Attachment 2003RL DBS-minor ame

2003RL DBS-minor ame

AMENDMENT submitted by R/L DBS



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20030110-00009 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                            Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
                                              701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                                                  Washington, D.C. 20004
Benjamin J. Griffin                                                      Received             202 434 7300
Christopher R. Bjornson                                                                       202 434 7400 fax

Direct dial 202 661 8720                                              MAR 2 0 2003
                                                                        Policy Branch
                                                         March 14, 2(')’8?mnal Mess

     Marlene H. Dortch                                                                    MAR 1 4 2003
     Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISMON
     International Bureau — Satellites
                                                                                          OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY
     445 12"" Street, SW
     Washington, D.C. 20554

                Re:       Minor Amendment to R/L DBS Company, LLC Request for Extension of
                          Milestone Date for Launch of Rainbow 1; Callsign DBS 87—01, File No.

     Dear Ms. Dortch:

            R/L DBS Company, LLC ("Rainbow DBS"), pursuant to Section 25.116 of the
     Commission‘s rules, hereby submits a minor amendment to its request for an extension of the
     milestone date for launch of the Rainbow 1 satellite. This amendment would extend the launch
     date for the satellite until August 31, 2003, and likewise extend the milestones for shipping the
     spacecraft to the launch site and for final testing of the spacecraft. As verified by the attached
     application, this amendment is necessary due to unforeseeable circumstances beyond Rainbow
     DBS‘s control. Grant of the requested extension will serve the public interest. In support of this
     request, attached please find an amendment to the modification application that serves as the
     verified statement justifying the extension, a copy of the original Extension Request, and a letter
     from Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems advising of the need for an extension.

            Should you have any questions regarding this request, please feel free to contact the


  DBS8701            SAT—AMD—20030314—00034
                                                         Cho—tyf R 3
 R/L DBS Company, LLC                                    Benjamin J. Griffin
 DBS8701                                                 Christopher R. Bjornson

                                   Washington Boston New York Reston New Haven



Marlene H. Dortch
March 14, 2003
Page 2

ce:      Kathleen Campbell
         Jennifer Gilsenan
         Selina Khan
         JoAnn Lucanik
         Terrence Reideler
         Tom Tycz

WDC 328340v1

                                                     EXPEDITED PROCESSING REQUESTED

                                             Before the                                   s   B4   pee mal
                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS commisston(ECEIVED
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                                MAR 1 4 2003
                                                                          FEDERAL CommunicaTions comtMission
                                                                                OFFICE OF ThE secastary
In the Matter of

R/L DBS Company, LLC                                      File No. SAT—MOD—20030110—00009

Minor Amendment to Application for Minor
Modification to Direct Broadcast Satellite
Authorization, for Extension of Launch                                   MAR 2 0 onng
Milestone for Rainbow 1 (USABSS—17)
                                                                           Policy Branch
                                                                        Intornational Bureau


       R/L DBS Company, LLC ("Rainbow DBS”),U pursuant to Section 25.116 of the

Commission‘s rules, hereby amends its request for an extension of the milestone date for launch

of the Rainbow 1 satellite from March 29, 2003 to August 31, 2003, and likewise requests to

extend the milestones for shipping the spacecraft to the launch site and for final testing of the


       On January 10, 2003, Rainbow DBS filed an Application for Minor Modification to

Direct Broadcast Satellite Authorization, for Extension of Launch Milestone for Rainbow 1

(USABSS—17) ("Extension Request”)Z/ pursuant to Section 25.117(e) of the Commission‘s

V      R/L DBS is an indirect wholly—owned subsidiary of Cablevision Systems Corporation
2/      R/L DBS Company, LLC Application for Minor Modification to Direct Broadcast
Satellite Authorization, for Extension of Launch Milestone for Rainbow 1 (USABSS—17), File
No. SAT—MOD—20030110—00009 (filed Jan. 10, 2003) ("Extension Request"). A copy of the
Extension Request is attached.

                                                     EXPEDITED PROCESSING REQUESTED

Rules. Since the time of that filing, Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems ("Lockheed

Martin®") has identified additional issues that require a further delay in launch. All other aspects

of the launch, spacecraft completion and business continue to track as anticipated.


       Despite its desire to launch the Rainbow 1 satellite as soon as possible, Rainbow DBS

finds it necessary to seek an extension of the launch milestone for the Rainbow 1 satellite to

August 31, 2003, due to circumstances beyond its control. As explained in the prior Extension

Request, Rainbow 1 will be one of the first satellites launched into orbit using the new Atlas V

series rocket (AV003). On—going qualification activities and the time required for turning around

the launch pad necessitated the Extension Request.

       Since that time, Lockheed Martin discovered additional anomalies with resistance spot

welds in a new Centaur tank subassembly that was being manufactured in the Lockheed Martin

San Diego Operations facility. That discovery led Lockheed Martin to examine several tanks that

had been designated for specific launch vehicles. Lockheed Martin discovered that the defect

was present on the AVOO03 vehicle designated for the Rainbow 1 launch. Subsequently, it was

discovered that the same defect was present on the AV0OO02 launch immediately preceding the

Rainbow 1 launch. After these discoveries, a series of evaluations were done and revised ILC

("Initial Launch Capability") dates were established. The final outcome resulted in delaying the

AVOO2 launch from March until May 2003. Based on Lockheed Martin‘s currently projected

launch pad turn around schedule, Lockheed Martin has indicated that a July date can be reserved

for the Rainbow 1 launch on AVOO03

       In order to allow for these unforeseen changes to the launch schedule and testing,

Rainbow DBS amends its Application for Minor Modification to Direct Broadcast Satellite

                                                     EXPEDITED PROCESSING REQUESTED

Authorization, for Extension of Launch Milestone for Rainbow 1 (USABSS—17) in order to move

the launch milestone date from March 29, 2003 to August 31, 2003."

       Rainbow DBS also seeks modification in the related shipment to launch site and final

testing milestones. While it is possible to meet the current milestone dates for final testing and

shipping on March 29, 2003, those activities are closely tied to the launch schedule. Since the

launch will be delayed, Lockheed Martin has advised Rainbow DBS that it would be prudent to

delay shipment of the spacecraft to Florida and keep the spacecraft in the factory until shortly

before launch. In addition, because the spacecraft will remain in the factory, Lockheed Martin

has indicated that it might use the time to conduct further processing and testing to refine the

spacecraft for optimal performance. Relief from the March 29, 2003 date on these milestones

will permit ongoing scrutiny of the spacecraft to continue to minimize risks but will not affect

launch or in—service dates. Therefore, Rainbow DBS requests permission to move the milestone

dates for shipping the satellite to the launch site and for final testing to August 31, 2003 as well.


       None of the foregoing circumstances was foreseeable when the Commission adopted the

Extension Order in 2000. As the attached letter from Lockheed Martin demonstrates, these

issues are all beyond the control of Rainbow DBS. These are also the very types of

circumstances that the Commission recognized might warrant an extension when, on its own

motion, it provided Rainbow DBS with a December 29, 2003 in—service date rather than the

March 29, 2003 date Rainbow DBS had requested. In granting that extension, the Commussion

Y      Extending the milestone date until August 31, 2003 would take into account any other
unforeseen events such as weather difficulties that could slightly further delay the launch.

                                                     EXPEDITED PROCESSING REQUESTED

noted, "launches can be delayed for reasons that are beyond a licensee‘s control."*" This

situation is no different from numerous other cases where the Commussion has recognized that

technical issues with launch vehicles or satellites justify a brief milestone extension."


       Grant of this extension request is in the public interest. The extension will permit the

necessary replacement tank to be incorporated into the AVOO03 launch vehicle to ensure a safe

and successful launch of Rainbow 1. As the Commission noted in the Extension Order, the

public interest will be served by the addition of a new facilities—based DBS competitor."

Without a grant of this extension, there will be no facilities—based provider with the capability to

enter the DBS market, as Rainbow DBS is "the last opportunity in the near—term for entry by a

competitive provider within the DBS service itself."""


       It is important that this extension be approved as soon as possible in order to facilitate

planning for Rainbow 1‘s launch. Consequently, Rainbow DBS requests that this application be

processed on an expedited basis.

4/     Extension Order, 16 FCC Red at 17, 4 23.
S       See INTELSAT LLC Modification of Authorization to Launch C—band and Ku—band
Satellites that Form a Global Communications System in Geostationary Orbit, File No. SAT—
MOD—20011025—00092, Order and Authorization, DA 02—333, 5 (rel. Feb. 13, 2002); AMSC
Subsidiary Corporation, Application for Modification of Construction Permit and License for the
AMSC—1 Satellite, Order and Authorization, 10 FCC Red 3791, 3791, 4 (1995) (granting a
short milestone extension to permit licensee to resolve unanticipated technical problems with
antenna); American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Application for Modification of
Construction Permit and License for the Telstar 402 Satellite, Order and Authorization, 9 FCC
Red 2607, 2607, 4 (1994) (granting short milestone extension to permit licensee to resolve
unanticipated technical problems).
6      Extension Order, 16 FCC Red at 16, [ 19. ("[A]llowing R/L DBS additional time in
which to implement its system has the potential to enhance both competition in the industry and
the variety of service offerings available to the public.").
T/     Id.

                                                     EXPEDITED PROCESSING REQUESTED


       In accordance with Section 25.117(d) of the Commission‘s rules, Rainbow DBS certifies

that no changes to its space station authorization other than those in this application are required.


       For the foregoing reasons, Rainbow DBS requests an extension of the completion date for

the launch, shipment to launch site, and final testing milestones until August 31, 2003.

_ MpR—14—2003    16: 37      RAINBOW MEDIA HOLDINGS                                                     

                                                  EXPEDITED PROCESSING REQUESTED

                                                      Respectfully Submitted,

                                                      R/L DBS C                   LLC


                                                                Deael          A< Ze *4
                                                      Ti.fl.e:   5.4' pled   (./I;,c   P/? 5"‘4"\’7/ G Fjea.s a / (C"Jl.f!‘/

                                                      R/L DBS Company, LLC
                                                      200 Jericho Quadrangle
                                                      Jericho, NY 11753
                                                      (516) 803—2569

       Dated: 3’/"1/2‘9‘:3

       wWDC 328339v1

                                                                                                              TOTAL P.82

~~~ MAR—13—2003 11:49                                                                                                          P.g2

                                                                 L 0 C K w E E D makr:m{j%

        Thomas Dowd                                            Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems
        Program Manager                                        100 Campus Drive, PA 18940

        Rainbow (L) 0021

        March 11, 2003

        R/L DBS Company, LLC
        200 Jericho Quadrangle
        Jericho, New York 11758
        Attention: Steve Pontillo

        Subject: Atlas Launch Vehicle Manifest

        Dear Mr. Pontillo,

        The purpose of this letter is to inform you of recent events that will require Cablevision to modify further its pending
        request for an FCC extension of the launch milestone for the Rainbow 1 Spacecraft.

        In early February, anomalies were discovered in resistance spot welds in a new Centaur tank subassembly that was
        being manufactured in the Lockheed Martin San Diego Operations (SDQ) facility. This subsssembly was scrapped
        because of the anomalies. While investigating the cause of the anomalies, it was determined that weld anomalies
        could also exist in other tank assemblies that had been recently welded in the SDO facility. Accordingly,
        comprehensive inspections were performed to confirm the acceptability of the welds on all hardware that was
        suspect for weld anomalies.

        After X—ray inspection, it was discovered that the AVOO3 (Rainbow) Centaur tank had this weld problem. A
        recovery plan was put in place to use the next available tanks on AVOO3. As of February 20, 2003, and based on this
        use plan, Rainbow was going to launch in the month of May 2003. X—ray inspections in Florida on February 23
        discovered that AVOO2Z also had the same weld problem. Subsequent to that finding and during the week of
        February. 24 —28, a series of evaluations were completed, which revised the Initial Launch Capability (ILC) dates .
        Based on this evaluation ILG for AVOOZ is May 2003. Due to the required time for pre and post flight
        processing at the launch site the resulting ILC for AVOOS is July 2008. The final outcome resulted in moving
        AVOOZ to May ©2003 and AVOO3 to Fuly ©2003. As a result, Lockheed Martin will keep the Rainbow 1 Spacecraft in
        its Sunnyvale facility until approximately 5 weeks prior to launch, This is standard procedure when the spacecraft is
        complete and is awaiting launch vehicle readiness; this provides the most secure storage for the spacecraft during
        this time period. In addition, while the Rainbow 1 spacecraft is planned to be ready for shipment to the launch site
        prior to March 29, 2003, Lockheed Martin may take advantage of the on site storage time to perform additional

        Ali sight of the completed Centaur tank assemblies that were considered suspect have now been inspected.. Six
        tanks were free of anomalies. As mentioned above, two of these, the Centaur tank assemblies for AV—002 and AV—
        003 (Rainbow 1) were found to have anomalies.         ‘These anomalous assemblies are being removed from flight
        service. Two of the tanks that were confirmed to be acceptable are now being used to assemble replacement
        Centaur upper stages for the AV—002 and AV—O03 missions.

        All of the normal and thorough quality assurance provisions that are required to successfully build and launch the
        Atlas vehicles for both AV—002 and AV—O03 were properly accomplished. All Centaur tank assemblies are x—ray
        inspected after the weld process, and these inspections were properly performed to verify the quality of the welds,.
        All of the hardware passed these quality assurance inspections. The problem that was discovered was caused by an

MAR—13—2003      11:49                                                                                                   P. 0@3

     equipment problem, and the effects of this problem were not detectable by the normal quality assurance provisions,
     Therefore, it was determined to be necessary to perform the additional inspections that were described in the
     paragraph above. The problems that were found with the welding process have been corrected. In addition,
     independent measures have been implemented to verify quality assurance of the weld system/equipment both before
     and after each weld operation to prevent this type of incident from occurring in the future.

     As stated above, Lockheed Martin‘s new manifested launch date for the AV—002 launch is now scheduled for May
     2003, and the new date for the AV—003 Rainbow 1 launch is now July 2003,. These new dates are driver by the
     discovery and subsequent investigation of the defective, Centaur tank welds, plus the time required for the
     replacement of the Centaur stage asseroblies. Standard launch manifest constraints, such as the time required for pre
     and post flight processing at the launch site, have also been factored into these revised launch dates

     If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


                                                                                               s M. Dowd

                                                                                       Rainbow i Program Manager
                                                                                       Lockheed Martin Commercial
                                                                                           Space Systems

                                                                                                                   TOTRL P.03

                                                                            ¢ /»\k   4of}    Sf\:"}‘“‘
                                                                            PA Ao    owogd Aity
                                                                           JPuY      3   4 UV

                            Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
                                           701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
                                               Washington, D.C. 20004
Benjamin J. Griffin                                                                                      202 434 7300
Christopher R. Bjornson                                                                                  202 434 7400 fax

Direct dial 202 661 8720

                                                        January 10, 2003


     Marlene H. Dortch
     Federal Communications Commission
     International Bureau — Satellites                                                                                      .
     P.O. Box 358210                                                                                               m
     Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5210

                Re:       R/L DBS Company, LLC Request for Extension of Milestone Date for
                          Launch of Rainbow 1; File Nos. DBS 87—01, 94—SAT—AL—96, 94—SAT—TC—96,
                          49—SAT—TC—95, 130—SAT—EXT—95

     Dear Ms. Dortch:

           R/L DBS Company, LLC ("Rainbow DBS"), pursuant to Section 25.117(e) of the
     Commission‘s rules, hereby requests an extension of the milestone date for launch of the
     Rainbow 1 satellite from March 29, 2003 to May 31, 2003. As verified by the attached
     application, this request for extension does not seek to extend milestones related to the
     construction of the satellite or the date for commencement of service. Rather, this request is
     solely to extend the launch date milestone and is necessary due to unforeseeable circumstances
     beyond Rainbow DBS‘s control. Grant of the requested extension will serve the public interest.
     In support of this request, attached please find a modification application that serves as the
     verified statement justifying the extension as required by 47 CFR 25.117(e), a letter from
     Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems advising of the need for an extension, a FCC Form
     159 and the required fees for a modification in the Direct Broadcast Satellite service.

            Should you have any questions regarding this request, please feel free to contact the

                                                         P                                                         (

                                                        Benjamfn/. Griffin
                                                        Christopher R. Bjornson

                                  Washington Boston New York Reston New Haven



Marlene H. Dortch
January 10, 2003
Page 2

co:      Donald Abelson
         Kathleen Campbell
         Rosalee Chiara
         Sasha Field
         Jennifer Gilsenan
         Anna Gomez
         John Martin
         Cassandra Thomas
         Tom Tycz
         Doug Webbink
         Mark Young

WDC 325195v1

                                                                                  EXPEDITED PROCESSING REQUESTED

                                     Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                 No No ho ue No Ne Nes Ne Nt N)
In the Matter of

R/L DBS Company, LLC                                                                 File No.

Application for Minor Modification to Direct
Broadcast Satellite Authorization, for
Extension of Launch Milestone for
Rainbow 1 (USABSS—17)


       R/L DBS Company, LLC ("Rainbow DBS”),” pursuant to Section 25.117(e) of the

Commission‘s rules, hereby requests an extension of the milestone date for launch of the

Rainbow 1 satellite from March 29, 2003 to May 31, 2003.

       Section 25.117(e) requires that an applicant for an extension of a milestone démonstrate

that "the additional time is required due to unforeseeable circumstances beyond the applicant‘s

control" and that "there are unique and overriding public interest concerns that justify an

extension."*" As explained below and in the attached letter from Lockheed Martin Commercial

Space Systems ("Lockheed Martin"), this request for extension relates solely to issues involving

the Atlas V launch vehicle program to be used to launch Rainbow 1. The delay in launch is

necessary due to unforeseeable circumstances beyond Rainbow DBS‘s control. Grant of the

V      R/L DBS is an indirect wholly—owned subsidiary of Cablevision Systems Corporation
2      47 C.F.R. § 25.117(e). Rainbow DBS requests that this pleading serve as the verified
statement required under Section 25.117(e) of the Commission‘s rules.

                                                   EXPEDITED PROCESSING REQUESTED

requested extension will serve the public interest because it will permit completion of necessary

ongoing qualification for the Rainbow 1 launch vehicle and will permit the U.S. Air Force to

complete certain safety upgrades at the launch range. The expected extension of the launch date

for Rainbow 1 will not impact the commencement of Rainbow DBS‘s service as currently

specified by the Commission.

       On December 29, 2000, the International Bureau granted the request of Rainbow DBS for

an extension ofits construction permit.3/ The extension affords Rainbow DBS a period of three

years, or until December 29, 2003, to commence service. In the Extension Order, the

Commission implemented certain interim satellite construction and launch milestones based on a

schedule proposed by Rainbow DBS. Those milestones réquired that certain efforts be

completed within six months from the effective date of the Extension Order, that others be

completed within 12 months, and that still others be completed within 18, 24, 27 and 36 months,

respectively. Rainbow DBS and Lockheed Martin have met all of the interim milestones to date

and expect to meet the remaining spacecraft construction milestones. In fact, construction of the

spacecraft is ahead of schedule and would support the original March 2003 launch date with

margin. In addition, Rainbow DBS also will be able to meet the commencement of service

milestone of December 29, 2003.


       Despite its strong commitment to launch the Rainbow 1 satellite as soon as possible,

Rainbow DBS finds it necessary to seek an extension of the launch milestone for the Rainbow 1

Y       R/L DBS Company, L.L.C. for Extension of its Direct Broadcast Satellite Construction
Permit, File Nos. 87—01, 94—SAT—AL—96, 94—SAT—TC—96, 49—SAT—TC—95, 130—SAT—EXT—95,
SAT—MOD—19990813—00083, Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 00—2852, 16 FCC Red 9
(rel. Dec. 29, 2000) ("Extension Order").

                                                     EXPEDITED PROCESSING REQUESTED

satellite for approximately two months due to circumstances beyond its control. As the

Commission is aware, Rainbow 1 will be one of the first satellites launched into orbit using the

new Atlas V series rocket. The first satellite using the Atlas V launch vehicle (AV001) was

successfully launched on August 21, 2002. The launch vehicle to be used for the Rainbow 1

mission will be the first ofthe article—500 series of the Atlas V and is scheduled to be the third

Atlas V rocket launched. That launch vehicle is currently in the process of on—going

qualification activities, which include incorporation of the AVOO1 flight data. This ongoing

qualification process will delay the availability of Rainbow 1‘s Atlas V launch vehicle by about

30 days.

       An additional ten days of delay in the Rainbow 1 launch will be required due to a

combination of a range facility shutdown, the delay in the launch immediately preceding the

Rainbow 1 launch and the time required after that launch to make the launch pad ready for the

Rainbow 1 launch. Specifically, another Atlas V launch (AVOO02) is slated to occur prior to the

Rainbow I launch. Because of the increased processing spans of the Atlas V boosters and a

delay in the delivery of the satellite scheduled for tixe AVOO2 launch, the earliest launch

capability for AVOO2 occurs during a range safety facility shutdown previously scheduled by the

U.S. Air Force. Assuming AVOO02 is launched on March 11, 2003, which is the first available !

launch date after the range shutdown, and assuming the launch pad can be turned around for the

Rainbow 1 launch on the schedule currently projected by Lockheed Martin, the Rainbow 1

launch will be delayed by an additional 10 days.

       These issues have caused Lockheed Martin to conclude that a March 29, 2003 launch

date for Rainbow 1 cannot be met, while a launch date in early May is achievable. Based on

Lockheed Martin‘s currently projected launch pad turn around schedule, Lockheed Martin has

                                                    EXPEDITED PROCESSING REQUESTED

reserved the range from May 8—10, 2003 for the Rainbow 1 launch. In an abundance of caution,

this application seeks an extension of the launch milestone up to and including May 31, 2003.

       None of the foregoing circumstances was foreseeable and they are all beyond the control

of Rainbow DBS. These are also the very types of circumstances that the Commussion has

previously recognized might warrant an extension. For example, in the grant of the original

Rainbow license extension, the Commission noted, "launches can be delayed for reasons that are

beyond a licensee‘s control.""" This situation is no different from numerous other cases where

the Commussion has recognized that technical issues with launch vehicles or satellites justify a

brief milestone extension."‘


       Grant of this extension request is in the public interest. The extension will permit the

necessary launch vehicle component qualification activities to be completed and range safety

improvements to be made to enable a safe and successful launch of the Rainbow 1 satellite. As

the Commussion noted in the Extension Order, the public interest will be served by the addition

of a new facilities—based competitor in the DBS service." The grant of this extension will permit

4/     Id. at 17, [ 23.
S       iSee INTELSAT LLC Modification of Authorization to Launch C—band and Ku—band
Satellites that Form a Global Communications System in Geostationary Orbit, File No. SAT—
MOD—20011025—00092, Order and Authorization, DA 02—333, [ 5 (rel. Feb. 13, 2002); AMSC
Subsidiary Corporation, Application for Modification of Construction Permit and License for the
AMSC—1 Satellite, Order and Authorization, 10 FCC Red 3791, 3791, [ 4 (1995) (granting a
short milestone extension to permit licensee to resolve unanticipated technical problems with
antenna); American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Application for Modification of
Construction Permit and License for the Telstar 402 Satellite, Order and Authorization, 9 FCC
Red 2607, 2607, 4 (1994) (granting short milestone extension to permit licensee to resolve
unanticipated technical problems).
6       Id. at 16, [ 19. ("[Alllowing R/L DBS additional time in which to implement its system
has the potential to enhance both competition in the industry and the variety of service offerings
available to the public.").

                                                     EXPEDITED PROCESSING REQUESTED

Rainbow DBS to launch timely service on Rainbow 1 satellite and to introduce the first new

facilities—based competition in the DBS space in more than seven years.


        It is important that this extension be approved as soon as possible in order to facilitate

planning for Rainbow 1‘s launch. Consequently, Rainbow DBS requests that this application be

processed on an expedited basis.


        In accordance with Section 25.117(d) of the Commission‘s rules, Rainbow DBS certifies

that no other changes to its space station authorization other than those noted in this application

are rf;quired.


        For the foregoing reasons, Rainbow DBS requests an extension of the launch milestone

date until May 31, 2003."" As noted above, this request will not impact the date Rainbow DBS

will begin providing service to customers.

V       The launch date has been rescheduled for May 8—10, 2003. Extending the milestone date
until May 31, 2003 would take into account any other unforeseen events such as weather
difficulties that could slightly further delay the launch.

                           Respectfully Submitted,

                           R/L DBS Company, LLC

                           Datid Deitch
                           Senior Vice President and General Counsel
                           R/L DBS Company, LLC
                           200 Jericho Quadrangle
                           Jericho, NY 11753
                           (516) 803—2569

Dated:   Jé‘\- 19] 1

Document Created: 2019-04-20 22:28:21
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 22:28:21

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