Attachment motion


MOTION submitted by Globalstar



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20020717-00118 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                  en                                           RECEIVED
                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                       wtas
                                           Washington, DC 20554                                              2005
                                                                                        FadealConmuniatens Comnisin
    In the Matter of                                                                           OferolSecminy
                                                                    File Nos:
    GLOBALSTAR LLC th/a GLOBALSTAR, LP.                             183/184/185/186—SAT—PLA—97

    For Modification of License for a Mobile                       TBFS File Nos.
    Satellte Service System in the 2 GHz Band                      SAT—LOA—19970926—00151—15¢
    For Waiver and Modification of                                 SAT—AMD—20001103—00154
    Implementation Milestones for                                  SAT—MOD—20020717—00116—119
    2 GHz MSS System                                               SAT—MOD—20020722—00107—110
                                                                   Call Signs $2320021/2223/24
 To:      The Commission
                                                                                               AUG 3 0 2005
                                                                                               r    brue
                            PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION

          Purstant to 47 C.ER. § 1.106(D, Globalstar LLC ("Globalstar") hereby fles this request
for leave to file the accompanying supplement to its pending petition for reconsideration in the
above—captioned proceeding."" As set forth below and in the accompanying supplement,

Globalstar believes that the Commission‘s consideration of the information set forth in the
supplement — which details significant changed circumstances that have occurred in the months
during which the petition for reconsideration has been pending — is vital if the Commission is to
have before it a complete and accurate record."

»       lobal, Ptiton for Reconsideration, ile Nos. SAT—LOA—19970926—0015V/S2!53!94!96, t al. (hled
July 26,2000
#        To thextent tht Globalstar‘spertion foreconsideation might e viewed asakin toa pending lcense
appliation Globalsa submit the information containe in the supplement in orderto ensire thcontiuing
accuricy and completeress of that application, as requred by section 1.65 of he Commisson‘s iles, 47 CR. §

            On July 26, 2004, Globalstar filed a petiion for reconsideration ofthe Commission‘s
    decision not to reverse the International Bureau‘s cancellation of Globalstar‘s 2 GHz mobile
    satellte service ("MSS") authorizationIn the thirteen months that have passed since that
    petition was filed, significant changes have occurred with respect to Globalstar‘s ownership, the
    increased availability of financing for the MSS industry, and acceptable design of new MSS

           First,on April 15, 2004 the Globalstar system fully emerged from bankruptey
    proceedings as Thermo Capitol Partners, L C.C. (‘Thermo"), through its affilites, completed the
    aequisition ofthe operations and assets of Globalstar, L.P. for an investment of $43 million.
    Thermo‘s investment has allowed Globalstar to "re—launch" ts services with an invigorated
    marketing and sales effort and to expand its existing MSS system:®‘ As a consequence,
    Globalstar now enjoys positive cash flow and can intemally finance expansion of its business.
           Second, as illustrated by the recent announcement of ICO Global Communications
 (Holdings) Limited,the financial markets have made clear theirincreased confidence in — and

willingness to fund — the future of MSS services in the 2 GHz band." Globalstar now fully
expects to secure the capital necessary to design and deploy its proposed 2 GHz system.
          Finally, experience in the MSS marketplace since Globalstar filed its petition for
reconsideration makes clear that market conditions do not support new non—geostationary orbit
("NGSO®) MSS constellations. New NGSO systems are too expensive in light of the revenue

#     Memorandam Opinion and Order, Application of Globaltar 1.P, Por ModicationofLicense for a
MobilSarliteServie Systin th2 GHis Band, 18 FCC Red 1249 (2003)
#        Since Apri2004 Globalstar has acquired gateway and other assets ofan unaffilated Globalstar service
provide in Venenuel, has constructeda gteway in Forida and started constraction of another in Alaska, has
enteredimo a new S140 milion use terminl development and production contact with QUALCOMM, and has
begun negotiations with lnunch services provides o Inch ts eighspare satelftes.
£         See ICO Nort America Closes Sale of3650 Milion of Convetible Senior Sccured Notes, PressRelease,
Aug.15,2005, vailable t hupolwnco.comfpr2 tm

  these systems are capable of generating, and geostationary orbit (°GSO") MSS systems present a

  more efficient and effective means of delivering services in the 2 GHz MSS band®‘ Moreover,
  since the mid—1990s, technological developments in both the space and ground segments make it
  possible for geostationary satellites to meet the needs of MSS subscribers. Accordingly,
  Globalstar has changed its system design from the original hybrid NGSO/GSO system to a GSO

           Granting Globalstar‘s motion for leave to file a supplement to the pending petition for
 reconsideration will not cause harm to any party. Granting the motion will fumish the
 Commission with a more complete and accurate record on which to base its action on
 Globalstar‘s pending petition for reconsideration.

#=—      The Commissionrecently granted theappliction of 1CO Satelte Services modlify ts reservation of
spectrum for a NGSO system to a peostitionary system. See Memorandim Opinion and Order ICO Sarellte
Servics G.P. Applicationfor Modiffcationof2 iz LO! Authorization, Fle No. SAT—MOD—20050110.00004, DA
05—1504 (rel. May24,2005). Skytiridge L LC. which in July 2005 received an uthorizaion to consrueta NGSO
system,surendered ts lcense only one month lter. See Publc Notice, Report No. SAT—00314, DA No. 05—2327,
Aug. 19, 2005. Seealso The Boeing Compary, Order and Authorization DA 03—2073 (rl. Je 24, 2003), wherein
the Commission granted Bocing‘s appleation to modify ts proposed 2 GHtz system from a 16satelite NGSO
configuration o a single GSO satelit. Bocing subsequenty surrendered ts icense.


       ‘The Commision should grant Globalstar leave to file the accompanying supplement.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

Richard S. Roberts                        William T. Lake
William F. Adler                          Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale
Globalstar LLC                             and Dorr LLP
461 Milpitas Blvd.                        2445 M Street, N.W.
Milpitas, California 95035                Washington, D.C. 20037
(408) 933—4401                            (202) 6e3—6000

August 26, 2005

                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

           1, Nathan T. Mitchler, hereby cerify that I have on this 26th day of August, 200
eaused to be served true and correct copies ofthe foregoing "Motion for Leave to
Supplement Pending Petition for Reconsideration"upon the following persons via hand
delivery (marked with an asterisk (*)) or via United States mail, first—class postage

Marlene Dortch *                                       Kathryn A. Zechem
Secretary                                              L. Andrew Tollin
Federal Communications Commission                      Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
445 12th Street, SW                                    2300 N Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20554                                   Washington, DC 20037
                                                       (202) resar1

Douglas I. Brandon                                    J. R. Carbonell
AT&T Wireless Services, Inc.                          Carol L. Tacker
1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW                           David G. Richards
Washington, DC 20036                                  Cingular Wireless LLC
(202) 223—0222                                        5565 Glenridge Connector
                                                      Suite 1700
                                                      Atlante, GA 30342
                                                      (404) 236—5543

Document Created: 2005-08-30 15:56:43
Document Modified: 2005-08-30 15:56:43

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