Attachment ex parte

ex parte


ex parte


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20020719-00105 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                  EX PARTE OR LATE FILED                                              ORIGINAL
                         MorrIsoN & FOERSTER um
SAN FRANCISCO                          ATTORNEYS AT LAW                                    NEW YORK
LOS ANGELES                                                                                WASHINGTON, D.C.
DENVER                                425 MARKET STREET                                    NORTHERN VIRGINIA
PALO ALTO                     SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94105—2482                         LONDON            '
WALNUT CREEK              f         TELEPHONE (415) 268—7000                               BRUSSELS
SACRAMENTO                         TELEFACSIMILE (415) 268—7522                            HONG KONG
CENTURY CITY                                                                               BEJING
ORANGE COUNTY                                                                              SHANGHAI
SAN DIEGO                                                                            .     SINGAPORE

                                            October 31, 2003
                                                                                         Writer‘s Direct Contact
                                                                                             (202) 887—1510
By Hand Delivery
                                                            OC1T 3 1 2003
Marlene H. Dortch                                                        ,
Secretary                                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSiON
Federal Communications Commission                          OFFiCE oF THE SECRETARY
445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

        Re: EX PARTE
            Constellation Communications Holdings, Inc., File Nos. SAT—MOD—20020719—
            00103, SAT—T/C—20020718—00114, 181—SAT—LOA—97(46) et al.;
            Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc., File Nos. SAT—MOD—20020719—00105,
            SAT—T/C—20020719—00104, 180—SAT—P/LO97(26) et al.

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       In an ex parte letter filed earlier this week, ICO Global Communications (Holdings)
Limited ("ICO") urged the Commission to resolve the pending applications for review of the
cancellation of several 2 GHz mobile satellite service ("MSS") licenses, including those held by
Constellation Communications Holdings, Inc. ("CCHI"), Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc.
("MCHI"), and TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership, in a fair and balanced
manner consistent with its own precedent.‘ Also this week, the International Bureau ("Bureau")
issued an order finding that KaStarCom. World Satellite LLC ("KaStarCom"), a fixed satellite
service ("FSS") licensee in the Ka—band, satisfied the first milestone requiring commencement of
construction of its satellite." This decision, as contrasted with the Bureau‘s peremptory
cancellation of CCHI‘s and MCHI‘s 2 GHz MSS licenses, highlights the inconsistencies in the
Bureau‘s enforcement of the milestone policy and heightens the need for the Commission to
articulate clear milestone standards and apply them even—handedly to similarly situated licensees.

      ‘ See Letter from Suzanne Hutchings, ICO, to Marliene Dortch, Secretary, FCC, File Nos. SAT—
MOD—20020719—00103 et al. (Oct. 28, 2003).

       * See KaStarCom. World Satellite, LLC, Memorandum Opinion & Order, File Nos. 102—SAT—
P/LA—98 et al., DA 03—3428 (IB Oct. 27, 2003) ("KaStarCom Order").

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                                 MorRISON & FOERSTER uns

Marlene H. Dortch
October 31, 2003
Page Two

Given the similarities between the milestone compliance efforts of KaStarCom, on the one hand,
and CCHI and MCHI, on the other, ICO urges the Commission to treat both cases equally and
allow CCHI and MCHI the same latitude given to KaStarCom.

            Notably, like CCHI and MCHI, KaStarCom entered into both a satellite sharing
agreement and a transfer of control transaction with another satellite licensee or its affiliate. At
the time of its first milestone deadline in November 2002, KaStarCom had executed a satellite
sharing agreement with WB Holdings, another Ka—band licensee." In addition, WB Holdings,
through its parent company, Wildblue Communications, Inc. ("WB"), had executed a satellite
manufacturing contract with Space Systems/Loral, Inc. ("Loral")." At the time of KaStarCom‘s
first milestone deadline in November 2002, KaStarCom was neither a party to the satellite
manufacturing contract nor affiliated with any of the parties to that contract. Subsequently, in
March 2003, the Commission approved the transfer of control of KaStarCom to WB."

            Although neither KaStarCom nor its affiliate was a party to the manufacturing contract
between Loral and WB at the time ofits first milestone deadline, the Bureau found that the
manufacturing contract satisfied KaStarCom‘s first milestone requirement by virtue of WB‘s >
acquisition of control of KaStarCom after the first milestone deadline." As a result, the Bureau
declined to address whether KaStarCom‘s satellite sharing agreement with WB Holdings met the —
first milestone requirement.‘ The Bureau thus avoided addressing the merits of the satellite
sharing agreement by first approving the transfer of control of KaStarCom to WB and then
granting milestone credit to KaStarCom for WB‘s manufacturing contract by virtue of their
current common ownership.

       CCHI‘s and MCHI‘s transfer of control applications presented the Commission with the
same set of facts found in KaStarCom‘s case, yet CCHI and MCHI obtained radically different
results. Specifically, like KaStarCom, CCHI and MCHI sought Commission consent to transfer
control of their 2 GHz MSS licenses to the parent company of another licensee. Through its
affiliate, ICO executed a satellite manufacturing contract, which the Commission earlier this year

            > 1d. q 2—3.

            * Id. § 3.
            * Id. 1 n.1.

            ° Id. § 6 n.16.
            ? 1d.


                                  MorRrIsON & FOERSTER ur

 Marlene H. Dortch
 October 31, 2003
 Page Three

 found to be consistent with the first milestone requirement." Like KaStarCom, CCHI and MCHI
 also executed separate satellite sharing agreements with the same company to which they
 proposed to transfer control oftheir licenses. However, rather than adopt the same approach
 used for KaStarCom, the Bureau chose first to address the merits of CCHI‘s and MCHI‘s sharing
 agreements and then dismissed as moot their transfer applications after finding that the sharmg
 agreements did not meet the first milestone requirement. Fairness and consistency require that
 the Commission extend to CCHI and MCHI the same treatment given to KaStarCom. Thus,
 consistent with the KaStarCom Order, the Commission should permit CCHI and MCHI to
 transfer control of their licenses to ICO and then grant CCHI and MCHI milestone credit for
_ICO‘s manufacturing contract by virtue of their common ownership."

         In view of the similarities between CCHI‘s and MCHI‘s case and other milestone cases,
 including the recent KaStarCom Order and the pending applications for review of the
 cancellation of other 2 GHz MSS licenses, it is critical that the Commission avoid enforcing its
 milestone policy in a haphazard and piecemeal manner. Accordingly, ICO urges the
 Commission to address the pending 2 GHz MSS applications for review in a nondlscnmmatory
 manner and consistent with Commission precedent.

         ® See FCC Public Notice, Satellite Division Information: 2 GHz MSS Systems in Compliance with First
 Milestone Requirement, 18 FCC Red 1732 (2003).

         ° Alternatively, the Commission should reverse the Bureau‘s finding that CCHI‘s and MCHI‘s
 sharing agreements do not qualify as manufacturing contracts for milestone purposes. As the parties have
 demonstrated, these sharing agreements are fully consistent with the Commission‘s milestone precedent.
 See, e.g., CCHI, MCHI & ICO Joint Application for Review at 7—8, File Nos. SAT—MOD—20020719—
 00103 (Mar. 3, 2003).


                                  MorRISON & FOERSTER uw

Marlene H. Dortch
October 31, 2003
Page Four

            Twelve copies of this letter are being filed with the Secretary for inclusion in the public
record, as required by Section 1.1206(b)(1) of the Commission‘s rules.


                                           Chery] A. Thitt
                                           Counsel to ICO Global Communications (Holdings) Ltd.

co: Bryan Tramont
    Sam Feder
    Barry Ohlson
    Jennifer Manner
    Paul Margie
    Sheryl Wilkerson
    Jackie Ruff


Document Created: 2019-04-14 00:10:52
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 00:10:52

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