s riles, 47 C.F.R. § 13, DIRECTV 18
GRANTED a waiver of Section 25.202(2)ofthe Commission‘srules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.202(@), to
use the 14002—14004 MHz and 14496—14498 MHbands for telecommand operations during
transfer orbit for nlonger than a 15—dayperiod from the ime that DIRECTV 8 is faunched until
it is established in a geastationary sateliorbit. Grant othis waiveris consistent with previous
Commission actions:

*       DIRECTV 8 willbea hybridstelft, combining DBS and Ka—band payloads. See DIRECTV
Enterprises, Application to Launch and Operte the DIRECTV 8 srelte, File No. SAT—RPL—20040630—
00127,Call Sign $2632, granted November4, 2004
*      See Inthe Matter of Hughes Communications GalaxyInc. ApplicationforAuthorty to Constmct,
 Launch,and Operata Ka—band Satelite System in the Pixed Satelite Service and a Ku—hand Broudeast
 Communications Satelite System, Order and Authorizaion13 FCC Red 1381 (1997) (‘Hughe
Authorization Order®) See also In the Matter of Hughes Communications Galaxy Inc. Applicaton for
 Autharty to Constrct, Launch, and Operatea Ka—band Satelit System in the Fixed Satelite Srviceand
 a Ki—band, Order andAuthorization, 16 PCC Red 2470 2001) (*Hughes SLMlestone Authoriation
 Order") and Seealso Inthe Mater ofHughes Communications Galany Inc. Applicaion for Authoriy to
 Constrct, Launch, and Operate a Ka—band Sateit System in the Fixed Satelite Serviceand Ku—band.
 Orderand Authoriation, 16 FCC Red 12627 2001
°. See n the Mater ofDIRECTV Enterprises,LLC Applicationfor Authoriy to Launch and Operte
DIRECTV 78 (USABSS—18), Order and durrizarion, 19 FCC Red 7758 2004),

5...     DIRECTV shall coordinate the frequency and power usage with all existing sateltes in
orbit, which use frequenciesin the 14002—14004 Mz and 14496—14498 Mz bands, and which
could be adversely affected by the TT&C operations ofthis space station.
6.       DIRECTV shallcoordinate all transfer orbit Telemetry, Tracking, and Control operations
with other potentially affected in—orbit DBS or FSS operators.
7.        We DISMISS DIRECTV‘s request for waiver ofthe fullfrequeney reuse requirements
contained in Section 25.210(d)"ofthe Commission‘s rules with respectto two of ts receive
beams (Seattle and Atlanta) using right hand circular polarization (*RHCP®) and two of ts other
receive beams (Castle Rock and New ork) using lefthand circular polarization (‘LHCP"). The
rule requires the use oforthogonal polarizations within the same beam and/or through the use of
spatiallyindependent beams, According to DIRECTV, he proposed DIRECTV 8 Ka—band FSS
space station has a configuration ofransmit and receive antennas that cover geographically
separated areas. The Seatle and Castle Rock receive beams operate in the 29.5—30.0 GHz band
and the Atlanta and New York beams operate in the 28 35—28.6 GHz and 29.25—20.5 GHz bands.
With this configuration, DIRECTV claims any given 250 MHz uplink channel can be received in
RHCP or LHCP; however,due toth limitations on beam to bean interconnectivty,the same
uplink channel cannot be re—used between uplink beams. Based on the receive antenna pattems
that DIRECTV has provided in Exhibit C of FCC Form 312, a waiver request was found to be
unnecessary because spatialy independent beams are utlized.
8.        DIRECTV‘s request fora waiver ofthe cross—polarization isolation requirements,
contained in Section 25.2100) ofthe Commission‘s rules is GRANTED. Section 25.2100)of the
Commission‘s rulesrequire the ratio ofthe on—axis co—polar gain to the cross—polar gain ofthe
antennain the assigned frequency band be at east 30 dB within ts primary coverage area."
DIRECTV statesthat the DIRECTV 8 Ka—band FSS space station transmit and receive antennas
have beendesigned to meet t cross—polarization requirement of27 dB, however current
predictions indicate an actual minimum cross—polarization isolation of 24 dB for receive antennas
and 21 dB for transmit antennas. DIRECTV statesthat ts design does not technically provide 30
B cross—polarization over the entire coverage area. DIRECTV states that ts cross—polaization
interference is an inte—system design issue that does not affectinter—system coordination and
therefore will not affecother Ka—hand satelitesystems. DIRECTV plans t employ digital
modulation with forward error correction coding on both polarization senses toreduce system
sensitivitytoeross—polarization interference. Based on DIRECTV‘s representations that itis
using digita, rathethan analog modulation, and that other Ka—band satelte systems will not be
affected by ts operation, we fid that it s in the public interest to waive Section 25.2100).® We
find that this authoriztion is consistent with previous Commission actions and will permit
DIRECTV to optimize the design of DIRECTV 8 Ka—band FSS space station without causing
unaegeptable losses of signal quality or unduly adding to the spacecraft‘s weight, complexity or

t aror® gas2100)
*   arcr® §252100)
* arorn g2s2i00)
* See, . New Skies Satlftes, N.V., Pettion for Declaratory Ruling. Order, 17 FCC Red 10369 at par.,
19 (2002)and SES Americom, Inc, Application to Launch and Operte the Americon—23 bybrid
C©KuTxtended Ku—Band Satllte, File No. SAT—LOA—20031218—00358, ranted July15, 2004

9.      We GRANT DIRECTV‘s request for waiver of tem $7(p) of Section S7 of Schedule 8.
The information provided by DIRECTV in ts Schedule S Form is suficient forus to determine
whether the system meets the Commission‘s technical requirements.
10. DIRECTV shall prepare the necessaryinformation, as may be required,for submi
the ITU to initate and complete the advance publication, international coordination, due
diligence, and notification process ofthis space station, in accordance with the ITU Radi
Regulations. DIRECTV shll be held responsible for all ost recoveryfees associated with these
ITU filmgs. We also note that no protectionfrom interference caused by radio stations authorized
by other administations is guaranteed unless coordination and notifcation procedures artimely
completed or, withrespect to indi               strations, by successfully completing coordination
agreements. Any radio sation authorization for which coordination has not been completed may
be subjectto additionalterms and conditions as required to effect coordination othe frequency
assignments of other adminisrations. See 47 C.FR. § 25.1 1 1(b).
1.      PIRECTV must coordinateits downlink operations ithe 18.3—18.8 GHz and 19.7—20.2
GHz bands with U.S. Government systems, including Government operations to eath stations in
foreign countres,in accordance with footmote US334 t the Table of FrequencyAllocations, 47
cR 52.106
12. DIRECTV must conduct ts operations parsuant to this authorization in a manner
consistent with the power fx.density requirementsoffootnote US25Sto the Table of Frequency
Allocations, 47 C.F.R. §2.106, 47 C.F.R. § 25.138(a)(6), and 47 C.F.R. § 25.208, of the
Commission‘s Rules.
13. This authorization does not in any way constitute an approval of DIRECTV‘s post—
mission disposalplans for the DIRECTV 8 Ka—band FSS space sttion
14. DIRECTV must provide a written statement to the Commission within 60 days ofthe
date ofthis authorization that identifies any known satelteslocated at, oplanned to be located
at, DIRECTV‘ assigned orbital location, oassigned in the viciity of that location such that the
station—keeping volume ofthe respective satelites might overlap, and that states the measures that
will btaken to preventin—orbit collsions with such satelftes.This statement should address any
Hieensed FCC systems, oany systems applied for and undeconsideration by the FCC. The
statement need not address everyfling with the TTthat meetsthese crteri, butshould assess
and address any systems reflected in TT filings that are in operation or that DIRECTV believes
may be progressing toward launch, . by the appearance ofthe system on a launch vhicle
manifes. If DIRECTV eleststorely on coordination with other operatorsto prevent in<orbit
colliions, it shall provide statement as to the manner in which such coordination will be
15. The license term for the DIRECTV 8 Ka—band FSS space sttion, Call Sign $2132, is
fifeen years and will begin t run on the date that DIRECTV certfesto the Commission that he
satelie has been successfully placed ito orbit and its operation fully conforms to the terms and
conditions ofthis authorization.

        section contains information regarding the minimum saturation pover flt—densityforspacestation
receive beams

16. DIRECTV is afforded thiry days from the date ofrelease of this grant and authorization
to declin this authorization as conditioned. Failure to respond within this period will consttute
formal acceptance ofthe authorizationas conditioned.
17.      This grant iissued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release. Petitions for reconsideration under
Section 1.106 or applications fo review under Section 1—115 of the Commission‘s rules, 47
C.F.R. §§ 1.106,1.115, may be filed within 30 days of the date of the public notie indicating that
this action was taken.

9—16. Name of Contact Representative (1 other than applicant

           Name:    Willam M. Witshire                     Phone Number:                   an>~730—1350
           Company: Haris, Wiltshire & Gramis LLP          Fax Number:                     an>~730—1301
           Streets  1200 Eighreenth Stret, NW              E—Mail:

           City:        Washington                         State:                           nc
           Country:     USA                                Zipeode:                        200s6~
           Contact                                         Relationship:                    Legal Counsel

17. Choose the button next t the
classifation thatappliesto this fling for (N/A) 1. Application for License ofNew Sation
both questions a.and b. Choose only one (N/A) b2. Applicationfor Revistration of New Domestc Receive—Only Station
for 17a and only onefor 176.              & (NA) b3. Amendimenttoa Pending Applcation
   & 31. Eh Station                          @ (NA) b4. Modlifiationof Liensor Registrtion
                                            bS. Assignment oLicense or Registation
   @ 3Space Sttion                          b6. Transfer of Control of License or Registration
                                             & (V/A) b7. Notfieation of Minor Modlifation
                                            (NA)b&.Application for License of New Receive~Only Station Using Non—U.S.Licensed
                                            (NIA) b9. Letter ofIntent to Use Non—U.S. Licensed Satllt o Provide Ser   i the United
                                             & (NA) b10. Other (Pleasespecity)

 17c Is a fee submited with his application?
@ 1¥s, complete and attach CC Form 159. IfNo,indicatereason for fee exemption (see 47 C.ER.Section 1.1114)
¢ GovernmentalEntty gy Noncommercia educational liensce
g Otherfplease explain)

Fee Classifation A BFY — Space Sution Modifeation(Geostationry)

18. Ithis Aling is in refrence to an   19. Iths fling i anamendimentto pending pplication enter both felds,ifthis filing is a
cxistingstation, enter:                modifietion please enteronly th file number,
(®) Call signofstation:                (#) Date pendingapplication was fled          (b File number:
                                                                                     sarLoa 1993120300040

20. NATURE OF SERVICE: This fling s for an authorization t provideor use thfllowing Yype(s) fservice(oy Selectall that apply:
     a. Bixed Satelite
 [] b. Mobile   Satelite
 [—] & Radiodetermination Satelte
 [C] 4 Bath Exploration Satelite
 [¥] & Direct to Home Fixed Sateite
 [] 5 Digitl Audio Radio Service
 [] #Other (nlease specify)

21. STATUS: Choos the button next to theapplcable satus, Choose      [22, IF arth sation applicant, check alltha apply
only one.                                                            [7] Using U.S,lcensed satlftes
 g Common Carrier @ Non—Common Carvier                               GUsineNo—Us Hieensed sutlites
5 mplicantis providng INTERNATIONAL COMMON CARRIER service, se insructons regarding See. 214 flings. Choose one. Are these
g> Conneeted to a Public Switched Network gy Not connected t a PubliSwitched Network @ NA
  24. FREQUENCY BAND(G):Place anin t box(es) nextt ll applicable frequency bando)
 J a.C—Band @6 Gite) 7b Ku—Band (12/14.GHe)
     ©:Other (Please specify upper and lower fequencies in Mitz)
        Frequency Lower: 18300              Frequency Upper: 30000       (Please specify additionalfrequencies in an atachment)

25. CLASS OF STATION: Choose the button nexttothe class of sation that apies, Choose only one.
 @ +.Fived Barth Sation
 @ 5. Temporany—Pixed Barth Sation
 g c. 12/14 GHzVSAT Network
 g 4. Mobile Earth Starion
 @ ©. Geostationary Space Sution
 & E. Nor—Geostationary Space Station
 @ a. Other (plese specity)

g> TransmitReceive gp Transmit—Only qy Recehve—Only @ NA
"For Space Stationapplications, select N/A."


27. The purpose f his proposed modifecation is to: (Place an ‘X   in the box(es) next to all hat apply)

   [C] a —authorization toadd new emission designator and elated service
    [] b —authorizationtochange emission designator and related service
    [ 6 suthorization toincrease EIRP and EIRP densiy
    [CJ 4 —authorization to replace antenna
    D e — authorization tadd anterns
    [C] 5 suthoriztionto relocate fixed sttion
    [—] £—suthorizationto change frequency(ies
              suthorization to add frequency
             authoriztion o add Points ofCommunication (satelites &amp;countries)
          authorization t change Poitsof Communication (stelites &amp; countrics)
         k authorisation forfacltesforwhich environmentalassessment and
radiation hazard reporting is required
     [Z] !— authorzation to change orbit location
     [C] m —authoriztionto perform flect management
     [C] n —authorzationtoextend milestones
     [g] 0 — Other (Please specify)


 28. Would a Commission grant ofany proposalin this appleation or amendment hava signifieant envronmental      qy ¥es @ No
 impactasdefined by 47 CFR 1.1307? IfYES, submit the statement as required by Sections 11308 and 1.1311 of
 the Commission‘s rales, 47 C.ER. 1,1308 and 1.1311, as an exhibit t thisapplicationA Radiation Hazard Study
 mustaccompany al aplications for new trismiting fcilites, major modifations, or major amendments.

ALIEN OWNERSHIP Earth station applicants not proposing to provide broadcast,common carrier, acronautical en route or
meronauticalfixed radio station services are notrequired to respond to Items 30—34,

 29. s the applicanta freign govermment or the representative of any foreign government?                       0 Y« e N o NA

 30. s the applicant an alienor the representaiveof an alien?                                                  0 Y= e N o NA

 31. is the applicant a corporation organized under the laws of any foreign government?                        0 Y e N o NA

 32. s the applicanta corporation ofwhich more than one—fifh ofhe capitastck is owned ofecord or vated by gy Yes @ No @ NA
 aliens or thirrepresentatives or by a foreign govemment or representtiv thereaorby any corporation organized
 under th laws ofaforeign country?

33. Is theapplicant a corporation direcly oidirecly contrlledby any other corporation ofwhich more than      6 )8 o No 9 NA
ane—fourth of the capitalstack is owned of recard ovoted by aliens, heir epresentatives,orby foreign
government or representatve threof orby ny corporaion organized under the laws oforsign country?

34,Ifany answer to questions 29,30, 31, 32 and/or33 iYes, attach as an exhibt nidentfiationof thealiens o. ExtibitA
foreign enties, their nationalitheirelationship t th applicant, and the percentage of tock they own or voe.


38, Docs the Applicant request any walversor exemptions fom any ofthe Commission‘s Rules?                        es     oN
1fes attich as an extibt, copies ofthe request for waivers or exceptions withsupporting documents.

36. Has th applicant or any party t his application or amendment had any FCC sttionauthorzation or leense        0s     en
revoked or had any application for an initil, modifiation orrenewal of FCC sttion autharzation, heense, or
construction permit denied by the Commission? If¥es,ttach as an extibit, an expliation ofcircumstances.

37, Has th applicant, o any parttothi applicationor amendment, or any patydiectly oindrecly controling             oYs
the applicant ever been convieted oa felony by any state or ederal court? If¥es, attach asan oxhibt, an
explination of ircumstances.

38. Has any court finally adjudged the applicant,or any person direcly or indirecly contolling th applicant,       o1#
guily ofunlwfully monopolizing or attemptingunlawfully to monopolizeradio communication,diectly or
indirecty, through contrl ofmanifacture orsale ofadio apparatus, exclusive trific arangement or any other
means or unfiir methods ofcompetition?If¥e, atach as an exhibi, an explanation ofcireumstances

39. Is the apliant,orany person directly oindiectly contralingthe applicant, currenty a party in any pending       oY«
matteeferredtoin the preceding two items? If yes, atach asan exhinit, an explanationof thcicumstances

40. Ifthe applicantisa corporation and is applying fora space sttion cense,attach as an exhibit the names,
address,and citizenship ofthose stockholders owning a ecord and/or voting 10 percent or more ofthe Fier‘s
votingstock and the percentages so held. I the case oiduciary control,indicate the beneficiary(ies) or class of ExtibicB
beneficiariesAlso list the names and addressesof the offcers and directrs of the Filer

41. By checkingYes, the undersigned certfes, thatneither applicant nor any otherparty to the application is             ¥es         No
subject ta denial of Federl benefits thatincludes FCC benefts pursuant t Section 5301 ofthe Anti—Drug Act of                    C
1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862 because oa comvition for possession or distibution ofa contrlled substance. See
47 CFR 1.2002(b)for the meaning of Aquotiparty to the application&quotfr these purposes

425. Does the applicantintend to use a non=U. . leensed satelite to provide sevicein the United States?IfYos         o Yes      @ No
answer 42b and atach an exhibt providingthe information specified in 47 C.RR. 25.137, as appropriat.IfNo,
proceed to question 43.

42b What adminisration has leensed o in the process olicensingthe space sttion? f o lcense willb            ved, what administation has
coordinated or i i the process of coordinatingthe space station?

[13. Deseripton.(Summarize thenature ofte application and t servies o be provided). (1f ie complete description docs not appearin this
bos, please g to the end ofthe form to view it in ts entrety)
     [the applicant seeks to modify its existing license to operate a Ka—band satellite systen
     lat 101 wt to (1) combine onto a single satellite the individual Ka—band payloads
     originally authorized for deploynent on two satellites at 201 ML; (2) combine the Ka—band
   |payload with a Direct Broadcast Satellite payload on a high—pover hybrid satellite; and


"The Applicant waives any claim to e use oany particula requency or fhe lectromagncti specirum as againttheregulatory powerofthe
[United States because ofthe previous use ofthe same, whether by lense or otherwise,and requests an authorization in accordance with this
application. The applicantcertifis that rant ofthis application would not cause the aplicantto bein violation oth spectrum agaregation imit
in 47 CFR Pat 20. All sttements made in extibts area mateia part hereof and are incorporated hereinas if st outin full in thisapplication:
"The undersigned,individualy and for theapplicant, hereby certifesthat allstatements made in this application and in al atached exhibis are
imae, completeand correctto the best ohis oher knowledge and bele®, and are made in good fith.
[¥. Applicant is a (an}: (Choos the btton next to applcable response)
 g Individeal
 £ Unincorporated Association
 @ Patmerstip
 g Comoration
 g Governmental Entity
 @ Other (please specify)

     (i5. Name of Person Signing                                      [i. Tide of Person Signing
     Romulo Ponwal                                                    Executive Viee President

7. Plcase supply any need atachments.
 Atachment 1                                    Atachment 2                                   Atachment3;


             (U.S. Code,Tile 18 Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
           (U.S. Code, Titl 47Section 312a)(1)AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Te 47, Section 503.


rce Novick requirep By ThE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT
"The publicreportingfor thi cllection of information is estimated t average 2 hours per esponse,includingthe time for reviewing instructions,
searching exiting data sources, athering and maintainingthe required data, and completingand reviewing the collectionoinformation. Ifyou
have any comments on this burden esimate, or how we can improvethe cllection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write tthe
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project(3060—0673), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regardingthe Paperwork Reduction Act aspectsof this callction via the Intemetif you send them tojboley@fecgov. PLEASE
bo No sEND comruetEp FoRMs To TiAbpRess.
Remember — You are not required to respond to a colletion oinformation sponsored by the Federal government, anthe govermment may not
conduct o sponsor this callction, unles itdisplays a currenty valid OMB control numberoif wefall to provide you witthis notice._This
colletion has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.
1, 1995 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.


43. Description. (Summarize the mature ofthe application and theservices to be provided).
The applicant seeks to modify its existing license to operate a Ka—band satellite system at 101 ML
to (1) combine onto a single satellite the individual Ka—band payloads originally authorized for
deployment on two satellites at 101 ML; (2) combine the Ka—band payload with a Direct Broadcast
Satellite payload on a high—power hybrid satellite; and (3) relinguish spectrun no longer needed
for inter—satellite links. see Exhibit D.


Document Created: 2004-11-04 16:05:49
Document Modified: 2004-11-04 16:05:49

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