Attachment NTIA comments

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20031118-00333 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                               UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                               National Telecommunications and
                                                               information Administration
                                                               Washington, D.C. 20230

                                                                          APR 21 2004
Mr. Edmond J. Thomas                   |                                                           Doc. 33658/1
Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology                                                  Ref. Doc. 33601/1
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street; SW
Washington, DC 20554

Dear Mr. Thomas:

        The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) appreciates
the opportunity to review and provide comments on the Federal Communications Commission‘s
(Commission) public notice requesting comments on the Mobile Satellite Ventures (MSV)
license application to operate an ancillary terrestrial component (ATC) with their mobile satellite
service network.‘              '

       In the MSV license application, there are several waiver requests of the Commission‘s
Rules that could impact ATC base station (BS) and mobile terminal (MT) compatibility with
Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Route Service (AMS(R)S) and Global Maritime Distress and
Safety System (GMDSS) receivers which support critical aeronautical and maritime safety
applications. To assess the potential impact that the MSV ATC waiver requests might have on
these critical federal systems, NTIA conducted an assessment (enclosure) and based on the
findings makes the following recommendations:

         — To protect AMS(R)S receivers, the increase in the ATC BS sector equivalent
         isotropically radiated power (EIRP) must be limited to 12 dB instead of the 15 dB
         requested by MSV;

         — The relaxation of the overhead antenna gain requested by MSV for ATC BSs can be
         permitted without impacting the operation of AMS(R)S receivers;

         — To protect GMDSS receivers, ATC BSs operating at the 12 dB higher EIRP level must
         be located at least 2.5 km from the boundaries of all navigable waterways or they cannot
         exceed an aggregate power flux density level of —62.6 dBW/m*/sector at the boundaries of
         all navigable waterways;

         — To ensure compatibility with AMS(R)S and GMDSS receivers, the out—of—channel
         emission level of the ATC BSs must be limited to —53 dBW/MHz for a sector. This
         emission level is based on three carriers per sector. If additional carriers per sector are
         employed, the out—of—channel emission level for each carrier must be reduced by a factor
         of 10 Log (number of carriers) relative to —53 dBW/MHz;

1. Federal Communications Commission Policy Branch Information, Public Notice, Report No. SPRB200, Mobile
Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC Ancillary Terrestrial Component Applications Acceptedfor Filing (February 9,

        — ATC BSs operating at the 12 dB higher EIRP level must still comply with the EIRP
        limits of —100 dBW/MHz (wide band emissions) and —1 10 dBW(narrow band) emissions
        in the 1559—1610 MHz band that are specified in the MSV license application;

        — The EIRP limits of —100 dBW/MHz (wide band emissions) and —110 dB W (narrow
        band) emissions in the 1559—1610 MHz band that are specified in the MSV license
        application applies to ATC BSs that employ either Time Division Multiple Access
        (TDMA) or Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA);

        — The EIRP limits of —90 dBW/MHz (wide band emissions) and —100 dBW (narrow band
        emissions) in the 1559—1605 MHz band that are specified in the MSV license application
        applies to ATC MT‘s that employ either TDMA or CDMA; and

        — As part of the compliance measurements of the MSV satellite/ATC MT, it is
        recommended that measurements of the MT be performed with and without the link
        margin booster to ensure that the out—of—band emission levels in the 1559—1605 MHz
        band do not exceed the EIRP limit of —70 dBW/MHz for the satellite MTs and —90
        dBW/MHz (wideband emissions) and —100 dBW (narrowband emissions) for the ATC

        NTIA does not oppose MSV‘s request that, with respect to frequencies that are not shared
with any other visible satellite systems (e.g., non—co—channel frequencies), there can be unlimited
reuse of its satellite spectrum for ATC operations. The only exception to this additional
flexibility, however, is that if certain frequencies used by MSV change from being non—co—
channel frequencies to being shared frequencies, as a result of changes in the international
frequency coordination, MSV should be required, with respect to those shared frequencies, to
comply with the applicable rules. Moreover, MSV would never be permitted to operate co—
channel in the same geographic area with any AMS(R)S and GMDSS operations of another
satellite system.

        NTIA believes that the conditions stated above are necessary to preclude potential
interference to AMS(R)S and GMDSS$ receivers and should not impact the implementation of
ATC BSs and MTs. If you have any questions about our recommendations, please feel free to
contact me at (202) 482—1850.


                                                     Fredrick R. Wentland
                                                     Associate Administrator
                                                     Office of Spectrum Management





         In February 2003, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) issued
an order to allow mobile satellite service (MSS) providers to operate an ancillary
terrestrial component (ATC) with their networks.‘ Mobile Satellite Ventures (MSV)
requested authority to operate ATC base stations in conjunction with its existing L—Band
MSS satellite system." The MSV proposed ATC base stations (BSs) will transmit in
portions of the 1525—1559 MHz frequency band and the mobile terminals (MT‘s) will
transmit in the 1626.5—1660.5 MHz frequency band. In its ATC application, MSV
requests waivers of several provisions of the Commission‘s Rules that could impact ATC
BS and MT compatibility with the Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Route Service
(AMS(R)S) and Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) receivers which
support critical aeronautical and maritime safety applications. The purpose of this
document is to assess the impact that the MSV waiver requests will have on these critical
federal systems.


         The service rules for L—Band ATC operation are contained in Section 25.253 of
the Commission‘s Rules." The L—Band ATC rules specify provisions for the operation of
BSs and MT‘s in the 1525—1559 MHz and 1626.5—1660.5 MHz frequency bands. In the
1626.5—1660.5 MHz and 1525—1559 MHz bands, ATC operations are limited to the
frequency assignments authorized and internationally coordinated for the MSS system of
the MSS licensee that seeks ATC authority.4

         According to the Commission‘s current rules, the L—Band ATC BSs must comply
with the following provisions:

         —   Out—of—channel emission of —57.9 dBW/MHz per carrier
         —   Maximum of 1725 BSs operating in the United States in any 200 kHz channel
         —   Peak equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) of 19.1 dBW/200 kHz
       — —   Maximum of three carriers for each BS sector

1. Flexibility for Delivery of Communications by Mobile Satellite Service Providers in the 2 GHz Band, the
L—Band and the 1.6/2.4 GHz Bands, Report and Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 03—15, 18
ECC Red 1962 (2003) ("MSS ATC Order").                                 '

2. Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Federal Communications Commission Application for Space
and Earth Station, SAT—MOD—20031118—00333 (November 18, 2003) ("MSV License Application").

3. See 47 C.F.R §25.253.

4. See 47 C.F.R. §25.147(a)(2)(ii).

        —    EIRP at the horizon of 14.1 dBW/200 kHz
        —    Located 470 meters from the airport runway
        —    Power flux density (PFD) of —73 dBW/m"/200 kHz at the edge of airport
        —    Located 1.5 kilometers from the edge of waterway
        —    PFD of —64.6 dBW/m"/200 kHz at the edge of waterway
        —    Left hand circular polarization
        —    Coordination is required within 27 kilometers of Search and Rescue Satellite
             (SARSAT) Local User Terminals
        —~   Antenna gain as follows:

                 Elevation Angle (Degrees)            Antenna Gain (dBi)
                              0                                   16
                              5                                   11
                              10                                  —3
                            15—30                                —11
                            30—55                                —18
                           55—145                                —24
                           145—180                               —10
             The elevation angle is measured from the boresight. The BS antenna is
             required to have a 5 degree down look angle below the horizon.

       According to the Commission‘s current rules, the L—Band ATC MTs must comply
with the following provisions:

        —    Peak EIRP of 0 dBW
        —    QOut—of—channel emissions of —67 dBW/4 kHz
        —    Variable rate vo—coder:

              Nominal MT Peak EIRP                MT Transmit Duty Cycle
                  ~7.4 dBW or less                        100%
               Greater than —7.4 dBW                       50%
               Greater than —4.4 dBW                       25%
               Greater than —1.4 dBW                       20%
               Greater than —0.4 dBW                      18.2%


       Table 1 summarizes the MSV license application wavier requests of the
Commuission‘s MSS ATC Rules.

        Currently ATC base stations are permitted to have an EIRP of 19.1 dBW in 200
kHz, per carrier with no more than three carriers per sector. MSV proposes to increase
the EIRP to 38.9 dBW that is specified as an aggregate EIRP limit per BS sector. MSV
further proposes to eliminate the limit of three carriers per base station sector. MSV also
proposes to operate with an aggregate EIRP per sector of up to 33.9 dBW toward the
physical horizon.

                                                 Table 1.
   Commission Rule Section                                    Waiver Request
    47 CFR. § 25.253(a)(2)            Use of half—rate vo—coders
     47 C.F.R. § 25.253(c)            Increased terrestrial reuse of co—channel frequencies and
                                      unlimited terrestrial reuse of non—co—channel frequencies
    47 C.F.R. § 25.253(d)(1)      _   Increased ATC BS EIRP and elimination on limit on number
                                      of carriers per sector
    47 C.F.R. § 25.253(d)(2)          Increased ATC BS EIRP toward the physical horizon and
                                      elimination of limit on number of carriers per sector
   47 C.F.R. § 25.253(d)(3),(4)       Relaxation of restrictions on placement of ATC BSs near
                                      airports          ”
    47 C.E.R. § 25.253(d)(4)          Relaxation of PFD limit for ATC BSs near airports
    47 C.F.R. § 25.253(d)(5)          Relaxation of PFD limit for ATC BSs near waterways
     47 C.F.R. § 25.253(e)            Relaxation of ATC BS overhead antenna gain suppression

         MSV requests that ATC base stations satisfy one of the following: 1) be located
at least 470 meters from an airport runway or aircraft stand areas including takeoff and
landing paths; or 2) not exceed a PFD level of —49.6 dBW/m*/carrier at the edge of all
airport runways or aircraft stand areas including takeoff and landing paths. This is an
increase of 23.4 dB in the PFD limit adopted by the Commission.

        MSV requests that ATC base stations satisfy one of the following: 1) be located at
least 1.5 kilometers from the boundaries of all navigable waterways; or 2) not exceed a
PFD level of —54.4 dBW/m*/carrier at the water‘s edge. This is an increase of 10 dB in
the PFD limit adopted by the Commission.

       MSV requests a relaxation in the overhead gain suppression required by the
Commission‘s Rules by 10 dB over the range of elevation angles from 55 to 145 degrees
and by 8 dB over the range of elevation angles from 30 to 55 degrees.

       The Commission‘s Rules require that L—Band ATC systems employ a Global
Systems for Mobile Communications (GSM) architecture. GSM employs Time Division
Multiple Access (TDMA)." In their license application, MSV requests that the
Commission also permit the use of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).
Specifically, MSV proposes edma2000 which requires a 1.25 MHz channel bandwidth
and W—CDMA which requires a 5 MHz channel bandwidth.

        Each of the waiver requeéts shown ifi Table 1 could potentially impact the
compatibility of MSS ATC BSs with AMS(R)S and GMDSS receivers and must be


       The MSS ATC service rules adopted by the Commission were based on technical
evaluations of the different L—Band ATC proposals. The evaluations of the different

5. See 47 C.F.R §25.253(a)(1).

technical proposals are contained in Appendix C2 of the MSS ATC Order.© These
evaluations included assumptions regarding the operating parameters and analysis factors
associated with the MSS ATC BSs. In order to maintain consistency with the evaluations
previously performed by the Commission, the following analysis assumptions for the
operating and analysis factors will be used in this assessment of MSV‘s waiver requests:

                                                 Table 2.
         Operating and Analysis Factor                                       Value
                 Power Control                                    5.2 dB (multiple BS analysis)
                Voice Activation                                   4 dB (multiple BS analysis)
                                                                    2 dB (single BS analysis)
               Polarization Isolation                                1.4 dB (linear to circular)
                                                           8 dB (near off—axis for orthogonal circular)
                                                                      0 dB (above the BS)


        In assessing the potential impact to AMS(R)S and GMDSS receivers as a result of
the MSV ATC BS waiver requests, several operational scenarios and interference
interactions, consistent with those considered in Appendix C2 of the MSS ATC Order are
considered. This assessment considers both on—channel and off—channel interference to
AMS(R])S and GMDSS receivers. Single and multiple ATC BS operational scenarios are
considered for assessing potential interference to AMS(R)S receivers. For assessing
potential interference to GMDSS receivers, a single ATC BS operational scenario is

Interference Thresholds

        The interference thresholds used in this assessment consider both on—channel
(saturation) and off—channel interference interactions to AMS(R)S and GMDSS receivers.

On—Channel Interference Threshold

         In the MSS ATC Order, the Commission used a value of —50 dBm as the front—end
radio frequency input level corresponding to the 1 dB compression point of airborne
Inmarsat receivers. The Commission used this value as the basis for estimating potential
interference from MSV on—channel ATC BSs. The value of —50 dBm is based on
performance requirements for AMS(R)S receivers specified in ARINC Characteristic
741.‘ For land—mobile and maritime mobile earth terminal (MET) receivers not
specifically covered under the ARINC requirement, the Commission reduced the ARINC
requirement by 10 dB and assumed a 1 dB compression point of —60 dBm for land—based

6. MSS ATC Order Appendix C2.

7. Aeronautical Radio Inc. (ARINC), ARINC Characteristic 741P1—7, Aviation Satellite Communication
Systems Part 1 Aircraft Provisions, (January 25, 1996) at Sections and


and maritime Inmarsat receivers.

          Measurements performed by MSV and provided as part of their license
application, indicate that the 1 dB compression point for land—mobile and maritime METs
occurs at a level at least 17 dB higher than the Commission‘s assumed threshold of —60
dBm." Inmarsat also performed measurements that indicate the saturation levels of the
MET‘s are on the order of —72 dBm, which is 12 dB lower than the value used in the
Commission‘s zmalysis.10

          It is recognized that many METs could have 1 dB compression points that are
above the requirements specified in the ARINC specification. However, the MET‘s
measured by MSV may not be representative of all land mobile, maritime and airborne
METs. Furthermore, given the large difference between the MSV and Inmarsat measured
saturation levels, it is unclear which set of measurements is representative of the co—
channel interference level for METs. At a minimum, all airborne METs must conform to
the ARINC level of —50 dBm. In many cases, METs used for land mobile and maritime
applications will be the same as the airborne applications. An interference threshold that
is consistent with the —50 dBm level will ensure that all MET‘s are provided reasonable
protection. Thus, in assessing potential on—channel interference to AMS(R)S and
GMDSS receivers, an interference threshold of —50 dBm is used.

Off—Channel Interference Threshold

AMS(R)S Receiver Interference Threshold. International Telecommunication Union—
Radiocommunications Sector (ITU—R) Recommendation M.1234 recognizes that
interference from a MSS network contributes to the noise in the AMS(R)S channel and
should be taken into account."‘ ITU—R M.1234 specifies that the maximum permissible
level} of interference power in a digital channel in the AMS(R)S receiver caused by
transmitters of another MSS network or fixed satellite network, should not exceed 6% of
the total noise power at the input to the demodulator. This single—entry interference level
of 6% of the total noise corresponds to an interference—to—noise ratio (/N) of —12.2 dB (10
Log (0.06)). This interference criteria is used to determine the interference threshold.

      The receiver bandwidths of the AMS(R)S receivers vary between 600 Hz and 21
kHz depending on the receiver channel type.12 The lowest receiver noise density is

8. MSS ATC Order Appendix C2, at Section 1.12.

9. MSV License Application, Addendum to Appendix J, at 11.

10. Opposition of Inmarsat Ventures Ltd., File No. SAT—MOD—20031118—00333; File No. SAT—AMD—
20031118—00332; File No. SES—MOD—20031118—01879 (March 25, 2004) at Appendix B.

11. Recommendation ITU—R M.1234, Permissible Level of Interference in a Digital Channel of a
Geostationary Satellite Network in the Aeronautical Mobile—Satellite (R) Service (AMS(R)S) in the Bands
1545 to 1555 MHz and 1646.5 to 1656.5 MHz and its Associated Feeder Links Caused by Other Networks
of this Service and the Fixed Satellite Service (1997).

12. Document No. RTCA DO—210C, Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Aeronautical


specified as —172.1 dBm/Hz."" The receiver power for the narrowest bandwidth would
represent the lowest receiver noise power. The receiver noise power for a 600 Hz
AMS(R)S receiver bandwidth is:

                   N=—172.1 dBm/Hz + 10 Log (600) = —144.3 dBm/600 Hz

Using this receiver noise power and the IN of —12.2 dB, the receiver interference
threshold used in this analysis for AMS(R)S receivers is computed below:

                                            IT = N + IN

                                    If = —144.3 —12.2 = —156.5 dBm/600 Hz

GMDSS Receiver Interference Threshold. The GMDSS receiver system noise level is
used to assess the potential of interference from ATC BSs. The GMDSS receiver system
noise level used in this analysis is —202 dBw/Hz."

        In Appendix C2 of the MSS ATC Order, the Commuission established an
interference threshold 7 dB below the system noise level. This results in an increase of
the system noise by 0.8 dB, which the Commission concluded should provide adequate
protection for GMDSS receivers. Based on an /N of —7 dB, the interference threshold
used in this assessment for GMDSS receivers is:

                           If=—202 dBW/Hz — 7 = —209 dBW/Hz

Assessment of Potential Interference to AMS(R)S AND GMDSS Receivers Based on
MSV ATC BS Waiver Requests

         In assessing the potential interference to AMS(R)S receivers, the received
interference power level is computed based on the proposed ATC BS EIRP and antenna
gain waiver requests and on characteristics in accordance with the existing rules for L—
Band ATC systems. This computed interference power level was compared to the
interference threshold and the available margin is determined. A positive margin
indicates compatibility and a negative margin indicates incompatibility. For the
AMS(R)S receivers, the available margin is used to evaluate the requested BS waiver
requests. For GMDSS receivers the available margin is considered in determination of
the necessary separation distance for compatibility.

        Table 3 provides an overview of the operational scenarios considered in
evaluating potential interference to AMS(R)S and GMDSSreceivers based on the MSV
license waiver proposals.

Mobile Satellite Service (AMSS) at 25 (January 16, 1996).

13. Id. at 26.

14. MSS ATC Order Appendix C2 at Section


                                            Table 3.
Operational               ~                          Description
      1         Higher EIRP and overhead antenna gain relaxation for single ATC BS on—channel
                interference to AMS(R)S receivers.
      2         Higher EIRP for multiple ATC BS on—channel interference to AMS(R)S receivers.
      3         Higher EIRP for single ATC BS on—channel interference to GMDSS receivers.
      4         Overhead antenna gain relaxation for multiple ATC BS on—channel interference to
                AMS(R)S receivers.
      5         Higher EIRP and overhead antenna gain relaxation for single ATC BS off—channel
                interference to AMS(R)S receivers.
      6         Increase the number of carriers per sector for multiple ATC BS off—channel
                interference to AMS(R)S receivers.                                         .
      7         Increase the number of carriers per sector for single ATC BS off—channel
                interference to GMDSS receivers.

Operational Scenario 1: Higher EIRP and Overhead Antenna Gain Relaxation for
Single ATC BS On—Channel Interference to AMS(R)S Receivers

       The analysis provided in Table 4 evaluates the MSV proposals for higher EIRP
and relaxation of the overhead antenna gain for AMS(R)S receivers.

                                            Table 4.                      —
              Parameter                      Value                       Source
ATC BS Carrier Power                       19.1 dBW              47 C.F.R. § 25.253(d)(1)
Carriers Per Sector (3 Carriers)             4.8 dB            MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Sector Per ATC BS (3 Sectors)                4.8 dB            MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
dBW to dBm Conversion                          30
Total ATC BS ERP                           58.7 dBm
AMS(R)S Effective Antenna Gain              —10 dBi            MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
ATC BS Antenna Gain (Overhead)               —30 dBi             MSV Waiver Request
Propagation Loss                             —85 dB           MSS ATC Order Appendix           C2
Power Control                                —5.2 dB          MSS ATC Order Appendix           C2
Voice Activation _‘                           —4 dB           MSS ATC Order Appendix           C2
Polarization                                  0 dB            MSS ATC Order Appendix           C2
Total Losses                               —134.2 dB
Received Power                             —75.5 dBm
Interference Threshold                      —50 dBm
Available Margin                            25.5 dB

      As shown in Table 4, the available margin is 25.5 dB; therefore, the request by
MSV to increase the EIRP by 15 dB and increase the overhead antenna gain should not
impact AMS(R)S receivers under the conditions of this operational scenario.

Operational Scenario 2: Higher EIRP for Multiple ATC BS On—Channel Interference to
AMS(R)S Receivers

        The analysis providéd in Table 5 evaluates the MSV proposals for higher ERP
for AMS(R)S receivers.                                                  '
                                       Table 5.
               Parameter                 Value                   Source
ATC BS Carrier Power                   19.1 dBW          47 C.F.R. § 25.253(d)(4)
Carriers Per Sector (3 Carriers)         4.8 dB        MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Sector Per ATC BS (1 Sector)               0 dB        MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
dBW to dBm Conversion                       30
Total ATC BS EIRP                     53.9 dBm
AMS(R)S Effective Antenna Gain            0 dBi        MSS   ATC Order Appendix C2
Isolation for 1000 ATC BSs              —105 dB        MSS   ATC Order Appendix C2
Power Control                           —5.2 dB        MSS   ATC Order Appendix C2
Voice Activation                          ~4 dB        MSS   ATC Order Appendix C2
Polarization                            —1.4 dB        MSS   ATC Order Appendix C2
Total Losses                          —115.6 dB
Received Power                        —61.7 dBm
Interference Threshold                 —50 dBm
Available Margin                        11.7 dB

       As shown in Table 5, the available margin is approximately 12 dB. Based on the
conditions of this operational scenario, only a 12 dB increase in the EIRP can be
supported instead of the 15 dB increase requested by MSV.

Operational Scenario 3: Higher EIRP for Single ATC BS On—Channel Interference to
GMDSS Receivers

    The analysis provided in Table 6 evaluates the MSV proposal for higher EIRP for
GMDSS receivers.
                                     Table 6.
               Parameter.                  Value                  Source
ATC BS Carrier Power                    19.1 dBW          47 C.F.R. § 25.253(d)(4)
Cartiers Per Sector (3 Carriers)           4.8 dB       MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Sector Per ATC BS (1 Sector)                0 dB        MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
dBW to dBm Conversion                        30
Total ATC BS EIRP                       53.9 dBm
GMDSS Effective Antenna Gain              7.8dBi        MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
ATC BS Antenna Gain Back—Off              —3.6 dB
Propagation Loss                         —99.7 dB         47 C.F.R. § 25.253(d)(5)
Power Control                             —5.2 dB       MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Voice Activation                           —2 dB        MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Polarization                               —8 dB        MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Total Losses                           —110.7 dB
Received Power                         —56.8 dBm
Interference Threshold                  —50 dBm
Available Margin                          6.8 dB

       As shown in Table 6, the available margin is approximately 7 dB. Based on the
conditions of this operational scenario, only a 7 dB increase in the EIRP can be supported
instead of the 15 dB increase requested by MSV. In the analysis for Operational Scenario
2, it was determinedthat a 12 dB increase in the EIRP for the ATC BS could be
permitted. Since GMDSS receivers are only used on waterways, it is possible to establish
a separation distance from the edge of waterways to ensure compatibility. The analysis in
Table 6 is based on the 1.5 km required separation distance currently in the
Commission‘s Rules. Increasing the separation distance effects both the propagation loss
and the antenna gain back—off for the ATC BS. A 12 dB increase in the EIRP requires 5
dB of additional propagation loss and antenna gain back—off. For a 12 dB increase in the
EIRP the ATC BS can be located no closer than 2.5 km to the edge of the waterway.

      The Commission‘s Rules also include a PFD level at the edge of the waterway.
The PFD level required to protect GMDSS receivers is computed using the following

                                PFD = Ir — Gatc — 10 Log (A*/AMAx)
         Gartc is the antenna gain of the ATC BS (dBi);
         1 is the wavelength (m).

Using the equation above the PFD is:

                 PFD = —50 —7.8 — (—25.2) = —32.6 dBm/m*/sector = —62.6 dBW/m*/sector

This would be an aggregate (for all carriers) for one sector and the limit is at the edge of
the waterway.

Operational Scenario 4: Overhead Antenna Gain Relaxation for Multiple ATC BS On—
Channel Interference to AMS(R)S Receivers

        This analysis evaluates the MSV proposal for relaxation of the overhead antenna
gain for ATC BSs and the impact on AMS(R]S receivers. To address this proposal, an
analysis methodology consistent with that used by the Commission in the MSS ATC
Order Appendix C2 is employed. The operational scenario used in Appendix C2
modeled the ATC BS environment as a series of concentric rings with 1000 ATC BSs
uniformly distributed over a 90 km radius circular region. The aircraft with the AMS(R)S
receiver is assumed to be located over the center of the ATC BS deployment. In this
analysis a similar approach is used where the 90 km radius circular region is divided into
concentric rings of equal area, with each ring containing 10% of the 1000 ATC BSs. The
inner 10% ring is divided in half (two 5% segments) to further examine the propagation
and antenna gain effects. Table 7 provides the ring radius, the percent ATC BSs, the
propagation loss to the mid—point of each ring, and the elevation angle from the aircraft.

         As shown in Table 7, all of the elevation angles are within 2 degrees of the
horizontal. MSV proposes to increase the antenna gain at angles between 30 to 145
degrees. Therefore, the increases in the overhead antenna gain as proposed by MSV is


  not a significant factor over the environment considered in this operational scenario and
  should not result in interference to AMS(R)S receivers.

                         20c                   Table 7.
   Ring Radius          Percent         Propagation Loss to        Elevation Angle from to a ATC
      (km)              ATC BSs          Mid—Point of Ring         BS at the Mid—Point of Ring to
                                                                        the Aircraft (Degrees)
     85.4 to 90             10                 C —38.9                           0.18
    80.5 to 85.4            10                 C — 38.4                          0.19
    75.3 to 80.5            10                 C —37.8                            0.2
    69.17 to 75.3           10                 C —37.2                           0.21
    63.6 to 69.7            10                 C — 36.5                       __0.23
    56.9 to 63.6            10                 C — 35.6                          0.26
    49.2 to 56.9            10                 C — 34.5                          0.29
   40.24 to 49.2            10                  C — 33                           0.35
   28.46 to 40.24           10                 C — 30.7                          0.45
   20.12 to 28.46           5                  C —27.7                           0.64
     0 to 20.12             5                   C — 20                            1.5
  C represents the 20 Log (frequency) and the constant in the free space propagation loss equation.
  The aircraft is at an altitude of 300 meters and the ATC BS is at 30 meters.

         A weighted (to account for the two inner circles) numeric average of the 20 Log
  (mid—point distance) terms can be computed from the values in Table 7:

                                   (322.6 + 23.9)/10 = 34.6 dB

          The weighted average of the mid—point distance points is used to compute an
  average or ensemble value of the isolation:

                    Isolation = 10 log (1000) — 5 ~32.45 —63.75 — 34.6 =—105.8 dB

  Where 1000 is the number of ATC BSs; the 5 dB is the ATC BS antenna gain back—off at
  the horizon; 32.45 is the freespace propagation constant; 63.75 is the 20 Log (frequency)
  at 1550 MHz; and 34.6 is the weighted average of the 20 Log (distance) terms. The
  calculated value of —105.8 dB for the isolation is in agreement with the value of —105.1 dB
  used by the Commission in the analysis presented in Appendix C2 of the MSS ATC
. Order. Based on the results of this analysis, relaxation of the overhead ATC BS antenna
  gain as requested by MSV can be permitted without increasing the potential for
  interference to AMS(R)S receivers.

  Operational Scenario 5: Higher EIRP and Overhead Antenna Gain Relaxation for Single
  ATC BS Off—Channel Interference to AMS(R)S Receivers

         The analysis provided in Table 8 evaluates the MSV proposals for higher EIRP
  and oveghead antenna gain relaxation for AMS(R)S receivers.


                                         Table 8.
             Parameter                     Value                         Source
ATC BS Out—of—Channel Emission        —57.9 dBW/MHz               47 C.E.R. § 25.253(b)
Carriers Per Sector (3 Carriers)           4.8 dB           MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Sector Per ATC BS (3 Sector)               4.8 dB           MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
dBW to dBm Conversion                        30
1 MHz to 600 Hz Conversion                 —32 dB
Total ATC BS Out—of—Channel          —50.3 dBm/600 Hz
Emission Level
AMS(R)S Effective Antenna Gain            —10 dBi           MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
ATC BS Overhead Antenna Gain              —14 dBi           MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
                                                           and the MSV Waiver Request of
                                                                47 C.F.R. §25.253(e)
Propagation Loss (dB)                     —85 dB            MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Power Control                             —5.2 dB           MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Voice Activation                           —4 dB            MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Polarization        '                      0 dB             MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Total Losses                              —118.2 dB
Received Power                       —168.5 dBm/600 Hz
Interference Threshold               —156.5 dBm/600 Hz
Available Margin                            12 dB

        As shown in Table 8, the available margin is a 12 dB. Based on the conditions of
this operational scenario, only a 12 dB increase in the EIRP can be supported instead of
the 15 dB increase requested by MSV. The ATC BS antenna gain of —14 dBi is the
combination of the 16 dBi mainbeam antenna gain permitted by the Commission‘s Rules
and the 30 dB reduction in the overhead antenna gain that has been proposed by MSV. If
the overhead antenna gain were reduced the ATC BS EIRP could be increased without
increasing the potential for interference to AMS(R)S receivers.

Operational Scenario 6: Impact of Eliminating the Number of Carriers Per Sector for
Multiple ATC BS Off—Channel Interference to AMS(R)S Receivers

      The analysis provided in Table 9 evaluates the MSV proposal of eliminating the
number of carriers per sector for AMS(R)S receivers.


                                          Table 9.
             Parameter                    Value                        Source
ATC BS Out—of—Channel~ _             —57.9 dBwW/MHz              47 C.FR. § 25.253(b)
Emission Level
Carriers Per Sector (3 Carriers)          4.8 dB             MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Sector Per ATC BS (1 Sector)               0 dB              MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
dBW to dBm Conversion                       30
1 MHz to 600 Hz Conversion                —32 dB
Total ATC BS Out—of—Channel         —55.1 dBm/600 Hz
Emission Level                                                     .
AMS(R)S Effective Antenna Gain             0 dBi            MSS   ATC   Order Appendix   C2
ATC BS Mainbeam Antenna Gain               16 dB            MSS   ATC   Order Appendix   C2
Isolation for 1000 ATC BSs                —105 dB           MSS   ATC   Order Appendix   C2
Power Control                             —5.2 dB           MSS   ATC   OrderAppendix    C2
Voice Activation                           —4 dB            MSS   ATC   Order Appendix   C2
Polarization                              —1.4 dB           MSS   ATC   Order Appendix   C2
Total Losses                             —99.6 dB
Received Power                      —154.7 dBm/600 Hz
Interference Threshold              —156.5 dBm/600 Hz
Available Margin                          —1.8 dB

       As shown in Table 9, the available margin is a —1.8 dB, which indicates that
additional attenuation is necessary for a compatible sharing arrangement. However, the
available margin is exceeded by less than 2 dB therefore, the potential for interference to
AMS(R)S receivers is believed to be minimal. Based on the conditions of this
operational scenario, the out—of—channel emission level of the ATC BSs cannot be
increased. Although MSV does not request an increase in the out—of—channel emission
level, an important point must be made regarding the relationship between the out—of—
channel emission level and the number of carriers per sector. The Commission‘s Rules
permit a maximum of three carriers per ATC BS sector. The analysis presented in Table
9 uses the maximum number of permitted carriers per sector. As shown in Table 9, in
order to maintain the current margin the combination of the out—of—channel emission level
and 10 Log (3 carriers) must be —53 dBW/MHz. Thus any increase in the number of
carriers per sector would require that the out—of—channel emission level for each channel
be reduced by a factor of 10 Log (number of carriers) relative to —53 dBW/MHz. For
example, if 10 carriers per sector are employed, the out—of—channel emission level for
each of the ten carriers would have to be reduced to —63 dBW/MHz to prevent out—of—
channel interference to AMS(R)S receivers.

Operational Scenario 7: Impact of Eliminating the Number of Carriers Per Sector for
Single ATC BS Off—Channel Interference to GMDSS Receivers

      The analysis provided in Table 10 evaluates the MSV proposal for eliminating the
number of carriers per sector for GMDSS receivers.


                                        Table 10.
              Parameter                    Value                      Source
ATC BS Out—of—Channel Emission        —57.9 dBW/MHz             47 CF.R. § 25.253(b)
Level                  20.
Carriers Per Sector (3 Carriers)           4.8 dB          MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Sector Per ATC BS (1 Sector) _              0 dB           MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
MHz to Hz Conversion                      —60 dB                            —
Total ATC BS Out—of—Channel           —113.1 dBW/Hz
Emission Level
GMDSS Effective Antenna Gain               7.8 dBi         MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
ATC BS Antenna Gain                         16 dBi
ATC BS Antenna Gain Back—Off               —3.6 dB         MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Propagation Loss                          —99.7 dB       Based on a 1.5 km required distance
                                                              separation in 47 C.ER. §
Power Control                              —5.2 dB         MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Voice Activation                            —2 dB          MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Polarization                                —8 dB          MSS ATC Order Appendix C2
Total Losses                              —94.7 dB
Received Power                         —207.8 dBW/Hz
Interference Threshold                  —209 dBW/Hz
Available Margin                           —1.2 dB

        As shown in Table 10, the available margin is a —1.2 dB, which indicates that
additional attenuation is necessary for a compatible sharing arrangement. However, the
available margin is exceeded by approximately 1 dB, therefore the potential for
interference to GMDSS receivers is believed to be minimal. Based on the conditions of
this operational scenario, the out—of—channel emission level of the ATC BSs cannot be
increased. As discussed in Operational Scenario 6, there is a relationship between the
out—of—channel emission level and the number of carriers per sector. The Commission‘s
Rules permit a maximum of three carriers per ATC BS sector. The analysis presented in
Table 10 uses the maximum number of permitted carriers per sector. As shown in Table
10, in order to maintain the current margin, the combination of the out—of—channel
emission level and 10 Log (3 carriers) must be —53 dBW/MHz. Thus, any increase in the _
number of carriers per sector would require that the out—of—channel emission level for
each channel be reduced by a factor of 10 Log (number of carriers) relative to —53
dBW/MHz. For example, if 10 carriers per sector are employed, the out—of—channel
emission level for each of the ten carriers would have to be reduced to —63 dBW/MHz to
prevent out—of—channel interference to GMDSS receivers.

ATC BS Emission Limits in the 1559—1610 MHz Band

        The MSV license application states that in the 1559—1610 MHz radionavigation
satellite service band, ATC BSs will not exceed an EIRP of —100 dBW/MHz for
wideband emissions. For narrowband emissions (discrete emissions of less than 700 Hz),
ATC BSs will not exceed an EIRP in the 1559—1610 MHz band of —100 dBW." The

15. MSV License Application at 22.


Commission‘s Rules for ATC BSs require that GSM architecture which employs TDMA
be used. However, as discussed earlier in this document, the MSV license application
requests that they also be permitted to employ CDMA (2000cdma or W—CDMA) in
addition to TDMA. The wideband and narrowband emission levels in the 1559—1610
MHz band are independent of the access scheme employed. Therefore, ATC BSs that
employ CDMA would also have to comply with the EIRP limits of —100 dBW/MHz
(wideband emissions) and —110 dBW (narrowband emissions) in the 1559—1610 MHz


        The two MSV waiver requests for the ATC MT‘s that could potentially impact
AMS(R])S and GMDSS operations are: 1) the use of half—rate vo—coders; and 2) the
increased terrestrial reuse of co—channel frequencies and unlimited reuse of non—co—
channel frequencies.

Assessment of Potential Interference to Inmarsat Satellite Receivers that Support
AMS(R)S and GMDSS Operations Based on MSV ATC MT Waiver Requests

         The MSV MT‘s will transmit in the 1626.5—1660.5 MHz to communicate with
their satellite. Since MET‘s used to support AMS(R)S and GMDSS operations will also
transmit in this frequency band to communicate with Inmarsat satellite receivers,
therefore the MSV waiver requests for the MTs must be evaluated.

        In Appendix C2 of the MSS ATC Order, the Commission preformed an analysis
that assessed the potential of interference to Inmarsat satellite receivers from ATC MT‘s. 16
The analysis results presented in Table 2.1.1.A (adjacent band) and Table 2.1.1.C
(adjacent beam) of Appendix C2 assesses potential interference to Inmarsat 3 and 4
satellite receivers. The analysis results indicate that compared to a AT/T of 6%, the
operation of ATC MT‘s resulted in insignificant values of AT/T. For the adjacent band
analysis, the AT/T for the Inmarsat 3 and 4 satellite receivers was 0.001%. For the
adjacent beam analysis, the AT/T values were 0.05% (Inmarsat 3) and 0.7% (Inmarsat 4).

       In the analysis, the Commission included a 3.5 dB vo—coder factor. However, in
the GSM architecture a half—rate vo—coder operates at 4.75 kbps and a full rate operates at
13 kbps. Switching a MT from full rate to half rate provides 10 Log (13/4.75) = 4.4 dB
of transmitter power reduction. The reduced vo—coder rate will only be used when the
MT is operating at power levels near the maximum output level. Therefore, the proposed
use of a half—rate vo—coder will not significantly change the vo—coder factor. However,
the loss in power associated with the vo—coder factor was used inadvertently in the link
budget of the MSS ATC Order. The ATC MT was determined to be operating under
conditions that resulted in a 20 dB back—off in power control and as such the vo—coder
rate reduction would not be invoked. The MSV license application indicates that the
ATC MTs will have an average antenna gain of —4 dBi or less compared to the 0 dBi used

16. MSS ATC Order Appendix C2 at Section 2.1.1.


in the Commission‘s analysis."‘ MSV claims that this will increase the ATC co—channel
reuse by a factor 2.5. This —4 dBi basically is nullified by the inadvertent use of the 3.5
dB for the vo—coder factor in the Commission‘s link budget. Thus, the computed AT/T
values are correct and the increased co—channel reuse factor is not appropriate.

        In Appendix H of the MSV license application, the —4 dBi is described as an
average antenna gain in the direction of the Inmarsat satellite. The MT antenna gain in
the direction of the Inmarsat satellite will be highly dependent on the orientation of the
MT. It is unclear how the compliance measurements of MT‘s to verify this average
antenna gain would be performed.

        The increased terrestrial reuse of co—channel frequencies and unlimited reuse of
non—co—channel frequencies does not have an impact on the analysis results assessing
potential interference to Inmarsat satellite receivers.

Out—of—Band Emissions of Satellite—ATC MT Employing Link Margin Booster

        In Appendix A of the MSV license application an overview of the integrated
satellite—ATC terminal design is given."" As part of this overview, the description of a
"link margin booster" is provided. The link margin booster may be placed on a window
sill to enable satellite communications from inside a building. The link margin booster
circuitry includes a power amplifier (PA) that is capable of providing 3 dBW to the
antenna. It appears from the description that the booster could also be used for the ATC
MT‘s which have a maximum permitted EIRP of 0 dBW. The ATC system (BS and MT‘s)
are required to have power control so the increase in in—band power should be controlled.
 A possible concern is the effect that the PA will have on the out—of—band emissions. If
the PA is driven into saturation or operates in a non—linear manner, this could result in a
significant increase in the out—of—band emission levels (e.g., in the 1559—1605 MHz band).
As part of the compliance measurements of the MSV satellite/ATC MT, it is
recommended that measurements of the MT be performed with and without the link
margin booster to ensure that the out—of—band emission levels in the 1559—1605 MHz
band do not exceed the EIRP limit of —70 dBW/MHz for the satellite MTs and —90
dBW/MHz (wideband emissions) and —100 dBW (narrowband emissions) for the ATC

ATC MT Emission Limits in the 1559—1610 MHz Band

         The MSV license application states that in the 1559—1605 MHz radionavigation
satellite service band that ATC MT‘s will not exceed an EIRP of —90 dBW/MHz for
wideband emissions. For all new ATC MTs MSV placed in service five years after MSV
commences commercial operations, the wideband emission EIRP limit in the 1559—1605
MHz band will be reduced by 5 dB to —95 dBW/MHz. For narrowband emissions

17. MSV License Application at 18.

18. MSV License Application Appendix A at 1.


 (discrete emissions of less than 700 Hz), ATC BSs will not exceed an EIRP in the 1559—
 1605 MHz band of —100 dBW.‘" The narrowband limit is reduced to —105 for all new
 ATC MTs placed into Service five years after commercial service begins. The
 Commussion‘s Rules for ATC MT‘s require that GSM architecture which employs TDMA
 be used. However, as discussed earlier in this document, the MSV license application
 requests that they also be permitted to employ CDMA (2000cdma or W—CDMA) in
 addition to TDMA. The wideband and narrowband emission levels in the 1559—1605
 MHz band are independent of the access scheme employed. Therefore, ATC MT‘s that
 employ CDMA would also have to comply with the EIRP limits of —90 dBW/MHz and
 —95 dBW/MHz (wideband emissions) and —100 dBW and —105 dBW (narrowband
 emissions) in the 1559—1605 MHz band.


        In order to protect AMS(R]S receivers, the increase in the ATC BS sector EIRP
 must be limited to 12 dB.

        The relaxation of the overhead antenna gain requested by MSV for ATC BSs can
 be permitted without impacting the operation of AMS(R)S receivers.

        To protect GMDSS receivers, ATC BSs operating at the 12 dB higher EIRP level
 must satisfy one of the following: 1) be located at least 2.5 km from the boundaries of all
 navigable waterways; or 2) not exceed a PFD level of —62.6 dBW/m*/sector at the
 boundaries of all navigable waterways.

         To ensure compatibility with AMS(R)S and GMDSS receivers, the out—of—channel
 emission level of the ATC BSs must be limited to —53 dBW/MHz for a sector. This
 emission level is based on three carriers per sector. If additional carriers per sector are
 employed, the out—of—channel emission level for each carrier must be reduced by a factor
 of 10 Log (number of carriers) relative to —53 dBW/MHz.

         ATC BSs operating at the 12 dB higher EIRP level must still comply with the
~ EIRP limits of —100 dBW/MHz (wideband emissions) and —110 dBW (narrowband
 emissions) in the 1559—1610 MHz band that are specified in the MSV license application.

        The EIRP limits of —100 dBW/MHz (wideband emissions) and —110 dBW
 (narrowband emissions) in the 1559—1610 MHz band that are specified in the MSV
 license application would apply to ATC BSs that employ either TDMA or CDMA access

        The EIRP limits of —90 dBW/MHz (wideband emissions) and —100 dBW
 (narrowband emissions) in the 1559—1605 MHz band that are specified in the MSV
license application would apply to ATC MT‘s that employ either TDMA or CDMA access

 19. MSV License Application at 22.


      As part of the compliance measurements of the MSV satellite/ATC MT, it is
recommended that measurements of the MT be performed with and without the link
margin booster to ensure that the out—of—band emission levels in the 1559—1605 MHz
band do not exceed —70 dBW/MHz for satellite MTs and —90 dBW/MHz (w1deband
emissions) and —100 dBW (narrowband emissions) for ATC MT‘s.

       NTIA does not oppose MSV‘s request that, with respect to frequencies that are
not shared with any other visible satellite systems (e.g., non—co—channel frequencies),
there can be unlimited reuse of its satellite spectrum for ATC operations. The only
exception to this additional flexibility, however, is that if certain frequencies used by
MSV change from being non—co—channel frequencies to being shared frequencies, as a
result of changes in the international frequency coordination, MSV would be required,
with respect to those shared frequencies, to comply with the applicable rules. Moreover,
MSV would never be permitted to operate co—channel in the same geographic area with
any AMS(R)S and GMDSS operations of another satellite system.


Document Created: 2004-04-29 15:19:44
Document Modified: 2004-04-29 15:19:44

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