Attachment comment on exparte

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20031118-00333 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                 «RK.RABTE QRLATE FILED
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                                    ORIGINAL                     hn
    September 16, 2004
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                                                   Int‘l Duroaik             sowe —
    Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                       &         Hese        Tobs
   Federal Communications Commission                   SEP 2 9 2004          Houteg.oc.
   445 12th Street, SW
   Washington, DC 20554

            Re:   Mobile Satellte Ventures Subsidiary LLC                   RECEIVED
                 TB Docket No. 01—185
                 File No. SAT—MOD—20031118—00333                           SeP 1 6 zo0
                 File No. SAT—AMD—20031118—00332
                 File No. SES—MOD—20031118—01879                      reomecommonas commens
                 Expartepresentation                                              gas
   Dear Ms. Dortch:
                 On August 31, 2004, Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (MSV") made
   an exparte submission in the above—cited proceedings, a paper entitled "Technical
   Considerations for Measuring the Receiver Overload Threshold of an Inmarsat Mobile Earth
   Terminal (MET)."Enclosed of behalf of Inmarsat Ventures Limited are its comments on that

                                             Respectfully submitted,


   cc:       ChipFleming
            Howard Gribof
            Kathryn Medey
            Sean O‘More
            Lon Levin
            Bruce Jacobs

                                  InmaristLintad, 90 ty Ras, Londo ECY 12%, Untad egion
                                  T oae chaorranto0ei +t (020 77201044 ininnanatcom

        Comments On MSV Proposals For
    Procedures To Test Receiver Overload
     Performance Of Inmarsat Terminals

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    Inmarsat provides the following comments on the test procedures proposed by MSV
    in its August 31, 2004 submission. At the outset, it is important to understand that the
    MSV submission both raises and ignores certain citcal ssues that are currently at
    issue in the ATC proceeding, such asthe need to consider the impact of ATC
    interference on the entire RF chain ofan Inmarsatreceiver, and the impact of
    intermodulation effects from ATC base station transmissions. Inmarsat has briefed
    those issues fully before. For purposes ofprompily responding to the recent MSV
    proposal,Inmarsat provides the following briefcomments, and will be glad to
    elaborate as needed.
    Section ILA
    1) Figures 1 and 2 in Section II ofthe MSV document show a spectrum analyzer
    being connected to the output of the RF unit of the Inmarsat terminal, which supgests
    a measurement ofterminal nonlinearity based on the RF unit alone. As Inmarsat has
    explained in is previous pleadings, the whole ofthe RF chain plays a role within the
    performance specifiation and isolating justhe RF unit or the modem will not give a
    true measure of the MES non—linearity performance. Furthermore, the input t the
    modem is not readily availsble and disassembly of the MES may be required to
    achieve this. This in itself may cause additional problems and inaccuracies.
    Section ILB
    2) There is no need to ty the (Fig 2) solution as additionalantennas have been
    supplied thatfiilitate the connection ofthe MES o the test equipment atthe L—band
    diplexer point.
    Section IILA
    3) The performance ofthe InmarsatSystem is based upon achieving a minimum
    acceptable BERat the minimum received operational RF level. A "typical" received
    level, as supgested by MSV, does not exit, as Inmarsat uses power control to reduce
    the downlink EIRP where excess downlink margin exiss, such as would occur away
    from the beam edgelocations. This power control system, which provides just he
    necessary power for every link, is erucialto maintaining effcient use of satelite
    power and hence the economic viability of the system. Therefore the FCC tests
    should measure the minimum BER atthe minimum RF level since this corresponds to
    the situation that the users of the system are currently operating with, and is the
    situation specified forthe system. This is eritcal, particularly in the operation of
    safety services.
    4) MSV‘s supgestion to icrease the satelite transmited power to combat interference
    is not a standard practice and raises two issues: it could affect the reuse arrangements
    in place with other operators and it would increase the power consumption of the
    satelites, The lattepoint is particularly important, as the Inmarsat—3 satellites already
    operate close to saturation.

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    5) Inmarsat‘s currently operational MES cannot automatically change their link data
    rate to cope with interference. Iterference over and above that catered for would
    mean cither poor BER or ultimately loss of communications.
    Section IILB
    6) Comment 3 applies
    Section IILC
    7) There is no such thing as a "Standard Subjective Test". Tests have to be specific to
    the codec used.In designing the Inmarsat codec, Inmarsat performed substantial Mean
    Opinion Score (MOS) testing and adapted the codec design to optimise performance,
    This included adaptations to account for Chinesand Arabic sounds. Inmarsat has
    also developed, in collaboration with the original designers of the Inmarsat codec, an
    electronic testtool fotesting implementations ofthe codec. This tool[called a "gold
    brick"}is only available at the manufacturers premises and provides a detailed
    analysis of the variations from the optimum for a large number of detailed
    characteristes ofthe codec implementation. Inmarsat does not believe that MOS
    testing based upon a limited number of listeners" of imited languages should be
    used; this would not be representativof the full range ofInmarsatusers and would
    add no eredibility to theinterference evaluation.
    ) Inmarsat needs to provide the customer with the expected communications quality
    and not only ‘inteligible transmissions.
    Section IHI (additional commen)
    9) A further concem with SectionIHI is that it only talks about the interfering carier
    separation from the wanted signal as fthe test involves only a single interfering
    signal. "The FCC should do intermodulation measurements where the 3rd order IM
    product fall in the Inmarsatreceive channel. Tt is essentiato do these testsas well as
    the pure overload ones.
    Section IV
    10) Section 1L.A comments & SectionIHI.A comments apply.
    11) Seetion IV ofthe MSV document (and ts Appendix 1) places too much emphasis
    on the 1 dB compression point. This does notdirecly relat to the expected ATC
    interference levels. Inmarsat encourages the Commission to measure the interference
    resulting from 3rd order (and maybe higher odd order) intermodulation products
    falling in the Inmarsat receive band.

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Document Created: 2004-10-06 18:08:59
Document Modified: 2004-10-06 18:08:59

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