Attachment ex parte

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20031118-00333 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


              ShawPittman LLP
              A Limited Liabilio Partnership Including Professional Corporations

                                                                                        December 1,2004

                  Via Hand Delivery                                                                                         RECEIVED
                  Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                  Federal Communications Commission                                                                            DEC    -I    2004
                  445 12th Street, S.W.
                  Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                                Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                                                                 mice of Secretary

                               Re:           Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
                                             Ex Parte Presentation
                                             IB Docket No. 01-185
                                             File No. SAT-MOD-20031 118-00333 (ATC application)
                                             File No. SAT-AMD-20031118-00332 (ATC application)
                                             File No. SES-MOD-20031118-01879 (ATC application)

                  Dear Ms. Dortch:

                          On November 23,2004, Peter Karabinis, Chief Technical Officer of Mobile Satellite
                  Ventures LP (“MSV”), and the undersigned, on behalf of MSV, spoke by telephone with Paul
                  Locke and Kathyrn Medley regarding certain issues raised by the recent order authorizing MSV
                  to operate an Ancillary Terrestrial Component.’ The discussion focused on MSV’s concern that
                  paragraph 83 of the order used incorrect Power Flux Density (PFD) limits.2 In connection with
                  this discussion, MSV submits as Attachment A a further discussion of this issue. MSV also
                  discussed the reference in paragraph 83 to per-carrier EIFW limits and its apparent inconsistency
                  with the Bureau’s decision (in paragraph 79 of the order) to limit EIRP on a per-sector basis
                  rather than a per-carrier basis. MSV also mentioned its concern that sub-paragraph (e) of the
                  ordering clauses is inapplicable to CDMA deployments. Finally, the participants discussed
                  MSV’s proposed use of interference cancellation techniques to protect its own satellite system.

                                                                                                                             No. 01 Copies rec’d 0 j
                                                                                                                             Lia ABCDE

                                                                                                                                                        Washington, DC
                                                                                                                                                        Northern Virginia
                                                                                                                                                        New York
                                                                                                                                                        Los Angeles
          2300 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20037-1 128                                 202.663.8000 Fax: 202.663.8007         London

---   ll__l          -

ShawPittman LLP
       Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter.

                                            Very truly yours,

                                            Bruce D. Jacobs

cc: Paul Locke
    Kathyrn Medley
    John Janka, counsel to Inmarsat

                                           Attachment A

Paragraph 83 (ii) states that the previously specified minimum separation distances (470 m for
airports, 1500 m for waterways) must be increased for any base station sector transmitting more
than 23.9 dBW aggregate EIRP (or 18.9 dBW toward the horizon) according to the following

             D = 10A[(EIRP-PFD-11)/20]                                                       (1)
where EIRP is defined as the per-carrier EIRP in the direction of the horizon.

As it stands, this equation produces minimum distance values that are unreasonably large. The
equation should be modified to account for at least the same ELRP mitigating factors that the
Commission used to derive the original separation distances (see Tables and .A
in Appendix C2 of the ATC Order),namely:

               Base station antenna discrimination (-5 dB for waterways, -12.5 dB for airports)
               Base station power control (-5.2 dB)
               Voice activation (-1.8 dB for waterways, - 1.4 dB for airports)

Applying these EIRP mitigating factors, the above equation becomes:

     D = 10A[(EIRP+ BTS-ant-discrim        + BTSqwr-ctl + voice-act      - PFD -1 1)/20]     (2)

where now the EIRP term refers to the peak EIRP per carrier, because we have applied the
appropriate base station antenna discrimination for either the waterway or the airport.

To illustrate the validity of equations (1) and (2), let us assume that a base station is proximate to
a waterway and is radiating three carriers per sector. Furthermore, let us assume that each carrier
is radiated at 19.2 dBW EIRP (maximum EIRP at antenna boresight) and, therefore, the
maximum aggregate per-sector EIRP is 19.2 + lOlog(3) = 24.0 dBW (19 dBW aggregate EIRP
toward the horizon). These levels are just over (by 0.1 dB) the specified limits that require
recalculating the separation distance. For this example, we would therefore expect to find a
separation distance of slightly greater than 1500 meters. However, as shown below, the
Commission's formula significantly over-estimates the required separation distance.

For the stated example, the per-carrier maximum EIRP is 19.2 dE3W and the per-carrier EIRP
toward the horizon is 19.2 - 5 = 14.2 dBW. Using the Commission's equation as specified in
Paragraph 83 (ii) we find:

                                D = 1O"[( 14.2 - (-64.6) - 11)/2O] = 2455 m.

Recalculating the distance using the modified equation (equation (2) above) we find:

                        D = 10A[(19.2- 5 - 5.2 - 1.8 - (-64.6) -1 1)/20] = 1096 m.

Whereas the Commission's formula (equation (1)) over-estimates the separation distance,
equation (2) under-estimates the separation distance (the correct separation distance is slightly
greater than 1500 m). The apparent invalidity of equation (2) may be resolved by realizing two
things: (a) that the corrected PFD limit per carrier needs to be used in lieu of the PFD limit
specified in the ATC Order: and (b) since we are evaluating separation distance from a
waterway, we need to account for the "- 1.9 dB margin" of Table .A (see Appendix C2 of
the ATC Order).4 Using the corrected PFD value (-69.4 dBW/m2/carrier)             accounting for the
negative margin remnant of Table we find:

                          D = 10"[(19.2-5-5.2- 1.8-1.9-(-69.4)-11)/20]= 1531 m

An equally valid and somewhat simpler approach would be to scale the current limits by
the difference of the new sector EIRP minus the existing EIRP limit as follows:

     D = D1 x 10"[(EIRP - 23.9)/20]                                                          (3)


         D 1 = original minimum separation limit (470 m for airports, 1500 m for waterways)
         D = new minimum separation distance (m).
         EIRP = aggregate base station sector EIRP (dBW).

Applying this approach to the above example yields:

                                     D = 1500 x 10*[(24 - 23.9)/20]   =   1517 m

The approach of using equation (3) is preferred because it converges seamlessly to the
original limits. That is, for EIRP = 23.9 dBW, D = D1.
Document #: 1446994 v.1

 MSV exparte letter, IB Docket No. 0 1-185 (November 18,2003); see MSV ATC Application,
File No. SAT-MOD-20031118-00333 et al, at 21-22 (November 18,2003).
  Relative to an overload threshold of -90 dBW (-60 dBm) Table .A of the ATC Order
indicates that a GMDSS receiver at 1500 m away fiom an ATC base station will experience a
negative margin of 1.9 dB against overload (saturation). The Commission, however, concluded:
"Because of the expected range in signal levels for saturation (-80 to -90 dBW) and the
possibility of additional propagation loss above free space, the GMDSS receiver should be
protected for the EIRP of 19.1 dBW and a separation distance of 1.5 km." See ATC Order
Appendix C2 at 217.

Document Created: 2005-01-31 17:22:57
Document Modified: 2005-01-31 17:22:57

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