Attachment grant


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20040504-00089 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                                                                     F                     Approved by OMB
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Date & Time Filed: May 4 2004 423:34:006PM                                    h   %/ Hesca>                      :
File Number: SAT—MOD—20040504—00089                                  Appromek                                Slell%
                                                                              Phor Ermeyy             Exprrny Aeuch
                      Fce 12 MaiN FoRM FoR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description ofthis application to identify it on the main menu
C—4 Modification to 85 WL.
1—K Legal Name ofApplicant
           Names       SES Americom, Inc.                Phone Number:               600—987—4000 xt187
           oma                                           Fax Number:                 eos—se7—o33
           Streets     4 Research Way                    E—Mai:                      naneyeskenaziQses—americom.

           City:       Princeton                         State:                      NJ
           Country:     USA                              Zipeote:                    ossso       —
           Attention: Ms Naney Eskenazi

                                 Conditions of Authorization
                                      September 8, 2004
1.       SES Americom, Inc.‘s(°SES Americom") request, Fle Nos. SAT—MOD—
20040504—00089, to modify ts authorization, SAT—LOA—19880930—00040 (Call Sign
§2446), IS GRANTED. Accordingly, SES Americom is authorized to relocate ts
Sateom C—4 C—band satellite from 135° W.L. to 85° W.L. and operate it atthe 85°W.L.
orbitallocation‘. Afterthe drift, Satcom C—4 will operate at the 85° W.L orbital location
in the 3700—4200 MHz, and 5925—6425 MHz frequency bands in accordance with the
terms, conditions, and technical specifications set forth in ts application, this Attachment
and the Federal Communications Commission‘s Rules ("Commission").
2.      SES Americom‘s request for a waiver of the Section 25.114(d)G) requirement
which requires space station anterna gain contours for each transmit and receive antenna
beam to be plotted on a map showing the antenna gains at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20 dB below
the peak values IS GRANTED. Although SES Americom has provided a contour map, it
does not provide antenna gain contours on the extreme edges of the outer contours due to
limitations ofthe data received from the satellite manufacturer. Grant of this waiver is
consistent with previous Commission actions,"
3.       During the drift of the Satcom C—4 satellite from the 135° W.L.location to the 85°
W.L. orbital ocation, SES Americom shall not operate the communications payload on
the satellite.

4.     During the drif, SES Americom shall coordinate all ts Tracking, Telemetry, and
Command (TT&C) operations with existing geostationary satellites to ensure no
unacceptable interference results from its TT&C operations.
5.     During the drif, Satcom C—4 shall not cause harmfulinterference to any other
lawfully operating in—orbit satellite,and SES Americom must terminate operations on
Sateom C—4 immediately upon notification of such interference and shall inform the
Commission in writing immediately of such an event.

‘ on September 3, 2004, the Engineering Branch granted SES Americon‘sapplcaions, File No. SAT—
AMD200410319—00041 and File No SAT—AMD—20040421—00084, t relocate and operte AMC:9 hybrid
CKu—band satlite, Cal Sn 2434, rom $5°W.L. to 3° W.L. orbial ocation upon the successfl
Inunch and openitionof AMG—16hybrid Ku/a—band stellte inthe S5°W L. oritlloction, Call Sign
S2181, File No. SAT—MOD20040227—0022. See Policy Branch Information, Actions Taken, Publc
Notce, DA No. 04—2884,Report No. SAT—00239 (rel. Sept 3,2004).
* See SES Americom, Inc., Application for Moifaton of Space Station Authorization, Order and
Auborizaion, DA O4—1581 (rol. May 27,2004).

6.    During the drift, SES Americom is required to accept interference from other
lafully operating in—orbit satellites.

7.      SES Americom must inform the Commission in writing that it has begun
relocation of the satellite upon commencement of mancuvers to drift Satcom C—4 to 85°

8.     The license term for the Satcom C—4 satellite,Call Sign $2446, expires October
16, 2007, 15 years from the date that operations on Satcom C—4 commenced.

8.      SES Americom shall prepare the necessary information, as may be required, for
submission tothe ITU to initiate and complete the advance publication, international
coordination, due diligence, and notification process ofthis space station, in accordance
with the ITU Radio Regulations. SES Americom shall be held responsible forall cost
recovery fees associated with these ITU filings. We also note that no protection from
interference caused by radio stations authorized by other administrations is guaranteed
unless coordination and notification procedures are timely completed or, with respect to
individual administrations, by successfully completing coordination agreements. Any
radio station authorization for which coordination has not been completed may be subject
to additional terms and conditions as required to effect coordination of the frequency
assignments of other administrations. See 47 C..R. § 25.111(b).
10. SBS Americom must provide a written statement tothe Commission within 60
days of the date ofthis grant that identifies any known satellites located at, or planned to
be located at, SES Americom‘s assigned orbital location, or assigned in the vicinity of
that location such that the station—keeping volume ofthe respective satellites might
overlap, and that states the measures that will be taken to prevent in—orbit collisions with
such satellites. This statement should address any licensed Commission systems, or any
systems applied for and under consideration by the Commission. The statement need not
address every filing with the ITU that meets these criteria,but should assess and address
any systems reflected in ITU filings that are in operation or that SES Americom believes
may be progressing toward launch, .g. by the appearance of the system on a launch
vehicle manifest. If SES Americom elects to rely on coordination with other operators to
prevent in—orbit collisions, it shall provide a statement as to the manner in which such
coordination will be effected.
1. SBS Americom is afforded thirty days from the date of release of this grant to
decline this grant as conditioned.. Failure to respond within this period will constitute
formal acceptance of the grant as conditioned.
12.     This Grant is ssued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on
delegated authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release. Petitions for
reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.115 of the
Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days ofthe date of
the public notice indicating that this action was taken.

Document Created: 2004-09-25 17:50:32
Document Modified: 2004-09-25 17:50:32

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