Attachment reply


REPLY TO COMMENTS submitted by "Carriers"



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20020722-00112 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           Before the
                              Federal Communications Commuission                    M          '
                                     Washington, DC 20554                               AR 2 8 2003
                                                                             FEDERAL Co
In the Matter of Application of                ) DA 03—328                         officeormee5ononl!°80
Globalstar, L.P.                               )   File Nos.:
                                               )   183/184/185/186—SAT—P/LA—97
For Modification of License for a Mobilee      )    182—SAT—P/LA—97(64)
Satellite Service System in the 2 GHz Band     )
                                               )   IBFS Nos.:
For Waiver and Modification of                 )   —SAT—LOA—19970926—00151/52/53/54
Implementation Milestones for 2 GHz MSS        )    SAT—LOA—19970926—00156
System                                         )   SAT—AMD—20001103—00154
                                               )   —SAT—MOD—20020717—00116/17/18/19
                                               )   —SAT—MOD—20020722—00107/08/09/10/12
                                               )   Call Signs:
                                               )   $2320, §2321, $2322, MeRaRed

To:    The Commission                                                     APR 0 1 2003

                                                                           Policy Branch
                                   REPLY TO COMMENTS                    International Bureau

       Pursuant to Section 1.115(d) of the Commuission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.115(d), AT&T

Wireless Services, Inc., Cingular Wireless LLC and Verizon Wireless (jointly, the "Carriers")

hereby reply to the "Comments in Support of Emergency Application for Review" submitted by

the Official Creditors Committee of Globalstar, L.P. (the "Creditors") on March 18, 2003. In

their comments, the Creditors have raised a new substantive argument concerning the

applicability of Section 312 of the Communications Act to the license nullification at issue in the

Bureau Order under review.‘ Because this argument is developed for the first time in the

Creditors‘ supporting comments (submitted during the opposition phase of the pleading cycle),

the Carriers submit this limited reply to address the new points raised by the Creditors.

        ‘ Globalstar, L.P., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 18 F.C.C.R. 1249 (2003) ("Bureau
Order"). Section 312 is mentioned only in passing by footnote reference in the underlying
application for review. See Emergency Application for Review at 4 n.2, 5 n.10.

        Specifically, the Creditors claim that the International Bureau was barred from canceling

Globalstar‘s 2 GHz MSS conditioned license without a hearing under Section 312, without

indicating what type of hearing (evidentiary or otherwise) Globalstar should receive." As a

threshold point, the Creditors‘ argument that the cancellation of Globalstar‘s authorization

violates Section 312‘s hearing provisions is a question upon which the Bureau has been afforded

no opportunity to pass. This argument, therefore, cannot be raised before the Commussion for

the first time."

        Notwithstanding this procedural error, Section 312 is inapplicable to this case. Section

312 applies to license revocation, but that is not what happened to Globalstar‘s authorization.

The Bureau Order held that "consistent with the terms of Globalstar;s license, its authorization

for a 2 GHz MSS system is null and void" for failure to satisfy the initial implementation

milestone set forth in its authorization.* Globalstar‘s authorization was therefore not revoked."

Rather, the non—contingent contract milestone was a condition on its authorization, which was

        * Comments in Support of Emergency Application for Review at 18—19.

      * See 47 C.F.R. § 1.115(c) & note; see also Richard Duncan d/b/a Anderson
Communications, FCC 03—52, at «[ 7 (rel. Mar. 12, 2003) ("Duncan").

        * Bureau Order at § 13.

        ° See, eg., Glendale Electronics, Inc., 17 F.C.C.R. 22189, 22194 (CWD/WTB 2002);
Revision ofPart 21 of the Commission‘s Rules, 2 F.C.C.R. 5713, 5718 (1987). The NextWave
D.C. Circuit decision relied upon by the Creditors is inapposite. See Comments in Support of
Emergency Application for Review at 18—19. In NextWave, it was undisputed that the case
involved revocation of licenses under Section 525 of the Bankruptcy Code. See NextWave
Personal Communications, Inc. v. FCC, 254 F.3d 130, 149 (D.C. Cir. 2001), affd 123 S. Ct. 832
(2003); see also, e.g., United States v. Verdugo—Urquidez, 494 U.S. 259, 272 (1990) (judicial
decisions do not serve as precedent for points that were not raised and analyzed). In fact, the
Court expressly ruled that it was unclear whether the FCC‘s automatic cancellation policy even
applied under the facts of that case. 254 F.3d at 142. Finally, the discussion cited to by the
Creditors concerning the "effect" of license cancellation occurred in the context of determining
whether jurisdiction existed under 47 U.S.C. § 402(a) or (b), see 254 F.3d at 140, and not
whether Section 312(c) hearing rights had been triggered.


valid only as long as the condition was satisfied. Its authorization was rendered null and void by

operation of law and automatically cancelled when Globalstar failed to satisfy the license


        Moreover, under the D.C. Circuit‘s Temmer precedent, Globalstar has no hearing rights

because its authorization was never perfected.‘ Temmer makes clear that an applicant who

accepts a license that is conditioned on future performance accedes to such condition(s), which

renders the applicant‘s rights contingent.© Only after satisfaction of the condition(s) do the

contingent rights vest. In other words, where an entity fails to satisfy a requirement on which its

authorization is conditioned, its rights under the license remain unperfected and it is not entitled

to a hearing prior to cancellation for failure to meet that condition." Globalstar‘s failure to

satisfy the initial milestone upon which its license was conditioned meant that its rights under the

authorization, including the right to a hearing, never vested. The FCC was fully empowered to

declare the license null and void for failure to satisfy the condition.

       In any event, no purpose would be served in holding an evidentiary hearing because there

is no factual dispute as to the terms of Globalstar‘s contract and its arrangements for construction

of its 2 GHz MSS system. There is only a pure question of law as to whether those arrangements

        ° See, eg., Richard Duncan d/b/a Anderson Communications, 16 F.C.C.R. 4312, 4312—13
(2001), affd in part, Morris Communications, Inc. v. FCC, No. 01—1123 (D.C. Cir. Apr. 17,
2002), on remand, FCC 03—52, at «[ 6 (rel. Mar. 12, 2003).

       ‘ P & R Temmer v. FCC, 743 F.2d4 918 (D.C. Cir. 1984) ("Temmer).

       8 See id. at 928.
        ° See id. Although Temmer arose in the context of Section 316 hearing rights, the case
has been applied in the context of Section 312. See Peninsula Communications, Inc., 17
F.C.C.R. 2838, € 4 (2002) (citing Temmer, 743 F.2d at 928); Revision ofPart 21 ofthe
Commission‘s Rules, 2 F.C.C.R. at 5718 (citing Temmer; Music Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, 217
F.2d 339, 342 (D.C. Cir. 1954)). The term revocation is loosely used in Temmer in all
probability because failure to meet the condition did not result in automatic cancellation. See
743 F.2d at 925—26. Nevertheless, the Court recognized no hearing rights were triggered.


satisfied the initial milestone. Where there are no material questions of fact to be resolved, only

questions of law, the FCC is not required to hold a purposeless evidentiary hearing.‘" The

Bureau‘s finding that the Globalstar contract failed to satisfy the initial non—contingent contract

milestone as a matter of law was fully justified given the clear notice the milestones would be

strictly enforced and precedent that the contract must provide for construction and launch of the

satellites under the terms of the license."‘

        Accordingly, for the reasons stated herein and in the Carriers‘ Opposition to Application

for Review, Globalstar‘s Emergency Application for Review should be denied and the Bureau

Order affirmed.

          9 See, eg., U.S. v. Storer Broadcasting Co., 351 U.S. 192, 2002—05 (1956); Alabama
Power Company v. FCC, 311 F.3d 1357, 1372 (1 1°" Cir. 2002) ("APCo must therefore identify a
material question of fact that warrants a hearing. But its dispute is only over . . . a legal issue
that hardly warrants an evidentiary hearing since no material facts are disputed."); RKO General,
Inc. v. FCC, 670 F.2d 215, 231 (D.C. Cir. 1981) ("RKO") (where the Commission needs only to
"draw legal conclusions from ‘facts already known,""it is "not required to . . . reopen the
proceeding for an evidentiary hearing that would have served no purpose") (quoting Lakewood
Broadcasting Service, Inc. v. FCC, 478 F.2d 919, 924 (D.C. Cir. 1973)); Network Project v.
FCC, 511 F.2d 786, 796 (D.C. Cir. 1975) (a hearing is not necessary where the Commission‘s
decision is based on "inferences and conclusions drawn from undisputed facts"); Cifizens for
Allegan County, Inc. v. Fed. Power Comm‘n, 414 F.2d 1125, 1128 & n.5 (D.C. Cir. 1969) ("The
right of opportunity for hearing does not require a procedure that will be empty sound and show,
signifying nothing."); Anti—Defamation League ofB‘nai B‘rith v. FCC, 403 F.2d 169, 171 (D.C.
Cir. 1968) ("inferences to be drawn from facts already known and the legal conclusions to be
derived from those facts" may be made by the Commission without an evidentiary hearing);
TelePrompTer Cable Systems, Inc., 52 F.C.C.2d 1263, 1264 & n.2 (1975) ("[E]ven if Section
312 were applicable, it is difficult to see what there would be to hear, given our view of the case.
.. . It seems to us beyond question that ‘once evidentiary facts are undisputed, a hearing serves
no purpose."") (quoting Gellhorn & Robinson, Summary Judgment in Administrative
Adjudication, 84 Harv. L. Rev. 612, 630 (1971)), remanded on other grounds, 543 F.2d 1379
(D.C. Cir. 1976).

        See Bureau Order at § 6 & nn.12—13 (citing cases); Opposition to Application for
Review at 5—8.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Kathryn A. Zache
                                                        L. Andrew Tolhn
                                                        Craig E. Gilmore
                                                        Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
                                                        2300 N Street, NW, Suite 700
                                                        Washington, DC 20037
                                                        (202) 783—4141

Douglas I. Brandon             John T. Sceott, III —      J. R. Carbonell
AT&T Wireless Services, Inc.   Charla M. Rath            Carol L. Tacker
1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW    Cellco Partnership        David G. Richards
Washington, DC 20036           d/b/a Verizon Wireless    Cingular Wireless LLC
(202) 223—9222                 1300 I Street, NW         5565 Glenridge Connector
                               Suite 400—W               Suite 1700
                               Washington, DC 20005      Atlanta, GA 30342
                               (202) 589—3760            (404) 236—5543

March 28, 2003

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, Paula Lewis, hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing "Reply to Comments" has
been served this 28" day of March, 2003, by first class United States mail, postage prepaid, on
the following:

Tom Davidson                                         *R. Paul Margie
Phil Marchesiello                                    Legal Advisor
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer                           Office of Commissioner Michael Copps
 & Feld, L.L.P.                                      Federal Communications Commission
1676 International Drive                             445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 8—¢A302
Penthouse                                            Washington, DC 20554
McLean, VA 22102
                                                     *Jennifer Manner
Joseph A. Godles                                     Legal Advisor
Goldber% Godles, Wiener & Wright                     Office of Commissioner Kathleen Abernathy
1229 19°" Street, NW                                 Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20036                                 445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 8—B115
                                                     Washington, DC 20554
William F. Adler
Vice President, Legal and                            *Barry Ohlson
 Regulatory Affairs                                  Interim Legal Advisor
Globalstar, L.P.                                     Office of Commissioner Jonathan S.
3200 Zanker Road                                     Adelstein
San Jose, CA 95134                                   Federal Communications Commission
                                                     445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 8—C302
William D. Wallace                                   Washington, DC 20554
Crowell & Morning LLP
1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW                         *Donald Abelson, Chief
Washington, DC 20004                                 International Bureau
                                                     Federal Communications Commission
*Bryan Tramont                                       445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—C750
Senior Legal Advisor                                 Washington, DC 20554
Office of Chairman Michael K. Powel!
Federal Communications Commission                    *Thomas J. Sugrue, Chief
445 — 12"" Street, SW, Room 8—B201                   Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
Washington, DC 20554                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                                     445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 3—C252
*Samuel L. Feder                                     Washington, DC 20554
Legal Advisor
Office of Commissioner Kevin Martin                  *Edmond J. Thomas, Chief
Federal Communications Commission                    Office of Engineering and Technology
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 8—¢¥A204                 Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                                 445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 7—C153
                                                     Washington, DC 20554

*Robert M. Pepper, Chief,              *Alexandra Field
Policy Development                     Senior Legal Advisor
Office of Strategic Planning           International Bureau
  & Policy Analysis                    Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission      445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—C407
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 7—C347     Washington, DC 20554
Washington, DC 20554
                                       *Breck J. Blalock
*John A. Rogovin                       Deputy Chief , Policy Division
General Counsel                        International Bureau
Office of General Counsel              Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission      445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—¢A764
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 8—C758     Washington, DC 20554
Washington, DC 20554
                                       *Thomas S. Tycz
*David E. Horowitz                     Chief, Satellite Division
Attorney Advisor                       International Bureau
Office of General Counsel              Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission      445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—A665
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 8—A636     Washington, DC 20554
Washington, DC 20554
                                       *Christopher Murphy
*Neil A. Dellar                        Senior Legal Advisor
Office of General Counsel              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission      Federal Communications Commission
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 8—C818     445 — 12"" Street, SW, Room 6—C:750
Washington, DC 20554                   Washington, DC 20554

*Howard Griboff                        *William H. Bell
Attorney Advisor, Satellite Division   International Bureau
International Bureau                   Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission      445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—B505
445 — 12"" Street, SW, Room 6—C467     Washington, DC 20554
Washington, DC 20554
                                       *Cheryl Williams
*Karl A. Kensinger                     Administrative Management Specialist
Special Advisor, Satellite Division    International Bureau
International Bureau                   Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission      445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—A721
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—A663     Washington, DC 20554
Washington, DC 20554

*James L. Ball                         *Evan R. Kwerel
Chief, Policy Division                 Senior Economist
International Bureau                   Office of Strategic Planning
Federal Communications Commission        & Policy Division
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—A763     Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                   445 — 12"" Street, SW, Room 7—C347
                                       Washington, DC 20554
*Thomas Sullivan
Assistant Bureau Chief                 *Kathleen O‘Brien Ham
Administrative and Management Office   Deputy Bureau Chief
International Bureau                   Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
Federal Communications Commission      Federal Communications Commission
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—C841     445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 3—C255
Washington, DC 20554                   Washington, DC 20554

*Richard B. Engelman                   *Fern J. Jarmulnek
Chief Engineer                         International Bureau
International Bureau                   Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commussion      445 12"" Street, SW
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—A668     Washington, DC 20554
Washington, DC 20554
                                       *Cassandra Thomas
*David L. Furth                        International Bureau
Senior Legal Advisor                   Federal Communications Commission
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau     445 12" Street, SW
Federal Communications Commission      Washington, DC 20554
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 3—C217
Washington, DC 20554

*John Branscome
Attorney Advisor

Commercial Wireless Division
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 4—¢A324        Paula Lewis
Washington, DC 20554

*Via Hand Delivery

Document Created: 2019-04-09 04:09:23
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 04:09:23

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