Attachment supplement


SUPPLEMENT submitted by Globalstar



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20020717-00118 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                    Before The
                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                   AUG 2 6 2005
                                            Washington, DC 20554
                                                                                           Fedenl Conmunaters Comnion
                                                                                                   Offeeot Secmiy
    In the Matter of                                          )
                                                              )        File Nos:
    GLOBALSTAR LLC i/a GLOBALSTAR, LP.                        )        183718471857186—SAT—PLA—97
                                                              )        182.SAT—PMLA—97(64)
    For Modification of License for a Mobile                  )       TBFS File Nos.
    Satellit Service System in the 2 GHz Band                 )       SAT—LOA—19970926—00151—154
                                                              )       SAT—LOA—19970026—00156
    For Waiver and Modification of                            J       SAT—AMD—20001103—00154
    Implementation Milestones for                             )       SAT—MOD—20020717—00116—119
    2 GHz MSS System                                          )       SAT—MOD—20020722—00107—110
                                                              )       SAT—MOD—20020722—00112
                                                              )       Call Signs $252002172723724
 To:       The Commission

          Globalstar submits this supplement to its petition for reconsideration*"of the
 Commission‘s decision not to reverse the International Burean‘s cancellation of Globalstar‘s 2

GHz mobile satellite service (MSS) authorization»" As Globalstar‘s petition remains pending
before the Commission, Globalstar now desires to update the Commission with its specific plans
for construction and launch of a 2 GHz MSS system if the Commission grants its petition and
reinstates ts authorization."

2         Globalsr, Ption for Reconsidention,File Nos. SAT—LOA—19970926—00151/52!53!54!56, t al.(iled
Juy 26, 2000
£         Memorandure Opinionand Order, Applicarion of Globalstr, LP, For Modifcation of License for a
Mobile—Sareite Service System in the 2 GHiz Band, 18 ECC Red 1249 (2003).
»         To the extenttht Globalstar‘spertionfor reconsideration mightbe viewed as akinto a pending
applicaton, Globalstar blieves that submissionofthe information contained in the supplement to is peiton for
reconsideration is necessary t ensurethe contnuing accuracy and completenessof that application, as required by
section 1.65othe Commission‘s rules, 47 CER. $ 1.65.

            Globalstar is now in itssixth year of providing MSS voice and data services. Globalstar
    service is available in all areas of the world except central and southemm Africa, Southeast Asia,
    and the Indian subcontinent, regions in which Globalstar is currently negotiating to expand
    coverage. As of June 2005, Globalstar had 153,000 subscribers in more than 120 countries,
    which reflects an average annual growth rate of 45 percent during Globalstar‘s first five years of
    service, and an astounding increase of 50 percent in the last 18 months alone. Globalstar is
    committed to meeting the needs ofits current and future customers for satellite—based voice and
    data telecommunications services anywhere at any time. Consistent with this vision, in April
    2005, Globalstar applied for ancillary terrestrial component ("ATC") authority in order to enable
    it to make more efficient and intensive use ofits assigned spectrum, and to expand and broaden
    its customer base.* Upon grant of its applications for ATC authority, Globalstar is poised
immediately to accelerate development of ATC phones.
           Globalstar currently provides MSS service using its constellation of 40 non—geostationary
orbit ("NGSO®) satelites at the 1.6/2.4 GHz band and 4 in—orbit spares."‘ The number of new
customers and the bandwidth demands of new services necessitate that Globalstar seek additional
capacity to expand its service offerings to meet customer needs. To offer broadband service
effectively, as well as to continue to provide reliable voice and narrowband data services to its
growing subscriber base, Globalstar needs additional spectrum. The 2 GHz MSS spectrum is
presently, and is likely to remain, the only available allocated MSS spectrum, and it is ideally
situsted to provide a means for Globalstar to increase its broadband voice and data services and

#       See Globalstar LLC Request for Authortyto Implement an Ancillary Terresrial Componentfo the
Globalsr Above 1 GHtz, oBig LBO, Mobile Satelte Servic(MSS) System (Call Sign ES2115);Globalsar USA.
LC ApplicationforModifcation of Blanket License Authorizaton for Mobile Eath Station Terminals (Call Sign
E970381); RCC File Nos. SAT—MOD—20050301—00054 and SES—MOD—20050301—00261.
#         "Three of the four in—orbispares are temporarily outof service.

    address additional vertical markets, such as aviation, while continuing to meet the demands of its

    existing customers. It will be difficult, if not impossible, for Globalstar to serve more customers

    and support innovative products without the 2 GHz authorization.
           Globalstar reiterates that it stands ready and financially able to design, launch and operate

    an MSS system at 2 GHz. As is now apparent, however, private investors will no longer finance

    NGSO systems. They are simply too expensive in light of the revenue that MSS systems are
 capable of generating over the useful life of the constellation.®‘—In keeping with the realities of
    the satellite services marketplace, Globalstar intends to abandon the NGSO portionor its hybrid

 NGSO/GSO constellationand instead deploy a single geostationary orbit ("GSO") satellite to
 serve the United States at 2 GHz. Globalstar also intends to construct a second on—ground spare

 satellite and intends over time to add two additional operational satelltes to provide global

 coverage in accordance with the GSO portion ofits original 2 GHz application. A next«
 generation 2 GHz GSO MSS system can provide significant service expansion and meet
 increasing marketplace demands ata fraction of the cost of a NGSO system and in less time.
          No question can remain about Globalstar‘s ability to build out ts modified proposed 2
GHz system or about the public interest benefits that will flow from that system. Globalstar,

now over one year removed from its Chapter 11 proceeding, is infused with necessary capital to
pursue opportunities to grow its service offerings. For example, in addition to its plans to

#         "The Commissionrecenty granted th application of ICO Satlite Services modify ts reservation of
spectrum for a NGSO system toa geostationary system. See Memorandum Opinion and Order, ICO Sarelite
Services G.P. Applicationfor Modifeation of2 Git L1 Authorization, Fle No. SAT—MOD200501 10—00004, DA
08—1504 (rel. May 24,2005). SkyBridge LLC. whichin Jaly 2005 received an authorization to constrect a NGSO
system, surrendered is lcense only one month lter. See Public Notce, Report No. SAT—00314, DA No. 05—2327,
Aug. 19, 2005. Seealso, The Bocing Company. Order and Authorization, DA 03—2073 (re. June 24, 2003), wherein
the Commission granted Bocing‘s appictionto modify ts roposed 2 GHtz sytem from a 16stelite NGSO
contigurtion toa single GSO satellte. Bocingsubsequenty surrendered ts icense
#       Globaltr Appliation for Modification of License, Fle Nos. SAT—00115/16/17/18/19; SAT—MOD:
20020722—0010710809/10/12 (lty 17, 2002)

    implement ATC, Globalstar recently has entered into a $140 million contract with

    QUALCOMM to develop enhanced features and second—generation products, has acquired the
    physical assets and business of its former service provider in Venezuela, and is adding two new
    Gateways in the U.S. in Florida and Alaska."                                        s

           The Commission has a clear presumptive preference for a minimum of at least three
 competitors in a given frequency band. Specifically, in its Space Station Licensing Reform
 decision, the Commission stated, "we find that the factors that have led courts to disfavor
 mergers to duopoly also support establishing a procedure that will maintain at least three
 competitors in frequency band, unless an interested party can rebut our presumption that three
 is necessary to maintain a competitive market.""" Globalstar‘s experience in the MSS
marketplace gives it a distinct edge that will enable it become a strong 2 GHz competitor and
market leader.

          If the Commission reinstates Globalstar‘s license, Globalstar is willing to commit to the
same construction schedule and the same implementation timetable that the International Bureau
imposed on ICO in its order modifying ICO‘s spectrum reservation""" If the Commission were
to reinstate the license by November 30, 2005, Globalstar would require about three months to
enter into a non—contingent contract for construction and launch ofthe satellte. We hope and
expect that the developmental work done between July 2002 and January 30, 2003, when the
Hicense was cancelled, can be recovered and can reduce the time necessary to achieve Critical

»         Giobaltr recently eceived an STA o operatea new gateway in Scbrig, Horida to meet prowingservice
needs, including hurricane emergencyservices. See Globalstar LC Applicationfor Earth Station Special
Temporery Auhoriy,File No SES—ST2005062000784 (gramted July 13, 2005).
#     Amendents ofthe Commission‘s Space Station Licening Rules and Polices, 18 PCC Red 10760, 10789 9
64 2002
W         Noedisupre

 Design Review of the GSO satellite. If so, then Globalstar will meet the same schedule that ICO

 intends to meet from commencement of coordination ofthe physical operation of the satellte as

             Proposed Implementation Milestone                   Proposed Deadline
             Non—contingent contract                             March 1, 2006
             Critical design review                              September 1, 2006
             Commence coordination of the physical               October 15, 2006
             operation of the sstellite
             Place order for TWTAs                               December 15, 2006
             Complete bus wire hamess fabrication                April 15, 2007
             Start communications paneUpayload                   June 1, 2007
             Complete propulsion integration                     August 1, 2007
             Complete bus integration                           October 1, 2007
             Complete coordination ofthe physical               October 15, 2007
             operations of the satellte, and file any
             modification applications necessitated thereby
             Complete main body integration                     January 1, 2008
             Complete reference performance test                April 1, 2008
             Complete thermal vacuum test                       June 1, 2008
             Launch satellte                                    October 1, 2008
             Centify that entire system is operational          October 15, 2008

Based on the foregoing, Globalstar urges the Commission to act prompily to grant its pending
petition for reconsideration.. Immediate action is particularly warranted in light of the

    Commission‘s pending proposals regarding the possible redistribution and reallocation of 2 GHz
    MSS spectrum
                                                 Respectfully submitted,

 Richard S. Roberts                              William T. Lake
 William F, Adler                                Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale
 Globalstar LLC                                   and Dorr LLP
 461 Milpitas Blvd.                              2445 M Street, NW.
 Milpitas, Califomia 95035                       Washington, D.C. 20037
 (408) 933—4401                                  (202) 6e3—6000

 August 26, 2005

d        See Comment of Globalsar LLC in TB Docket No,05—220 (Aled July 13, 2005); Comment and Reply
Comments ofGlobalsar LLC in 1B Docket No.0%—221 (iled Jly 29,2005 and Aupust 15, 2008)

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        1, Nathen T. Mitchler, hereby certify that T have on this 26th day of August, 2005
caused to be served true and correct copies of the foregoing "Supplement to Petition for
Reconsideration" upon the following persons via hand delivery (marked with an asterisk
(*)) or via United States mail, first—class postage prepaid:

Marlene Dortch *                                       Kathryn A. Zechem
Secretary                                              L. Andrew Tollin
Federal Communications Commission                      Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
445 12th Street, SW                                    2300 N Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20554                                   Washington, DC 20037
                                                       (202) 783141

Douglas L. Brandon                                    J. R. Carbonell
AT&T Wireless Services, Inc.                          Carol L. Tacker
1150 Connectiout Avenue, NW                           David G. Richards
Washington, DC 20036                                  Cingular Wireless LLC
(202) 223—9222                                        5565 Glenidge Connector
                                                      Suite 1700
                                                      Atlanta, GA 30342
                                                      (404) 236—5543

                                                      Nathan T. Mitchier

Document Created: 2005-08-30 16:09:11
Document Modified: 2005-08-30 16:09:11

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