Attachment request


REQUEST submitted by Loral



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20011130-00118 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                        Before the
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554                                                FEE - 2   2GU6

In re:

Loral Skynet Corporation                           )
                                                   )       File No. SAT-MOD-2001I 1 30-00118
                                                                                   v.   0.“       ’e
                                                                                <g&Jc         i‘crt.:
Request for Waiver of
License Condition

To: International Bureau


         Loral Skynet Corporation (“Loral Skynet”)’ hereby requests a waiver of condition

11 of its authorization to launch and operate Telstar I 1N, the replacement satellite for

Telstar I 1 located at 37.55” W.L.* The Telstar 11N Order included a condition that

Telstar 11N must begin providing service contemporaneously with the discontinuation of

service of the Telstar 11 satellite “in order to ensure continuity of s e r v i ~ e . ”Although

         Loral Skynet Corporation is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Loral Space &
         Communications Inc. (“Loral”). In connection with the emergence of Loral Space &
         Communications Ltd. (“Old Loral”) and its debtor subsidiaries from bankruptcy, the International
         Bureau granted Old Loral authority to transfer control of certain of its subsidiaries, along with the
         space and earth station licenses held by such entities, from Old Loral to Loral. Applications of
         Loral Space & Communications Ltd. (DIP) for the Transfer of Control of Licenses and
         Authorizations Held bv Loral Orion, Inc. IDIPI. Loral SpaceCom Corporation (DIP) and Loral
         Skvnet Network Services, Inc. (DIP) to Loral Space & Communications Inc., Public Notice, 20
         FCC Rcd 15691 (2005) (“Transfer Order”). On November 21, 2005, Old Loral officially concluded
         its reorganization, emerged from bankruptcy and is now conducting business as Loral. The
         transfers of the FCC licensees from Old Loral that were approved in the Transfer Order were also
         consummated on that date.
         Grant of Application for Modification, SAT-MOD-2001ll3O-OOll8 (with attached conditions), fi 11
         (granted Sept. 28, 2004) (“Telstar 11N Order“). The modification was issued to Loral CyberStar,
         Inc. On May 17, 2002, a letter was filed with the Commission notifying it that the name of Loral
         CyberStar, Inc. had been changed to Loral Orion, Inc. Upon emergence from bankruptcy, the
         name of Loral Orion, Inc. was changed to Loral Skynet Corporation. In addition, at the time the
         modification request was granted, the replacement satellite was referred to as Telstar 11R but is
         now known as Telstar 11N.
         Telstar 11N Order    11

Telstar 11N will be in placed in service a full year ahead of its FCC milestone date,

there will be a gap between the end of life of Telstar 11 and the commencement of

operations of Telstar 11N. Loral Skynet has already complied with the requirement of

providing continuity of service by relocating Telstar 11 customers to nearby satellites

with equivalent coverage areas. Loral Skynet requests a waiver of the specific

language set forth in the condition or a determination that Loral Skynet has met the

underlying objective of the condition by ensuring continuity of service for its customers.


       Telstar 11, a Ku-band satellite, began operations at the 37.5" W.L. orbital

location on January 20, I995.4 During its useful life, Telstar 11 has provided a range of

communications services to government and commercial users. Loral Skynet filed an

application to replace Telstar 11 on May 8, 1998. On June 19, 2001, the Commission

authorized Loral Skynet to construct, launch and operate Telstar 11N as a replacement

for Telstar 11.5

       On November 30, 2001 , Loral Skynet filed an application for modification of its

replacement authorization to use an additional 250 MHz of spectrum in the extended

       While the Telstar 11 satellite was originally launched into 37.5" W.L., pursuant to a March 2005
       coordination agreement with SES Americom, Inc., the satellite is now operated at 37.55" W.L. A
       modification to the Telstar 11 authorization to reflect this relocation was granted on May 6, 2005.
       Policy Branch information Actions Taken, lnfernafional Bureau, 20 FCC Rcd 8839 (2005). A
       modification to the Telstar 11N authorization will be sought to permit continued operation at this
       revised orbital location.
       ADDlication of Loral SDace & Communications Ltd.. f/k/a Orion Atlantic. L.P. for Authoritv to
       Launch and Operate a Hvbrid Ku-band/C-band Satellite Svstem at the 37.5" W.L. Orbit Location,
       Memorandum Opinion and Order, 16 FCC Rcd. 12490 (2001) ("2001 Replacement

Ku-band.‘ On September 28, 2004, the International Bureau granted the request to

modify the Telstar 11 replacement auth~rization.~
                                               That decision authorized Loral

Skynet to launch and operate the Telstar 11N Kulextended Ku-band satellite in

accordance with the terms, conditions and technical specifications set forth in its

application, including the attached conditions of authorization and the Commission’s


         The September 28, 2004 authorization required that Loral Skynet post a $3

million bond. It also contained construction milestones for the Telstar 11N satellite,

including a requirement that a binding construction contract be executed by September

28, 2005, and that the satellite be launched and begin operations by September 28,

2009.8 Loral Skynet entered into a binding, non-contingent satellite manufacturing
contract for the construction of Telstar 11N, which was submitted to the Commission on

September 28, 2005. Construction of Telstar 11N is now underway.

         The satellite manufacturing contract contemplates that Telstar 11N will be

launched in June 2008, over a year in advance of the milestone requirement. However,

Telstar 11 must be de-orbited in Summer 2006’ in order to safely relocate it to an

         Loral CyberStar, Inc. Application for Modification, SAT-MOD-20011130-00018 (Nov. 30, 2001).
         The modification request was unopposed.
         Telstar 11N Order.

         The International Telecommunications Union regulations provide that “where the use of a
         recorded assignment to a space station is suspended for a period not exceeding eighteen
         months, the notifying administration shall, as soon as possible, inform the Bureau of the date on
         which such use was suspended and the date on which the assignment is to be brought back into
         regular use. The latter date shall not exceed two years from the date of suspension.’’
         International Telecommunication Union, Radio Reaulations (ITU-R) art. 11.49 (2004). Loral
         Skynet expects to satisfy the ITU’s requirements for use of the recorded assignment by launching
         the Telstar 11N satellite within the time permitted by ITU regulations,


appropriate storage altitude. As part of a normal late in life test to verify on-board

propellant (this test can only be performed when the fuel nears exhaustion), it was

discovered that less fuel remained on board than expected. An investigation into this

issue indicated that problems during launch resulted in excessive fuel consumption. In

order to ensure an eventual safe de-orbit of Telstar 11, the satellite was placed into

inclined orbit on June 1, 2004, approximately one year earlier than expected.”                 In

addition, due to the excessive fuel consumption, the satellite will only be able to remain

in inclined orbit for two years rather than the originally projected three year period.

Thus, in order to comply with the Commission’s new orbital debris policies, Loral Skynet

plans to de-orbit Telstar 11 in Summer 2006, while it has sufficient fuel remaining to

remove it to a safe disposal altitude.”

       The unexpected and excessive fuel consumption at launch and the need to

safely de-orbit the satellite will preclude Loral Skynet from maintaining the Telstar 11

satellite in inclined orbit at 37.55”W.L. until launch of its replacement in 2008. Thus,

Telstar 11N cannot be launched before the decommission date of Telstar 11. However,

other options for continuity of service are available and have already been successfully

implemented by Loral Skynet.

       Approximately three months before the FCC issued its September 2004 Order prescribing the
       September 2009 launch milestone for Telstar 11N, Loral notified the FCC that Telstar 11 had
       been placed in inclined orbit. Letter from John Stern, DeDuty General Counsel, Loral %ace &
       Communications Ltd., to Thomas S. Tycz, Chief, Satellite Division, International Bureau, FCC
       (June 18, 2004).
       Section 25.283 of the Commission’s rules requires geostationary orbit stations to be relocated at
       the end of their useful lives. 47 C.F.R. 9 25.283(a). Although Telstar 11 is grandfathered from
       the orbital debris requirements because it was launched prior to March 18, 2002, Loral Skynet will
       de-orbit the satellite consistent with the new regulations. See 47 C.F.R. 5 25.283(d) and
       Mitiaation of Orbital Debris, Second Report and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 11567 (2004).



        The Telstar 11N Order included a condition that Telstar 11N "must begin

providing service contemporaneously with the discontinuation of service of the satellite it

is replacing at the 37.5" W.L. orbital location."'* Loral Skynet seeks a waiver of the

specific wording of this condition or a determination that Loral Skynet has met the

underlying objective of the condition by ensuring continuity of service for its customers

and demonstrating a commitment to the launch and operation of its authorized

replacement satellite.

     A. Loral Skynet will continue to provide service to customers, thereby
        satisfying the condition's underlying purpose.

        As discussed above, Telstar 11 began operations at 37.5" W.L. in 1995 and has

provided service to customers throughout its useful life. The unexpected and excessive

fuel consumption caused at launch and the need to safely de-orbit the satellite will

preclude Loral Skynet from maintaining the Telstar 11 satellite in inclined orbit at 37.55"

W.L. until launch of its replacement in 2008. Accordingly, Loral Skynet has attempted to

ensure continuity of service for its customers for this two year period through other


        Loral Skynet has ensured continuity of service by relocating Telstar 11 customers

to suitable alternative satellite capacity until the launch of Telstar 11N.13 At its own

expense, Loral Skynet has provided Telstar 11 customers with significant service

engineering, operations and program management support in order to make the

        Telstar 11N Order 111.
        Telstar 11 currently provides service to only one customer.


transition to alternative satellite capacity as seamless as possible. For each of these

customers, Loral Skynet coordinated individual transmission plan changes and

permitted dual-illumination periods (at no additional charge) to allow proper antenna re-

pointing. In some instances, Loral Skynet sent ground operators to customer locations

to install equipment and/or re-point their networks. Loral Skynet‘s program

management team took the lead in the network migration to minimize customer impact.

Loral Skynet also took measures to ensure that its access management facility was

ready for migrations that involved multiple sites over a short period of time. Upon

launch of Telstar 11N, Loral Skynet will migrate these customers back to 37.55”W.L.

and provide service incentives and other service engineering, operations and program

management support arrangements to assist customers with the transition.

       The Commission imposes conditions such as those imposed on Telstar 11N in

order to ensure continuity of service to satellite customers. The goal of continuity of

service helps to ensure long-term investment in the satellite industry and provide

security to both investors and     customer^.'^   The Commission has previously agreed that

methods of continuity of service other than contemporaneous launch of the replacement

satellite meet the underlying objectives of this policy.

       For example, the Commission has granted petitions filed by Hughes

Communications Galaxy, Inc. related to replacement authorizations where Hughes

proposed to temporarily fill a service “gap” by either moving another satellite to the

       Licensinq Space Stations in the Domestic Fixed-Satellite Service, Repori and Order, 50 Fed.
       Reg. 36071, 7 27 (1985); Assianment of Orbital Locations to SDace Stations in the Domestic
       Fixed-Satellite Service, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 3 FCC Rcd 6972, n.31 (1988).


applicable orbital location or utilizing capacity at an adjacent orbital s10t.l~In one case,

the orbital slot at issue was to remain vacant for several years, but the Commission

determined that the public interest would be served despite the vacancy, as Hughes

had “committed to implementing its satellite as soon as possible and [was] not holding

the location to afford itself additional time to decide whether to proceed.”16

       Most recently, the FCC imposed a similar condition on Columbia

Communications Corporation’s authorization to replace its C-band Columbia 515

satellite at 37.5”W.L.17 Similar to the instant case, Columbia indicated that there would

be a two year “gap” between the de-orbiting of Columbia 515 and the launch of its

replacement.’* Columbia responded by suggesting that continuity of service could be

       See, a,
       -     Huahes Communications Galaxy, Inc. Application for Modification of Construction
       Permits and Licenses for the Galaxv 4-R and Galaxv A-R Domestic Fixed-Satellites, Order and
       Authorization, 5 FCC Rcd 3423, fi 11 (1990) (authorizing Hughes to utilize a replacement satellite
       to fill the gap between retirement of one satellite and the launch of a newly constructed satellite);
       Huahes Communications Galaxy, Inc. Application for Interim Orbital Assianment of the Galaxy 6
       Domestic Satellite to 103” W.L. and Huahes Communications Galaxv. Inc. ADDliCatiOn for Interim
       Orbital Assisnment of SBS-6 to 95” W.L. and Application to Extend the Launch Date of the
       Galaxv 3H Hybrid Satellite, Order and Authorization, 8 FCC Rcd 4170 (1993) (conditionally
       granting a petition where, in its Reply Comments, Hughes proposed to cover the potential gap
       caused by a launch delay by either filling the gap with another satellite or utilizing capacity on
       satellites operating at nearby locations. Reply Comments of Hughes Communications Galaxy,
       Inc., File Nos. 19-DSS-ML-92 and 20-DSS-MLA-93 at 7 (Mar. 11, 1993)).
       Application of Huahes Communications Galaxy, Inc. and Satellite Transponder Leasing
       CorDoration for ReDlacement Satellite for SBS-4 and for Modification of Construction Permit and
       License of Galaxy 6 Satellite, Order and Authorization, 6 FCC Rcd 72,    nn
                                                                                9-10 (1991).
       Columbia Communications Corporation. Authorization to Launch and Operate a Geostationarv C-
       band Replacement Satellite in the Fixed-Satellite Service at 37.5” W.L., Memorandum Opinion
       and Order, 16 FCC Rcd 20176, 19 (2001).
       Columbia Communications Corp., Authorization to Launch and Operate Geostationarv C-band
       Redacement Satellite in the Fixed-Satellite Service at 37.5 W. L.,Petition for Reconsideration,
       File No. SAT-LOA-20000407-00080 at 5-6(Dec. 14, 2001).


accomplished by using adjacent satellites, moving another satellite into the orbital slot

on a temporary basis, or contracting with third-party service          provider^.'^
       In its subsequent order, the FCC did not dictate which method of continuation of

service must be employed and accepted Columbia’s choice to accomplish continuity of

service by filling the orbital slot for over two years with another satellite prior to

launching Columbia 515’s replacement. The Commission asserted that “Columbia has

satisfied the underlying purpose of the condition requiring it to launch and operate a

replacement satellite prior to retiring the Columbia 515 satellite, k,
                                                                     continuity of service

to customers.”*’

       Thus, in accordance with the underlying purpose of the condition in the Telstar

11N Order, Loral Skynet has identified and vigorously implemented the most

appropriate and seamless method of ensuring continuity of service for its customers.

Despite unexpected excessive fuel consumption upon launch, which reduced Telstar

11’s useful life by one and a half years, and considerations for safe de-orbiting of the

satellite, the time between the de-orbiting of the Telstar 11 and launch of the Telstar

11N will be relatively brief. Therefore, the underlying purpose of condition 11 of the

Telstar 11N Order is satisfied by Loral Skynet’s successful efforts to continue service to

its customers. Waiver of condition 11 in the Telstar 1I N Order will permit Loral Skynet

to complete construction of a state-of-the-art replacement satellite capable of providing

       Id. at 6.
       See, Columbia Communications Corp., Authorization to Launch and Operate Geostationarv C-
       band Replacement Satellite in the Fixed-Satellite Service at 37.5 W. L., Order and Authorization,
       20 FCC Rcd 1863, fi 12 (2005); see also, IBFS File No. SAT-STA-20020517-00076 (granted July
       17, 2002).


advanced communications services to existing and new customers, consistent with or in

advance of its prescribed milestones.

     B. Loral Skvnet is fullv committed to the launch and operation of its
        authorized replacement satellite before its mandated launch milestone.

        Loral Skynet is fully committed to the launch and operation of its authorized

replacement satellite. The Telstar 11N Order required that Loral Skynet file a bond with

the U.S. Treasury in the amount of $3 million by October 28, 2004. This bond was

executed in a timely fashion.2’ The Commission has determined that the bond

requirement will “provide assurance that the licensee is fully committed at the time the

license is granted to construct its satellite facilities.”22 The bond is payable upon failure

to meet any milestone and may be reduced upon meeting each milestone.23

        In addition, consistent with its milestones, Loral Skynet has entered a binding

non-contingent satellite manufacturing contract with Space Systems/Loral, Inc., which

provides that Telstar 11N will be launched in June 2008, over a year before the

Commission’s prescribed milestone requirement of September 28, 2009.24 As required

by the Commission’s rules, this contract was filed with the Commission on September

28, 2005.

        Bond Number KO7169681 (effective Oct. 28, 2004).
       Amendment of the Commission’s Space Station Licensina Rules and Policies, First Report and
       Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 18 FCC Rcd 10760,fll70 (2003).
       Id. fl 167.
        Telstar 11N Order 1 2.


       As demonstrated above, Loral Skynet is fully committed to the launch and

operation of a replacement satellite at 37.55" W.L. It has also taken steps to ensure

continuity of equivalent service for customers of Telstar 11. These measures are

consistent with the policy objectives underlying the requirements of condition 11 of the

Telstar 1 1N Order, specifically continuity of service. Accordingly, Loral Skynet requests

a waiver of the specific language set forth in condition 11 of its authorization or a

determination that Loral Skynet has met the underlying objective of the condition by

ensuring continuity of service for its customers.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           LdkW@d.LLthb ; A i

                                           Laurence D. Atlas
                                           Vice President
                                           Loral Skynet Corporation

                                           500 Hills Drive
                                           Bedminster, New Jersey 07921
                                           (301) 258-3208

February 2, 2006

Document Created: 2006-02-07 15:45:24
Document Modified: 2006-02-07 15:45:24

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