Attachment submission





This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20021114-00237 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


           oreor C.Suge guigeOrnianczn
           Termnemeres recacesmonoee

                                          *FCC Public Inspection Copy"
           April 11, 2005
           MalseSD                                                        RECEIVED
           Secrctary                                                                  1    200
           Federal Communications Commission                                 waiilan
           445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                                    edwal Communcater Conntason
           Washington, DC 20554                                               omesot Secmy

           Re:——   TMI Communications and Company Limited Partnership              . ( "~CC‘V
                   March 2005 Milestone Certification
                                                                                   APR 1
                   File Nos.        SAT—LOEI9970926—00161;
                                    SAT—MOD—20021114—00237                   int
           Dear Ms. Dortch:
                   Transmitted herewith, on behalf of TMI Communications and Company Limited
           Partnership (TMI), pursuant to Section 25.143(€)G) of the Commission‘s rules, is a
           Certification, dated April 8, 2005, stating that TME has met the March 2005 milestone
           contained in TMI‘s 2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) authorization, as amended, (see
           Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 04—144, released. June 29, 2004, 450).. This
           milestone requires TMI to "begin physical construction of {its] satellite" (hereafter "Begin
           Physical Construction" or "BPC" milestone).
                  In addition, to support the BPC milestone showing and subject to the confidentiality
           request stated below, TMI is submitting copies of a statement and photos from Space
           Systems/Loral Inc. (SSL),the manufacturer of TMI‘s 2 GHz MSS system, and an affidavit
           from TM‘s affilite, TerreStar Networks Inc. (TerreStar), the counterparty to the satellite
           contract. SSL‘s statement documents, under penalty ofperjury, the work program that it has
           carried out as of March 31, 2005 to meet the BPC milestone. Among other things, SSL states
           that it has produced and procured specified hardware for the satellite, and details various
           subsontracts forover a dozen subcomponents and assemblies totaling almost S6 million.
         According to SSL, many of these subcontracts were let prior to March 2005 including, for
         example, the subcontracts forthe satellte‘s 5 Ib thruster,the reaction wheel assembly and the
         earth sensor. SSL advises that the subcontracting work for such parts has already commenced
!F_O' |—and  —Exhibit. 1 hereto includes copies of SSL‘s photos for the three aforementioned
      !‘! diifbri¢its and subassemblies as they will appear when manufacturing is completed.

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V&E                                                                   mureretiDoreh Aos 1. zoos Pagea

              The TerreStar affidavit confioms that it has paid, —— and SSL‘s letter separately
      confirms that it has received —— all of the monies due and owing under the manufacturing
      contract atthe BPC milestone date for the 2 GHz MSS satellite.

             Subject to the aforestated confidentiality request, TMI is also transmitting a copy of
      the most recent January 25, 2005 amendment to the SSL —— TerreStar satellite manufacturing

      Confidentiality Request

              Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA),‘ and Sections 0.457 and 0.459
      of the Commission‘s Rules,® TMI requests that SSL‘s March 31, 2005 letr, SSL‘s photos in
      Exhibit 1 and the January 2005 amendment to the SSL—TerreStar contract be withheld from
      public inspection and be treated confidentially because they contain sensitive proprictary
      financial or technical information.
             To facilitate public access to the non—confidential portions of this filing, a second
      redacted cover leter is enclosed and marked "FCC Public Inspection Copy".

             In support of its request for confidential treatment and pursuant to the requirements
      under Section 0.459(b) ofthe Commission‘s Rules, TMIstates the following:
              1.     TMI seeks confidential treatment of the March 31, 2005, SSL letter to
      TerreStar, the SSL photos of satellite components and subassemblies, and the January 25,
      2005, amendment tothe SSLTerreStar manufacturing contract.

              2.     These documents are being submitted voluntarily by TMI to demonstrate its
      compliance with the third construction milestone adopted in the Commission‘s Order
      reinstating TMI‘s 2 GHz MSS authorization." In the event that the Commission denies
      TMI‘s request for confidential treatment, TMI hereby requests that the Commission return
      said documents without consideration pursuant to Section 0.459(e) of the Commission‘s
              3.     The documents contain information regarding technical specifications,
      construction schedules, and unique commercial terms and conditions. This information
      constitutes trade secrets or sensitive commercial and financial information that would
      !suse. sxu0
      147 or®55 0457, 0450,
      * See Memorandin Opinion and Order. FCC —144, supra

V&E                                                                         HudereicDoreh Apait, z0s Pages

      customarily be safeguarded from competitors,"* and is therefore exempted from disclosure
      under FOIA Exemption 4 and Section 0.457 of the Commission‘s Rules.
              4.      The documentation concerns TMI‘s implementation of a 2 GHz MSS system
      that will be subject to—competition from other MSS systems. ‘The Commission has previously
      acknowledged that there are a number of other companies that offer MSS in North America."
      Disclosure of the information will seriously inhibit TMs ability to remain competitive in the
      MSS industry.

              $:     The contract payments, work schedule, technical specifications,
      manufacturing photos and performance criteria for its proposed satellite are commercially
      sensitive and ordinarily would not be disclosed to third parties. If disclosed, this information
      would allow competing 2 GHz MSS licenses to use this information to their competitive
      advantage. For exemple, knowledge of unique contract terms and technical specifications
      could allow competitors to obtain more favorable terms from other manufacturers.. Further,
      disclosure would harm TMI in foture negotiations with satellite construction firms by
      allowing them to extract more favorable terms.

             6.      The manufacturing contract between Loral and TerreStar requires all parties to
      maintain confidentiality and the contract itself is marked proprietary to the parties and TM,
      and may not be further disclosed without the written permission ofthe parties.
            7.     Information regarding the SSL—TerreStar contract, as amended, and SSL‘s
      March 31, 2005, progress report to TerreStar are not available to the public, and there has
      been no prior disclosure of such information to third parties.

              8.     TMI requests confidential treatment of all documents for an indefinite period.
      As previously discussed, release of this information at any time in the fature would cause
      substantial competitive harm to TML

               9.     Other parties holding a 2 GHz MSS authorization have filed analogous
      documents (e«g., CDR Reports and payload system CDR) to demonstrate compliance with a
      satellite construction milestone and have also requested confidential treatment.‘. To TMI‘s
      knowledge, all ofthese requests have been granted.

      twore 3000
      +s ussss2t0); 47 CBR 5 4st
      * See MotentServices, Inc. and TA Conmunicatons and Company, LP, 16 FCC Red 20469, 424 (t‘1. Bur.
      " See ez, Letterfrom Joseph P. Merkaski and Bruce A. Olcot, Counsefor The Bocing Company o Marlene
      H Dortch, FCC Secretar, dtedApril 5, 2004 (File Nos, 179SAT.PIA37(10), 90SA4T—AMEND98(20

V&E                                                                     Hatereit poreh Jpa . z005 Page

              For the foregoing reasons, TMI submits that the law requires confidential treatment of
      the portions ofthe Amendments TMI has identified above.
              Please direct any questions regarding this filing to the undersigned.
                                                    Very truly yours,


      cc:     Cassandra C. Thomas
              Fem Jarmulnck
              Gardner Foster


      Leterfrom Peter D. Shiels, Counsel o ridum 2GHt LLC to MarleneH. Dortch, CC Secretry,daed
      December 18, 2003 (File Nos, 187—SAT—PA—37(96), SAT—LOA—1997092600147, etal); Letrfrom Brian
      D. WeimeCounse! o Colsato Marlene . Dorch, PCCSeeretary,dated December 18, 2003 (FilNos.
      262728—088—9—9¢ etal

                                       April 5, 2005

TMI Communications and Company Limited Partnership (TMhereby certifies that,
upon information and belief, on March 31, 2005, TML met the Begin Physical
Construction (BPC) milestone established for TMI‘s 2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service
(MSS) system in the FCC‘s authorization, as amended. See Memorandian Opinion and
Order, FCC 04—144, released June 29, 2004.
As the FCC is aware, TMI‘s 2 GHz MSS system is being constructed on TMT‘s behalf by
its affiliate, TerreStar Networks Inc. (TerreStar) pursuant to a satellite manufacturing
contract with Space Systems/Loral Inc (SSL). On July 29, 2004, TMI executed a
contract with SSL guarantecing TerreStar‘s payments under the aforementioned contract,
subject to certain terms      and conditions.     TMI hereby certifies that said payment=
gvarantee contract with SSL was in effect as of March 31, 2005, and remains in effect as
of the date hereo.

1 declare that the statements made in this Certification are true and correct.

                                                Ted H. Ienacy
                                                Viee President, Finance
                                                TMI Communications, Inc.,
                                                General Partner ofTMI Communications
                                                  and Company Limited Partership

1, _Sthan H Revll, a Notary Public for the Province of Ontario, hereby certify
that Ted H. Ignacy signed this etter before me on the 2*" day of April 205.

Document Created: 2005-04-13 16:35:27
Document Modified: 2005-04-13 16:35:27

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