Attachment ex parte

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20031118-00333 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                   555 Eleventh Street, N.W., Suite 1000
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                                                                   FIRM I AFFll.IATE OFFICES
LATHAMaWATKIN W                                                    Boston          New Jersey
                                                                   Brussels         New York
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   June 18,2004                                                    Hong Kong        San Diego
                                                                   London           San Francisco
                                                                   Los Angeles      Silicon Valley
                                                                   Milan            Singapore
   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                           Moscow           Tokyo
   Secretary                                                                        Washington, D.C.

   Federal Communications Commission           Received
   445 12th Street, N.W.
   Washington, DC 20554                        JUN 2 9 2004
                                                 P0lrC;y Brts7ch
                                             lntemationai Bureau
           Re:    Ex Parte Presentation:
                  IB Docket No. 01-185;                                        JUlq 1 8 2004
                  File No. SAT-MOD-20031118-00333;
                  File No. SAT-AMD-20031118-00332;                  FBDEIW C O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l T~ fI JOh ~N~ $~ s ' O N
                  File No. SES-MOD-20031118-01879                         OFFIE OF THE !%CRETAHY

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

                   On June 17,2004, Alan Auckenthaler, General Counsel of Inmarsat Ventures
   Limited ("Inmarsat"), Jonas Eneberg, Spectrum Manager of Inmarsat, Richard Barnett of
   Telecomm Strategies, and I, met with Ed Thomas and Bruce Franca of the Office of Engineering
   and Technology. The attached presentation and Inmarsat's positions of record formed the basis
   for the discussion.

                                              Respectfully submitted,


   cc:     Bruce Franca
           Ed Thomas


MSV ATC Application and ATC
  Reconsideration Process

         17 June 2004

                        Total Communications Networkm

 Two years of studies and debate led to the FCC ATC Order
 The Order strikes a reasonable balance between different interests and
 provides rules for interference protection for MSS at L-band
     Inmarsat has outstanding concerns regarding the enforcement of some
     rules and the adequacy of certain limits
     MSV’s proposed changes would undermine the basis and balance of the
     The ATC service rules create a delicate balance of protections and no one
     rule should be modified or waived in isolation
 MSV‘s ATC application seeks 12 rule waivers and contains numerous
 No ATC application should be approved until the ATC rules have been

                                                              Total Communications Network”

      ~   ~~-

Summary of MSV requested waivers
1.  A waiver to increase by 17 times the number of ATC base stations permitted based on:
     a.    Requiring Inmarsat to accept 6% AT/r uplink interference from ATC
     b. MSV deploying 80 percent of its ATC base stations in the U.S.
     c.    MSV's MT's allegedly having an average antenna gain of 4 dBi or less when operating in the "ATC mode",
     d. MSV's proposed use of a new self-interference cancellation technique
2.  A waiver of the requirement to use quarter-rate vocoders
3. A waiver to permit the unlimited use of non-co-channel frequencies not currently used by any other MSS operator
    whose satellite is visible from the U.S.
4.  A waiver to loosen the emission limit protections on L-band ATC base stations and loosen the aggregate EIRP
    permitted per sector
5.  A waiver to loosen the emission limit protections towards the physical horizon on L-band ATC base stations
6. A waiver to loosen the rule protecting aeronautical MSS services
7.  A waiver to loosen the rule protecting maritime MSS services
8. A waiver to loosen the overhead gain suppression restrictions
9. A waiver of the 90,000 mobile terminal peak traffic limit
10. A variance to permit use of CDMA architecture
11. A waiver of satellite ground spare requirement, and
12. A variance from the use of a "safe harbor" dual mode handset necessary
     to demonstrate an integrated MSS/ATC system

                                                                                            Total Communications Networkm

MSV requested waivers

 MSV's 12 requested waivers and variances would
 fundamentally change the nature of MSS in the L-band
 There is virtually no aspect of the ATC service rules that
 MSV did not try to modify in its ATC Application
 I n addition to requesting these waivers, MSV has failed to
 demonstrate that it complies with the crucial 18 dB
 structural attenuation requirement
 MSV's proposals would result in unacceptable interference
 to Inmarsat, including to vital safety services

                                                Total Communications Network'm

Potential impact of MSV requested waivers
and deficiencies
    MSV WAIVER OR DEFICIENCY                                   INCREASE IN UPLINK
    Failure to demonstrate compliance with 18 dB               Up to 63x (18 dB)
    structural attenuation requirement
    Request to allow ATC to generate 6%AT/T into               ~ 4 . (6.3
                                                                      3 ~ dB)
    Inmarsat udinks                                    ~

    Failure to base uplink analysis on “average” vs.           2 . 5 ~(4 dB)
    Deak mobile terminal antenna qain                      ~

~   Failure to adjust for CDMA architecture                    Up to 2 . 2 ~(3.5 dB)*
    Failure to adjust for use of half-rate vocoders            1.6 to 2.5~(1.5 to 1.8 dB)*

I   Request to increase density of ATC base gations in 1 . 6 ~(2 dB)
    the US.
    RESULTING POTENTIAL INCREASE I N                   1
                                                       Up to 2433x (33.9 dB)
    * These two factors are related, so that the maximum increase in interference due to
    both is limited to 3.5 dB

                                                                                        Total Communications Network”

Structural attenuation margin            -

 Inmarsat has repeatedly highlighted the criticality of this requirement
 and its concern that it may not be adhered to in practice
 MSV provided no demonstration of how they intend to comply
 The FCC should require MSV to provide a detailed demonstration that
 guarantees that the 18 dB margin is implemented and used only for
 operation inside buildings
 The requirement to demonstrate compliance with the 18 dB structural
 attenuation rule is as fundamental to constraining ATC interference as
 a 2 degree spacing analysis is to constraining interference into other
 satel Iite networks

                                                         Total Communications Network”

Increased ATC reuse from 1,725 to 29,571

 MSV's proposal would lead to an increase of more than 17
 times in uplink interference levels
 MSV's justifications for the increase are in three parts:
    Increase in permissible AT/T from 1.4% to 6%
    Redistribution of the "permitted" reuses
    Claim that ATC mobile terminal antennas provide 4 dB more
    isolation than assumed by the FCC
 None of these justifications are consistent with the
 Cornmission's ana lysis

                                                   Total Communications Network"

Basis for the 1,725 limit
0 The FCC adopted the 1,725 limit to constrain MSV self-interference to
  6% AT/T and thereby protect Inmarsat
e An increase in the limit would result in MSV self-interference
  exceeding 6% AT/T and also increase interference to Inmarsat
0 MSV’s claim that they can limit self-interference through interference
  cancellation techniques is highly dubious as shown in Inmarsat‘s
  Omosition to the MSV ATC application
    -   1   I

0 I n the absence of interference cancellation, an increase by 17 times
  would destroy MSV’s satellite service, unless MSV dilutes its satellite
  frequency reuse
0 Regardless of whether MSV’s proposed interference cancellation
  technique works, it offers no protection for Inmarsat

                                                          Total Communications Networkm

AT/T Requirement
0   The total allowance for interference from all external sources in an
    MSS system is 20% AT/T (ITU-R Rec. M.1183)
0   6% AT/T is the standard single-entry interference criterion for
    satellite systems and applies to the MSV MSS system for interference
    into Inmarsat
0   The FCC has adopted the ATC Order on the basis that ATC is an
    integral part of an MSS system - therefore the 6% criterion applies to
    the aggregate interference from MSV's satellite and ATC transmissions
0   The FCC has stated that L-band MSS frequency coordination shall be
    unaffected by the introduction of ATC - hence, ATC interference must
    be a negligible part of the total MSV interference
0   At most, a lo/o AT/T allowance is appropriate for all secondary
    services, including ATC
        The FCC limits are based on 0.7% AT/T from U.S.-based ATC a
        an expected similar interference from other countries           %ii
                                                           Total Communications Networkm

Redistribution of reuses
 MSV wrongly claims that the FCC has permitted a total of 3,450
 The FCC can only regulate the deployment of ATC within the U S .
 The FCC clearly limited MSV to 1,725 reuses within the U.S.
 For the sake of analysis the FCC considered the impact of an
 additional 1,725 ATC reuses outside the U.S.
 Canada intends to permit ATC with no reuse hmit
 MSV’s proposal to deploy a greater number of ATC stations within the
 U S . would increase the density of ATC stations and thereby increase
 interference to Inmarsat

                                                       Total Communications Network”

ATC MT antenna gain
 MSV has made no change to its ATC MT antenna design
 MSV has not clearly represented the power into the terminals, the
 peak gain of the antenna or the resulting peak EIRP
    Based on the information in MSV’s ATC application, it appears that
    the peak MT EIRP is +2 dBW
 Throughout the proceeding, peak MT EIRP has been used in the
 Hence, there is no basis for changing the Commission’s analysis, and
 no basis for increasing the number of reuses and thereby the
 interference to Inmarsat

                                                       Total Communications Networkm


Vocoder issue
e MSV proposes a change to the vocoder duty cycle schedule
e As demonstrated in Inmarsat’s Opposition to the MSV ATC application,
  the schedule proposed by MSV would not achieve the 3.5 dB
  interference reduction that was intended
e MSV’s proposal therefore increases the interference to Inmarsat
  above the level intended by the ATC Order
e MSV must also implement a mechanism to ensure the same 3.5 dB
  interference reduction when CDMA technology is used

                                                        Total Communications Networkm

Inmarsat terminal interference threshold
 The FCC assumed an interference threshold of -60 dBm
 MSV proposes a threshold of -45 dBm
 Inmarsat has shown that the measurements on which MSV bases its proposal
 are flawed
     They don't take into account the complete receiver chain
     They ignore the effects of intermodulation
 Inmarsat terminals manufacturers Nera and Honeywell have demonstrated
 that the actual interference threshold is -75 dBm (or lower)
     Nera provided measurements of land based terminals
     Honeywell explained that the ARINC standard referred to is not the
     limiting factor for aero terminals
 A number of ATC rules should be modified to account for the correct
 interference threshold

                                                          Total Communications Network'"

 MSV’s proposals would result in unacceptable interference to Inmarsat
 MSV‘s proposed self-interference cancellation technique
    Is not feasible and would therefore not protect MSV
    Would not protect Inmarsat under any circumstance
 High levels of MSV self-interference would waste MSS spectrum
 MSV‘s ATC application is incomplete in a number of material respects
 The FCC should adjust its ATC rules based on Inmarsat’s limited requests
 The FCC should require MSV to comply with the adopted rules and dismiss its

                                                             Total Communications Networkm

Document Created: 2004-07-13 15:16:40
Document Modified: 2004-07-13 15:16:40

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