Attachment DA 05 1890

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20030613-00120 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission                              pa os—1800

                                                 Before the
                                 Federal Communications Commi
                                           Washington, D.C. 20554

In the matter of
Applications of DIRECTV Enterprises LLC:
Request for Special Temporary Authority to                    File No. SAT—STA—20050427—00091
Conduct Telemety, Tracking and Control During                 Call Sign $2627
the Relocation of DIRECTV 1 tothe 72.5° WL.
Orbital Location
Request for Modification of Blanket Authorization             File No. SES—MES—20050427—00409
for 1000,000 Receive—Only Earth Stations to                   CallSign Eos0o24
Provide Direct Broadcast Satelite Service in the
United States using the Canadian—Authorized
DIRECTV 1 Satlie atthe 72.5° W.L. Broadcast
Satelite Strvice Location
Request for Modification of License to Relocate               File No. SAT—MOD—20030613—00120
DIRECTV 1 to the 101° W.L. Orbital Location                   File No. SAT—AMD—20041112—00208
and Related Requestfor Special Temporary                      File No. SAT—STA—20041 11200207
Authorit to Operateatthat Location                            CallSign $2627
Request for Special Temporary Authoriy to
Conduct Telemety, Tracking and Control During                 File No. SAT—STA—20050517.—00104
the Relocation of DIRECTV 5 tothe 109.8° W.L.                 Call Sign $2673
Orbital Location
                                   ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION
Adopted: July 14, 2005                                            Released: July 14, 2005
By the Deputy Chief, Satelite Division,Interational Bureau:

                                       £        INTRODUCTION
         1. With this Order, we granttherequest of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (DIRECTV) for specil
temporary authority, for a period not to exceed 180 days from the release of this Order, to relocate is
DIRECTV 1 sateite from its current position at the 101.125° W.L. orbiallocation to the 72.5" WL
orbital loction," and to conduct Telemetry, Tracking and Control (FT&C) functions for the satelite un
the time it reaches its new location, subject to certain conditions. With this Order, we also grant
DIRECTV‘s request for modification of ts blanket suthority to communicate with 1,000,000 receive—only

        ! ‘The term *725° W.L.orbital loction" as used in this Order, efers t the nominal orbitl postion for
the relevant Canadian frequency assignment undethInerntional Telecommunication Union (FTU) Region 2 Pan
for BSS and Feeder Link Assignments, ascotaine in Appendix 30A ofthe Radio Renulations, and to any specifie
orbialloction withinth72.5=0.2° rangedeined by such assinment

                                Federal Communications Commission                           baos—1800

earth stations, which DIRECTV uses to provide "local—ito—lacal"" ignals to U.S.consumers, which will
now communicate with the DIRECTV 1 sitelite. The DIRECTV 1 satelite will operate atthe 72.5°
W.L. orbital location under a Canadian space sttion authorization issued to Telesat Canada (Telesat)by
Industry Canada.. Because the United States authorization for DIRECTV 1 will be terminated when it
arrives atthe 72.5° W.L. orbital location, we also dismiss, as moot, several pending applications reating
to that space station.. Customer triffic will be handed off from DIRECTV 5 to DIRECTV 1 while the
satelites are briefly co—located at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location.. Once the is completed,
DIRECTV proposes to use the DIRECTV 5 stellte to replace a faling satelite at another orbital
location. We grant DIRECTV‘s request for special temporary authority to relocate the DIRECTV 5
satellite to the 109.8" W.L. orbital location of the fuiing satelite (nominally, the 110° WL. orbital
location) after the hand—off, and to conduct TT&C operitions during that drif. Grant of these
applications will permit DIRECTV to commence a series of satelite fleet moves needed to maintain
continuity of service to DIRECTV customers at several locations, necessitated by the deteriorating
condition of another satelite in the DIRECTV fect

                                       11.     BACKGROUND
        2.. The DIRECTV 5 satelite currently operatesat the 72.5° W.L. orbital location pursuant to an
agreement between DIRECTV and Telesat, and under authorization issued by Industry Canada to
TelesatThe proposed relocation of the DIRECTV 1 satllt to the 72.5° W.L. orbital location is based
upon a revision to an agreement between DIRECTV and Telesat. ‘The revised agreement will make the
DIRECTV 5 satelite availble for use at another, U.—licensed orbital location. DIRECTV has agreed to
move the DIRECTV 1 satelite to the 72.5° W.L. orbial location, subject to necessary govermmental
approvals in the United States and in Canada. The agreement provides DIRECTV with an exclusiveright
to use all of the capscity on the DIRECTV 1 satelite at the 72.5° WL. orbital location until at least
September 30, 2008, unless DIRECTV Iaunches two of three specifc additional satelites before that dat.
Under the agreement, DIRECTV may, under certain circumstances, move the DIRECTV 1 stelite to one
of ts U.S—licensed orbital locations,* upon five days* notice to Telesat,in the event that DIRECTV 1 is
needed to replace some or all of the capacity of certain other DIRECTV satelites should any of those
satelites fail in orbit.
        3.. The agreement states that, once DIRECTV 1 is at the 72.5° W.L. orbitallocation,it will be
operated under Telesat‘s direction and contrl.. DIRECTV will conduct TT&C for DIRECTV 1, on
Telesat‘s behalf, from a US—licensed earth station, until Telesat has developed. and installed the
necessary facilites in Canada to perform such functions.
        4. On April 27, 2005, DIRECTV filed with the Commission a copy of ts agreement with
Telesatand requested that the agreement be withheld from public inspection parsuant to Sections 0457
        * Thterm ‘loeal—inoocal,"as usein this Order,refers to provision via satliteretransmisionoflocal
broadeast channelsto subseribers who residein the local TV station‘s markewhich is deined as a Desigated
Market Area,or "DMA. See 17 USC § 1220C)A). This action is taken porsuant to Setion 25.131 of the
Commision‘s Rules. See 47 CFR. § 25.131() (reuiring mostreceive—only Earh sttions that would operte wit
non—11. leensed space station o b licensed)
        * Application of DIRBCTV Enterprises, LLC Requestfor Special Temporary Authortyfor the DIRECTV
5 Satllte, Application of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC Request for Blanket Authorzation for 1000,000 Receive
Only Earth Sations to Provide Diect Broadcast Salite Service in the United Siies using the Conadian
Autbarized DIRECTV 5 Sitelitahe 725° W.L. Broadcas Satelite Srvice Location, Order and Auhorizarion,
19 RCC Red 15920 (n‘I Bur. Sat. Div. 2006)(DIRECTY 5 Order
       * DIRECTV holds leenses to operate stelites prsuant to the U.S. assignments for the 1017, 10 and
119 W.L. orbita oeations under the TRegion 2 Plan for BSS and Feeder Link Assignments

                                  Federal Communications Commission                             pa os—1890

and 0459 of the Commission‘s rules." On the same date, DIRECTV also filed a request for special
temporary authority (STA) to relocate the DIRECTV 1 satelite, and a request for modification of its
existing blanketearthsttion authorization.® The Satellite Division of he International Bureau (Division)
issued a Public Notice on April 29, 2005 accepting DIRECTV‘s STA request for filig." The Division
issued a public notice on May 25, 2005 accepting the DIRECTV blanket earth station request for fling"
No comments were filin response to ither of these filngs.
        5. On May 17, 2005, DIRECTV filed an application for an STA to relocate the DIRECTV 5
satelie, affer its customer trafic at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location is transferred to the DIRECTV 1
satellite"     On May 20, the Division issued a public notice accepting the STA request for filing."
DIRECTV seeks authorty to relocate the DIRECTV 5 satelite to the 109.8° W.L. orbital location, at
whichlocation it hasapplied to provide Direct Broadeast Service (DBS) on three liensed channels."" No
comments were filed in response to this request
                                          u11.     DISCUSSION
         A.        STA to RelocateDIRECTV1
         6..   The need toreplace DIRECTV 5 with DIRECTV 1 resultsfrom the deteriorting condition of
a third satelite, DIRECTV 6, t the 109.8" WL. orbital location, which has experienced repeated solar
aray failures, as recently as March ofthis year. In order to ensure that the three DBS channels on that
satellte remain fully operational, DIRECTV has tumed off payload heaters on board the sstelite
DIRECTV reports tatthe degradation of operations stemming from the sola array filures is expected to
continue as more arays fail"""It is also likely thatthe solar array failures will be aggravated by the
approsching annual solareclipses occurring around the autumnal equinox.
        7.. DIRECTV explains that the DIRECTV 5 and DIRECTV 6 satelites were designed with the
same operational capabilits, including an antenna design optimized for service from the nominal 110°
WIL. orbital location at which DIRECTV 6 is now providing service. Therefore, DIRECTV 5 is well—

       * 47 CFR §§ 0457, 0459. See DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, Requesfor Confdential Treatment (iled
Apai27, 2005
        * hie No. SAT—STA—2005027.00091; ie No. SE—¥rs20080127.00009.
        7 Policy   Branch Information, Stellte Space Applications Accepted for Fling; Report No: SAT—00288
(released April 29, 2009)
        * Suelite Communictions Servies re: Satellte Radio Applicatons Accepted for Fling, Report No:
5BS—007115 (released May 25, 2005
        * Fil No. SAT—STA 200505170010
         " Policy Branch Information,Satelite Space Applicatons Accepted for Fling. Report No. SAT—00292.
        "— See Appliation of DIRECTV Enterprites, LC for Authorizaion to Operte DIRECTV 5, a Diect
Broadcast Stelie, at 1098 WL, File No. SAT—0A—20050804—00093 (fed May 4, 2005) See also Polcy
Branch Information, Stelite Space Appliations Accepted for Filing, Report No. SAT—00303 (released July 1,
        5 DIRECTV Enerpries, LLC, Request for Special Temporary Authoriy to Relocate DIRECTV 1 to
72.5° W.L. and to Conduct Telemetry, Tracking and Contol Operations foan Inteim Period, File No. SAT—STA~
20050427—00091 (DIRECTV 1 STA Application)at 3

                                 Federal Communications Commission                           pa 05—1890

suited to replace DIRECTV 6 atthe 110° W.L. orbitl location, while the DIRECTV 1 satellte, which
does not share that antenna design, is not as well—suited for serviceat that location.""_At the same time,
DIRECTV 1 is eapable of providing the local—intolocal services currently provided by DIRECTV 5 at the
72.5° W.L. orbitallocation."
         8. Upon review, we find that DIRECTV has shoun a grant of this request would serve the
pobli intrest. Specifically, this STA will enable DIRECTV to maintain continuity of DBS service from
the 109.8° WL. and 72.5° W.L. orbital locations, by authorizing the firsin a series of satelite moves that
willallow the replacement ofa deeriorating DIRECTV 6 stelite.

         9.. The DIRECTV 1 satelite will not be operating under a Commission authorization once the
satelite arrives at the 725 W.L. orbital location.. Accordingly, we are terminating the DIRECTV 1
license (Call Sign $2627) effective upon the arival of the DIRECTV 1 satelite at the 72.5° W.L. orbital
location. We also dismiss, as moot, all pending applications affecting the operations of DIRECTV 1
under Commission authority."
         10. We have exchanged letters with Industry Canada in order to ensure that there is a mutual
understanding. regarding the operation of the DIRECTV 1 and DIRECTV 5. satelies. The
understandings, and the factual background for these understandings, are provided as Annex A and are
material considerations for the authorization contained in this Order..In general, the exchange ofleters
indieates thatspace station operations of DIRECTV 1 and DIRECTV 5 at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location
will be pursuant to authorization of Telesat by Industry Canada. The two satelites will both operate for a
brief period at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location, to accommodate testing and the transfer of customer
         11. Finally, we address potential concers about thlif of the DIRBCTV 1 satellte because it is
a model HS6O1 satelte. Other satelites of this design have experienced satelite control processor
failures. More particularly,the HSGOT satelftes are susceptible to a type of satelite control processor
failure called a "tin whisker®filure,refeing tothe growth of a pure tin crystal, resembling a whisker
on the input power relay unit® One ofthe stelite control processors on DIRECTV 1 failed on July 5,
1998." . Since that time, the DIRECTV 1 satelite has continued to operate using its backup satelte
control processor.
         12. We have previously discussed information regarding the tin whisker failure phenomenon in
an application for the DIRECTV 3 satelite, also an HS6O1 model." One of the two satelite contral
processors on the DIRECTV 3 satelifailed on May 4, 2002.". In the DIRECTV 3 procecding, the
           DIRECTV 1 STA Appleationar 3
         !* See DIRECTVS Order, 19 FCC Red. 19529

        !* File No. SAT—MOD—20030613—00120; File No. SAT—AMD200411 12—00208; and File No. SAT—STA—
20041 112.00207.
         "* See Leter from James Butterworth Senior Vice Presidet, DIRECTV Enterprises, LC, to Marene H.
Donh, Secretay, Federal Communieations Commission (dated June 13,2008) (DIRECTY Tin Whister Lenen.
         " ue 2.
         "* DIRECTV,Ic. Requestfor Special Temporary Authoritfor the DIRECTV 3 Satelite, Order,19 FCC
Red 11044 (Sat.Div. nc Bur. 2004
         * DIRECTV Tin Whistr Leter a1

                                Federal Communications Commission                            paos—1590

Satelite Division requested. additional information on the statistical failure rate of satelite control
processors caused by tin whisker short circuts. In response, DIRECTV relied on a statistial analysis
submited by PanAmSatafterit suffered a similar processor falure.®" The analysi concluded that time in
orbit was the best predictor of future probabilty for processor filure caused by tin whiskers. DIRECTV
relied upon that analysis to conclude that ts DIRECTV 3 satelite had exceeded the time in orbit oall
failed HSGOL satelte contral processors.
        13. On or about May 31, 2005, the Commission became aware of another HS601 satllte control
processor falure in a satelite that had spent more time in orbit than any prior failure.. Sinee this fact
could call into question the conclusion ofthe statitical analysis previously relied upon by DIRECTV, the
Satelite Division requested additional information from DIRECTV. in a leter filed June 13, 2008,
DIRECTV provided additionalinformation on tin whisker filures and the potential impact should such a
fallure occur with DIRECTV 1."" DIRECTV concluded that the May 2005 failure was an extteme event,
but nevertheless stll within the current model of probabilty.. Assuming the continued validity of the
fallure probability model, DIRECTV 1 is well past the time in orbit where another satelite control
processor failure should be expected."      Based on the information provided by and relied upon by
DIRECTV, we have no basis for requiring it to place DIRECTV 1 in a storage orbit
        B       Blanket Authorization for Earth Stations to Communicate with DIRECTV 1
         14. The Commission‘s DISCO i Order adopted the framework under which the Commission
considers requestsfor non—U.S. Hcensed satllte systems to serve the United States:"" To implement this
framework, the Commission established a procedure by which a service provider in the United States
could request immediate access to an inorbit,foreign satelite that would serve the U.S. market.®" This
procedure requires the service provider to apply for an eath sttion license that iss the foreign satelite
as an suthorized pointof communication
        15. In the DIRECTV 5 Order, we followed the precedent established in the DBAC Order,
examining DIRECTV‘s application for blanket carth sttion authorization at the 725° W.L. orbital
location." We examined in particular whether there were djure or de faeto barrieesto entry for the
provision of analogous service by U.S. operators in Canada, and whether any such barier would cause
compertive distortions in the United Stites:® We considered those factors together with other public
        ® See PanAmSat Licensee Corp. Further Supplementto STA, File No. SAT—STA—20030324—00039 (iled
        * DIRECTV Tin Whister Lever
        " nm3.
        ® See Amendment of the Commission‘s Regultory Polies to Allow Non:US. Licensed Satlites
Providing Domestiand Intemational Servie in the United Suites, Report and Order 1B Docket No. 96—111, 12
FCC Red 24094 (1997) (DISCO iI or DISCO 11 Order)
        * See DISCO I1, 12 FCC Red at 24174,4 186, For a more deiled summary ofthe DISCO !! framework,
see Amendment of the Commission‘s Regulatory Poliies to Allow Non—U.S—Licended Space Sations to Provide
Domestic and Inemational Stelite Servicein the Unted Sttes, First Order on Reconsideration, 15 FCC Red
7207, 7209—10, 4 45 (1999) further recon. denied 16 FCC Red 19794 (2001) (DISCO II Frse Reconsideration
        ®* DIRECTV 5 Order,19 ECC Red at 195325, ciing Digial Broadeasing Application Corp Order, 18
FCC Red 9455 (in1 Bur. 2003)(PRAC Order}
        * 1i aissa2

                                Federal Communications Commission                            wa 0s—1890

interest considerations to determine whether grant of the request would serve the public interest.. We
found that grant of DIRECTV‘s application was in the public interest because, among other things, the
application proposed to provide local—intolocal services in 24 markets not yet served by DIRECTV,
thereby improving the quality of service to U.. customers."" In this case, we find no materil difference
in the compertive and public interest considerations for service to U.S. earth stations from the Canadian—
Hieensed 72.5" W.L. orbital location, whether they communicate with the DIRECTV 5 satelte or the
DIRECTV 1 satelite. Consequently,the conclusions we reached in the DIRECTV 5 Order remain valid
for theinstant modification application, which requests communication with the DIRECTV 1 satelit.
         16. In connection with ts appliction for eception of signals from DIRECTV 5 at the 72.5° W L
orbita location, DIRECTV indieated that DIRECTV 5 could operate within the envelope created by the
1996 Canadian filing, designated CAN—BSS3."— DIRECTV also indicated that "unless a BSS system that
is entitled to protection comes into operition, DIRECTV plans to operate at levels that exceed those
notified in the CAN—BSS3 filng on a non—harmful interference basis pursuant to Article 4.4 ofthe TTU
Radio Regulations.""" DIRECTV also asserted that these higher levels will be "fully enveloped" by
Canada‘s 2003 filig, designated CAN—BSS6, and that "if necessary DIRECTV will be able to switch to
the lower—power operations while maintaining the 24 additional markets without any service interruption
to consumers."" We conditioned DIRECTV‘s prior blanket earth station authorization forservice from
the 72.5° W.L. orbital location consistent with these representations. We retain that condition,
unchanged, in this authorization
          17. In its application to modify its blanket authorization for one million receive—only earth
stations, DIRECTV secks authority to replace DIRECTV 5 with DIRECTV 1 asthe space station pointof
communication atthe 72.5° W.L. orbitallocation. On review of the pending application, as well as the
prior application for service from DIRECTV 5 at that location, we find no materil difference in the
coverage contour of the two satelites from the 725° W.L. orbital location. We also note that the
DIRECTV 1 satelite operates at a power level that is 1 dBW less than is emited from DIRECTV 5.
Consequently, we find thatthe substittion of DIRECTV 1 as the point of communication will not result
in additionainterference to adjacent operations,. We therefore grant DIRECTV‘s application to modity
its blanket earth station authorization, substititing DIRECTV 1 as the space station point of
communication forthe authorized earthsations.
        C.—     $TA to Relocate DIRECTV S
         18. Upon relocation of DIRECTV 1 to the 72.5° W.L. orbital location, DIRECTV will transfer
customer trafic from DIRECTV 5 to DIRECTV 1. DIRECTV 5 will no longer provide service at that
location. DIRECTV has applied for special temporary authority to conduct TT&C during the relocation
of the DIRECTV 5 space station from the 72.5° W.L. orbial locationto the 109.8° W.L. orbital location,
where it wll replace DIRECTV 6, satelite with failing solar panels. The period for public comment on
this STA request has passed. No comments were filed. Thus, we grant DIRECTV authority to conduct
TT&C during the relocation of the DIRECTV 5 from the 72.5° WL. orbital location to the 109.8° W.L.

       " DIRECTV S Onder, 19 FCC Red at 19536 4 18, 15538 4 25 (ctng Letter from Willam M. Wituhire,
Counsl for DIRECTV Entrprses, LLC,to Thomas Tyez, Ciet, Stelte Division,dated May 24, 2004at 2)

                                 Federal Communications Commission                             pa os—1890

orbital location." This STA will enable DIRECTV to maintain continuity of DBS service to ts
customers from the 109.8° W.L. orbial ocation:
                                     IV.     ORDERING CLAUSES
        19. Accordingly, IP 18 ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 25.120 of the Commission‘s rules,
47 CIRR. § 25.120,the request of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC to relocate the DIRECTV 1 satelite from
the 101125 W.L. orbitallocation to the 72.5° W.L. orbitallocation and to conduct Telemety, Tracking
and Control functions during the drit and until January 10, 2006, File No. SAT—STA—20050427—00091, is
GRANTED, subject t th following conditions:
                i) During the drit to the 72.5° W.L. orbital location, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall
                not operate the main communications payload on DIRECTV 1.
                i) DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall coordinate all drift orbit Telemetry, Tracking, and
                Control operations with other porentilly affected in—orbi operators.
                   .) During relocation of the DIRECTV 1 satelite, operations shall be on a non—harmful
                interference basis, meaning that DIRECTV Enterpriss, LLC shall not cause interference
                to, and shall not claim protection from interference caused to it by, any other lawfully
                operating satelites.
                iv.) In the event that any harmful interference is caused as a result of operations during
                the relocation of the DIRECTV 1 satelte, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, shall cease
                operations immediately upon notfcation of such interference and shall inform the
                Commission immediately, in writing, of sich an event.
                v) DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall provide the Chicf, Satelite Division, Itermational
                Bureau, with 30 days notice (confirmed email considered. sufficient) prior. to
                commencement of use of Telesst Canada‘s earth stations to provide the earth station
                segment of Telemetry, Tracking, and Control communications
        20. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that, effective upon the date when the DIRECTV 1 sateite
reaches the 72.5° W.L. orbital location,the license for tht stelite (Call Sign $2627) 18 TERMINATED
IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, shal inform the Commission, through a
leter to the Chief, Satelite Division, Federal Communications Commission, within five business days
following the date on which the DIRECTV 1 satellitreaches the 72.5° W.L. orbita location.
        21. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that pending applications affecting the DIRECTV 1 satelite,
File No. SAT—MOD—20030613—00120, File No. SAT—AMD—20041112—00208, and File No. SAT—STA—
20041 112:00207, re DISMISSED
      22. TT IS FURTHER ORDERED tht, pursuant to Section 25.137(d) of the Commission‘s rles,
47 CRR. § 25.137(0), the application of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, File No. SES—MES—20050427—
        ". Operating authoriy for DIRECTV 5 at the 109.° W.L. orbiallocation willbe addressed separatcly.
DIRECTV has fled an appliation secking authorty for DIRECTV 5 to replace DIRECTV 6 in providing DBS
serviceatthe 109.8° W.L orbtl location.See SAT—A/—20050504—00005; Policy Branch Information, Stelte
Space Applications Accepted for Fiing, Report No. SAT—00303 (released July 1, 2009)._ See also, SATSTA—
20050818—00105 (secking specia temporary authorty forupto 180 days, o relocte the DIRECTV 6 stlite from
the 109.8° W.L orbtal oeation to the 109.7° W.L. orbial loction for up t one week t accomplsha customer
traffc, and threatter to the 109.5" WL. orbitl location for the remainder of the special temporary

                                 Federal Communications Commission                           paos—1590

00499, 1S GRANTED, and the authorization of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC to use 1000,000 receive—only
Earth sttions to receive transmissions in the 12.2—12.7 GHz frequency band from the 72.5° W.L. orbital
location, Call Sign ©O40024, 18 MODIFIED to specify DIRECTV 1 as the space staion point of
communication, until September 30, 2008, consistent with the technical parameters specified in its
application, and subject to the following condition:
                Operations shall be consistent with applicable coortination agreements;to the extent
                such agreements have not been reached, operations shall be on a. non—harmful
                interference basis, Le., operations of the DIRECTV 1 satelite shall not causeinterference
                to, and shall not claim protection from, iterference caused to it by any other lawully
                operating satelites.
         23. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED tht, pursuant to Section 25.120 of the Commission‘s rules, 47
CFR. § 25.120, the request of DIRECTV Enterpriss, LLC to relocate the DIRECTV 5 satellte from the
72.5° W.L. orbital location to the 109.8° W.L. orbital location, and to conduct Telemety, Tracking and
Contral functions during the drif, File No. SAT—STA—20050517—00104 is GRANTED, effective upon
successfultransfer of customer trafic from the DIRECTV 5 satellte to the DIRECTV 1 sateliteat the
72.5° WL. orbitallocation, and for a period of 30 days thereafer,subjectt the following conditions:
                    During the drift and upon arrival at the 109.8° W.L. orbital location, DIRECTV
                Enterprises, LLC shall not operatethe main communications payload on DIRECTV 5.
                it) DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall coordinate al drft orbit Telemetry, Tracking, and
                Control operations with other potentally affected in—orbit operators.
                ii.) During relocation of the DIRECTV 5 satelite, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC‘s
                operations shall be on a nor—harmful interference basis, meaning that DIRECTV
                Enterprises, LLC shall not cause interference to, and shall not claim protection from
                interference caused to it by. any other lawully operating satelites.
                iv) In the event that any harmful interference is caused as a result of DIRECTV
                Enterprises, LLC‘s operations during the relocation of the DIRECTV 5 satelie,
                DIRECTV Emerprises, LLC, shall cease operations immediately upon notfcation of
                such interference and shall inform the FCC in writing immediately ofsuch an event.
         24.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, shall inform the
Commission, through a letter t the Chicf, Satelite Division, FCC, within five business days fllowing
the date on which the DIRECTV 5 satellite departs the 72.5° W.L. orbital location.
        25. DIRECTV Enerprises, LLC is afforded thity days to decline these authorizations as
conditioned. Failire torespond within this period will constiure formal acceptance of the authorizations
as conditioned.
         26. This Order is issued pursuant to authority delegated in Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s
rules, 47 CIFR. §$0.261, and is effective upon release.
                                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                               Anserndas C. fhamad
                                               Cassandra C. Thomas
                                               Depuy Chict
                                               Sarelite Division
                                               International Burcau

                   Federal Communications Commission                              ba os—1890

                     FederalCormunicatons Commission
                            Washngon, DC 2055

Jue 21. 2005

Ms Chuntl Besumier
Dirto,Spaceand Inermatonal Repuizery Activises
Radocermmunicatonsand Broodcasing Resuluory Brinch
Ingoy Conade
13" ow00 Stwer Stree
Otiwa, Onaria, Cinada
      Re:      Opeationof e DIRECTV 1 and DIRECTV 5 Space Saions
Dear Ms. Beaumec
       "This ener is to corfim th iformal ndrsandngs of the Caradian Depurtrent
of Indusry(Inusty Canada) and the Foderl Cammunicatons Commission (PCC)
concerming ennintechnical isuesinroled in the eperiion afBriadcatin Satlte
Serice (BSS)suelies. ow as DRECTY 1 and DIRECTYV 3 by DIRECTV
EnerprisesLLC (DIRECTV) and Teest Canada (Pelesat. pormantto on agrsement
betveen DIRECTYand Telest. The folowng explanton deaved rom he
"The Transsction Betveen DIRECTV and Telat
        DIRECTV cunenty operteshe DIRECTV 1 suelia the 101125 WL
erbial ecaton subjee to PCC muthoy. The DIRECTV 3 suetne is currenty ced
at the 725" WL. it lecaion wher i operies pnnart to Conadan sutocinion.
        Unter acortmetbetween DIRECTV and Tess, DIRECTV agreedto move the
DIRECTV i setine t the 725° W.L. orita location." Th agreement povides
DIRECTV with anexctnie right to meal o he cupuity on the DIRECTV 1 suclite
at the 729 W1 oi lecati unSeptembe 30 200 unlesreplacemert
DIRECTV stlite ar Innchedandplze in servicebefore thatdie. Underthe
        Te en 79 WL atin ncionrefes o t nonin t it fr t t
Canlun equncy snignnennte t TV Rapo 2 Pan x SS id ende Lk Anigpmens
exmanalin Agpei 000 o i Rato Replarem d t y stt bestcn wthin e
T202 rng dett y it muignnnt Where mqor y th comen.a wecte onl in
wove e oge hn drimicd

                   Federal Communications Commission                           baos—1890

Chanial Besumier
June 21, 2008

 ageement, DRECTV may. inde cetain cicumstances. movethe DRRECTV 1 sitltte
 from th 72.3° W.L erital lecaton t on afDIRECTV‘s PCC—insedortal
 Jocition upon S ays‘ oc to Telow, in t event that DIRECTV 1 in seeded to
 replae some oral othcapiit ofcenainDIRECTY sallzesdue to astt or
 ‘murch fallre. Upon he exerise ofcerai optonsolina in th apeenen. operadons
 of DIRECTV 1 t he 723 WL erital ection may contue unil he end o e ofthe
 DIRECTY 1 suctie.
         ‘Theapeementcontemplites ht one DIRECTV 1 is at the 25 WL erial
 lecaion, it wl heaperited byTelest prsonttoaseparse opertioes aprecment
 between DIRECTV andTelt. DIRECTV wil perforn tleney, incling and conial
 funcions (TTAC fnction) n bbalfofTeesa unil recemy grord equipment is
 operaionalatTelosat flls inCanada laer ts ysr.
        on Decemer 17, 2008nduaryCaradsprovided Telost withanapproval in
prinsipltodevelep and operte bradcassailite spacestaionat he 72.9 W
erbial bcadan. On April 28. 2005,Telet appedto Induty Conada for appronalto
1eplae the DIRBCTV S slite,whichcoreaty operaos at the 725 WL. orbval
 lecaion,wth the DIRECTY 1 suclie.This applcaton l cotemplatesthe
concuren speation o bat h DIRECTV 1 and DIRECTY 5 saelliea the 72.®
WX and 7277 WL orbwal ncatont, respcthely,fora sn time tonccommodite
satlittsing and tmafe f ic DIRECTY has ied with the PCC a requet or
special emponay utharyto move th DIRECTY 1 suelie from i curenty
autboried locationto he 72. W L. orbtafocaton. nd areques todeploycarh
sttionsin the Unted Stats that would ecevesgndls fom DIRECTYV 1. nce leomned
byIndusty Canada foroperaions t the 72. WL. orialocaion. DIRECTV hasalso
requestd authory fom t PCC to ubnequenty rlocte e DIRECTV 3 saulte o
the 1008 W.L oritllcaton.
        ‘Tre agrementequies DIRECTV io ale sopsnesessy o comply with Unted
States export contrl mgulatons.
Infermal Understandings ctwn Industry Canada and the FCC on crtain
technica ues concerning eperation ofDIRECTV 1 and DIRECTV 5:
      1 is mundemsanting tha ourtao agencishave concured on thefolowing
wechica imoesconceming th operonoC DIRECTV 1;
      Atthe 725° WL otiil cadon bod the DIRECTV 3 and the DIRECTY 1
      spoceenifwllperne sujectoCaracian uthrit. Becanc thisIocaton ina
      Canadian catytohe Repin 2 Plan of Appondis 3000 of e FU Radio
      Regulasion, the Cinatian adeinsinion wil haveresponnhiltyforlance
      with the TV Radio Repubaions (nclading the requrctmentforhcemsing s
      spociind in Aricle 181 ofth RacioResuioe,andany appleabl agreement—


                  Federal Communications Commission                           ba os—1890

Chinta Reaumier
Jue 21, 205

       secking procedurs)in connetion wih porion of h DIRECTV 1 silte and
       DIRECIV 3 stelies a ie 725" W1 ortnal ocaion.
     Forstot pered oftme to secommodiae t tesingof DRECTV 1 t 725°
     W.L and ts randerofunteme:vafi om DIRECTV 3 oDIRECTV 1 e
     DIRECTY $ stelte willbe relonet toand aperne atthe 7277 WL. nsl
     Joraton subjctto Canntian aottoiy.
  3. Opematin ote DIRECTV 1 an DIRECTY 5 slite ataylocaion ther
     thae a h 72. L. otal locason,except fr shortperodottmen in
     3 atow, wllbe sobjest o censing y t FCC, inclucingany operstom m a
     result ofecuipmertfador in thesteit trsuls in he ncy to maintain
     the srelite wihin 201 degres ofs asigned postion t te 72.5" WL orbnal
  4. —Indusry Cnada,throughthe Direto, Spaceand Intemational Repultary
     Actuiies, once the Canatian lcence basbeen informed. willprovideth PC
     with our (6)diysadvance witen oc (email withcontimed receiptfrom
     the FCC‘s Chie. bnemadona Burm. SrclteDivistonwlb cmnidered
     suffiea)of y plamned tenintion oexpieuion of is Candian icers for
     he DIRECTV 1 sciite.
  5. DIRECTY‘s abily toweti DRECTY I mellis iite ermtofa iluw ofa
        DIRECTV sidlte, witin the tine frume specifedin he DIRECTV/Teles
        agreement s aprivat contractual mater bewsen DIRECTV and Telost.
  6. Indusy Canada will coditon the DIRECTV 1 Liome toreqireTeimasto
        mainti, bringestaavoptic atureouiecomponen, ie cxpuhliy to d
       ob the DIRECTV 1 spacccnt o an oi comiten wth TV Recommendiion
       5.10084, Envirnmentl Proncin oft GeonatonaySaelite Orit.
       ‘Theinforma ndetontings t fot in hi en concerningoporaten o the
DIRECTV 1 and DIRECTV3 saelies d no casttleaconsurence by the PCC or
the Unbed Sttes Adinisraton wthany Conaian filigs wth he T
iRaciocemmenizaton Burea at th 72.3 WL. rova locaton under Appendicos 30 or
300 of ho TURatloRegulatons. 1 imy andemtanting hat the RCC and Indunty
Canad wl eparels, andas par of te arecnenaeshing procssapplcatle under
the T Ratio Regulatons workn goo fh t completet process insoiras
secesay,in cannection with hoperaton o the DIRECTY 1 selitathe 72# W.L.
ertial ixaton
       "The FCC hi no isued aryofthe auhorzadons that would be necessryto
providedirceohameservies t cuxtomers in he Unted Sss wing theDIRECTV 1
surcitear t 72. WL etial cadon, othe DIRECTV S nelte a ie 1000 WL
ehiat incaton. The FCChasreceved othanapplcatonforspeciatempocry


                  Federal Communications Commission                         ba os—1890

Chanal Beramier
Jwe 212008

wthoit torlocat the DIRECTV 1 stt tohe 72. WL. orial ocaion. and an
applicaton for a banket anheizaion ofartsutinsseeking ceive directhone
vramninions in e Unked Sures um ho DIRECTY 1 set the 725 WX rtal
Iecaion, Theseapilicnions wil mguie wpurt actonby h RCC. The FCC h ako
weived an apicaion frautont t relocat t DIRECTV 3 sclite fom 72WL
10 109 a" WL, and sn aprleaio fora US.Heemse o cperae DIRECTV 5 a 109a°
W1 Tnisexchong oletersdos ntconstueapprorlof anyof thseapplcason.
         Jn th eret t ie falire f a DIRECTV stt and upon t exercse by
DIRECTV a icontactal nghs to move the stlte, and in h event that treare
any providonin Teleats Heemse rom Induiry Carad,o any rovison in the
Canadin land repiaton goveming thtlecommunicaton coontionof Telet
Canad hat wauld recudeorohernise mt t xercie ofDIRECTVs cormetual
fighs witin th time frumes specfiet nthe DIRECTV/Telsatapnenent he FCC
would appreciae the opporunity t conlt wih Induty Canata. oto snexercie
ofuch iceming authot oapplcadons ofuc aw o repiatons by Induaty
Canada, 1 vould appriat acknowladznent othes vius and expronionofn viws
whichInduty Carada may haveconcervinghe materdiscosed in th parpapt. Let
me ssoexpes the RCC‘swilingress ociscusthis muterfurher, in h cvent,ta
hrerdac,ibecoms rcesany to do in
        Last,llnotes, inguiriesand conespondenc rom Iduury Carada
conceming hes maters stould bedimatd to he Cie.Saeli DivisonInomatonal
buress ihone nunber 2024180719(camt: Tvceifesgos wit acory o
StevenSpach@fecon ant Yoma@ticon he pertafie FCC. The FCC
wl forear allnotees inuines and comsponderce coceming these maten tohe
Direstr, Spaceand Inmatonal Regulatny Actviteshone rumber 6129983810) (e—
nall besumertaral@lcgnen on h pan o Ircisry Canada. Peoeletus koow if
Phis sddess ntrequeny changes


                  Federal Communications Commission                             wa os—1890

Je 21, 2008

       1t ts eregoing conesponds to yur undertanding ofh infornal anmngenerts
terween owtwo agencesconcring the vanou tchnical ues nvolved n the
1eloction ofDIRECTV 1 t h 725° WL eritallocatonand opertiona tht
Featon and th réoeation ofDIRBCTV tth 727° W L and 10.# WL eril
eicions, leme contim by eturs leter. Thank u.
                                  <4                     es
                                     Tuone» S A*x~
                                       ThomasS. Tyce       U
                                       Sactite Divison

«o    PoulBah
      VicePrsidnt, Breadeatng ACerponte Development
      Teloat Canata
      Micit W.Pabioic
      Enccutve Viee Prsidentand Chie inarcia Oficer
      DIRECTV EnerposesLLC


                 Federal Communications Commission                       paos—1890

I ns coos rommcuren
  Matol Te

                                                ow ie osous—1
     use 24 ts                                        (gprsssaose

  Thomas$. Tyer
  Chiet, Sialte Divison
  Intomatind Buress
  Padenl Communicaions Commisicn
  Wastingon.D.c. 20554
  Dear MTyer:
           ‘Tank youfor you leter ofJun 21, 2008 aetingout oo informal
  common undentandings concringceain echicl inuesinvolved in the
  operiionafa BroadcastingSatlie Sovice(D5S) stes known by Tlent
  Canada (Telestand DIRECTV Entrpriss, LC (DIRECTV)as DIRECTY 1
            1 am plesed t povide myconfimaton ofouinformal
  undesianting an acrowledgement ofheaterviws exprened in our later.
  Additonll,Industy Canadaacknowlotges ht in he even ofermination of
  the leae apeement oving o th falireofa DIRECTV saellte DIRECTV‘+
  ablityto ws the DIRECTV 1 sielit atanorsital potion eenso by the FCC
  is pivat contmetialmaterbetween DIRECTV and Telest. Noncthles,
  sbouldthre b any provison inTeleati Hcenc, o any prviton in the
  Canadian lws and replaionspovening thetelcommunicationofTloat
  Canad, tat would preciude orothervit linit ieexrcse ofDIRECTVs
  contctalighs to termirate the lewe an se th ueltewitinthetime
  fmes specifed in the DIRECTV/Telont apeemont the FCC would be
  infoomed, 0 extrtpomible unde e icamtanceand the law,ofthe
  exersise oieesingnthoriy, o aplicaionofow oepalton by Industy


                Federal Communications Commission                     paos—1890

         Once agin I want o express myappreiaion forth suppor your
adasiniseaton i iving t is ind of commerial armngement o fcilie the
dstivryofimporant and valuble atelitseice in ouresoctve counti.

                                    /‘/’S(a.« es
                                     Chata Resumicr
                                     Diecor,Space ind Itemmtional
                                     Reulatory Actvitis

: Pad Bush, Telest Canta


Document Created: 2005-07-14 12:31:56
Document Modified: 2005-07-14 12:31:56

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