Attachment pages 32 thru 62.pdf

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20011130-00118 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


1.1     Introduction

The currently authorized Loral CyberStar replacement satellite at 37.5°W.L. would
operate in the Ku—Band in the 14.0—14.5 GHz uplink frequency range and in the 11.45—
11.7 GHz, 11.7—12.2 GHz and the 12.5—2.75 GHz downlink frequency ranges. The
current authorization also includes four regional beams covering Europe (EU), Africa
(AF), North America (NA), and South America (SA). This Exhibit describes the changes
to the satellite design and the consequences thereof of adding the 13.75—14.0 GHz uplink
frequency band as well as the 10.95—11.2 GHz downlink frequency band.

1.2     Revised Channelization Plan
The revised Ku—band payload for the four regional beam coverage areas provides a total
of 44 transponders with 54 MHz usable bandwidth instead of the 32transponders in the
original design. The majority of the transponders are dedicated to intra—beam traffic, with
the remaining transponders being switchable between beams. Eight transponders are
dedicated to the North America (NA) beam, eight transponders are dedicated to the South
America (SA) beam, twelve transponders are dedicated to the Europe (EU) beam, and
four transponders are dedicated to the Africa (AF) beam. The remaining transponders are
individually switchable among the beams in the following fashion. Four of the
transponders are switchable between the NA and the SA beams; four are switchable
between the EU and the AF beams; and four are switchable between the SA and the EU
beams. The switching is performed individually. Table 1.2—1 summarizes how the
transponders are distributed among the beams.

                         Table 1.2—1. Transponder Summary

                                                          Maximum # of
                                          # of             Switchable
                    Beam               Dedicated          Transponders
                                    Transponders|      (Total constrained to
                                                       12 across all beams)
            North America (NA¥)             8                    4
            South America (SA)              8                    8
                Europe (EU)                12                    8
                 Africa (AF)               4                     4

Table 1.2—2 indicates how the uplink and downlink spectrum is distributed among the
beams. Spatial isolation is used to obtain uplink frequency re—use between the NA and
EU beams as well as between the SA and AF beams. Orthogonal polarization is used to
obtain additional frequency re—use in all the beams.

                Table 1.2—2. Uplink and Downlink Frequency Ranges

                                         Uplink     Downlink
                                       Frequency   Frequency
                                      Range (GHz) Range (GHz)
                     North America     13.75—14.50     11.70—12.20
                               .                       10.95—11.20,
                    South America]     14.00—14.50     11.70—12.20

                         Europe        13.75—14.50     11.45—11.70,
                            .                          11.45—11.70,
                         Africa        14.00—14.50     12.50—12.75

For the spacecraft uplinks, the 13.75—14.50 GHz band, which includes both standard and
extended Ku—band, is available to the North America and Europe beams. The 14.00—
14.50 GHz band, standard Ku—band, is available to the South America and Africa uplink

The North America downlinks occupy only 11.70—12.20 GHz; the South America
downlinks occupy 10.95—11.20 GHz and 11.70—12.20 GHz; the Europe downlinks
occupy 10.95—11.20 GHz, 11.45—11.70 GHz, and 12.50—12.75 GHz; and the Africa
downlinks occupy 11.45—11.70 GHz and 12.50—12.75 GHz.

Figures 1.2—1 through 1.2—4 depict the uplink and downlink frequency plans for the
beams. The figures show the center frequency and polarization for each uplink and
downlink channel. All transponders have a usable bandwidth of 54 MHz. Four of the
transponders are switchable between the North and South America beams; four are
switchable between the Europe and Africa beams; and four are switchable between South
America and Europe beams. The switching is performed individually.

The satellite payload is designed to provide full uplink—downlink connectivity among the
four beams, and Table 1.2—3 provides the connectivity possibilities for each transponder.

        13750                                      14000                                                                   14500

           13779         13840     13901     13962     14028    14091    14154    14217   14278    14341   14404       14467
V—Pol        4             2         3         4                                               |                   .
H—Pol           4             2 || 30          4

   To Europe or South America                  H—PO!
           Downlink Beams                     V—Pol §®
                                                        11728   11791    11854    11917   11978    12041   12104       12167

                                                     11700                                                                 12200

                    \\\\\\\    Indicates transponder is switchable between North and South America beams

                                           Figure 1.2—1. Frequency Plan for North America Beam

                                                                             Uplinks         14250
                    13750                                 14000                                                                    14500

                       13779       123840 13901       13962     14028    140911   14154 14217        14278   14341   14404 14467
         V—Pol          :4           2      3.          4       ann7     1omns|   11m9] |12720
         H—Pol          4            2    | 3           4       an17     moms|    11m9] |12720

H—Pol           4           9 |      3          4                                                             17      18      19      20
V—Pol      K K N P#                                                                                                  s              \A
           10979        11040       11101     11162              11483   11546    11609   11672              12528   12591   12654 12717

        10950                                    11200        11450                          11700      12500                              12750

                                   Y        Indicates transponder is switchable between Europe and South America beams

                                  \\\\\ Indicates transponder is switchable between Europe and Africa beams

                                                      Figure 1.2—2. Frequency Plan for Europe Beam


                                                          14000                             14250                               14500

                                                     V—Pol    |

                    From North America or
                    Europe Uplink Beams

H—Pol           4        9     k         4

V—Pol      //A//fi/%                                  gg           Sao ts                  W
           10979       11040   11101   11162                      11728   11791   11854   11917     11978   12041   12104   12167

        10950                                11200           11700                                                              12200

                                 Indicates transponder is switchable between Europe and South America beams

                          \\\§     Indicates transponder is switchable between North and South America beams

                                         Figure 1.2—3. Frequency Plan for South America Beam

   14000                               14250                                   14500

        14028   14091   14154      14217
V—Polll:gj17    momg|    |11/19)   |12/20

H—Poi|| 917|    1oms]    |1179]    |12720

                                                                 yY        S
        11483   11546    11609     11672           12528    12591      12654     12717

    11450                              11700    12500                                  12750

        C Indicates transponder is switchable between Europe and Africa beams

                        Figurel. 2—4. Frequency Plan for Africa Beam

    Table 1.2—3. Connectivity Summary For the Spacecraft

Xpndr & D/L

1.3. Power Flux Density and Energy Dispersal Considerations

The original analysis of power flux density (PFD) levels for the transponders showed that
the spacecraft emissions will be compliant with the ITU requirements with ample margin,
and this compliance will be maintained, since the expected operation of this group of
transponders has not changed.

The additional 54—MHz transponders in the Europe and South America beams, which
operate in the 10.95—11.20 GHz frequency range, will also be compliant with the ITU
requirements (and of CFR 47 § 25.208) with ample margin. Tables 1.3—1 through 1.3—4
provide the maximum expected PFD levels of FM TV and digital carriers at the beam
peak and the 5° elevation angle, for the EU and the SA beams. In addition, Loral
CyberStar will take the necessary steps, including operating transponders at appropriate
levels of backoff, to ensure that the spacecraft emissions are compliant with all applicable
ITU and FCC regulations.

           Table 1.3—1. PFD Levels for the Europe Beam at the Beam Peak

                  PFD for Elev Angle >= 25° (Beam Peak) for the EUROPE BEAM

                                                   Wideband    |Mu                Narrowband
                                       FM TV‘        Digital         Digital        Digital


       Table 1.3—2. PFD Levels for the Europe Beam at the 5° Elevation Angle

                 PFD for Elev Angle <= 5° (—2 dB Contour) for the EUROPE BEAM

                                                   Wideband    |{Multi—Carrier|   Narrowband
                                       FM TV         Digital         Digital        Digital

       Table 1.3—3. PFD Levels for the South America Beam at the Beam Peak

             PFD for Elev Angle >= 25° (Beam Peak) for the SOUTH AMERICA BEAM

                                                   Wideband   |Multi—Carrier|   Narrowband
                                       FM TV        Digital       Digital         Digital

   Table 1.3—4. PFD Levels for the South America Beam at the 5° Elevation Angle

             PFD for Elev Angle <= 5° (—6 dB Contour) for the SOUTH AMERICA BEAM

                                                   Wideband   |Multi—Carrier|   Narrowband
                                       FM TV        Digital       Digital         Digital

1.4. Spacecraft Characteristics

The major characteristics of the spacecraft are given in Table 1.4—1 below. The
characteristics reflect the increase in the number of Ku—band transponders from 32 to 44
and the removal of the C—band payload.

                          Table 1.4—1 Spacecraft Characteristics

Parameter                              Characteristics
Spacecraft stabilization:
  Transfer Orbit                       3—axis stabilized
  On—station                           3—axis stabilized
Mission life                           15 years
Reliability:                           75% of achieving full performance at end oflife
Station keeping accuracy               +0.05° E—W and N—S
Antenna pointing accuracy              +0.05° normal
                                       +0.1° during station keeping maneuver
Eclipse capability                     100%
Mass summary:
 Spacecraft dry mass                   1850 kg
 Propellant                            2450 kg
 Launch mass                           4330 kg
Power summary:
 Spacecraft requirement                9630 W
 Solar Array at EOL                    10200 W
 Solar Array at BOL                    11950 W
 Spacecraft platform                   Approx. 2.2 m x 2.2 m x 2.4 m
 Solar array wing span                 Approx. 26 m

A detailed breakdown of the satellite‘s mass and power budgets are given in Tables 1.4—2
and 1.4—3 below.

                   Table 1.4—2Spacecraft Mass Budget Summary
              Parameter                              Mass

             Spacecraft dry mass:                        1880 kg
               Communications payload                    400 kg
              TT&C                                        50 kg
              AOCS                                        130 kg
               Structure                                 290 kg
              Mechanism                                   50 kg
              Propulsion                                  140 kg
              Power (Solar array and                     540 kg
              Thermal                                    180 kg
              Others                                     100 kg
             Propellant and pressurant                  2450 kg
             Total mass:                                4330 kg

                      1.4—3 Spacecraft Power Budget Summary
             Parameter                                    Power

              Communication payload                      7600 W
              TT&C                                        230 W
              Attitude & orbit control                     50 W
              Thermal (Equinox)                           720 W
              Battery charging                            830 W
              Other                                      370 W
             Total requirement:                          9800 W
             Solar array power capability:
              Beginning—of—life (BOL)                    11950 W
              End—of—life (EOL)                          10200 W
              Margin at EOL:                              400 W

Exhibit 2

                                                       C‘Vcomac syniet
                                                              Henry Yablonski, Jr.
                                                              Principal Engineer, Satellite and
                                                              Spectrum Development
                                                              P.0. Box 7018
                                                              500 Hills Drive Room 3B12
                                                              Bedminster, NJ 07921
                                                              Telephone: +1 908 470—2328
                                                              Facsimile: +1 908 470—2455

                                                                              November 20, 2001

Subject:   Appendix S4/VI and Appendix S4/II information for USASAT—26A (37.5° WL)

This letter and the enclosures provides the Appendix S4/VI and Appendix S4/II
information for the USASAT—26A Satellite Network (37.5° WL) to be sent to the ITU in
connection with the Telstar 11R Modification Application.

The Appendix S4/VI provides the Advanced Publication Information for additional
frequency ranges from 13.75 to 14.0 GHz and 10.95 to 11.2 GHz, to modify the Special
Section AR11/A/563. Two paper copies of the Appendix S4/VI Space Capture file printout
are enclosed with this letter, There is also an electronic copy of the Space Capture file and
a WORD document of the Appendix S4/VI file printout on a diskette enclosed with this
letter. December 9, 2001 was used as the anticipated Date of Receipt at the ITU.

The Appendix $4/II provides the Request for Coordination Information for a modification
of the Special Section AR11/C/2456. Included is a new Beam: KGR for transmitting and
receiving. The frequency ranges used in this Beam are from the original AR11/A/563 and
the new Appendix S4/VI, described above. This is marked as AR11/C/2456 MOD—2, since
an earlier modification to Special Section AR11/C/2456; MOD—1 has already been
submitted to the ITU and was received by them on August 28, 2000. Two paper copies of
the Appendix $4/VI Space Capture file printout are enclosed with this letter. There is also
an electronic copy of the Space Capture file, a WORD document of the Appendix S4/VI
file printout and a WORD document of the Space Program Validation Output file on a
diskette enclosed with this letter. December 9, 2001 was also used as the anticipated Date
of Receipt of this Appendix S4/II at the ITU.

Please contact me, if there are any questions. Thank you,

Ce (Cover Letter Only):    Sundaram Moorthy                 Richard Currier
                           George Wazeter                   John Stern
                           Larry Atlas                      Kasey Chappelle
                           Stephen Bell


1. Two diskettes — one copy for the FCC and one for the ITU, each containing:

      A. The Space Capture mdb files for the Appendix S4/VI (USAZ6AAPImdb) and
         the Appendix $4/II (USASAT—26A_MOD—2.mdb).

      B. The Appendix S4/VI (USASAT—26A_AR11—A—563_MOD—1.doc)                   and
         Appendix S$4/II (26AMOD2.doc) printouts as WORD documents.

        . The associated Beam Diagrams for the Appendix S$4/II in GXT format
          (KUGR.gxt and KUGRGSO.gxt).

        . The Space Validation File (USASAT—26A_Validation_Output.doc) for the
          Appendix S4/II showing zero (0) Fatal Errors and 16 Warnings (which are
          related to values outside the nominal range deemed appropriate by the ITU
          Space Validation Program.

2. Two paper copies of the Appendix S4/VI and the Appendix $4/II, including the Beam
Diagrams and associated Notes by the Administration on the steerable KGR Beams and
the method to ensure compliance with the PFD limits in ITU Radio Regulations $21.16.
(Page 16 of the Appendix S$4/II.

                                       Page 2 of 2

          BUREAU DES RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS                                                        RADIOCOMMUNICATION BUREAU                                                    OFICINA DE RADIOCOMUNICACIONES

IFIC / DATE                                                                                                                      SECTION SPECIALE NO
IFIC / DATE                                                                                                                      SPECIAL SECTION No.                                                    API/A/
IFIC / FECHA                                                                                                                     SECCION ESPECIAL N.O

RESEAU(X) A SATELLITE                                                                                                            ADMINISTRATION RESPONSABLE
SATELLITE NETWORK(S)                                                  USASAT—26A                                                 RESPONSIBLE ADMINISTRATION                                                   USA
RED(ES) DE SATELITE                                                                                                              ADMINISTRACION RESPONSABLE

                                       RENSEIGNEMENTS REGUS PAR LE BUREAU LE
                                       INFORMATION RECEIVED BY THE BUREAU ON                                                                           09.12.2001
                                       INFORMACION RECIBIDA POR LA OFICINA EL

Ces renseignements concernant les réseaux A satellite régis par                 This information on satellite networks covered under Article $9, Sub—            Esta informacion relativa a las redes de satélite regidas por el
Farticle $9, sous—section1B, sont publiés par le Bureau des                     Section 1B, is published by the Radiocommunication Bureau in                     Articulo $9,   sub—seccion 18B,   se    publica   por    la   Oficina   de
radiocommunications en application du No. $9.2B. His font Fobjet de             accordance with No. $9.2B. It is subject to the procedure(s) indicated           Radiocomunicaciones en virtud del No. $9.2B. Esta sujeta al (los)
la(les) procédure(s) suivante(s), indiquée(s) ci—dessous par un X dans          below by an X in the relevant box.                                               procedimiento(s) siguiente(s), senalado(s) con una X en la casilla
la case pertinente.                                                                                                                                              apropriada.
(voir les commentaires du Bureau des radiocommunications)                       (see comments of the Radiocommunication Bureau)                                  (véanse las observaciones de Ia Oficina de Radiocomunicaciones)

X I Les renseignements ont été regus conformément au No. $9.1                   The information has been received pursuant to No. $9.1                           La informacion ha sido recibida de conformidad con No. $9.1

    I Les renseignements ont été regus conformément au No. $9.2                 The information has been received pursuant to No. $9.2                           La informacion ha sido recibida de conformidad con No. $9.2

      Toute administration estimant que ses réseaux a satellite, ses            Any administration which considers that its existing or planned satellite        Cualquier administracion que considere que sus sistemas o redes des
      systemes a satellites ou ses stations de terre, selon le cas, existants   systems or networks or terrestrial stations, as appropriate, are affected, may   satélites 0 estaciones terrenales, segun el caso, existentes o planificados
      ou en projet, sont affectés, peut envoyer ses observations a              send its comments to the administration which has requested publication of       se veran afectados, podra comunicar sus comentarios a la administracién
      Fadministration qui a demandé la publication des renseignements,          the information, with a copy of such comments to the Radiocommunication          que haya solicitado la publicacion de la informacion, enviando una copia
      avec copie au Bureau des radiocommunications.                             Bureau.                                                                          de dichos comentarios a la Oficina de Radiocommunicaciones.

   Information aussi disponible sur le / Information also available on the / Informacion también disponible en:                              Space Network Systems Online Service :                  http://www—br/sns/advpub.htm!

                                                                                                                ©     £T.V.

                                                                                                             Page / pagina 1

Items    Description                                                   Description                                                         Descripcién
Ma       Name of the space station                                     Nom de la station spatiale                                          Nombre de la estacion espacial
Aif      Notifying administration                                      Administration notificatrice                                        Administracion notificante
Aza      Date of bringing into use                                     Date de mise en service                                             Fecha de puesta en servicio
A2b      Period of validity (year)                                     Période de validité (année}                                         Periodo de validez (ano)
A4al     Nominal longitude of a geostationary space station (degree)   Longitude nominale d‘une station spatiale géostationnaire (degré)   Longitud nominal de una estacion espacial geoestacionaria (grado})
A4b1     Angle of inclination of the orbit (degree)                    Inclinaison de l‘orbite (degré)                                     Angulo de inclinacién de la érbita (grado)
A4b2     Period (ddd/hh/mm)                                            Période (fi/hh/mm)                                                  Periodo (ddd/hh/mm})
A4b3a    Altitude of the apogee (km)                                   Altitude de lapogée (km)                                            Altitud def apogeo (km)
A4b3b    Altitude of the perigee (km)                                  Altitude du périgée (km)                                            Altitud del perigeo (km)
A4b4a    Number of satellites                                          Nombre de satellites                                                Nomero de satélites
A4b4b    Reference body                                                Corps de référence                                                  Cuerpo de referencia
Ad4bSa   Number of orbital planes                                      Nombre de plans orbitaux                                            Numero de planos orbitales
C1       Frequency Range                                               Gamme de fréquences                                                 Gama de frecuencias
C4a      Class of station                                              Classe de station                                                   Clase de estacion
C4b      Nature of service                                             Nature du service                                                   Naturaleza del servicio
Ci1a4    Narrative description of the service area                     Description détailiée de la zone de service                         Descripcion detallada de la zona de servicio
BR1      Date of receipt                                               Date de réception                                                   Fecha de recepcion
BR3a     Provision reference code                                      Code de référence de la disposition                                 Codigo de referencia de la disposicion
BR6a     Identification number of the network                          Numéro d‘identification du réseau a satellite                       Ndmero de identificacion de la red
BR6b     Old identification number of the network                      Ancien numéro d‘identification du réseau a satellite                Ndmero anterior de la identificacion de la red
BR20     IFIC number                                                   Numéro de ta IFIC                                                   Numero de la IFIC
BR22     Administration remarks                                        Remarques de ‘Administration                                        Observaciones de la Administracion
BR23     Radiocommunication Bureau comments                            Observations du Bureau des radiocommunications                      Comentarios de la Oficina de Radiocomunicaciones

                                                                                               Page / pagina 2

| SECTION SPECIALE / SPECIAL SECTION / SECCION ESPECIAL                                                                                   ~   g   To                          APVA/ |
           A1fa Space station [USASAT—2 6A                        ]          A1f Notifying adm.                     BR1 Date of receipt           BR20 IFIG no. [________|:         |
|__BR6a/BR6b id. no. [ 101520094 |           |                            BR3a Provision reference [59.1/1B             ]                                                           |

A4a1 Orbital long.

AZa Date of bringing into use                              A2b Period of valid.
C1 Frequency range:           From                   oHz       To                        cHz
C4a Class of station
C4b Nature of service
 C11a4 Service area       [REG1I, REG 2                               ]

AZa Date of bringing into use                              AZb Period of valid.
C1 Frequency range:             From                 GHz        To                       cHz
C4a Class of station
C4b Nature of service
C11a4 Service area        |REGL, REG 2

BR22 Administration remarks                          This notice adds new frequency ranges to the Special Section AR11/A/563
                                                     for the USASAT—26A Satellite Network
BR23 Radiocommunication Bureau comments          [

                                                                                                  Page / pagina 3

   NUMEROTAGE DE LA SECTION SPECIALE                                    NUMBERING                                      NUMERACION DE LA SECCION ESPECIAL

1. La date limite pour la             réception des   . Expiry date for the receipt of comments indicated        1.   La fecha limite para la recepcion de los
   commentaires indiquée sur la page de couverture      on the cover page applies only to the following               comentarios indicada en la portada de la Seccion
   s‘applique   uniquement      aux      bandes  de     additional frequency bands:                                   Especial solo se aplica a las siguientes bandas
   fréquences additionnelles suivantes:                                                                               de frecuencias adicionales:

   La présente Section spéciale est aussi publiée     . This Special   Section is also          published   in        La presente Seccion Especial se publica también
   conformément      au_ paragraphe     7.1.3  de       accordance     with   paragraph           7.1.3     of        en virtud del parrafo 7.1.3 del apéndice 30/$830
   ‘Appendice 30/530 pour les gammes de                 Appendix 30/S530 with respect to the following                para las siguientes gamas de frecuencias:
   fréquences suivantes:                                frequency bands:                  .

3. Sections spéciales déja publiées/ IFIC/ date:      . Previously published Special Sections/ IFIC/Date:             Secciones Especiales ya publicadas/ IFIC/ fecha:


                                                                              page / pagina 4

         BUREAU DES RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS                                                               RADIOCOMMUNICATION BUREAU                                                          OFICINA DE RADIOCOMUNICACIONES

IFIC / DATE                                                                                                                                 SECTION SPECIALE NO
IFIC / DATE                                                                                                                                 SPECIAL SECTION No.                                 AR11/C/2456 MOD—2
IFIC/ FECHA                                                                                                                                 SECCION ESPECIAL N.O

STATION SPATIALE                                                                                                                 STATION(S) TERRIENNE(S)
SPACE STATION                                          USASAT—26A                                                     o          EARTH STATION(S)                                          TYPE/TYPICAL/ITIPO
ESTACION ESPACIAL                                                                                                      o         ESTACION(ES) TERRENA(S)

ADMINISTRATION RESPONSABLE                                                                                                                  RENSEIGNEMENTS REGUS PAR LE BUREAU LE
RESPONSIBLE ADMINISTRATION                                                                          USA                                     INFORMATION RECEIVED BY THE BUREAU ON                                             09.12.2001
ADMINISTRACION RESPONSABLE                                                                                                                  INFORMACION RECIBIDA POR LA OFICINA EL

   Ces renseignements ont été regus par le Bureau des radiocommunications en             This information has been received by the Radiocommunication Bureau                 Esta informacion ha sido recibida por la Oficina de Radiocomunicaciones de
   vertu du RR1074 et son publiés en application du RR1078. !is font I‘objet de          pursuant to RR1074 and is published in accordance with RR1078. it is subject        conformidad con RR1074 y se publica en virtud de RR1078. Estd sujeta a uno
   F‘une des deux procédures suivantes, indiquées ci—dessous par un X dans la            to one of two procedures, indicated below by an X in the relevant box.              de los dos procedimientos siguientes, sefalado con una X en la casilla
   case pertinente.                                                                                                                                                          apropriada.

   Une demande de coordination a été envoyée conformément au RR1073 aux                  A request for coordination has been sent in accordance with RR1073 to the           De conformidad con RR1073, se ha enviado una solicitud de coordinacion a las
   administrations indiquées ci—dessous. En application du RR1078, le Bureau a ajouté,   administrations indicated below. in conformity with RR1078, the Bureau has added,   administraciones indicadas mas abajo. Conforme a RR1078, la Oficina ha afadido
   le cas échéant, le symbole des autres administrations (identifiées par *) dont les    as appropriate, the symbols of any other administrations (identified by *) whose    adecuadamente el simbolo de las demas administraciones (identificadas por un *)
   services sont susceptibles d‘étre affectés.              '                            services are likely to be affected.                                                 cuyos servicios pueden resultar afectados.
   Toute administration dont ie symbole apparait dans la présente Section Spéciale       Any administration whose symbol appears in the present Special Section shall        Las administraciones cuyo simbolo aparece en la presente Seccion Especial
   accuse immédiatement réception, par télégramme, des données concernant la             acknowledge receipt of the coordination data immediately by telegram (RR1082).      deberan acusar recibo inmediatamente por telegrama de la informacion referente a
   coordination (RR1082),                                                                                                                                                    la coordinacion (RR1082).



    Les dispositions du RR1066 s‘appliquent & ces assignations qui sont publiées         The provisions of RR1066 apply to these assignments, which are published for        Las disposiciones de RR1066 se aplican a estas asignaciones, que se publican a titulo de
    uniquement pour information.                                                         information only.                                                                   informacion unicamente.

                                                                                                                             ©    i1T.uV.

                                                                                                                           Page / pagina 1


 C10a5      Designation of the antenna beam of the associated space station    Désignation du faisceau de l‘antenne de la station spatiale            Designacion del haz de la antena de la estacion espacial             73
                                                                               associée                                                               asociada
~C10b1      Name of the associated earth station                               Nom de la station terrienne associée                                   Nombre de fa estacion terrena asociada                               59
 C10b2      Previous name of the associated earth station                      Ancien nom de fa station terrienne                                     Nombre anterior de la estacion terrena
 C10b3      Type of associated earth station                                   Type de station terrienne associée                                     Tipo de la estacion terrena asociada                                 62
 C10b4      Country symbol                                                     Symbole de pays                                                        Simbolo de pais                                                      61
 C10b5      Geographical coordinates                                           Coordonnées géographiques                                              Coordenadas geograficas                                              63
 C10cia     Class of station of the associated earth station                   Classe de station de la station terrienne associée                     Clase de estacion de la estacion terrena asociada                    65
 C10cib     Nature of service of the associated earth station                  Nature du service de la station terrienne associée                     Naturaleza del servicio de la estacion terrena asociada              66
 C10c2      Isotropic gain of the antenna (dBi)                                Gain isotrope de l‘antenne (dBi)                                       Ganancia isotropa de la antenna (dBi)                                67
 C10c3      Beamwidth (degree)                                                 Ouverture du faisceau (degré)                                          Abertura del haz (grado)                                             68
 C10cd4a    Reference radiation pattern                                        Diagramme de rayonnement de référence                                  Diagrama de radiacion de referencia                                  70
 C10c4b     Radiation pattern diagram of the associated earth station          Diagramme de rayonnement                                               Diagrama de radiacién                                                69
 C10c4c1    Radiation pattern diagram coefficient A                            Coefficient A du diagramme de rayonnement                              Coeficiente A del diagrama de radiacion
 C10c4c2    Radiation pattern diagram coefficient B                            Coefficient B du diagramme de rayonnement                              Coeficiente B del diagrama de radiacion
 C10c4c3    Radiation pattern diagram coefficient C                            Coefficient C du diagramme de rayonnement                              Coeficiente C del diagrama de radiacion
 C10c4cd4   Radiation pattern diagram coefficient D                            Coefficient D du diagramme de rayonnement                              Coeficiente D del diagrama de radiacion
 C10c4c§    Radiation pattern diagram angle                                    Angle du diagramme de rayonnement                                      Angulo del diagrama de radiacién
 C10c5      Receiving system noise temperature (Kelvin) of the associated      Température de bruit du systéme de réception (Kelvin) de la            Temperatura de ruido del sistema receptor (Kelvin) de la estacion    64
            earth station                                                      station terrienne associée                                             terrena asociada
 C1ai       Service area no. (GIMS)                                            Numéro de zone de service (GIMS)                                       Numero de zona de servicio (GIMS)                                   43—44
 C11a2      Service area symbol!                                               Symbole de la zone de service                                          Simbolo de la zona de servicio                                      43.44
 C1a3       Service area diagram attachment                                    Diagramme de zone de service annexe                                    Diagrama de la zona de servicio anexo                               43—44
 Dia        Serial number of the strap                                         Numéro de série de la connexion                                        Numero de serie de la conexion                                        75
 Dib        Uplink beam designation                                            Désignation du faisceau de réception                                   Designacion del haz de recepcion                                      76
 Dic        Downlink beam designation                                          Désignation du faisceau d‘émission                                     Designacion del haz de transmision                                    77
 D1d        Uplink assigned frequency                                          Assignation de fréquence sur les liaisons montantes                    Asignacione de frecuencia de enlace ascendente                        78
 Die        Downlink assigned frequency                                        Assignation de fréquence sur les liaisons descendantes                 Asignacione de frecuencia de enlace descendente                       79
 D2ai       Lowest equivalent satellite link noise temperature                 Température de bruit équivalente la plus faible de la liaison par      Temperatura de ruido equivalente mas baja det enlace por              80
                                                                               satellite                                                              satélite
 D2a2       Associated transmitting gain (lowest)                              Gain de transmission associé (plus faible)                             Ganancia de transmision asociada (mas baja)                          81
 D2b1       Satellite link noise temperature for highest ratio of gain/noise   Température de bruit équivalente de liaison par satellite pour le      Temperatura de ruido equivalente del enlace por satélite para la     82
                                                                               rapport gain/température bruit le plus élevé                           relacion mas elevada ganancia/ruido
 D2b2       Associated transmitting gain (highest)                             Gain de transmission associé (plus élevé)                              Ganancia de transmision asociada ({mas elevada)                      83
 D2c        Line number for a given set of equivalent satellite link noise     Numéro de ligne pour un groupe donné températures de bruit             Nuimero de serie para un grupo dado de temperaturas de ruido         88
            temperatures and transmission gain values                          équivalente de la liaison par satellite et les gains de transmission   equivalente del enlace por satélite y las ganancias de
 D2d        Associated receiving earth station name                            Nom de la station terrienne réceptrice associée                        Nombre de ta estacion terrena receptora asociada                     84
 2D         Findings: Date from which an assignment is taken into account      Conclusions: Date a partir de laquelle une assignation est prise       Conclusiones: Fecha a partir de la cual una asignacion es
            according to RR1061—1065 or 2.5 of the procedure in Annex 1 to     en compte en accord avec les RR1061—1065 ou 2.5 de la                  tomada en cuenta de acuerdo con RR1061—1065 6 2.5 del
            Resolution 46                                                      procédure dans FAnnex 1 a la Résolution 46                             procedimiento del Anexo 1 a la Resolucion 46
 13A        Findings: Conformity with Radio Regulations; Table No. 13A of      Conclusions: En conformité avec le Réglement des                       Conclusiones: En conformidad con los Reglamentos de
            the preface to the IFL                                             radiocommunications; Tableau No. 13A de la Préface a la Liste          radiocomunicaciones; Tabla No.13A del Prefacio a la Lista
                                                                               Internationale des Fréquences                                          Internacional de frecuencias
 13B1       Findings: Reference to a provision, appendix or resolution         Conclusions: Référence & une disposition, appendice ou                 Conclusiones: Referencia a una disposicion, apéndice 0
                                                                               résolution                                                             resolucion
 13B2       Findings: Remarks concerning the findings entered in column        Conclusions: Remarques concernant les conclusions inscrites a          Conclusiones: Comentarios correspondientes a las conclusiones
            13A; Table No.13B of the preface to the IFL                        la colonne 13A; Tableau No.13B de la Préface & la Liste                inscritas en la columna 13A; Tabla No.13B del Prefacio a la Lista
                                                                               Internationale des Fréquences                                          Internacional de frecuencias
 13B3       Findings: Date relating to the review of the findings              Conclusions: Date relative a un réexamen des conclusions               Conclusiones: Fecha relativa a una revision de las conclusiones
 13C        Remarks                                                            Observations                                                           Observaciones                                                        47
 BR1        Date of receipt                                                    Date de réception                                                      Fecha de recepcion
 BR2        Administration serial number                                       Numéro de série de l‘administration                                    Nimero de serie de la administracion

                                                                                                             Page / pagina 3

                Ala Space station [DSASAT—2 6A                                   ]         A1f Notifying adm.[US& ____|                         _ BR1f Date ofreceipt[09.12.2001_| _ BR20/BR21 IFIG noJpart [                              |
[       __BR6@a/BR6b id. no.[| 101520094 |       94520094 ]                  BR3a/BR3b Provision reference [$9.6                _ _C                |                 BR2 Adm. serial no. |                                |         [_~~KGR : [ R]

    Ad4a1 Orbital long.                                                  Ada2a Long. tolerance 0.1                                                  Ad4a?b Inclination excursion
    Ad4a3 Visibility arc                                                       A4a4 Service arc 36                                                          Ad4aS5 Reason for are diff. [______]
            B1a/bib Beam designation [ KGR                               Clull            B2EmirRep [R            o0 o                    opsatrpab1/bsb2aMax. ant. gain|                        44|‘           B3dPointingaccuracy[____0.1]. .
    B3a?/B3b2b Ant. gain cont. diag.                       B3f Ant. gain vs orbit long. diag.
    B3e1 Rad.diag.     [____]              B3e2 Ref. pat. [____________________]                                          B3e3 Coef. A[______]                                 B3e4 Coef. B[______]
l:l       BRT7&/BR7b Group id. [               201 |                     |                 BR14 Special Section |                                               |
    C4a Class of station                                                                 C3a Assigned freq. band                                            CSa Noise temperature
    C4b Nature of service                                                                   Céa Polarization type                                           C6b Polarization angle[________]              C8d/C8g Max. pwr [__________]
    C11a1 Service area no.                        C11a2 Service area E:]                                                                                                                                           C11a3 Service area diagram
[ASWASG _Coordination           [ 1060                     [r__|                                                                                                                                                                                        |
    AzZa Date of bringing into use                              A2Zb Period of valid.             Asa Op. agency                          A3b Adm. resp.                    BR16 Value of type C8b[___]           BR17 Reason for C8c/CBe absent [___]
                                                                                                         CZa Assigned frequency
          14.025           G         14 .125       G                 14.225          G           14.325          G                     14.425           G
          14.075           G         14.175        G                 14.275          G           14.375          G                     14 .475          G

                     A13                                           C7a                    C8a1/CB8b1             C8a2/C8b2                         CBc1                    C8cZ                  Cde
           Ref. to Special Sections                     Design. of emission              Max. peak pwr          Max. pwr dens.                 Min. peak pwr           Min. pwr dens.         C/N ratio
          1| AR11/A                  563               1| 36MO0FIW——                             27                   —36                               7.1                    =55.9               30
          2 |ARLL/C                 2456               2 18MOFIW——                               27                   —36                               4 .1                   ~58 .9              30
                                                       3| SOMOGTW——.                             33                   —44                               3.5                    ~73.4               25
                                                       4   36MOGTW——                             31.6                   —44                                  2.1               —73.4                 25
                                                       5 2M00G67W——                              19                     —44                             —10 .4                 —73.4                 25
                                                       6| 44KOG1D——                               2 .4                  —44                             —27                    —73.4                 25

                C10b1                    C10b4    C10b3                    C10b5                   C10cta/C10c1b               C10c2               C1003              C10c4a             C10c4b             .                   C10cd4c
       Assoc. earth station name          Ctry    Type               Geographical coord.             Cis. / Nat.              Max. iso.           Bmwdth            Ref. pattern        Rad. diag.               Coef    Coef     Coef    Coef   Phii
                                                                                                                                gain                                                                              A       B         C      D
      | TYPICAL K8.0 METER                             T                         |                       1[re     [CP                  59. 4            0.18| REC—580
                   2D Date[__________]             134 Conformity with RR[__________]                     1381 Provision[____________________J]                             13B2 Remarks [____________|]            13B3 Date of Review [__________]
    13C Remarks        |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |

[3] BRra¥eRTe Group aL T                                                                   BRi2 Special Section _
    C4a Class of station                                                                 C3a Assigned freq. band                                            CSa Noise temperature
    C4b Nature of service                                                                   C6a Polarization type                                           C6b Polarization angle [________|]            C8d4/C8g Max. pwr[__________]
    C11a1 Service area no.                         C11a2 Service area [________]                                                                                                                                   C11a3 Service area diagram
[AW/A6 Coordination             [1060                      [R   ]|                                                                                                                                                                                      |
    AZa Date of bringing into use                               AZb Period of valid.              AJa Op. agency                          A3b Adm. resp.                    BR16 Value of type CBbE               BR17 Reason for C8c/CBe absentI:_]

                                                                                                                        Page / pagina 5

[ SECTIONSPECIALE /SPECIAL SECTIONYSECCIONESPECIAL _ ____ _                                           _      _                  sn oosisoselo oo setnl                                                                                          sls              <Tses|
              Afa Space station |USASAT—26A                                     |             A1f Notifying adm. USA                            BR1 Date of receipt                                        ~ BR20/BR21 IFIC no./part ___]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     [Z                                      |
|___BR6éa/BR6b Id. no. [ 101520094 |             94520094]                 BR3a/BR3b Provision reference|S$9.6                    __C                ]                     BR2_Adm. serial no.                                                    $ KGR:

[_]     BR7a¥BR7Tb Group id. [               204 ]                                            BR14 Special Section |                                                  |
 C4a Class of station                                                                    C3a Assigned freq. band                                             CSa Noise temperature
 C4b Nature of service                                                                        Céa Polarization type _________]                               C6b Polarization angle[________]                   C8&/C8g Max. pwr[__________]
 C11a1 Service area no.                           C11a2 Service area [:]                                                                                                                                                        C11a3 Service area diagram
[ASWA6 Coordination              |1060                      [r   ]|                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
 Aza Date of bringing into use                                   AZ2b Period of valid.              Asa Op. agency                        A3b Adm. resp.                         BR16 Value of type CBb[___]                  BR17 Reason for CBe/C8e absent [___]
                                                                                                           CZ2a Assigned frequency
         14.025          G         14.125          G                  14,225        G              14 .325         G                14 .425              G
         14.075          G         14.175          G                  14 .275       G              14.375          G                14 .475              G

                   A13                                          C7a                        C8a1/CB8b1               C8a2/C8b2                    CBc1                             CBc2                 CBe
        Ref. to Special Sections                        Design. of emission              Max. peak pwr            Max. pwr dens.            Min. peak pwr                   Min., pwr dens.          C/N ratio
        1| ARL1/A                   563                 1   5OMOGTW——                              33                     —44                                24                     —52.9                  25
        2|AR11/C                   2456                 2   36MOGTW——                              31.6                   —44                                22. 6                  —52.9                  25
                                                        3   2M00G67W—~—                            19                     —44                                10                     —52.9                  25
                                                        4   44KOGID——                               2 .4                  —44                                —6.5                   —52 .9                 25

                C10b1                    C10b4    C10b3                     C10b5                    C10c1ta/C10c1b              C10c2           C1003                      C10c4a             C10c4b                                        C10c4c
      Assoc. earth station name           Ctry     Type               Geographical coord.               Cls. / Nat.             Max. iso.       Bmwdth                    Ref. pattern        Rad. diag.                      Coef    Coef     Coef       Coef    Phii
                                                                                                                                  gain                                                                                         A       B        C          D
   [TYPICAL K0.75 METER                                 T                       [                          1|Tc     [CP                 38 .9            1.87| REC—580
                   2D Date[ __________]             134 Conformity with RR[___________]                      13B1 Provision[___________________]                                 13B2 Remarks [_____________]                    1383 Date of Review __________]
 13C Remarks         |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |

[3] ~BRFaBRTb Greup ia 3051                                                                   BR13 Special Section __——_]
 C4a Class of station                                                                    C3a Assigned freq. band                                             CSa Noise temperature
 C4b Nature of service                                                                        Cbéa Polarization type                                         C6b Polarization angle _______]                    C80#/C8g Max. pwr[__________]
 C11a1 Service area no.                           C11a2 Service area [:::]                                                                                                                                                      C11a3 Service area diagram
[AS§/A6 Coordination             |1060                      [R   ]|                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
 Az?a Date of bringing into use                                  A2b Period of valid.               Asa Op. agency                        A3b Adm. resp.                         BR16 Value of type CSb __]                    BR17Z Reason for C8c/CBe absent [___]
                                                                                                           CZa Assigned frequency
         i13.s25     |s      |     13.875         |s_       |         13.925        |s    |        13.975         [s      |                      |                [                      |       I                    |           |                   |
                  A13                                           C7a                        C8a1/CBb1                C8a2/CBdb2                   CBci                            C8ac2                 Cde
        Ref. to Special Sections                        Design. of emission              Max. peak pwr            Max. pwr dens.            Min. peak pwr                   Min. pwr dens.           C/N ratio            ©
        1|ARLIl/A                   563                 1 36M0FIW——                                25 .6                  —37 .4                              8   .6                —54 .4                 30
        2|ARL1/C                   2456                 2| 18MOFIW——                               25 .6                  —37 .4                              8   .6                —54 .5                 30
                                                        3| 5OMOG7TW——                              25 .6                  —51.3                               8   .6                —68 .3                 25
                                                        4 36MOGTW——                                24 .2                  —51.3                               8   .6                —66.9                  25
                                                        5| 2M00G67W——                              11.6                   —51.3                               8   .6                —54 .4                 25

                                                                                                                          Page / pagina 7

| SECTION:SPECIALE /:SPECIAL—SECTION:/.SECCION.ESPECIAL::                                     ue                 —         —                       sls lne a l                  ooo c oo e                                                                    |
[n]       Afa Space station |USASAT—26A                                    |      A1f Notifying adm.| USA                                          BR1 Date of receipt                                BR20/BR21 IFIC no.Jpart                                 |
|___BR6a/BR6b Id. no. [ 101520094 | 94520094]                         BR3a@/BR3b_Provision reference [89 .6                      __C                           BR2 Adm. serial no. [                                    |           ie

                 A13                                      C7a                        C8a1/C8b1                 Céa2/C8b2                            CBci                CB8c2               Cée
      Ref. to Special Sections                    Design. of emission               Max. peak pwr            Max. pwr dens.                    Min. peak pwr       Min. pwr dens.         C/N ratio
      1| ARI1/A                   563             1    |18M0FIW——                             25. 6                    —37 .4                            8 .6              =54 .4                30
      2| ARLLZ/C                 2456             2    22M0G7W——                              25 .6                    —47.8                             8 .6              —64.8                 25
                                                  3|   2M00G67W——                             15 .2                    —47.8                             8 .6              —54.4                 25

            C10b1                    C10b4   C10b3                     C10b5                    C10c1#/C10ctb                   C10c2              C10c3           C10c4a            C10c4b                                   C10cd4c
   Assoc. earth station name          Ctry    Type               Geographical coord.              Cls. / Nat.                  Max. iso.          Bmwdth         Ref. pattern       Rad. diag.                  Coef   Coef     Coef        Coef   Phi
                                                                                                                                 gain                                                                            A      B        C           D
   [TYPICAL K8.0 METER                            T                        |                          1[Te       [CP                   59 .4            0.18| REC—580

 13C Remarks
               2D Date [________]
                                              13A Conformity with RR __________]                       o                                                                1382 Remarks [_______]                     13B3 Date of Review __________]

J BRTaBRTh Group id                                                                      BR14 Special Section [__________________]
 C4a Class of station                                                               CJ3a Assigned freq. band                                            C5a Noise temperature
 C4b Nature of service                                                                   CbBa Polarization type                                          C6b Polarization angle [________]            C8d/C8qg Max. pwr I:::]
 C11fa1 Service area no.                     C11a2 Service area [:::]                                                                                                                                             C11a3 Service area diagram
[AS/A6 Coordination          |1060                     |R   |                                                                                                                                                                                             |
AZa Date of bringing into use                               AZ2b Period of valid.              A3a Op. agency                            A3b Adm. resp.                 BR16 Value of type CSb |:]              BR17 Reason for C8c/C8e absent |:]
                                                                                                      C2a Assigned frequency
      i3.761       |[s   |       13.789      [s        J                       [     [                       |         |                            L       _1                  |                           )                           |
                  A13                                      CTa                       C8éa1/CB8b1               Céa?/C8b2                            Céc1                C8c2                Cde
       Ref. to Special Sections                    Design. of emission              Max. peak pwr            Max. pwr dens.                    Min. peak pwr       Min. pwr dens.         C/N ratio
      1| ARL1/A                  563              1| 18M0F9w——                              27                     —36                                 13 .6               —49.4               30
      2| AR11/C                 2456              2 22M0G7W——                               30 .6                  —42.8                               13 .6               —59.8               25
                                                  3    2M00G67W——                             27                       —36                              13.6               ~49.4                 25

            C10b1                    C10b4   C10b3                     C10b5                    C10c1a/C10c1b                   C10c2              C10c3           C10c4a            C10c4b                                   C10c4c
   Assoc. earth station name          Ctry    Type               Geographical coord.              Cls. / Nat.                  Max. iso.          Bmuwath        Ref. pattern       Rad. diag.                  Coef   Coef     Coef        Coef   Phii
                                                                                                                                 gain                                                                            A      B        C           D
   [TYPICAL K4.5 METER                            T                        |                          1|Te       [CP                   54.4             0.31| REC—580
               2D Date[_________]             13A Conformity with RR[_________]                        1381 Provision[__________]                                       1382 Remarks [__________]                  13B3 Date of Review [:::j
 13C Remarks       |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I
[T] BRrsbR7b Groupia[_________]                                                          BR14 Special Section E:::
 C4a Class of station                                                               C3a Assigned freq. band                                             CSa Noise temperature                               P
 C4b Nature of service                                                                   C6a Polarization type                                           C6b Polarization angle [::]                  C8d/C8g Max. pwr I:::_____—___]
 C11a1 Service area no.                      C11a2 Service area [________]                                                                                                                                        C11a3 Service area diagram
[AS/A6 Coordination          [1060                     [®   _]                                                                                                                                                                                            ]
AZa Date of bringing into use                               AZ2b Period of valid.              ASa Op. agency [_99]                      A3b Adm. resp.                 BR16 Value of type CSb [___]            BR17 Reason for CSc/CBe absent [___]

                                                                                                                       Page / pagina 9

SECTION.SPECIALE / SPECIAL SECTION:/SECCIONESPEGIAL> aszeo                                                    ue                     Pss                ce        ce oen ie            e e e en |
[1]           A1ta Space station [USASAT—2 6A                                     ]             A1f Notifying adm.                                           BR1 Date of receipt                                   BR20/BR21 IFIC no./part                                   |
|___BR6a/BR6b Id. no. [ 101520094 |                94520094 ]                BR3a/BR3b Provision reference [S9 .6                        __C                                  BR2 Adm. serial no.                                                               HESLR:

                                                                                                              CZa Assigned frequency
         13.752       |es     |     13.939s         [ss       ]         14.002        |6    |        14.498           |c         |                            |         [                    [      I                    |      [                    |
                   A13                                            CTa                       C8a1/C8b1                   C8a2/C8b2                       CBct                        CB8c2                 Cde
        Ref. to Special Sections                          Design. of emission              Max. peak pwr              Max. pwr dens.               Min. peak pwr               Min. pwr dens.           C/N ratio
        1| ARLL/A                    563                  1!1MOOF9D-—                               —18                          ~78                              —18                  —78                    13.8
        2| AR1IL1/C                 2456

               C10b1                       C10b4    C10b3                     C10b5                     C10c1ta/C10ctb                  C10c2                 C10c3            C10c4a             C10c4b                                   C10cd4c
      Assoc. earth station name             Ctry     Type               Geographical coord.                Cls. / Nat.                 Max. iso.             Bmwdth          Ref. pattern        Rad. diag.                  Coef   Coef     Coef        Coef     Phi
                                                                                                                                         gain                                                                                 A      B         C          D
      TT&C K4.5 METER                                     T                                                   1| TK        |OT             54.4                   0.31| REC—580
                                                                                                              2|TD         |of
                   2D Date[___________|]              134 Conformitywith RR[__________]                        1381 Provision[____________________|]                                1382 Remarks [___________]                  13B3 Date of Review[_________]
 13C Remarks          |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |

       B1a/B1b: Beamdesignation[ Kcr     _|         BP9 EmiRep[®                                                       _] .                i ‘psa7/o3b1/63b2aMax.ant:gain                                 44].. . BadPointingaccuracy[___0.1}]—
B3a2/83b2b Ant. gain cont. diag.               B3f Ant. gain vs orbit long. diag.
B3e1 Rad.diag.     [____]        B3e2 Ref. pat.[____________________]                                                                B3e3 Coef. A [______|]                             B3e4 Coef. B[______]
[_] BR7aBRZb Group id.                         8o1]_                                            BR14 Special Section |
 C4a Class of station                                                                      C3a Assigned freq. band
 C4b Nature of service                                                                          CBa Polarization type                                                 C6b Polarization angle[________]             C84/C8q Max. pwr
 C11a1 Service area no.                              C11a2 Service area [________]                                                                                                                                             C11a3 Service area diagram
[AWAG Coordination                [ 1060                      [r   _|                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
AZa Date of bringing into use                                      AZ2b Period of valid.               A3a Op. agency                            A3b Adm. resp.                     BR16 Value of type CSb D                  BR17 Reason for C8c/C8e absent D
                                                                                                              CZ2a Assigned frequency
         10 .975          G         11.075           G                  11.175        G              11.525            G                       11.625             G
         11.025           C         11.125           G                  11.475        G              11.575            C                       11.675             G
                   A13                                            CZa                       C8a1/C8b1                   C8a2/C8b2                       CBcit                       CB8c2                 Cde
        Ref. to Special Sections                          Design. of emission              Max. peak pwr              Max. pwr dens.               Min. peak pwr               Min. pwr dens.           C/N ratio
        1| AR11/A                    563                  1   36M0FIW——                                5.5                       —57.5                            —13.9                ~76.9                  15
        2| AR11/C                   2456                  2   18MOFIW——                                5.5                       —57.5                            —16.9                —79.9                  15
                                                          3   SOMOGTW——                               19.5                       —57.5                            —17.5                —94 .5                 10
                                                          4   36MOGTW——                               18 .1                      —57.5                            —18 .9               ~94 .5                 10
                                                          5   22M0G7TW——                              15.9                       ~57.5                            —21.1                =—94 .5                10
                                                          6| eMo0G7w——                                10.3                       —57.5                            —21.2                =94 .5                 10
                                                          7| 2M0067W——                                 5.5                       —57.5                            —31.5                —94 .5                 10
                                                          8 44KOG1D——                               —11                          —57.5                            —48 .1               —94 .5                 10

                                                                                                                                 Page / pagina 11

[ SECTION SPECIALE / SPECIAL.SECTIONY/SECCION ESPECIAL is sls                    e                                                   .      se o oo                                                     is     |
   [1]       A1fa Space station |USASAT—26A           |     A1f Notifying adm. | USA                                                     BR1 Date of receipt             BR20/BR21 IFIC no./part                |
 |     BR6a/BR6b Id. no. [ 101520094 [ 94520094 ] BR3a/BR3b Provision reference |$9.6 __C                                                            BR2_Adm. serial no.                   |     ~—LCKGR__]| E

                                                                                                    CZa Assigned frequency
         10 .975         G         11.075      G                  11.175        G           11.525          G               11.625         G
         11.025          G         11.125      G                  11.475        G           11.575          G               11.675         G

                   A13                                     CTa                       C8at/C8b1               C8a2/C8b2                  Cact                  C8c2                  Cde
        Ref. to Special Sections                   Design. of emission              Max. peak pwr          Max. pwr dens.          Min. peak owr         Min. pwr dens.     _.{   C/N ratio
        1| ARLI1/A                  563            1|   36M0FOW——                            5.5                   =~57.5                       2.4              —60 .5                15
        2| ARLIL/C                 2456            2    18MOFIW——                            5.5                   —57.5                       —0 .5             —63.5                 15
                                                   3    5OMOG7TW——                          19.5                   —57.5                       —1.1              —78.1                 10
                                                   4    36MOG7TW——                          18 .1                  —57.5                       —2,5              —18 .1                10
                                                   5|   22M0G7W——                           15.9                   —57.5                       —4 .7             —78 .1                10
                                                   6| emooG7w——                             10.3                   —57.5                   ~10 .3                —78 .1                10
                                                   7| 2M00G7W——                              §.5                   —57.5                   —15.1                 —78 .1                10
                                                   8|   44KOGID——                          —11                     —57.5                   —31.7                 —78 .1                10

               C10b1                  C10b4   C10b3                     C10b5                 C10cta/C10ctb             C102              C1003          C10cd4a           C10o4b       C10c5                     C10c4c
      Assoc. earth station name        Ctry   Type                Geographical coord.            Cis. / Nat.           Max. iso.         Bmwdth        Ref. pattern       Rad. diag.    Noise       Coef   Coef     Coef   Coef    Phif
                                                                                                                         gain                                                           temp.        A      B        C      D
   | TYPICAL K1.2 METER                            T                        [                       1|TC     [CP            41 .5           1.39| REC—580                                     150
                   2D Date[ _________]         134 Conformity with RR[__________]                     13B1 Provision ____________________]                    1382 Remarks [____________]              1383 Date of Review [__________]
 13C Remarks         [                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |

[_]      BRTa/BR7b Group id.                804|                                      BR14 Special Section                                         |
 C4a Class of station                                                               C3a Assigned freq. band
 C4b Nature of service                                                                 C6a Polarization type                                   C6b Polarization angle [_______|             C8d/C8g Max. pwr
 C11a1 Service area no.                        C11a2 Service area E:]                                                                                                                                 C11a3 Service area diagram
[AWAG Coordination            [1060                     [R   _|                                                                                                                                                                           ]
 AZa Date of bringing into use                               AZb Period of valid.            A3a Op. agency                   A3b Adm. resp.                  BR16 Value of type CSb [::l            BR17 Reason for C8c/C8e absent [:]
                                                                                                    CZa Assigned frequency
         10 .975         G         11.075      G                  11.175        G           11,525          G               11.625         G
         11.025          G         11.125      G                  11.475        G           11.575          G               11.675         G
                   A13                                     C7a                       CBat/C8b1               C8a2/C8b2                  CBci                  C8c2                  Cde
        Ref. to Special Sections                   Design. of emission              Max. peak pwr          Max. pwt dens.           Min, peak pwr        Min. pwr dens.           C/N ratio
        1| ARL1/A                   563            1    36MOFIW——                            5.5                   ~57.5                        5.5              —57.5                 14.5
        2| AR1l/C                  2456            2 18M0FIW——                               5.5                   ~57.5                        3                —59.9                 15
                                                   3 5OMOG7TW—~—                            19.5                   ~57.5                        2.5              —74.5                 10
                                                   4 36M0G7W——                              18 .1                  —57.5                        1                —74.5                 10
                                                   5 22M0G7W——                              15.9                   —57.5                       —1.1              —74 .5                10
                                                   6 6MOOG7W——                              10.3                   —57.5                       —6.7              —74 .5                10
                                                   7| 2M00G7W——                              5.5                   —57.5                    ~11.5                —74.5                 10
                                                   8|   44KOGID——                          —11                     ~57.5                    —28 .1               —74.5                 10

                                                                                                                   Page / pagina 13

[SECTION SPECIALE/ SPECIAL SECTION7SECCIONESPECAL _ _                                                   —                    CC                                     td t                          t ee                                                                |
              Afa Space station | USASAT—26A                                      |     A1f Notifying adm.                                              BR1 Date of receipt                                BR20/BR21 IFIC no./part                        [
[_      BR6a/BR6b Id. no.| 101520094 |__94520094]                             BR3&/BR3b _Provision reference [ S9 .6                   __C               ]          BR2 Adm. serial no. |                                    |              [(T—KGR: 1|(E |

                                                                                                            CZa Assigned frequency
           10.952     |6     |       11.1ig9s8    [ss        |           11.452        |6    ]        11.698         _|G                                            [                  |      [                      |      [                   |
                    A13                                                C7a                    CBa1/CSb1               C8a2/Cdb2                         CBcit                  C8c2                 Cde
           Ref. to Special Sections                      Design. of emission                Max. peak pwr            Max. pwr dens.                 Min. peak pwr         Min. pwr dens.          C/N ratio
          1| ARLIL/A                 563                1|144KGID——                                —10                     —61.6                           —10                    —61.6                36 .9
          2| ARL1L/C                2456                2| 200KGB8X——                              —10                     —63                             —10                    —63                  35 .4
                                                        3 |200KGID——                               —10                     —63                             —10                    —63                  35.4

                 C10b1                    C10b4   C10b3                        C10b5                    C10c1a/C10ctbh                C10c2             C10c3             C10c4a            C10c4b        C10cé                        C10c4c
       Assoc. earth station name           Ctry    Type                  Geographical coord.               Cls. / Nat,               Max. iso.         Bmuwdth          Ref. pattern       Rad. diag.     Noise          Coef   Coef     Coef       Coef   Phil
                                                                                                                                       gain                                                               temp.           A               C          D
        TT&C K4.5     METER                             T                                                   1   TR         OT                52.9             0.37| REC—580                                    150
                                                                                                            2| TK          |OT
                    2D Date[__________]             134 Conformity with RR[__________]                          13B1 Provision[___________________]                             13B2 Remarks [_____________]                138B3 Date of Review [___________]
     13C Remarks      |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
J BrraAR7h Goup td —___]                                                                         BRid Speciel Seaton ______———_]
     C4a Class of station                                                                   C3a Assigned freq. band
     C4b Nature of service                                                                       Céa Polarization type                                         C6€b Polarization angle [________]          C8d/C8g Max. pwr
     C11a1 Service area no.                        C11a2 Service area [________]                                                                                                                                           C11a3 Service area diagram
[A/AG Coordination               [ 1060                      [r   _|                                                                                                                                                                                              |
     AZa Date of bringing into use                                AZb Period of valid.                 AJa Op. agency                          A3b Adm. resp.                  BR16 Value of type CSb |:|                 BR17 Reason for C8c/CBe absent |:|
                                                                                                            C2a Assigned frequency
           i0.952     [ss    |       i1i.igs      [ss        |           i1.4s2        |s    |        1i1.698        |c          |                        |         |                  |      |                      |      [                   |
                    A13                                        ore                           C8a1/CB8b1                C8a2/C8b2                          Céci                 CBc2                 Cde
          Ref. to Special Sections                      Design. of emission                 Max. peak pwr            Max. pwr dens.                  Min. peak pwr        Min. pwr dens.          C/N ratio
          1 ARL1/A                    563               1|   144KG9D——                               —10                         —61 .6                       —10                 —61.6                 41.9
          2| AR11/C                  2456               2|   200KGID——                               —10                         —63                          —10                 —63                   40 .4
                                                        3|   25KONON——                               —10                         —54                          —10                 —54                   49.5

                 C10b1                    C10b4   C10b3                        C10b5                    C10cta/C10c1bh                C10c2              C10c3            C10cd4a           C10c4b        C10c5                        C10c4c
       Assoc. earth station name           Ctry    Type                  Geographical coord.               Cls. / Nat.               Max. iso.          Bmuwdth         Ref. pattern       Rad. diag.     Noise          Coef   Coef     Coef       Coef   Phil
                                                                                                                                       gain                                                               temp.           A      B        C          D
       [TYPICAL K8.0 METER                              T                          [                        1|Tk       [CP                   57 .9            0.21| REC—580                                    150
                    2D Date[___________]            13A Conformity with RR[__________]                          13B1 Provision[____________________|                            13B2 Remarks ____________]                  13B3 Date of Review[_________]
     13C Remarks      |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |

                                                                                                                                 Page / pagina 15


                     NOTE 1                                             NOTE 1                                          NOTE 1

Faisceau KGR                                          Beam KGR                                      Hace KGR

La couverture de l‘antenne est en fait                The antenna coverage actually consists        En realidad, la cobertura de la antena
assurée par plusieurs faisceaux orientables           of multiple steerable beams that can be       consiste en una serie de haces
pouvant étre pointés vers un point visible            pointed to any part of the visible Earth.     orientables que pueden ser dirigidos a
quelconque de la Terre.                                                                             cualquier lugar visible de la Tierra.

                     NOTE 2                                             NOTE 2                                          NOTE 2

Pour faire en sorte que toutes les émissions          All Space—to—Earth transmissions       will   Las transmisiones Espacio—Tierra deben
Espace—vers—Terre satisfassent aux limites            comply with the PFD limits in Article $21     satisfacer los limites de densidad de flujo
de puissance surfacique indiquées dans                of the Radio Regulations using the            de potencia que figuran en el Articulo $21
l‘Article    S$21     du      Réglement        des    technique in the Radio Regulations Board      del Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones
Radiocommunications,     on    procédera              Rule of Procedure and its annex               utilizando   la   técnica   en   la   Regla   de
comme suit sur la Réegle de Procédure du              concerning No. $21.16 (1998 edition).         procedimiento de la Junta del Reglamento
Comité          du         Réglement           des                                                  de Radiocomunicaciones y su anexo con
radiocommunications         et     son     annexe                                                   respecto al numero S$21.16 (edicion
concernant     le    numéro      S$21.16   (édition                                                 1998).

                                                                     Page / pagina 16

Figure / Figura 1


                                                        USASAT—26A (37.5° W)
                                                       FaisceauBeam/Haz: KGR
                                                           Gmax: 44.0 dBi

                                    Zone de service/Service area/Zona de servicio: GLOBAL (No. 01)

                                                             Page / pagina 17

Figure / Figura 2


                                                                     USASAT—26A (37.5° W)
                                                                    FaisceauwBeam/Haz: KGR

                                                                                 Obstructed Zone
                                                                                 Zone Occultée
                                                                                 Zona Ocultada

                       Gain / Ganancia (dBi)






                                                                                     t        t     ¥           T     1     1

                                                 0   30   60   90   120    150     180       210   240   270   300   330   360
                                                                          Long. (Deg. / Grados)

                                                                          Page / pagina 18

OBSERVATIONS DU BUREAU DES                                 RADIOCOMMUNICATION BUREAU                                 OBSERVACIONES DE LA OFICINA DE
RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS                                        COMMENTS                                                  RADIOCOMUNICACIONES

Relatives aux modifications figurant dans la               Relating to the modifications contained in                Relativas a las modificaciones contenidas
présente publication                                       this publication                                          en esta publicacion
Cette demande de coordination concerne                     This request for coordination concerns the                Esta solicitud de coordinacién concierne la
la modification suivante aux                               following modification to the satellite                   modificacion siguiente a las caracteristicas
caractéristiques du réseau a satellite :                   network‘s characteristics:                                de la red de satélite:
Faisceaux supplémentaires : KGR                            Additional beams : KGR                                    Haces adicionales : KGR

Notes:                                                     Notes:                                                    Notas:
1) Veuillez vous reporter a la Lettre circulaire           1) Please refer to Circular—Letter No. 902 of 25          1) En la carta circular N° 902 del 25 de mayo
     No.   902   du    25     mai      1992   pour   une        May 1992 for a description of the Space                 de 1992 figura una descripcion del Sistema
     description du_        Systéeme     de    Réseaux          Network System (SNS).                                   de Redes Espaciales (SNS).
     Spatiaux (SNS).
2)   Pour un faisceau modifié, fFindicateur "M"            2)   For a modified       beam,       indicator     "M"   2) En el caso de un haz modificado, el
     précéde le point B1.                                       precedes item B1.                                       indicador "M" precede al punto B1.
3)   Pour un groupe modifié, lindicateur "M"               3)   For   a   modified   group,     indicator     "M"    3) En el caso de un grupo modificado, el
     précéde le point C4a.                                      precedes item C4a.                                        indicador "M" precede al punto C4a.,
4)   Pour un     faisceau ou un groupe de                  4)   For an additional      beam     or    group     of   4)    En el caso de un haz o grupo            de
     faisceaux   supplémentaire(s), f‘indicateur                frequency    assignments,       indicator      "A"        asignaciones de frecuencia adicional, el
     "A"    précéede   le      point     correspondant          precedes     the    corresponding             item        indicador    "A"    precede     al     punto
     mentionné aux notes 2 et 3 ci—dessus.                      mentioned in notes 2 and 3 above.                         correspondiente mencionado en las notas 2
                                                                                                                          y 3.
5)   Afin de permettre de visualiser pleinement            5)   To permit complete visualization of the              5) Para poder visualizar completamente el haz
     le ou les faisceau(x) modifié(s), tous les                 modified beam(s), all the            groups of          o los haces modificados, todos los grupos
     groupes d‘assignations de fréquence (y                     frequency    assignments               (including       de asignaciones de frecuencia (incluidos los
     compris les groupes non—modifiés qui ont                   previously published unmodified groups of               grupos     no    modificados     publicados
     fait Tobjet de publications antérieures)                   frequency assignments) pertaining to the                anteriormente) pertenecientes al haz o los
     relatifs a ce faisceau sont publiés dans la                beam are published in this Special Section.               haces se publican en esta Seccion Especial.
     présente Section spéciale.
6)   Les lettres—circulaires CR/58 (21.10.96) et           6) Circular—Letters CR/58 (21.10.96) and                  6) Las cartas circulares CR/58 (21.10.96) y
     CR/65      (22.11.96)     fournissent   des              CR/65      (22.11.96)  provide     detailed               CR/65   (22.11.96)    dan  informaciones
     explications détaillées      concernant  les             explanations regarding the      information                 detailadas relativas a las informaciones del
     renseignements relatifs a l‘Appendice S4                 requirements of Appendix S$4 to the Radio                   Apéndice     S$4   del    Reglamento     de
                                                              Regulations.                                                Radiocomunicaciones.

                                                                             Page / pagina 19

Relatives     aux    observations    des    Relating to comments _administrations       Relativas   a   las   observaciones   de       las
administrations     concernant      cette   may have on this coordination request       administraciones sobre esta solicitud de
demande de coordination                                                                 coordinacion

Toute la correspondance relative a cette    All correspondence regarding this request   Toda   la   correspondencia   relativa     a    la
demande de      coordination doit    étre   for coordination is to be addressed (with   presente solicitud de coordinacion debe
adressée (avec copie au Bureau des          copy to the Radiocommunication Bureau)      ser enviada (con copia a la Oficina de
radiocommunications) a:                     to:                                         Radiocomunicaciones) a:

                                            FEDERAL           COMMUNICATIONS
                                            INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                            ATTENTION:     MR.     RICHARD     B.
                                            445, 12TH STREET, S.W.
                                            WASHINGTON, DC 20554
                                            UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                            TELEFAX: +1 202 418 1208/ 418 0398
                                            TELEX: 025 VIA TWX 7108220160

                                                           Page / pagina 21

Document Created: 2016-12-28 17:00:43
Document Modified: 2016-12-28 17:00:43

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