Attachment rel authority

rel authority

OTHER submitted by Columbia

rel authority


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20020517-00079 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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risornmscnommise.cou             hfemationalBureligbruary 25, 2005                 m aon esran
     By HAND DELIVERY                                         RECEIVED
     Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                      FeB 2 5 2005
     Federal Communications Commission                     *T td
                                                               oav , C
     445 12th Street, S.W.
     Washington, D.C. 20554

                   Re:      Relinguishment of Authority for C—band Operations on the
                            TDRS—6 Satellite at 47° W.L. and License to Launch and
                            Operate a Replacement C—band Satellite at 47° W.L.
     Dear Ms. Dortch:
                  Columbia Communications Corporation (‘Columbia®), by its attorneys,
    hereby relinquishes, effective immediately, its authority for C—band operations on the
    TDRS—6 spacecraft at 47° W.L. and its license to launch and operate a C—band replacement
     satellite at 47° W.L

                  Since July 1996, Columbia has been authorized to provide C:—bandservices
    using capacity on TDRS—6 pursuant to a lease agreement with the spacecraft‘s operator,
    the National Aeronautics and Space Administration CNASA").‘ NASA has advised
    Columbia of ts decision not to renewthe lease agreement with Columbia for C:—band
    operations on TDRS—6. Columbia is not currently providing any services using TDRS—6, so
    no customers will be affected by the termination of C—band operations on TDRS—6.
                Columbia also holds a license for a C:—band replacement satellite at 47° W.L*
    However, Columbia has decided that, in light of projected market conditions for C—band

    1      Initially, these operations were pursuant to special temporary authority, but in
    2001, the Commission granted interim operating authority on TDRS—6 pending launch and
    operation of Columbia‘s authorized C—band replacement satellite at 47° W.L. See Columbia
    Communieations Corporation, Order and Order on Reconsideration, DA 01—1241 (Int‘l Bur.
    rel. May 22, 2001) at 48 27—29.
    £      See Columbia Communications Corporation, Order and Authorization,14 FCC Red
    3318 (Incl Bur. 1999)

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Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
February 25, 2005
Page 2

services in the Atlantic Ocean Region, it will not complete and launch into 47° W.L. the
spacecraft that it was building for that position.
             Accordingly, Columbia hereby relinquishes its C—band authority to operate
on TDRS—6 and its authority for a C—band replacement satellite at 47° W.L. effective
immediately. Please direct any questions regarding this submission to the undersigned.

                                          Respectfully submitted,
                                          /‘;J/[‘ ob te
                                          Peter A. Rohrbach
                                          Counsel for Columbia Communications Corp.

ces   Andrea Kelly
      Robert Nelson
      Diane Garfield

Document Created: 2005-03-02 16:05:27
Document Modified: 2005-03-02 16:05:27

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