Attachment grant


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20011130-00118 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



 November 30, 2001

 Federal Communications Commission
 International Bureau, Space Station
 P.0. Box 358210
 Pitsburgh, PA 15251—5210                           sasr      sar—mo—200tt130.00118
                                                    Lorw crmenstan no
        Re:     Application for Modification        Teustannin

 Dear Sir or Madam:
        Enclosed for filing on behalf of Loral CyberStar, Ic. (‘Loral CyberStar®) is an original
 and nine (9) copies ofa request on FCC Form 312 to modify Loral CyberStar‘s Telstar 11R
 authorization at 37.5° WL. to include an additional 250 MHz of Ku—band uplink and downlink
 spectrum. Also included is a completed Form 159 and a check for the applicable fing fee.
 Please date—stamp and return a copy ofthe enclosed filing in the envelope provided. Any
 inquiries related to this request should be directed to the undersigned.

                                               Stephen R. Bell
                                               Kasey A. Chappelle
                                               Counsel for Loral CyberStar,Ic.

 ces    Tom Tycz                                       es SAT—mpD—2e0i 130. col 1£
        Jennifer Gilsenan                                   *             TTE     THCP Gollyens
                                                       CailSign 522)7m_fi/ oY
                                                       (oroter deaifiny   R
                                                      Pom 2 éa,\()».,-hmse ED in—s
                                                      rpome           GLZ~——— Clf Sdelde
                                                                     £ 6.         bay Ey 206

                New Yor: Wanuneron, DC Pans Lovoow Miax. out. Prowruar

                                  Conditions of Authorization
                                      September 28, 2004
1.      Loral Cyberstar,Inc.‘s (*Loral Cyberstar®) request, File No. SAT—MOD:
20011130—001 18, to modify its authorization, SAT—LOA—19980508—00043 (Call Sign
§2357),‘ to include authority to operate in the 10.95—11.2 GHz and 13.75—14.0 GHz
frequency bands IS GRANTED, Accordingly, Loral Cyberstar is authorized to launch
and operate its TELSTAR—1 1R Ku/extended Ku—band satellite at the 37.5° W.L orbital
location satellte in the 10.95—11.2 GHe, 11.45—11.7 GHz, 11.7—12.2 GHz, 12.5—12.75
GHz, 13.75—14.0 GHz and 14.0—14.5 GHz frequency bands in accordance with the terms,
conditions, and technical specifications set frth in ts application, this Attachment and
the Federal Communications Commission‘s Rules.
3.     The TELSTAR—I 1R satellite must be constructed, launche;‘l, and placed into
operation in accordance with the technical parameters and terms and conditions of this
authorization by these specified time periods following the date of authorization:

        (s) Execute a binding contract for construction by September 28, 2005;
        (1) Complete the Critical Design Review by September 28, 2006;
        (¢) Commence construction by September 28, 2007;
        (d) Launch and begin operations by September 28, 2009; and
        (e) Loral Cyberstar must file a bond with the Commission in the amount of$3
        million," pursuant to the procedures set forth in Public Notice, DA 03—2602, 18
        FCC Red 16283 (2003), within 30 days of the date ofthis grant (October 28,
        Failure to meet any of these dates shall render this authorization null and void.

3.     In light ofthe Commission‘s First Space Station Reform Order,? and the grant of
Loral Cyberstar‘s request to add frequency bands to its existing authorization, we dismiss
as moot the request‘ to reconsider the 2007 Replacement Authorization.

* Application of Lorl Space & CommunicationLi Ph/a Orion Atlan,L.P. forAuthoriy to Lainch
and Opertea Hybrid Ku—BandC— Band SatllteSystem atthe37.5 W.L. OrbiLocation, Fle No, SAT—
LOA—19980508—00043, DA Ol—1427, Memorandim Opinin and Order, 16 FCC Red, 12490(2001)
(aranting authorityto replacthe Kuhand satelit at 37.5 and denyingopertionithe C—band) (2007
Replacement Authorizaion")
* See Amendment of the Commisson‘s Space Station Licensing Rules and Polices, ArsOrder on
Reconsideration and Fith Report and Order, B Dockes No.02:34, PCC 04—147 (rel. uy 6,2004)
* Amendment of the Commissin‘s Space Station Licensing Rulesand Poliis, Fis Report and Order and
Purther Notic ofProposed Rulemaking, B Docket No.02—4, 18 FCC Red 10760 paras167, 266 (2003)
(*Fist Space Sttion Reform Order") (indicating tht bonds were no requred for replacement steites,
thatthe term ofexistingsatlite authorzations would be extended to 13 year, and thatreplacement
sarelte should be brought ito use nolaterthan thexisting satllite is retred); see also Amendment of the

4.      Loral Cyberstar shall prepare the necessary information, as may be required, for
submission tothe ITU to initiate and complete the advance publication, international
coordination, due diligence, and notification process ofthis space station, in accordance
with the ITU Radio Regulations. Loral Cyberstar shall be held responsible for all cost
recovery fees associated with these TTU filings. We also note that no protection from
interference caused by radio stations authorized by other administrations is guaranteed
unless coordination and notification procedures are timely completed or, with respect to
individual administrations, by successfully completing coordination agreements. Any
tadio station authorization for which coordination has not been completed may be subject
to additional terms and conditions as required to effect coordination of the frequency
assignments of other administrations. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.111(b).
5..    The TELSTAR—I1 JR satellite shall maintain the 37.5° W.L orbital location within
+0.05° longitudinal station—keeping. See 47 CFR 25.210@)2).
6.       Loral Cyberstar may only provide downlink services into the United States and its
possessions from the TELSTAR—1 1R satelite in the 10.95—11.2 GHz or 11.45—11.7 GHz
frequency bands if the corresponding uplinks originate outside ofthe United States and
its possessions.
7.     Loral Cyberstar maynot provide downlink services into the United States and ts
Possessions from the TELSTAR—1 1R satellte in the 12.5—12.75 GHz frequency band
8.     In the 13.75—14.0 GH band, all earthstation operators in the United States and its
Possessions (US&P) are required to coordinate through NTIA‘s Interdepartment Radio
Advisory Committee‘s Frequency Assignment Subcommittce."

Commission‘s Space Sition Licensing Rules and Policies, ist Ordeon Reconsideratonand Fith Report
and Order, FCC O4—147, paras 54:50 (rel July 6,2004)(amenting section25.165(c).
" See leteto Thomas S. Tyez. Chief, Satllte Diviion, Itemational Bureau,Federal Communiations
Commission from Jon Stem, Deputy Generl Counse, LoralSpace & Communieations, Lud. dated Jaly
19, 2001 (seckingchange o the miletonesimposed in the 200/ Replacement Authorizaton}.
* the 13.75—140 GHzbandis shared on a primary bsis withthe Governmentradlocation and withthe
fomardspacetspace and—Eart inks ofthe NASA Tracking and Data Relay Stelite (TDRS)
System in the spaceresearch service, arth sutions in tUnted Sates and is Possssions (°US&P*)
operating wth the TELSTAR—11R satellte wllrequie coortination through he National
Telecommunications and Information Adininsation (NTIA) Interdepartment Radio Advisory
Commitee‘s(RAC) Frequency Assignment Subcommite (FAS). See 47CFR 2.106 FN US337. In this
regard,whave receved aleter from the NTIA requesting that widentify these requirements in any grnt
of aittoritto peratea sitlite in th 13.75—14.0 GHz band. See Leterfom Willam Hatch, Acting
Associte Administator, Offceof Spectrim Management, NTIA,to Roderick Portr, ActingChict,
Interational Bureau, Federal Communieations Commission(May 11, 1999). See Also Amendiment of
Pars 2,25, and 90 ofthe Commisson‘s Rulesto Allocatthe 1,75—1%0 GHz Band t theFxed—Sallte
Servie, ET Docket No. 9620, Report and Order11 FCC Red 11951, 11960—61

$       Operation of the TELSTAR—1 1R satellite network in the 13.75—14.0 GHz band
shall be in accordance with footnotes US356 and US357 to 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 in the
US&P, including that an earth station in the fixed—satellite service shall have a minimum
antenna diameter of 4.5 meters, and with footnotes 5.502 and 5.503 to the ITU Radio
Regulations outside of the US&P."
10. Operators of earth stations accessing the TELSTAR—1 TR satelltein the 13.75 —
14.0 GHz band are urged to cooperate voluntarily with NASA in order to facilitate
continued operation ofNASA‘s Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellit
11. In order to ensure continuity of service, the TELSTAR—I 1R satellite must begin
providing service contemporaneously with the discontinuation of service of the satellie it
is replacing at the 37.5° W.L. orbital location.
12.     The license term for the TELSTAR—I 1R satellie, Call Sign 82357, is fifteen years
and will begin to un on the date that Loral Cyberstar certifies to the Commission thatthe
satelite has been successfully placed into orbit and its operation fully conforms to the
terms and conditions ofthis authorization.

13. Loral Cyberstar must provide a writtenstatement t the Commission within 60
days ofthe date of this grant that identifies any known satellites located at, or planned to
be located at, Loral Cyberstar‘s assigned orbitallocation, or assigned in the vicinity of
that location such that the station—keeping volume ofthe respective satellites might
overlap, and that states the measures that will be taken to prevent in—orbit collisions with
such satellites. This statement should address any licensed FCC systems, or any systems
applied for and under consideration by the FCC. The statement need not address every
filing with the ITU that meets these criteria, ut should assess and address any systems
reflected in ITU filings that are in operation or that Loral Cyberstar believes may be
progressing toward launch, e by the appearance ofthe system on a launch vehicle
* Domesteally, fotrates US336 and US357 are applieabl. Intertional, footrotes 5.502 and 5.503 to
the Interationl Telecommunication Union (TU) Radio Repultions also plae cerain resrictions on SS
opentions. We requirethat earth sttions in the US&P operie in ecordance with U.S. fomotes US356
and US357. For nor—US&P eath stations accessing the TELSTAR—11R satlite, we require operatonto
be consistent withimtemational ootmotes 5.502 and 5.503.
See Appletionof PanAmSt License Corp. Applcation for authorty to Iunch and opertea hybrid
communications satelite known at 68 5<<degrees>> EL. OrderandAuthoriation, 19 F.C.CR
NTA noted thit NASA‘s Trapical Rainfll Measuring Mision(TRMM)steit system radar in the
band 13.793—13,805 GHtistll operting. Since TRMM i highly valuable and visble US. asse, witha
broad range onterational users, NTIA has requested cooperation fom the FCC and non—oderl
Governmententies n providing assistance in reducingiterfrence withthe TRMM radar. NTIA notes
that it desires that SS erthsatons n the 13.793 — 13.405 GHtefrequency band locate southof 39°N
and east of1 10 W. operte with emission levels below ~150 dBW/600 kiatthe TRMM spacestaion
receiver. As thiia equest and not a requirement, considering the secondary natre ofthe TRMM
operition, wurge, butdonot equire, opertors oearh sutionsaccessing the TELSTAR R stelfte in
the 13.25 —14.0 GHtz band to cooperte voluntarily with NASA in ordetoficiltet continued operation of
the TRMM stelfte. See Leter rom Frederick R, Wentland, Acting Associate Administator,Offic of
Spectrum Management, NTIA,to Don Abelso, Chief, Intemational Bureau, FCC (Rebruary 28, 2002).

manifest. If Loral Cyberstar elects to rely on coordination with other operators to prevent
in—orbit collisions, it shall provide a statement as to the manner in which such
coordination will be effected.

14. Loral Cyberstar is afforded thity days from the date ofrelease ofthis grant and
authorization to decline this authorization as conditioned. Failure to respond within this
period will constitue formal acceptance ofthe authorization as conditioned.
15. This Grant is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 ofthe Commission‘s rules on
delegated authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release. Petitions for
reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.1 15 of the
Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be fled within 30 days of the date of
the public notice indicating that this action was taken.

                                                                  es                          frcvenn
PCC 312                                                              M2"                       inevnte
                  repERAL CoMMUNICATIONs conmtsston             Bet                            CatSen

Tramantome                                                                                     irappame
Loral GyberStar, Inc.                                                                          (7o) a1—1060
T0ie NineDs o DongBm m                                                                         AFacrrpnctonte
TiSrerniieaP0 t                                                                 soy
1755 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1007                                         Artington
                                                                                7 SiefGamiy rmxUS®)       rrpoe
 arteimc John P. Stern                                                          va                        22202
TientofConTepmie (fotemmomenn                                                                 mvesrmmnen
Stephen R. BellKasey A. Chappelle                                                             (202) 328—8000
1 FimrCrpmyTune                                                                               12¥raiose Ni
Willkie Farr & Gallagher                                                                      (202) se7—s979
1 HilngSout AliemwcF0 ts                                                           oo
1155 21st Street, NW., Suite 600                                                Washington
                                                                                18 Site/Comay ormatisns      roms                    ~=
 artenmon                                                                        p.c.                        20036

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       Telstar 11R at 37.5° W.L.                                                NiA

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                                        + therrraaSpaty        o to add uplink
                                                  **""" Authorization          . & downlink
                                                                                         # spectrum
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o     remnen in
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33 1 ih applicata corporntondirecy or indrctlyconialed byany oher coporatin owhich morethin                              r
   onefourtof th catal tok is owned of recon or vted by ietheir repescmatives, o by aforcign                      s
   povernment o epresenttve threoor by anycorporton oganized under th us oa forign couty?
34 Iany answer t quesions 29 30,31, 32ando 3 is ¥e, atachasan cxlibi, the identcatonofh aiom or
   forsign enttestha natonait, l relatiostip o the applcant, and the prceniags ofock they oun or va,   S¢° EXBIBIE A

                                                              masic ouaurrrcaions
33. Doss the applican requet any waivan o excmption rom any fihe Commusion‘s Rules?                               ays
    1fVsvatach asan entibil,.coples ohe requst for waiver or excetionwth supporing documens                         m
36 Has theapplicant o any paty to hi aplicaonhadany FCC sation authoration orlccrsrevobed or had                  Oe
    any apolction for an intal,modifcaion o enewl of FCC aton authoriaton;lcese,or constvuction
    pernidenied bytheCormision? 1 Yesatach as an hiban explanato ofthecincumnstances
37 s the applicanoany pary o thappicatonon any party direcl or indircaly contalingthe applicant ever bon                 §
   convited afa flonyby any sate o ederl cour? If ¥o,atichasan extibitan xplanaton of hecrcumsances               Qvs          (x]no
36Hasanycout inallyadjudged th applica, oany perin iech ondreclycontoling the applcant, uy ofunlwily                     §
           lring oatemping unlavhillyto monopolie rado communicatondrecly o indrecty through conrol o             us           [i]no
   imanofactreor sle of rado appartus,excluivevaffarrangement or any thr means or un incthod of conpettion?
   ifVes,atachasan extibit, an ciplunatonofthe crcumstances
39 ts h applcant or any peron direay o indrecontolingt aplicant curenly a pry in any ponding mater                Oe
   refered in ie preceuding t Hems? If Ves:atach asan hib an explanaton ofh cvcumstancen
19 ie applicani a corporaton and i appyingfra apacenaon eers:atachas ancxlibl the namesabdrenesand ctterntiof heve
    stockholdes owningof recodand/or voting 10 percent or mar oth Fles votng tack an the prcetapes s No: n th caseofiduciy
    conl, indica the benefcry(eorcls of bvefciries. Also l th names andaddreiesof he affcer and dectorof heFler
[ By chcking Yex e undepieped os tnher h apelcantno anothr pary o the appliato i stt e denal o" [IE]vis
    Federbenefistha ncluds FCC benefis pussanto Secion 5301 othe Ant—Drag t of 1988,21 U C Secton 862. because           S
    afa convicion for possession ordatrbation ofa controllo abstance, e 7 CPR1w2to e memn o(mi e aplenie ho papocs
(tx Boes the apnlcant intend io we a non17. Ticemed saelie t provide wrvice n the Unied Stres?                      ays
     1fyeansver 42and atach an exlibit rovicingtinformaiospecifn in 47 CF.R. $ 25 137, asapproprate                      9
     1fno, procendto quesion 42
(25: What admninistration has Iecnsed o is in thpoces oHiccing ts space avon? 1 o Icomsewl NJA
     be isuedwhat admiistaion hascoortinated ois in thepocessof cooinating thespace sation?

                                                                                                                             FCC3R Mas hn es
                                                                                                                                      Te on

T3 Desciption. (Gunmarie thnatire of thaplcaton and th erviceo be povided)
Loral CyberStar, Inc. requests authority to add 250 Mhz of uplink & downlink spectrum. Please see attached


                    Tdenityallextibts that e atached o is appicaton
                  Responsetotem 34

  ‘The Applicat waesany clin t the use anyparicula rquncy ooth leciomagetispecrum asapains the
  theprevious use of thesame, whether by hcense o otherwi1e, id requestan authoriaion in accondance with hiapolcaon.The appt
  aplieaion would not caus theapnicant b n vilaton ofth spectvun agresation im in 47 CFR Pn 20. Allsiments                                 atherot
  andare incorporated heein i seout in fll n hiaplicton "The undesignedindividully and or theapolican, hercby cetfis
  applcation and in ll atached exhibi e tri, complete and corecto he bestafhis o hknowledgeand ble, and ae made in good Futh
°4Applcanti a (any     (Placean °XCin the box net t applcable responsc)                                                                              §
 s inivigeat [C]b. unincoponted Asociaion OJ ramenstip. )6 Coponntion [CJe. Govermenat ty                      G00et,...
ifrenmnmurmey                                                          a mesromSpne
John P. Stom                                                                         Deputy General Counsel. Loral Space & Communicatons Ltd
I Squn                                                                                                            whre
       A)\,\ Q %._,_                                                                                                  Novenber 29, 2001
     g.fl Code, Titl18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION (U.S. Code, Titl 47,
        ion 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).
                                                                                                                                1CC 2 Mn i: tae +

                                                                FCC Form 312—Main Form
                                                                  Response to Question 34
                                                                                Exhibit A

        Loral CyberStar,Ic.,a U.S. corporation, is owned and controlled through an
intermediate eniity by Loral Space & Communications Ltd. (*Loral")a Bermuda company that
is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: LOR). Loral‘s home marketis the
United States. See /n re Application of AT&T Corp. and Loral SpaceCom Corp., Order and
Authorization, 12 FCC Red. 925, 928 (1997)

Document Created: 2004-09-28 11:53:42
Document Modified: 2004-09-28 11:53:42

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