Attachment application minor mo

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20030613-00121 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                               Before the                                  RECE'VED
                       FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                .
                                      Washington, D.C. 20554                                JUN 1 3 2003
                                                                                    FEDERAL COMMunNICATIONSs C
                                                                                           OFFICE OF ic canseO"OSSON
 In the Matter of

                                                    m NiX yz
                                                                DBS8402     SAT—MOD—20030613—00120
                                                                DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
Application of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
                                                                DIRECTV 1

for Minor Modification of its DBS System                       DBS8804    SAT—MOD—20030613—00121
and for Authorization to Relocate and Operate                  DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
its DIRECTV 6 and DIRECTV 1 Satellites                         Directv 6           ‘


        DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC ("DIRECTV") hereby requests a minor modification of its

relevant Direct Broadcast Satellite ("DBS") system authorizations to reflect the relocation of the

DIRECTV 6 satellite to the 110° W.L. orbital position, the relocation of the DIRECTV 1 satellite _

to the 101° W.L. orbital position, and the respective operations of the satellites from those

locations once they have been moved.


        DIRECTV currently provides service to U.S. consumers from a constellation of DBS

satellites that use 32 DBS frequencies at 101° W.L., 3 DBS frequencies at 110° W.L., and 11

DBS frequencies at 119° W.L.‘ DIRECTV, together with certain independent distributors, now

has more than 11.4 million subscribers in the United States.

        DIRECTV 1 is a Boeing HS601—model DBS spacecraft that was originally clustered with

several other DIRECTV DBS satellites at the 101° W.L. orbital position, and currently provides

service using DIRECTYV‘s assigned DBS frequencies at 110° W.L. DIRECTV 6 is a Loral

‘ DIRECTV voluntarily surrendered the DBS channels previously allocated to it at the 157° W.L. orbital
  location in May 1998. See Public Notice, Rep. No. SPB—127 (rel. June 10, 1998).

 F51300 ==      _raft that currently provides backup capacity to the DIRECTV 5 satellite at 119°

 3      which uses DIRECTV‘s eleven assigned DBS frequencies at that orbital position.

         On June 11, 2003, DIRECTV requested a grant of special temporary authority ("STA")

 to move the DIRECTV 6 and DIRECTV 1 direct broadcast satellites to the 110° W.L. and 101°

 W.L. orbital positions, respectively. The primary purpose of the requested STA and this

 application is to enhance promptly DIRECTV‘s DBS service to Hawaii. DIRECTV currently

 uses its capacity at 110° W.L. to provide high—definition television ("HDTV") programming

 channels to its DBS subscribers. The DIRECTV 1 satellite, however — the first satellite deployed

 by DIRECTV — was not designed to cover Hawaii. Therefore, DIRECTV‘s Hawaiian

 subscribers cannot receive any HDTV programming offered from the 110° W.L. orbital position.

        DIRECTV 6 (formerly known as Tempo 2) has a coverage beam that can "see" the

 Hawaiian islands. Since the DIRECTV 78 spot beam satellite, planned for launch into the 119°

 W.L. location at the end of this year," also has national capacity that can serve as backup

capacity for DIRECTV 5, DIRECTV 6 is available for re—positioning at 110° W.L. Once

DIRECTV 6 is positioned at 110° W.L., the programming carried on DIRECTV 1 can be

transferred to DIRECTV 6, which will allow Hawaiian subscribers to access it. DIRECTV 1

will then be returned to the 101° W.L. to provide service and to act as additional backup capacity

to DIRECTV‘s core fiational offerings at that location.

        By this application, DIRECTV seeks to formally modify its relevant system

authorizations to reflect these changes, which are in the public interest.

* See In the Matter ofDIRECTY Enterprises, LLC, Applicationfor Authority to Launch and Operate
  DIRECTV 78 (USABSS—18) (filed June 11, 2003).


         IRECTV seeks a minor modification of its relevant system authorizations to reflect the

 relocation and reassignment of the DIRECTV 6 and the DIRECTV 1 satellites to the 110° W.L.

 and 101° W.L. orbital positions, respectively, and the corresponding operation of the satellites at

 those locations.


        The technical parameters for DIRECTV 6 and DIRECTV 1 are already on file with the

 Commission and are a matter of public record. Because DIRECTV 6 is being substituted for

 DIRECTV 1 at 110° W.L., and DIRECTV 1 is being moved back to 101° W.L. (its original

 assigned orbital position), the operation of these satellites will not pose any interference risk to

other satellites and requires no coordination with other satellites.


        DIRECTV is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Hughes Electronics Corporation, which is

wholly—owned by General Motors Corporation. DIRECTV is a fully qualified DBS licensee, and

its legal qualifications are a matter of public record. For DBS systems, the Commission has not

required a prior demonstration of financial qualifications, but has instead relied on the applicant

meeting due diligence milestones once a system is authorized. Nevertheless, DIRECTV has

sufficient financial resources available to cover the costs of relocating the DIRECTV 6 and

DIRECTV 1 satellites and operating them as described.


        The operation of the DIRECTV 6 and DIRECTV 1 satellites will be on a non—broadcast,

non—common carrier basis. DIRECTV may sell and/or lease capacity on a non—common carrier

basis for complementary business purposes.

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           Lrsuant to the STA, DIRECTV desires to initiate the relocation and operation of the

 LHRECTV 6 and DIRECTV 1 satellites on Frday, June 20, 2003, so that satellite—delivered

 HDTV programming service can begin being retransmitted to DBS subscribers residing in

 Hawaii by July 1, 2003. DIRECTV understands that final relocation and operation of the

 DIRECTV 6 and DIRECTV 1 satellites will remain subject to the approval of the instant



         As DIRECTV has stated in previous proceedings, it is committed to improving and

 expanding its DBS service to residents of the State of Hawaii, which is an express policy goal of

 the Commission." Thus, the relocation and operation of the DIRECTV 6 and DIRECTV 1

 satellites as described herein is in the public interest.


         In accordance with Section 304 of the Communications Act," DIRECTV hereby waives

any claim to the use of any particular frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum as against any

regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by

license or otherwise.

* See, e.g., In the Matter ofPolicies and Rules for the Direct Broadcast Satellite Service, IB Docket No.
 98—21, Report and Order (rel. June 13, 2002), at 50 (recognizing "the importance ofestablishing DBS
 as a competitor to cable in the MVPD market in" the State of Hawaii).
* 47 U.S.C. § 304


       For the foregoing reasons, DIRECTV respectfully requests that the Commission

promptly grant this application to modify its DBS system to relocate DIRECTV 6 and DIRECTV

1 to the 110° W.L. and 101° W.L. orbital locations, respectively, and to operate the satellites

from these locations.

              Respectfully submitted,

              _ DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

                     es R. Butterworth


                                                        EXPEDITED PROCESSING REQUESTED

                               ANTI—DRUG ABUSE ACT CERTIFICATION

          Pursuant to Section 1.2002 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.2002, DIRECTV
  Enterprises, Inc. ("DIRECTV") certifies that neither DIRECTV, nor any ofits shareholders, nor
  any of its officers or directors, are subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to authority
  granted in Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. ~

                                                                      nterprises, LLC

 June __, 2003

DC\S97966.1                                                                ~

Document Created: 2016-12-28 17:26:57
Document Modified: 2016-12-28 17:26:57

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