Attachment pages 1 thru 31.pdf

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20011130-00118 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                                 Approved by OMB
 BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                                                                                                    3060—0589
                                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                         Ext     No 1 1 ?
                                                          REMITTANCE ADVICE                                                                        i He—_ffL
                                                         Sdasiihan                       y        ;   7[]0]          SPECIAL USP
(1) LOCKBOX # 358210
                                                     FCC/MELLOI                       NoV 30 £                       ECC USE ONLY
s                                                    SECTION A — PAYER INFORMATION
(2) PAYER NAME(if paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)                          (3) TOTALAMOUNT PAID (U,S. Dollaes and cents)
Loral SpaceCom Corp.                                                                                                                                  $6,670.00
500 Hills Drive, Room 3B12

(6) city                                                                                                         ® stt |(s) ZiPCODE
 Bedminster                                                                                                       NJ                    0792
 (9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code}  (10) COUNTRY CODE (ifnot in U.S.A.)
(11) PAYER (FRNY                                  [12) PAYER (TIN)
                   0004—9533—29                   0133867427
                      IF PAYER NAME AND TBE APPLICANT
                                                   &  ENamE ar                               C"°°‘             MRco hO0f!®
                             IF MORE THAN ONE APPLICANT, USE CONT                            ;‘;fg#g?FSSTAH‘ 1N
Loral CyberStar, Inc.
 1755 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1007

(16) City                                                                                                        itsrate| (18) ZiP CODE
Arlington                                          C                                                              VA                   22202
(19) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)              (20) COUNTRY CODE(if not in U.S.A.)
703—414—1060                             a                                                              he:        bvamscus             p                    udl
[21 APPLICANT (FRN)                                            [22) APPLICANT(TiN)
                       0005—0197—08                             0521564318
(23A) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                       (24A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE |(25A) QUANTITY
                                                                   BFY                                  1
(26A) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                      (27A) TOTAL FEE                                 FCC USE ONLY
                              $6,670.00                                   $6,670.00
[28A) ECC CODE 1                                   (29A) ECC CODE 2

EB) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                                            (24B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE              |(25B) QUANTITY

(26B) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                      (278) TOTAL FEE                                 FCC USE ONLY

(28B) FCC CODE 1                                   (29B) ECC CODE 2

                                                         SECTION D — CERTIFICATION
1                                                          certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information is true and correct to
the best of my knowledge, information and belie.       SIGNATURE                                                       DATE

                                             SECTION E — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
  &                          MASTERCARD/VISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:                                                                                 EXPIRATION

 D      Vi8k      | hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD fortheservice(s)/authorization herein described.

                  SIGNATURE                                                                                   DATE

                                      SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ON REVERSE                                    FCC FORM 159           FEBRUARY 2000 (REVISED)

WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER                                                                         Chree Lafiyerre Cenre

                                                                                                   55 21at Street, NW
                                                                                                     ingron, DC 20036—3384

 November 30, 2001
                                                                   $2357       sSAT—MOD—20011130—00118
                                                                   LORAL CyBERSTAR, INC.
                                                                   TELSTAR 118
 Federal Communications Commission
 International Bureau, Space Station
 P.O. Box 358210
 Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5210

            Re:    Application for Modification

 Dear Sir or Madam:

            Enclosed for filing on behalf of Loral CyberStar, Inc. ("Loral CyberStar®") is an original
 and nine (9) copies of a request on FCC Form 312 to modify Loral CyberStar‘s Telstar 11R
 authorization at 37.5° W.L. to include an additional 250 MHz of Ku—band uplink and downlink
 spectrum, Also included is a completed Form 159 and a check for the applicable filing fee.
 Please date—stamp and return a copy of the enclosed filing in the envelope provided. Any
 inquiries related to this request should be directed to the undersigned.


                                                    Stephen R. Bell
                                                    Kasey A. Chappelle

                                                    Counsel for Loral CyberStar, Inc.

 ce:        Tom Tycz
            Jennifer Gilsenan


                   New York     Wasminctonm, DC   Paris   LowopN     Miran   RoMme   ERANKEUKT

                                                                                                                                                   Approved by OMB       FCC Use Only

                                                                                                                                           Est     AveB 1060:678         File Number:
Elacin(l:;o?}lz                                                                                                                             ist.    Avg.Burden   Hours

                                            FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                              Per Response: 11 Hs.          _ Sign:
                                                                                                                                                                         Fee Number:

                                                                                            APPLICANT INFORMATION
1. Legal Name of Applicant                                                                                                                                               2. Voice Telephone Number
Loral CyberStar, Inc.                                                                                                                                                    (703) 414—1060
3. Other Name Used for Doing Business (if any)                                                                                                                           4. Fax Telephone Number

5. Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box                                                                                                     6. City

1755 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1007                                                                                                   Arlington
                                                                                                                                          7. State / Country (if not U.S.A.)                  8. Zip Code
  ATTENTION: John P. Stern                                                                                                                VA                                                  22202
9. Name of Contact Representative (If other than applicant)                                                                                                              10. Voice Telephone Number
Stephen R. Bell/Kasey A. Chappelle                                                                                                                                       (202) 328—8000
11. Firm or Company Name                                                                                                                                                 12. Fax Telephone Number
Willkie Farr & Gallagher                                                                                                                                                 (202) 887—8979
13. Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box                                                                                                     14. City

1155 21st Street, N.W., Suite 600                                                                                                         Washington
                                                                                                                                          15. State / Country (if not U.S.A)                  16. Zip Code
  ATTENTION:                                                                                                                               DC                                                 20036

                                                                                            CLASSIFICATION OF FILING
17. Place an "X" in the box next to the classification that applies to this filing for both questions a. and b. Mark only one box for 17a and only one box for 176.

                                       El b1. Application for License of New Station                               El b6. Transfer of Control of License or Registration
                                       El b2. ApplicationDomestfc
                                                          for Registration of NewStation
       D al. Earth Station                                         Receive—Only                                    El b7. Notification of Minor Modification

                                              b3. Amendment to a Pending Application                               D b8. Application for License of New Receive—Only Station Using Non—U.S, Licensed Satellite
       a2. Space Station                      b4. Modification of License or Registration                          D b9. Letter of Intent to Use Non—U.S. Licensed Satellite to Provide Service in the United States

                                       El b5. Assignment of License or Registration                                D b10. Other (Please Specify):

18. If this filing is in reference to an existing station, enter:                                                   19. If this filing is an amendment to a pending application enter:
    Call sign of station:                                                                                               (a) Date pending application was filed:                         (b) File number of pending application:

            Telstar 11R at 37.5° W.L.                                                                                                            N/A

                                                                                                                                                                                                        FCC 312, Main Form — Page 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       February, 1998

                                                                                                 TYPE OF SERVICE
20. NATURE OF SERVICE: This filing is for an authorization to provide or use the following type(s) of service(s): Place an "X" in the box(es) next to all that apply.
           a. Fixed Satellite       [j c. Radiodetermination Satellite                 e. Direct to Home Fixed Satellite

      |__|b. Mobile Satetlite       r—l d. Earth Exploration Satellite           H £. Digital Audio Radio Service                 D g. Other (please specify)
21. STATUS:          Place an "X" in.the Box next to the applicable status. Mark 6nly éne box.                     22. If earth station applicant, place an "X" in the box(es) next to all that apply.

     D a. Common Carrier                             b. Non—Common Carrier                                                 D a. Using U.S. licensed satellites    D b. Using Non—U.S. licensed satellites         N/A

23. If applicant is providing INTERNATIONAL COMMON CARRIER service, see instructions regarding Sec. 214 filings. Mark only one box. Are these facilities:

      D a. Connected to the Public Switched Network                                              D b. Not connected to the Public Switched Network                            N/A

24. FREQUENCY BAND(S): Place an "X" in the box(es) next to all applicable frequency band(s).
      |__|a. C—Band/6 GHz)
           b. Ku—Band (12/14 GHz) Dc Other (Please specify)
                                                                                                 TYPE OF STATION
25. CLASS OF STATION: Place an "X" in the box next to the class of station that applies. Mark only one box.
               &                .                       :                :                                                         .            .                        .            £. Other
      Da. Fixed Earth Station       DbA Temporary—Fixed Earth Station        Dc. 12/14 GHz VSAT Network              D d. Mobile Earth Station        e‘ Space Station                (Specify)
  If space station applicant, go to Question 27.

      |:| a. Transmit/Receive               |:|b. Transmit—Only                     Dc. Receive—Only               N /A

                                                                         PURPOSE OF MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT
27. The purpose of this proposed modification or amendment is to:    Place an "X" in the box(es) next to all that apply.

                                                                 a —— authorization to add new emission designator and related service
                                                                 b —— authorization to change emission designator and related service
                                                                 c —— authorization to increase EIRP and EIRP density
                                                                 d —— authorization to replace antenna
                                                                 e —— authorization to add antenna
                                                                 £—— authorization to relocate fixed station
                                                                 g —— authorization to change assigned frequency(ies)
                                                                 h —— authorization to add Points of Communication (satellites & countries)
                                                                 i —— authorization to change Points of Communication (satellites & countries)
                                                                 j —— authorization for facilities for which environmental assessment and radiation hazard reporting is required
                                                                 k —— Other (Please Specify)
                                                                                                 Authorization to add uplink & downlink spectrum

                                                                                         ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY
28. Would a Commission grant of any proposal in this application or amendment have a significant environmental impact as defined by 47 CFR 1.1307?              .                  D YES                 NO
If YES, submit the statement as required by Sections 1.1308 and 1.1311 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1308 and 1.1311, as an exhibit to this application.
A Radiation Hazard Study must accompany all applications as an exhibit for new transmitting facilities, major modifications, or major amendments. Refer to OET Bulletin 65.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    FCC 312, Main Form — Page 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 February, 1998

                                                                                     ALIEN OWNERSHIP
29. Is the applicant a foreign government or the representative of any foreign government?                                                                  DYES             NO

30. Is the applicant an alien or the representative of an alien?                                                                                            DYES                 NO

31. Is the applicant a corporation organized under the laws of any foreign government?                                                                      DYES            E NO

32. Is the applicant a corporation of which more than one—fifth of the capital stock is owned of record or                                                  DYES            E NO
    voted by aliens or their representatives or by a foreign government or representative thereof or by any
    corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?
33. Is the applicant a corporation directly or indirectly controlled by any other corporation of which more than                                                 YES        D NO
    one—fourth of the capital stock is owned of record or voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foreign
    government or representative thereof or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?
34. If any answer to questions 29, 30, 31, 32 and/or 33 is Yes, attach as an exhibit, the identification of the aliens or
    foreign entities, their nationality, their relationship to the applicant, and the percentage of stock they own or vote.               See Exhibit A

                                                                                 BASIC QUALIFICATION®S
35. Does the applicant request any waivers or exemptions from any of the Commission‘s Rules?
    If Yes, attach as an exhibit, copies of the requests for waivers or exceptions with supporting documents.                                               DYES             NO
36. Has the applicant or any party to this application had any FCC station authorization or license revoked or had                                          DYES              No
    any application for an initial, modification or renewal of FCC station authorization, license, or construction
    permit denied by the Commission? If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explanation of the circumstances.
37. Has the applicant, or any party to this application, or any party directly or indirectly controlling the applicant ever been                            l:l ¥ES          ENO
    convicted of a felony by any state or federal court? If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explanation of the cirecumstances.
38. Has any court finally adjudged the applicant, or any person directly or indirectly controlling the applicant, guilty of unlawfully                      DYES                 No
    monopolizing or attempting unlawfully to monopolize radio communication, directly or indirectly, through control of
    manufacture or sale of radio apparatus, exclusive traffic arrangement or any other means or unfair methods of competition?
    If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explanation of the circumstances.

39. Is the applicant, or any person directly or indirectly controlling the applicant, currently a party in any pending matter                               DYES                 No
    referred to in the preceeding two items? If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explanation of the circumstances.
40. If the applicant is a corporation and is applying for a space station license, attach as an exhibit the names, addresses, and citizenship of those                     N/A
    stockholders owning of record and/or voting 10 percent or more of the Filer‘s voting stock and the percentages so held. In the case of fiduciary
    control, indicate the beneficiary(ies) or class of beneficiaries. Also list the names and addresses of the officers and directors of the Filer.
41. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies, that neither the applicant nor any other party to the application is subject to a denial of                      ¥ESs        D No
    Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because
    of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.
42a. Does the applicant intend to use a non—U.S. licensed satellite to provide service in the United States?                                                DYES             ENO
     If yes, answer 42b and attach an exhibit providing the information specified in 47 C.F.R. § 25.137, as appropriate.
     If no, proceed to question 43.
42b. What administration has licensed or is in the process of licensing the space station? If no license will pj/A
     be issued, what administration has coordinated or is in the process of coordinating the space station?

                                                                                                                                                                        FCC 312, Main Form — Page 3
                                                                                                                                                                                     February, 1998

43. Description. (Summarize the nature of the application and the services to be provided).
Loral CyberStar, Inc. requests authority to add 250 Mhz of uplink & downlink spectrum. Please see attached

    Exhibit No.           Identify all exhibits that are attached to this   lication.
         A              Response to Item 34

   The Applicant waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United States because of
   the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and requests an authorization in accordance with this application. The applicant certifies that grant of this
   application would not cause the applicant to be in violation of the spectrum aggregation limit in 47 CFR Part 20. All statements made in exhibits are a material part hereof
   and are incorporated herein as if set out in full in this application. The undersigned, individually and for the applicant, hereby certifies that all statements made in this
   application and in all attached exhibits are true, complete and correct to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith.

44. Applicant is a (an):  (Place an "X" in the box next to applicable response.)
           e                .                   faas                    :        .                           :                       f. Other
 |:|a. Individual |:| b. Unincorporated Association |:|c. Partnership d. Corporation I:I e. Governmental Entity                      (Please specify)
45. Typed Name of Person Signing                                                                    46. Title of Person Signing

 John P. Stern                                                                                       Deputy General Counsel, Loral Space & Communications Ltd.

47. Signature                                                                                                                           48. Date

                          Q g\%'l/                                                                                                          November 29, 2001

       (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION (U.S. Code, Title 47,
       Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).
                                                                                                                                                          FCC 312, Main Form — Page 4
                                                                                                                                                                       February, 1998

                                                                 FCC Form 312—Main Form
                                                                   Response to Question 34
                                                                                 Exhibit A

        Loral CyberStar, Inc., a U.S. corporation, is owned and controlled through an
intermediate entity by Loral Space & Communications Ltd. ("Loral"), a Bermuda company that
is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: LOR). Loral‘s home market is the
United States. See In re Application of AT&T Corp. and Loral SpaceCom Corp., Order and
Authorization, 12 FCC Red. 925, 928 (1997).


                                       BEFORE THE
                           Federal Communications Commussion
                                         WASHINGTON, D.C.

In the Matter of

Loral CyberStar, Inc.
                                                       File No.
Application for Modification of
Space Station Authorization

                              APPLICATION FOR MODIFICATION

           In May 2001, the Commission authorized Loral CyberStar, Inc. ("Loral CyberStar”)1 to

construct, launch and operate a Ku—band satellite at 37.5° W.L. as a replacement for Orion 1 (Telstar 11)

at that location." Loral CyberStar seeks to modify the Ku—band authorization for its Telstar 11R satellite.

Specifically, Loral CyberStar requests authority to add 250 MHz of uplink and downlink spectrum in the

extended Ku—band. With the additional frequencies, Loral CyberStar will be able to meet customer

demand for additional capacity for connectivity among the United States, Europe and South America.

           The following is a summary of Loral‘s modification request. Technical information in support of

this application is attached as Exhibit 1. Exhibit 2 consists of new ITU documentation for the 37.5° W.L.

orbital position.


                  Loral Space & Communications Ltd. ("Loral") is the ultimate parent of Loral
CyberStar, Inc.
                See In re Application of Loral Space & Communications Ltd., f/k/a Orion
Atlantic, L.P., for Authority to Launch and Operate a Hybrid Ku—band/C—band Satellite System
at the 37.5° W.L. Orbit Location, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 16 FCC Red. 12490 (2001).


           Loral CyberStar proposes to add to its current authorization at 37.5° W.L. uplink frequencies in

the 13.75—14.00 GHz range and downlink frequencies in the 10.95—11.20 GHz range. The proposed

downlink frequencies fall within the 10.7—11.7 GHz band, which is allocated on a co—primary basis to

the Fixed—Satellite Service ("FSS"), subject to a limitation to international systems.3 The Commission

has interpreted this limitation to mean that U.S.—licensed systems may use the 10.7—11.7 GHz band to

provide international service only.4 Loral CyberStar‘s Telstar 1 1R satellite will provide a full range of

commercial Ku—band international services, including video, voice and data. Specifically, Loral

CyberStar intends to operate in the 13.75—14.00 GHz range for uplinks in Europe and North America,

and in the 10.95—11.20 GHz range for downlinks in Europe and South America.

           The 13.75—14.00 GHz band has been allocated both domestically and internationally to FSS,

subject to certain restrictions as set forth in the footnotes to the 1regu1ations.5 ITU footnotes $5.502,

$5.503 and $5.503A place limitations on EIRP and minimum antenna size for earth stations operating in

this band. Domestically, earth stations are required to coordinate through the NTIA Interdepartment

Radio Advisory Committee‘s Frequency Assignment Subcommittee to minimize interference with

NASA‘s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System.6 Loral CyberStar‘s operation of Telstar 11R will be

consistent with these requirements.

                  See U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations, footnote NG104.

        *      See In re PanAmSat Corp., Application for Authority to Launch and Operate a
Replacement C/Ku Hybrid Fixed Satellite Service Space Station at 58° W.L., Order and
Authorization, 15 FCC Red. 11747, 11748 n.7 (2000).

           °     iSee TITU Radio Regulations, footnotes $5.502, $5.503 and $5.503A.

                 iSee 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 n.US337 (2000).


           The additional 250 MHz of uplink and downlink spectrum will be used in the coverage areas as

outlined in the attached Technical Description.7 The satellite design will be modified to include the

additional capacity in the existing beams. The bandwidth, equivalent isotropically radiated power, gain—

to—temperature ratio and saturation flux density and the communications traffic for the additional

transponders will be identical to the transponders in the original design.8 There are no other changes to

the satellite design and the remaining information in the Ku—band portion of the original application has

not changed.9

           Interference analyses performed on the Ku—Band transponders for the original authorization >

showed that there will be no harmful interference to adjacent satellite networks. Because the design and

usage of the original and additional transponders are the same, the interference analysis for the

additional transponders will be identical to the analysis for the original transponders, and so the

additional transponders will also cause no harmful interference. ° Additionally, operation of all the

transponders—including the additional transponders—will comply with the PFD requirements of section

                  iSee Exhibit 1.

                See Application of International Private Satellite Partners, L.P. d/b/a Orion
Atlantic, L.P., SAT—LOA—19980508—00043 (filed May 8, 1998).

        °      Per section 25.117(d), included in the Technical Description to this modification
is information related only to those aspects of the initial authorization that will be modified. See
47 U.S.C. § 25.117(d) (2000) ("only those items of information listed in 25.114(c) that change
need to be submitted provided the applicant certifies that the remaining information has not

           10     This analysis can be found on Exhibit 1, page 39 of the initial application.


25.208 of the Commission‘s rules. ‘ Detailed analysis for the additional transponders is provided in the

attached Technical Description.12


           In licensing satellites, the Commission "seeks to promote competition, provide flexibility, and

encourage technical innovation.""" The Commission encourages the use of state—of—the—art satellites. *

Further, the Commission has repeatedly observed that it is best "to leave spacecraft design decisions to

the licensee since the licensee is in a better position to determine how to tailor its system to meet the

particular needs of its customers.""" As such, the Commission has routinely granted modification

requests, such as this one, "provided there are no countervailing public interest considerations."""

           The modifications proposed by Loral CyberStar reflect technological advances that will provide

significant operating efficiencies and more valuable international services to its customers. These

modifications reflect final spacecraft design decisions that will maximize efficient use of scearce orbital

                  47 C.F.R. § 25.208 (2000).
                  See Exhibit 1.

       13      See In re Application of GE American Communications, Inc. for Modification of
Authorization, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 14 FCC Red 686, 688 (1998).

        14     See In re Application of Hughes Communications Galaxy, et. al, Order and
Authorization, 7 FCC Red. 7119, 7120 (1992).

        15     1Id. (citing In re Amendment of the Commission‘s Rules to Establish Rules and
Policies Pertaining to a Mobile Satellite Service in the 1610—1626.5/2483.5—2500 MHz
Frequency Bands, Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, 9 FCC Red. 1094, 1100—01 (1994)).

        16     Id. (citing In re Application of AMSC Subsidiary Corp. for Modification of
Mobile Satellite License, Order and Authorization, 13 FCC Red. 12316, 12318 (1998)). See
also In re Assignment of Orbital Locations to Space Stations in the Domestic Fixed—Satellite
Service, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 84 F.C.C.2d 584, 595 (1980) ("Each entrepreneur
has incentives to use the most efficient and economical technology available to serve
consumers . ..").


resources, increase service options and provide greater flexibility for customers. Grant of the

application will thereby enhance competition in the satellite services market. Moreover, the requested

modifications will conform with the FCC‘s ITU filings and present no new coordination concerns. For

all of these reasons, grant of the application is in the public interest.


           For the reasons discussed above, grant of this application for modification is in the public

interest. Loral CyberStar requests that the Commission expeditiously grant this request.

                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                 for LORAL CYBERSTAR, INC.

                                                 / P o. Q|_S)e——
                                                 John P. Stern
                                                 Deputy General Counsel
                                                 Loral Space & Communications Ltd.
                                                 1755 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1007
                                                 Arlington, VA 22202—3509

November 29, 2001


           BUREAU DES RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS                                                       RADIOCOMMUNICATION BUREAU                                                    OFICINA DE RADIOCOMUNICACIONES

IFIC / DATE                                                                                                                      SECTION SPECIALE NO
                                                                                                                                 SPECIAL SECTION No.
                                                                                                                                 SECCION ESPECIAL N.O9

RESEAU(X) A SATELLITE                                                                                                            ADMINISTRATION RESPONSABLE
                                                                      USASAT—26A                                                 RESPONSIBLE ADMINISTRATION
                                                                                                                                 ADMINISTRACION RESPONSABLE

                                           RENSEIGNEMENTS REGUS PAR LE BUREAU LE
                                           INFORMATION RECEIVED BY THE BUREAU ON                                                                       09.12.2001
                                           INFORMACION RECIBIDA POR LA OFICINA EL

Ces renseignements concernant les réseaux A satellite régis par                 This information on satellite networks covered under Article $9, Sub—            Esta informacion relativa a las redes de satélite regidas por el
Particle §9, sous—section 1B, sont publiés par le Bureau des                    Section 1B, is published by the Radiocommunication Bureau in                     Articulo $9, sub—seccion1B, se publica por la Oficina de
radiocommunications en application du No. $9.2B. IIs font ‘objet de             accordance with No. $9.2B. It is subject to the procedure(s) indicated           Radiocomunicaciones en virtud del No. $9.2B. Esta sujeta al (los)
la(les) procédure(s) suivante(s), indiquée(s) ci—dessous par un X dans          below by an X in the relevant box.                                               procedimiento(s) siguiente(s), senalado(s) con una X en la casilla
la case pertinente.                                                                                                                                              apropriada.
(voir les commentaires du Bureau des radiocommunications)                       (see comments of the Radiocommunication Bureau)                                  (véanse las observaciones de Ia Oficina de Radiocomunicaciones)

X    l Les renseignements ont été regus conformément au No. $9.1                The information has been received pursuant to No. $9.1                           La informacion ha sido recibida de conformidad con No. $9.1

    l Les renseignements ont été requs conformément au No. $9.2                 The information has been received pursuant to No. $9.2                           La informacion ha sido recibida de conformidad con No. $9.2

      Toute administration estimant que ses réseaux a satellite, ses            Any administration which considers that its existing or planned satellite        Cualquier administracion que considere que sus sistemas o redes des
      systemes a satellites ou ses stations de terre, selon le cas, existants   systems or networks or terrestria! stations, as appropriate, are affected, may   satélites o estaciones terrenales, segun el caso, existentes o planificados
      ou   en   projet,   sont affectés,   peut envoyer ses observations   a    send its comments to the administration which has requested publication of       se veran afectados, podra comunicar sus comentarios a la administracion
       Fadministration qui a demandé la publication des renseignements,         the information, with a copy of such comments to the Radiocommunication          que haya solicitado !a publicacién de la informacion, enviando una copia
      avec copie au Bureau des radiocommunications.                             Bureau.                                                                          de dichos comentarios a la Oficina de Radiocommunicaciones.

    Information aussi disponible sur le / Information also available on the / Informacion también disponible en:                             Space Network Systems Online Service :                 http://www—br/isns/advpub.htmi

                                                                                                                ©      £T.V.

                                                                                                              Page / pagina 1

Items    Description                                                   Description .                                                       Descripcidn :
Ma       Name of the space station                                     Nom de la station spatiale                                          Nombre de la estacion espacial
AMf      Notifying administration                                      Administration notificatrice                                        Administracion notificante
AZa      Date of bringing into use                                     Date de mise en service                                             Fecha de puesta en servicio
A2b      Period of validity (year)                                     Période de validité (année}                                         Periodo de validez (afo)
A4a1     Nominal longitude of a geostationary space station (degree)   Longitude nominale d‘une station spatiale géostationnaire (degré)   Longitud nominal de una estacion espacial geoestacionaria (grado}
A4b1     Angle of inclination of the orbit (degree}                    Inclinaison de l‘orbite (degré)                                     Angulo de inclinacion de ta 6rbita (grado})
A4b2     Period (ddd/hh/imm}                                           Période (fj/hh/mm}                                                  Periodo (ddd/hh/mm}
A4b3a    Altitude of the apogee (km)                                   Altitude de l‘apogée (km)                                           Altitud del apogeo (km)
A4b3b    Altitude of the perigee (km)                                  Altitude du périgée (km)                                            Altitud def perigeo (km)
A4b4a    Number of satellites                                          Nombre de satellites                                                Numero de satélites
A4b4b    Reference body                                                Corps de référence                                                  Cuerpo de referencia
Ad4bSa   Number of orbital planes                                      Nombre de plans orbitaux                                            Numero de planos orbitales
C1       Frequency Range                                               Gamme de fréquences                                                 Gama de frecuencias
C4a      Class of station                                              Classe de station                                                   Clase de estacion
C4b      Nature of service                                             Nature du service                                                   Naturaleza del servicio
C11a4    Narrative description of the service area                     Description détaillée de la zone de service                         Descripcion detallada de la zona de servicio
BR1      Date of receipt                                               Date de réception                                                   Fecha de recepcion
BR3a     Provision reference code                                      Code de référence de la disposition                                 Codigo de referencia de la disposicion
BRGa     Identification number of the network                          Numéro d‘identification du réseau a satellite                       Ndmero de identificacion de la red
BR6b     Old identification number of the network                      Ancien numéro d‘identification du réseau a satellite                Ndmero anterior de ta identificacion de la red
BR20     {FIC number                                                   Numéro de la IFIC                                                   Numero de la IFIC
BR22     Administration remarks                                        Remarques de lAdministration                                        Observaciones de la Administracion
BR23     Radiocommunication Bureau comments                            Observations du Bureau des radiocommunications                      Comentarios de la Oficina de Radiocomunicaciones

                                                                                               Page / pagina 2

[SECTION SPECIALE / SPECIAL SECTION / SECCION ESPECIAL                                                                                                                  APVAT|
            A1fa Space station [USASAT—26A                       J       _   A1f Notifying adm.                      BR1 Date of receipt       —BR20 IFIG no.[______]        |
|__BR6a/BR6b id. no.| 101520094 |               |                        BR3a Provision reference l $9.1/I1B             [                                                   |
A4a1 Otbital long.

AZa Date of bringing into use                             AZb Period of valid.
 C1 Frequency range:            From         13.75] onz       To [___________14] oxz
 C4a Class of station
 C4b Nature of service
 C11a4 Service area       [REG1, REG 2                               |

AZa Date of bringing into use                             A2b Period of valid.
 C1 Frequency range:            From         10.95] cHz        To                        cHz
 C4a Class of station
 C4b Nature of service
C11a4 Service area        [REG1, REG 2                               |

BR22 Administration remarks                         This notice adds new frequency ranges to the Special Section AR11/A/563
                                                    for the USASAT—26A Satellite Network
BR23 Radiocommunication Bureau comments             [                                                                                      _

                                                                                                   Page / pagina 3

     COMMENTAIRES DU BUREAU DES                            COMMENTS OF RADIOCOMMUNICATION                                     COMENTARIOS DE LA OFICINA DE
   NUMEROTAGE DE LA SECTION SPECIALE                                        NUMBERING                                       NUMERACION DE LA SECCION ESPECIAL

1. La    date   limite    pour   la    réception   des   . Expiry date for the receipt of comments indicated          1.   La fecha    limite   para   la   recepcion   de los
   commentaires indiquée sur la page de couverture        on the cover page applies only to the following                  comentarios indicada en la portada de la Seccion
   s‘applique   uniquement      aux     bandes  de        additional frequency bands:                                      Especial solo se aplica a las siguientes bandas
   fréquences additionnelles suivantes:                                                                                    de frecuencias adicionales:

   La présente Section spéciale est aussi publiée        . This   Special   Section    is   also     published   in        La presente Seccion Especial se publica también
   conformément     au_ paragraphe      7.1.3  de          accordance       with      paragraph        7.1.3     of        en virtud del parrafo 7.1.3 del apéndice 30/830
   ‘Appendice 30/S30     pour    les    gammes     de      Appendix 30/S30 with respect to the following                   para las siguientes gamas de frecuencias:
   fréquences suivantes:                                   frequency bands:                 —

3. Sections spéciales déja publiées/ IFIC/ date:         . Previously published Special Sections/ IFIC/Date:               Secciones Especiales ya publicadas/ IFIC/ fecha:

                                                                                   page / pagina 4

          BUREAU DES RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS                                                               RADIOCOMMUNICATION BUREAU                                                          OFICINA DE RADIOCOMUNICACIONES

IFIC / DATE                                                                                                                                 SECTION SPECIALE NO
iFIC / Date                                                                                                                                 SPECIAL SECTION No.                                  AR11/C/2456 MOD—2:
IFIC/ FECHA                                                                                                                                 SECCION ESPECIAL N.O°

STATION SPATIALE                                                                                                                  STATION(S) TERRIENNE(S)
SPACE STATION                                           USASAT—26A                                                     or         EARTH STATION(S)                                          TYPE/TYPICAL/ITIPO
ESTACION ESPACIAL                                                                                                       o         ESTACION(ES) TERRENA(S)

ADMINISTRATION RESPONSABLE                                                                                                                    RENSEIGNEMENTS REGUS PAR LE BUREAU LE
RESPONSIBLE ADMINISTRATION                                                                           USA                                      INFORMATION RECEIVED BY THE BUREAU ON                                            09.12.2001
ADMINISTRACION RESPONSABLE                                                                                                                    INFORMACION RECIBIDA POR LA OFICINA EL

   Ces renseignements ont été regus par le Bureau des radiocommunications en              This information has been received by the Radiocommunication Bureau                 Esta informacion ha sido recibida por la Oficina de Radiocomunicaciones de
   vertu du RR1074 et son publiés en application du RR1078, lis font l‘objet de           pursuant to RR1074 and is published in accordance with RR1078. it is subject        conformidad con RR1074 y se publica en virtud de RR1078. Esta sujeta a uno
   I‘une des deux procédures suivantes, indiquées ci—dessous par un X dans la             to one of two procedures, indicated below by an X in the relevant box,              de los dos procedimientos siguientes, sefialado con una X en la casilla
   case pertinente.                                                                                                                                                           apropriada.

    Une demande de coordination a été envoyée conformément au RR1073 aux                  A request for coordination has been sent in accordance with RR1073 to the           De conformidad con RR1073, se ha enviado una solicitud de coordinacion a las
    administrations indiquées ci—dessous. En application du RR1078, ie Bureau a ajouté,   administrations indicated below. in conformity with RR1078, the Bureau has added,   administraciones indicadas mas abajo. Conforme a RR1078, la Oficina ha artadido
    le cas échéant, ie symbole des autres administrations (identifi¢es par *) dont les    as appropriate, the symbols of any other administrations (identified by *) whose    adecuadamente el simbolo de las demas administraciones (identificadas por un *)
    services sont susceptibles d‘étre affectés.                                           services are likely to be affected.                                                 cuyos servicios pueden resultar afectados.
    Toute administration dont le symbole apparait dans la présente Section Spéciale       Any administration whose symbol appears in the present Special Section shall        Las administraciones cuyo simbolo aparece en la presente Seccion Especial
    accuse immédiatement réception, par félégramme, des données concernant la             acknowledge receipt of the coordination data immediately by telegram (RR1082).      deberan acusar recibo inmediatamente por telegrama de la informacion referente a
    coordination (RR1082).                                                                                                                                                    la coordinacion (RR1082).



    Les dispositions du RR1066 s‘appliquent a ces assignations qui sont publiées          The provisions of RR106G apply to these assignments, which are published for        Las disposiciones de RR1066 se aplican a estas asignaciones, que se publican a titulo de
    uniquement pour information,                                                          information only.                                                                   informacion Unicamente.

                                                                                                                              ©    1T.u.

                                                                                                                            Page / pagina 1

C10a5      Designation of the antenna beam of the associated space station    Désignation du faisceau de l‘antenne de la station spatiale            Designacion del haz de la antena de la estacion espacial             73
                                                                              associée                                                               asociada
C10b1      Name of the associated earth station                               Nom de la station terrienne associée                                   Nombre de la estacion terrena asociada                               59
C10b2      Previous name of the associated earth station                      Ancien nom de la station terrienne                                     Nombre anterior de la estacion terrena
C10b3      Type of associated earth station                                   Type de station terrienne associée                                     Tipo de la estacion terrena asociada                                 62
C10b4      Country symbol                                                     Symbole de pays                                                        Simbolo de pais                                                      61
C10b5      Geographical coordinates                                           Coordonnées géographiques                                              Coordenadas geograficas                                              63
C10cia     Class of station of the associated earth station                   Classe de station de la station terrienne associée                     Clase de estacion de la estacion terrena asociada                    65
C10cib     Nature of service of the associated earth station                  Nature du service de la station terrienne associée                     Naturaleza del servicio de la estacion terrena asociada              66
C10c2      Isotropic gain of the antenna (dBi)                                Gain isotrope de l‘antenne (dBi)                                       Ganancia isétropa de la antenna (dBi)                                67
C10c3      Beamwidth (degree)                                                 Ouverture du faisceau (degré)                                          Abertura del haz (grado)                                             68
C10cd4a    Reference radiation pattern                                        Diagramme de rayonnement de référence                                  Diagrama de radiacién de referencia                                  70
C10c4b     Radiation pattern diagram of the associated earth station          Diagramme de rayonnement                                               Diagrama de radiacion                                                69
C10cd4ci   Radiation pattern diagram coefficient A                            Coefficient A du diagramme de rayonnement                              Coeficiente A del diagrama de radiacion
C10c4c2    Radiation pattern diagram coefficient B                            Coefficient B du diagramme de rayonnement                              Coeficiente B del diagrama de radiacion
C10cd4c3   Radiation pattern diagram coefficient C                            Coefficient C du diagramme de rayonnement                              Coeficiente C del diagrama de radiacion
C10c4cé4   Radiation pattern diagram coefficient D                            Coefficient D du diagramme de rayonnement                              Coeficiente D del diagrama de radiacion
C10c4c§    Radiation pattern diagram angle                                    Angle du diagramme de rayonnement                                      Angulo del diagrama de radiacion
C10c§      Receiving system noise temperature (Kelvin) of the associated      Température de bruit du systeme de réception (Kelvin) de la            Temperatura de ruido del sistema receptor (Kelvin) de la estacion    64
           earth station                                                      station terrienne associée                                             terrena asociada
C11a1      Service area no, (GIMS)                                            Numéro de zone de service (GIMS)                                       Nimero de zona de servicio (GIMS)                                   43—44
C11a2      Service area symbol                                                Symbole de la zone de service                                          Simbolo de la zona de servicio                                      43—44
C11a3      Service area diagram attachment                                    Diagramme de zone de service annexe                                    Diagrama de la zona de servicio anexo                               43—44
Dia        Serial number of the strap                                         Numéro de série de la connexion                                        Nimero de serie de la conexion                                        75
D1b        Uplink beam designation                                            Désignation du faisceau de réception                                   Designacion del haz de recepcion                                      76
Dic        Downlink beam designation                                          Désignation du faisceau d‘émission                                     Designacion del haz de transmision                                    77
D1d        Uplink assigned frequency                                          Assignation de fréquence sur les lfaisons montantes                    Asignacione de frecuencia de enlace ascendente                        78
Die        Downlink assigned frequency                                        Assignation de fréquence sur les liaisons descendantes                 Asignacione de frecuencia de enlace descendente                       79
D2a1       Lowest equivalent satellite link noise temperature                 Température de bruit équivalente la plus faible de la liaison par      Temperatura de ruido equivalente mas baja del enlace por              80
                                                                              satellite                                                              satélite
D2a2       Associated transmitting gain (lowest)                              Gain de transmission associé (plus faible)                             Ganancia de transmision asociada (mas baja)                          81
D2b1       Satellite link noise temperature for highest ratio of gain/noise   Température de bruit équivalente de liaison par satellite pour le      Temperatura de ruido equivalente del enlace por satélite para la     82
                                                                              rapport gain/température bruit le plus élevé                           relacion mas elevada ganancia/ruido
D2b2       Associated transmitting gain (highest)                             Gain de transmission associé (plus élevé)                              Ganancia de transmision asociada (mas elevada)                       83
D2c        Line number for a given set of equivalent satellite link noise     Numéro de ligne pour un groupe donné températures de bruit             Nimero de serie para un grupo dado de temperaturas de ruido          88
           temperatures and transmission gain values                          équivalente de la liaison par satellite et les gains de transmission   equivalente del enlace por satélite y las ganancias de
D2d        Associated receiving earth station name                            Nom de la station terrienne réceptrice associée                        Nombre de la estacion terrena receptora asociada                     84
2D         Findings: Date from which an assignment is taken into account      Conclusions: Date a partir de laquelle une assignation est prise       Conclusiones: Fecha a partir de la cual una asignacion es
           according to RR1061—1065 or 2.5 of the procedure in Annex 1 to     en compte en accord avec les RR1061—1065 ou 2.5 de la                  tomada en cuenta de acuerdo con RR1061—1065 6 2.5 del
           Resolution 46                                                      procédure dans Annex 1 a la Résolution 46                              procedimiento del Anexo 1 a la Resolucion 46
13A        Findings: Conformity with Radio Regulations; Table No. 13A of      Conclusions: En conformité avec le Réglement des                       Conclusiones: En conformidad con los Reglamentos de
           the preface to the IFL                                             radiocommunications; Tableau No. 13A de la Préface a la Liste          radiocomunicaciones; Tabla No.13A del Prefacio a la Lista
                                                                              Internationale des Fréquences                                          Internacional de frecuencias
13B1       Findings: Reference to a provision, appendix or resolution         Conclusions: Référence a une disposition, appendice ou                 Conclusiones: Referencia a una disposicion, apéndice 0
                                                                              résolution                                                             resolucion
13B2       Findings: Remarks concerning the findings entered in column        Conclusions: Remarques concernant les conclusions inscrites a          Conclusiones: Comentarios correspondientes a las conclusiones
           13A; Table No.13B of the preface to the IFL                        la colonne 13A; Tableau No.13B de la Préface & la Liste                inscritas en la columna 13A; Tabla No.13B del Prefacio a la Lista
                                                                              Internationale des Fréquences                                          Internacional de frecuencias
13B3       Findings: Date relating to the review of the findings              Conclusions: Date relative a un réexamen des conclusions               Conclusiones: Fecha relativa a una revision de las conclusiones
13C        Remarks                                                            Observations                                                           Observaciones                                                        47
BR1        Date of receipt                                                    Date de réception                                                      Fecha de recepcion
BR2        Administration serial number                                       Numéro de série de l‘administration                                    Numero de serie de la administracion

                                                                                                             Page / pagina 3

|                  A1fa Space station | USASAT—2 6A                                                  _A1f Notifying adm. [USA                               BR1 Date of receipt                                BR20/BR21 IFIC no.Jpart
    |       __BR6a/BR6b id. no. [ 101520094 | 94520094 |                                BR3a/BR3b _Provision reference |        59.6        C                              BR2 Adm. seri al no.

        A4a1 Orbital long.                                                       A4aZ?a Long. tolerance                                                      A4a2b Inclination excursion
        A4a3 Visibility arc         39 W — 36 W                                           Adad Service arc 36                                                     A4a5 Reason for arc diff. [:]

                B1a/B1b ‘Beam designation | KGrR                 |              |                ~B2 Emi—Rep[R___|                          ~" Bsat/esbt/B3b?aMax.ant. gain|                          a4}©.". B3d Pointingaccuracy|___0.1].
        B3a2/8B3b2b Ant. gain cont. diag.                                   B3f Ant. gain vs orbit long. diag.
        B3e1 Rad. diag.           LC_]          B3e2 Ret. pat [—__________]                                                            B3e3 Coef. A[_____]                          B3e4 Coef. B[_______]
    []         BR7¥/BR7b Group id. [              201                               ]                  BR14 Special Section |                                         ]
        C4a Class of station                                                                         C3a Assigned freq. band                                      CS5a Noise temperature
        C4b Nature of service                                                                           Cba Polarization type                                      C6b Polarization angle E::]                 CBd/C8g Max. pwr [__________]
        C11a1 Service area no.                          C11fa2 Service area [_______]                                                                                                                                    C11a3 Service area diagram
    [AVWAG Coordination               1060                           [a _|                                                                                                                                                                                     ]
        Aza Date of bringing into use                                   A2b Period of valid.                  A3a Op. agency                       A3b Adm. resp.                BR16 Value of type CSb [___]           BR17 Reason for CSc/CSe absent [___]
                                                                                                                    CZa Assigned frequency
              14.025          G          14.125         G                    14.225              G           14 .325        G                   14.425        G
              14.075          G          14.175         G                    14 .275             G           14 .375        G                   14.475        G

                        A13                                               C7a                         C8a1/CS8b1            C8a2/C8b2                       CBct                 C8c2                 CBe
              Ref. to Special Sections                       Design. of emission                     Max. peak pwr         Max. pwr dens.               Min. peak pwr       Min. pwr dens.         C/N ratio
             1| ARLIL/A                 563                 1 36MOFIW——                                      27                  —36                             7.1                —55.9               30
             2 |AR1L1/C                2456                 2 18M0FIW——                                      27                  —36                             4 .1               —58 .9              30
                                                            3| S5OMOGTW——                                    33                  —44                             3.5                ~73.4               25
                                                            4        36MOGTW——                               31.6                   —44                            2.1              —73.4                 25
                                                            5        2M00G7W——                               19                     —44                       —10 .4                ~73.4                 25
                                                            6|       44KOGID——                                2.4                   —44                       —27                   —73 .4                25

                    C10b1                     C10b4   C10b3                         C10b5                      C10c1a/C10c1bh              C10c2            C10c3           C10c4a            C10c4b                                   C10cd4c
           Assoc. earth station name           Ctry   Type                    Geographical coord.                 Cls. / Nat.             Max. iso.        Bmwdth         Ref. pattern       Rad. diag.                Coef     Coef     Coef    Coef   Phii
                                                                                                                                            gain                                                                        A        B        C       D
          | TYPICAL K8.0 METER                              T                                |                      1]re     |oPp               59 .4          0.18| REC—580
                       2D Date[__________|              134 Conformity with RR[__________|]                          1381 Provision[___________________|                         1382 Remarks[____________]                 1383 Date of Review[__________]
        13C Remarks       |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |

    [] BRraBRis Groupia 3081                                                                           BR13 Special Section _—______—__]
        C4a Class of station                                                      C3a Assigned freq. band                                                         CSa Noise temperature
        C4b Nature of service                                                         C6a Polarization type                                                       C6b Polarization angle[________]             C8d4/C8g Max. pwr[__________]
        C1fat Service area no.                          C11a2 Service area [________|                                                                                                                                     C11a3 Service area diagram
    [AWA6G Coordination               [1060                          [r_|                                                                                                                                                                                      ]
        AZa Date of bringing into use                                    A2b Period of valid.                 A3a [_99]                  A3b Adm.resp. __]             BR16 Value of type CSb [___|           BR17 Reason for C8c/C8e absent [:I

                                                                                                                                    Page / pagina 5

           A1a Space station [USASAT—26A                                      |             A1f Notifying adm.                  O_          BR1 Date ofreceipt[02.12.2001_| _ BR20/BR21 IFIC noJpart[Z_____]                                                     l
|___BR6a/BR6b Id. no.[ ]__94520094]                                     BR3&/BR3b_Provision reference __c________|                                               BR2 Adm. serial no. _____________________|                            ~~~KGR _

[_] BR7@BR7b Group id.|__                   204]                                            BR14 Special Section                                            |
C4a Class of station                                                                   C3a Assigned freq. band                                       CSa Noise temperature
C4b Nature of service                                                                       CBa Polarization type                                    C6éb Polarization angle[_______]                C84/C8q Max. pwr [___________]
C11a1 Service area no.                          C11a2 Service area :j                                                                                                                                                C11a3 Service area diagram
[ASZAG Coordination            [ 1060                     [r   |                                                                                                                                                                                             ]
AZa Date of bringing into use                                  AZ2b Period of valid.               AJa Op. agency                A3b Adm. resp.                        BR16 Value of type C8Bb[___]                BR17Z Reason for C8c/C8e absent [_]
                                                                                                      CZa Assigned frequency
      14 .025          G         14.125          G                 14 .225        G              14 .325    G          14 .425                   G
      14.075           G         14 .175         C                 14 .275        C              14.375     C          14 .475                   G
                 A13                                          CTa                       C8a1/C8b1               C8a2/C8b2                  CBct                        C8c2                 CBe
      Ref. to Special Sections                        Design. of emission              Max. peak pwr          Max. pwr dens.          Min. peak pwr               Min. pwr dens.          C/N ratio
     1| ARL1/A                    563                 1   5OMOG7W——                               33                —44                              24                   —52 .9                25
     2| ARL1L/C                  2456                 2   36MOG7TW——                              31.6              —44                              22 .6                —52 .9                25
                                                      3   2M00G7W——                               19                —44                              10                   —52 .9                25
                                                      4| 44KOGLID——                                2.4              —44                              —6.5                 —52 .9                25
            C10b1                       C10b4   C10b3                    C10b5                      C10cta/C10ctb          C10c2            C10c3                 C10c4a            C10cd4b                                       C10c4c
   Assoc. earth station name             Ctry   Type               Geographical coord.                Cis. / Nat.         Max. iso.        Bmwdth               Ref. pattern       Rad. diag.                      Coef    Coef     Coef       Coef   Phii
                                                                                                                            gain                                                                                    A       B        C          D
  [TYPICAL KO.75 METER                                T                       |                          1|te [CP              38 . 9            1.87] REC—580
                2D Date[__________]               134 Conformity with RR [__________]                     13B1 Provision Lc                                            1382 Remarks ____________]                     1383 Date of Review[__________]
 13C Remarks       |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I

C] BRFaaRTb Group ia.                                                                       BRi3 Special Section _
C4a Class of station                                                      C3a Assigned freq. band                                                    CSa Noise temperature
C4b Nature of service                                                         C6a Polarization type                                                  C6b Polarization angle _______]                 C8@/C8g Max.pwr[__________]
C11a1 Service area no.                          C11a2 Service area [________]                                                                                                                                 C11a3 Service area diagram
[AS/A6 Coordination            |1060                      [r__]                                                                                                                                                                                              ]
Aza Date of bringing into use                                  A2b Period of valid.                AJa Op. agency                A3b Adm. resp.                        BR16 Value oftype C8b[___|]                  BR17Z Reason for C8c/CSe absent[___]
                                                                                                          CZa Assigned frequency
      13.82s       |s      ]      13.875        [ss       |        13.925         |s    |         13.975       |s   |                        |          [                      |      |                    ]          I                    |
                A13                                           CTa                       C8a1/C8b1               CB8a2/C8b2                   Cact                      CBcZ                 Cde
      Ref. to Special Sections                        Design. of emission              Max. peak pwr          Max. pwr dens.            Min. peak pwr             Min. pwr dens.          C/N ratio            5
      1| ARLIL/A                  563                 1 36MOFIW——                                 25 .6             —37 .4                            8. 6                ~54.4           —     30
      2|ARLIL/C                  2456                 2 18MOFIW——                                 25 .6             —37 .4                            8 .6                =54.5                 30
                                                      3| 5OMOGTW——                                25 .6             —51.3                             8 .6                —68 .3                25
                                                      4 36MOGTHW——                                24 .2             —51.3                             8. 6                —66.9                 25
                                                      5 2M00G7W——                                 11.6              —51.3                             8 .6                ~54 .4                25

                                                                                                                    Page / pagina 7

~[#]            A1fa Space station [USASAT—2 6A                                  |           A1f Notifying adm.                                       BR1 Date ofreceipt[032.12.2001_|                   BR20/BR21 IFIC no.Jpart
 |      BRGa/BR6b Id. no.[ 101520094 |             94520094 ]               BR3a¥/BR3b Provision reference [ 59. 6                 ___C                              BR2 Adm. serial no.                                                   i~~_KGR.      R

                     A13                                         ore                      C8at/C8b1                 C8a2/Cdb2                          CBct                CB8c2               Cde
          Ref. to Special Sections                       Design. of emission             Max. peak pwr            Max. pwr dens.                  Min. peak pwr       Min. pwr dens.         C/N ratio
          1| ARL1/A                   563                1 |18M0FOW——                              25 .6                     —37 .4                         8 .6              —54 .4                30
          2| AR11/C                  2456                2| 22M0G7W——                              25 .6                     —~47 .8                        8. 6              —64 .8                25
                                                         3| 2M00G7W——~—                            15 .2                     —47 .8                         8 .6              —54 .4                25

                 C10b1                     C10b4    C10b3                    C10b5                   C10c1a/C10citb               C10c2               C10c3           C10c4a            C10cd4b                                     C10c4c
       Assoc. earth station name            Ctry    Type               Geographical coord.              Cis. / Nat.              Max. iso.           Bmwdth         Ref. pattern       Rad. diag.                   Coef     Coef     Coef    Coef    Phi
                                                                                                                                   gain                                                                              A        B        C       D
       [TYPICAL K8.0 METER                               T                       |                         1|Tc        |CP                59. 4            0.18| REC—580

                    20 Date [______]                 13A Conformity with RR [___________]                   1381 Provision[__________] 1382 Remarks [_______]                                                            13B3 Date of Review [___________]
     13C Remarks      |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
 [3] BRraeRTb Group a sse.—__—___]                                                           BR14 Special Section E::::I
     C4a Class of station                                                                C3a Assigned freq. band                                           CSa Noise temperature
     C4b Nature of service                                                                   CBéa Polarization type                                         Céb Polarization angle :l                    C8d/C8g Max. pwr [___________]
     C11fa1 Service area no.                        C11a2 Service area [_—____:}                                                                                                                                      C11a3 Service area diagram
 [A5/AE Coordination              | 1060                     [a |                                                                                                                                                                                            |
     AZa Date of bringing into use                                A2b Period of valid.              Asa Op. agency                          A3b Adm. resp.                 BR16 Value of type CSb [___]              BR17 Reason for C8c/C8e absent D
                                                                                                           CZa Assigned frequency
           13.761     |s     |[      13.789         |e       |]                      L___|                         |         I                         L       _I                  E_
                      A13                                         ove                      C8a1/CS8b1                C8a2/C8b2                         CBci                CB8c2                Cde
           Ref. to Special Sections                       Design. of emission            Max. peak pwr             Max. pwr dens.                 Min. peak pwr       Min. pwr dens.          C/N ratio
          1| ARLL/A                  563                 1 18M0r9w——                              27                     —36                              13.6                —49 .4               30
          2| AR1I1/C                2456                 2| 22M0G7TW——                            30 .6                  —42 .8                           13.6                —59.8                25
                                                         3| 2M00G7W——                             27                     —36                              13 .6               —49 .4               25
                C10b1                      C10b4    C10b3                    C10b5                   C10c1a/C10c1b                C10c2               C10c3           C10cd4a           C10c4b                                      C10cd4c
       Assoc. earth station name            Ctry    Type               Geographical coord,             Cls. / Nat.               Max. iso.           Bmuwdth        Ref. pattern       Rad, diag.                   Coef     Coef     Coef    Coef    Phil
                                                                                                                                   gain                                                                              A         B       C       D
       [TYPICAL K4.5 METER                               T                       |                         1| rc       [CP                54.4             0.31| REC—580

                    2D Date[_________]               134 Conformity with RR _                               1381 Provision[__________] 1382 Remarks [______]                                                             13B3 Date of Review E:_—_::l
     13C Remarks      |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
 [3] BRizeR7h Group id                                                                       BRiz Special Section ________——____]
     C4a Class of station                                                                C3a Assigned freq. band                                           CSa Noise temperature                                >
     C4b Nature of service                                                                    Cbéa Polarization type                                        C6b Polarization angle [:                    C8d/C8g Max. pwr ]_—___::I
     C11a1 Service area no.                         C1fa2 Service area [_______]                                                                                                                                      C11a3 Service area diagram
 [ASWAE Coordination              |1060                      [R   ]|                                                                                                                                                                                         ]
     AZa Date of bringing into use    |09.12.2006                 A2b Period of valid.              Asa Op. agency                          A3b Adm. resp.                 BR16 Value of type CSb [___]              BR17 Reason for C8c/C8e absent [:

                                                                                                                             Page / pagina 9

>                  Atfa Space station [USASAT—2 6A                                    ]              A1f Notifying adm.                                     BR1 Date of receipt [09.12.2001_]                     BR20/BR21 IFIC no.lpart ______]                     |
    |      BR6a/BR6b 1d. no‘{ 101520094 {           945200941                    BR3a/BR3b Provision reference l §9.6                         C                                BR2 Adm. serial no.l                                   l         HLSRS      HEL

                                                                                                                   CZa Assigned frequency
              13.752     [ss   _|       13.9s9s     |s          |          14.002         [ss    |         i14.498s        [ss          |                    |           [                  [      [                    |      I                |
                       A13                                            CTa                            CBa1t/C8b1             C8a2/C8b2                       Cécit                   C8c2                 Cde
              Ref. to Special Sections                     Design. of emission                   Max. peak pwr             Max. pwr dens.               Min. peak pwr          Min. pwr dens.          C/N ratio
             1| AR1IL/A                 563                1]1MOOF9D—~                                  —18                      —78                           —18               ‘     —78                  13.8
             2| ARLI1/C                2456

                    C10b1                   C10b4    C10b3                        C10b5                      C10c1a/lC10c1b                  C10c2          C10c3              C10c4a            C10c4b                                   C10cd4c
          Assoc. earth station name          Ctry    Type                   Geographical coord.                 Cls. / Nat.                 Max. iso.      Bmwdth            Ref. pattern       Rad. diag.                  Coef   Coef     Coef    Coef    Phi
                                                                                                                                              gain                                                                           A      B         C      D
           TT&C K4.5 METER                                 T                                                       1| TK          |OT           54.4              0.31| REC—580
                                                                                                                   2| TD          |OT
                       2D Date E:]                    13A Conformity with RRI:l                                     13B1 Provision {::::]                                           13B2 Remarks :::                           13B3 Date of Review[::
        13C Remarks      |                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |

    [a] ~Bta/d1b Beamdesignation [ Kor                    Wt62 EmiRep [E                                                          (ilh ol bgat/bab/asb?aMax..ant:gain|                               44 |} s ... Bad Pointing accuracy:[___0 .1
     B3a?/83b2b Ant. gain cont. diag.                 B3f Ant. gain vs orbit long. diag.                                                                                                                                          '
     B3e1 Rad.diag.     [____]        B3e2 Ref. pat. [____________________]                                                                 B3e3 Coef. A[______]                        B3e4 Coef. B[______]

    [3 érrarears Group id ser]_                                                                      BR73 Special Section [_____—_—__]
        C4a Class of station                                                                     C3a Assigned freq. band
        C4b Nature of service                                                                         C6éa Polarization type                                           C6b Polarization angle[_______]            C8d/C8g Max. pwr
        C1T1fa1 Service area no.                     C11a2 Service area [________]                                                                                                                                          C11a3 Service area diagram
    [AS/A6 Coordination             [1060                       [R   _]                                                                                                                                                                                           ]
        Aza Date of bringing into use                                AZb Period of valid.                   Aga Op. agency                          A3b Adm. resp.                  BR16 Value of type CBb[___]              BR17Z Reason for C8c/CSe absent [___]
                                                                                                                   CZa Assigned frequency
              10.975      |G            11.075        |6                    11.175          |G             11.525            |G                   11.625         |G6
              11.025      G             11.125       G                      11.475         G               11.575           G                     11.675         G

                       A13                                                CTa                        C8a1/C8b1               C8a2/C8b2                      CBci                    C8c2                 Cde
             Ref. to Special Sections                      Design. of emission                   Max. peak pwr             Max. pwr dens.               Min. peak pwr          Min. pwr dens.          C/N ratio
             1| ARI1/A                   563               1 36M0Fr9w——                                      5.5                        —57.5                    ~13.9                 —76 .9                15
             2|ar1i1/c                  2456               2 18M0Fr9w——                                      5.5                        —57.5                    —16.9                 —79.9                 15
                                                           31   50M0G7TW——                                 19.5                         —57.5                    —17.5                 —94.5                 10
                                                           a 36MoG7w——                                     18 .1                        —57.5                    —18.9                 —94.5                 10
                                                           5|   22M0G7TW——                                 15.9                         —57.5                    —21.1                 —942.5                10
                                                           6    6MO0G7TW——                                 10 .3                        —57.5                    ~21.2                 —94.5                 10
                                                           7|   2M00G7W——                                    5.5                        —57.5                    —31.5                 —94.5                 10
                                                           s a4kocip——                                    —11                           —57.5                    —48 .1                —94 .5                10

                                                                                                                                        Page / pagina 11

          Afa Space station |USASAT—2 6A                                         A1f Notifying adm.                                      BR1 | Date of reéeipt                         —BR20/BR21 IFIC noJpart[/_____]
|___BR6a/BR6b Id. no.| 101520094 |__94520094]                          BR3a/BR3b Provision referencels9.6                 C               f             BR2 Adm. serial no.

                                                                                                 CZa Assigned frequency
         10 .975     G             11.075      G                  11.175        G           11,525     G          11. 625                  G
         11.025      G             11.125      G                  11.475        G           11.575     G          11,675                   G

                    A13                                     C7a                      C8a1/CB8b1               Caa2/C8b2                  CBct                 C8c2                CBe
         Ref. to Special Sections                   Design. of emission             Max. peak pwr           Max. pwr dens.          Min. peak pwr        Min. pwr dens.         C/N ratio
        1 ARLI1/A                  563             1| 36MOFSW——                              5.5                  —57.5                       2 .4               —60.5               15
        2| ARLL/C                 2456             2| 18M0FIW——                              5.5                  —57.5                     —0 .5                —63.5               15
                                                   3| 5OMOGTW——                             19.5                  —57.5                     —1.1                 —78 .1              10
                                                   4    3 6MOGTH——                          18 .1                   —57.5                      —2,.5             —78 .1                10
                                                   5 22M0G7W——                              15.9                    —~57.5                     —4.7              —78 .1                10
                                                   6|   6MOOG7w——                           10 .3                   —57.5                  ~10.3                 —78 .1                10
                                                   7| 2M0067W——                              5.5                    —57.5                  —15.1                 ~78 .1                10
                                                   8| 44KOG1ID——                           —11                      —57.5                  —31 .7                —78 .1                10
               C10b1                  C10b4   C10b3                     C10b5                 C10c1a/C10c1b              ~C10c2         C10c3            C10c4a            C10c4b       C10c§                      C10cd4c
      Assoc. earth station name        Ctry    Type               Geographical coord.           Cls. / Nat.             Max. iso.      Bmwdth          Ref, pattern       Rad. diag.    Noise      Coef     Coef     Coef    Coef   Phii
                                                                                                                          gain                                                          temp.       A        B         C      D
   [TYPICAL K1.2 METER                             T                        |                       1|TCc     [CP             41.5          1.39| REC—580                                    150
                   20 Date[ _______]           13A Conformity with RR [_________]                    1381 Provision __________]                               1382 Remarks [___________]               13B3 Date of Review __________]
 13C Remarks         [                                                                                                                                                                                                                 __]|
[_]      BR7A/BRTb Group id.                804|                                      BR14 Special Section                                         ]
C4a Class of station                                                                C3a Assigned freq. band
C4b Nature of service                                                                  C6a Polarization type                                   C6b Polarization angle[________|             C§8d/C8g Max. pwr
 C1fa1 Service area no.                        C11a2 Service area [________]                                                                                                                          C11a3 Service area diagram
[AS/A6 Coordination           [1060                     [R   ]|
AZa Date of bringing into use                                AZb Period of valid.            Asa Op. agency [_99]               A3b Adm. resp.                BR16 Value of type CSb [___]           BR17 Reason for C8c/C8e absent [___]
                                                                                                    CZa Assigned frequency
         10 .975     G             11.075      G                  11,.175       G           11,525           G                11.625       G
         11.025      G             11.125      G                  11.475        G           11,.575          G                11.675       G

                   A13                                     C7a                       C8a1/CBb1                Céa2/CBb2                   CBct                C8cZ                 Cde
        Ref. to Special Sections                   Design. of emission              Max. peak pwr           Max. pwr dens.           Min. peak pwr       Min. pwr dens.          C/N ratio
        1| ARL1/A                   563            1    36M0OFIW——                           5.5                    —57.5                       5.5              —57.5                 14 .5
        2| ARLL1/C                 2456            2    18M0F9w——                            5.5                    ~57.5                    3                   —59.9                 15
                                                   3|   5OMOGTW——                           19.5                    —57.5                    2.5                 ~74.5                 10
                                                   4    36M0G7IW——                          18 .1                   —57.5                    1                   —74.5                 10
                                                   5    22M0G7W——                           15.9                    —57.5                   —1.1                 ~74.5                 10
                                                   6    emooctw——                           10.3                    —57.5                   —6.7                 ~74.5                 10
                                                   7|   2M0067w——                            5.5                    —57.5                  —11.5                 —74.5                 10
                                                   8|   44KO0G1D——                         —11                      —57.5                  —28 .1                ~74 .5                10

                                                                                                                    Page / pagina 13

V              A1fa Space station [USASAT—2 6A                A1f Notifying adm.|                                         USA                          BR1 Date ofreceipt[09.12.2001_| _                  BR20/BR21 IFIC no.Jpart[/______]
    |___BR6a/BR6b Id. no. 101520094 | 94520094      BR32/BR3b Provision reference |                                       59.6          C                              BR2 Adm. seria | no.

                                                                                                            CZa Assigned frequency
          10.952      |e     ]       i1.1g9s     [ss        |         i1.45s2       [ss    |]        11.698         |[6                                 [         [                    |      [                          |                   [
                     A13                                       CTa                         C8a1/C8b1                  C8a2/C8b2                        CBc1                  C8c2                   Cde
          Ref. to Special Sections                     Design. of emission                Max. peak pwr             Max. pwr dens.                Min. peak pwr         Min. pwr dens.            C/N ratio
          1| ARLL/A                   563              1|   144KG9D——                               —10                         —61.6                       —10                  —61.6                  36.9
          2 |ARLL/C                  2456              2|   200KGBX——                               —10                         —63                         —10                  —63                    35 .4
                                                       3    |200KGID——                              —10                         —63                         —10                  —63                    35.4

                 C10b1                   C10b4   C10b3                      C10b5                      C10cta/lC10c1b                  C10c2          C10c3             C10cd4a             C10c4b       C10c5                      C10c4c
       Assoc. earth station name          Ctry    Type                Geographical coord.                 Cls. / Nat.                 Max. iso.      Bmuwdth          Ref. pattern         Rad. diag.    Noise        Coef   Coef     Coef       Coef   Phi1
                                                                                                                                        gain                                                             temp.         A      B        C          D
       TTEC K4.5 METER                                 T                                                    1| TR         |OT             52.9              0.37| REC—580                                   150
                                                                                                            2| TK         |OT

                    2D Date _]                     13A Conformity with RR _________]                         1981 Provision [__________]                                     1382 Remarks [___________]                  13B3 Date of Review [___________]
     13C Remarks      |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
    C] BRraeRih Group . s1                                                                      BR73 Special Section _
    C4a Class of station                                                                  C3a Assigned freq. band
     C4b Nature of service                                                                      Cba Polarization type                                        C6b Polarization angle ]::I                  C8d/C8g Max. pwr
    C11a1 Service area no.                        C11a2 Service area [::]                                                                                                                                               C11a3 Service area diagram
    [AS/A6 Coordination          [1060                      [r   _|                                                                                                                                                                                            ]
    AZa Date of bringing into use                                AZb Period of valid.                 Ada Op. agency [_99]                   A3b Adm. resp.                  BR16 Value of type CSb [___]              BR17 Reason for C8c/C8e absent ‘:l
                                                                                                            CZa Assigned frequency
          i10.952     |s     |       ii.1i9s     [ss        |]        11.452        [s_    |         11.698         _|6                                 |         I                    |      [                          [                   [
                      A13                                      CTa                          C8at/CBb1                 C8a2/C8b2                         Cact                 C8c2                   Cde
           Ref. to Special Sections                    Design. of emission                Max. peak pwr             Max. pwr dens.                 Min. peak pwr        Min. pwr dens.            C/N ratio
          1| ARLL/A                 563                1 |144KG9D——                              —10                      —61 .6                          —10                   —61 .6                 41.9
          2| AR1L/C                  2456              2]200KGID——                                  —10                         —63                         —10                  —63                    40 .4
                                                       3| 25KONON——                                 —10                         —54                         —10                  —54                    49.5

                 C10b1                   C10b4   C10b3                      C10b5                         C10c1a/C10c1b                C10c2          C10c3             C10c4a              C10c4b       C10c5                      C10c4c
       Assoc. earth station name         Ctry     Type                Geographical coord.                   Cis. / Nat.               Max. iso.       Bmwdth          Ref. pattern         Rad. diag.    Noise        Coef   Coef    Coef        Coef   Phii
                                                                                                                                        gain                                                             temp.         A      B       C           D
       [TYPICAL K8.0 METER                              T                       |                           1|Tk      |CP                   57.9            0.21| REC—580                                       150

                    2D Date[________|]             13A Conformity with          rr _____]                    1981 Provision [_________] 1382 Remarks ______]                                                             13B3 Date of Review :::
     13C Remarks      [                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ]

                                                                                                                                Page / pagina 15


                   NOTE 1                                                 NOTE 1                                          NOTE 1

Faisceau KGR                                             Beam KGR                                       KGR
La couverture de l‘antenne est en fait                   The antenna coverage actually consists         En realidad, la cobertura de la antena
assurée par plusieurs faisceaux orientables              of multiple steerable beams that can be        consiste   en  una    serie de   haces
pouvant étre pointés vers un point visible               pointed to any part of the visible Earth.      orientables que pueden ser dirigidos a
quelconque de la Terre.                                                                                 cualquier lugar visible de la Tierra.

                   NOTE 2                                                 NOTE 2                                          NOTE 2

Pour faire en sorte que toutes les émissions             All Space—to—Earth transmissions       will    Las transmisiones Espacio—Tierra deben
Espace—vers—Terre satisfassent aux limites               comply with the PFD limits in Article $21      satisfacer los limites de densidad de flujo
de puissance surfacique indiquées dans                   of the   Radio    Regulations    using   the   de potencia que figuran en el Articulo $21
l‘Article    $21    du_     Réglement             des    technique in the Radio Regulations Board       del Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones
Radiocommunications,             on         procédera    Rule of Procedure and its annex                utilizando la técnica en la Regla de
comme suit sur la Régle de Procédure du                  concerning No. $21.16 (1998 edition).          procedimiento de la Junta del Reglamento
Comité      du       Réglement      des                                                                 de Radiocomunicaciones y su anexo con
radiocommunications         et        son     annexe                                                    respecto al numero $21.16 (edicion
concernant    le   numéro        $21.16       (édition                                                  1998).

                                                                       Page / pagina 16

Figure / Figura 1


                                                        USASAT—26A (37.5° W)
                                                       FaisceauBeam/Haz: KGR
                                                           Gmax: 44.0 dBi

                                    Zone de service/Service area/Zona de servicio: GLOBAL (No. 01)

                                                             Page / pagina 17

Figure / Figura 2


                                                       USASAT—26A (37.5° W)
                                                      Faisceau/Beam/Haz: KGR

                                                                   Obstructed Zone
                                                                   Zone Occultée
                                                                   Zona Ocultada



                        ;!’   307
                        §     25—
                        &     20—
                        8                                  $#
                              15—                          7/ 4

                              i6                           ///

                                                              T        T        T     T     T     I     t     1

                                   0   30   60   90   12     150      180      210   240   270   300   330   360

                                                            Long. (Deg. / Grados)

                                                            Page / pagina 18

OBSERVATIONS DU BUREAU DES                               RADIOCOMMUNICATION BUREAU                                        OBSERVACIONES DE LA OFICINA DE
RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS                                      COMMENTS                                                         RADIOCOMUNICACIONES

Relatives aux modifications figurant dans la             Relating to the modifications contained in                       Relativas a las modificaciones contenidas
présente publication                                     this publication                                                 en esta publicacion
Cette demande de coordination concerne                   This request for coordination concerns the                       Esta solicitud de coordinacion concierne la
la modification suivante aux                             following modification to the satellite                          modificacion siguiente a las caracteristicas
caractéristiques du réseau a satellite :                 network‘s characteristics:                                       de la red de satélite:
Faisceaux suppléementaires : KGR                         Additional beams : KGR                                           Haces adicionales : KGR

Notes:                                                   Notes:                                                           Notas:
1) Veuillez vous reporter a la Lettre circulaire         1) Please refer to Circular—Letter No. 902 of 25                 1) En la carta circular N° 902 del 25 de mayo
   No. 902 du 25 mai 1992 pour une                            May 1992 for a description of the Space                        de 1992 figura una descripcion del Sistema
   description du_ Systéeme de Réseaux                        Network System (SNS).                                            de Redes Espaciales (SNS).
   Spatiaux (SNS).
2)   Pour un faisceau modifié, l‘indicateur "M"          2)   For a modified             beam,         indicator   "M"    2)    En el   caso de     un       haz   modificado,   el
     précéde le point B1.                                     precedes item B1.                                                indicador "M" precede al punto B1.
3)   Pour un groupe modifié, l‘indicateur "M"            3)   For   a    modified       group,     indicator       "M"    3)    En el caso de un grupo modificado, el
     précéde le point C4a.                                    precedes item C4a.                                             indicador "M" precede al punto C4a.
4) Pour un faisceau ou un groupe de                      4)   For   an    additional     beam      or      group     of   4) En el caso de un haz o grupo de
   faisceaux supplémentaire(s), I‘indicateur                  frequency      assignments,          indicator        "A"      asignaciones de frecuencia adicional, el
   "A"    précéde le point     correspondant                  precedes       the        corresponding              item      indicador    "A"     precede     al punto
     mentionné aux notes 2 et 3 ci—dessus.                    mentioned in notes 2 and 3 above.                                correspondiente mencionado en las notas 2
                                                                                                                               y 3.
5) Afin de permettre de visualiser pleinement            5) To permit complete visualization of the                       5)    Para poder visualizar completamente el haz
   le ou les faisceau(x) modifié(s), tous les               modified beam(s), all the groups of                                o los haces modificados, todos los grupos
     groupes d‘assignations de fréquence (y                 frequency      assignments        (including                       de asignaciones de frecuencia (incluidos los
     compris les groupes non—modifiés qui ont               previously published unmodified groups of                          grupos      no      modificados         publicados
     fait   l‘objet   de   publications   antérieures)      frequency assignments) pertaining to the                           anteriormente) pertenecientes al haz o los
     relatifs a ce faisceau sont publiés dans la            beam are published in this Special Section.                        haces se publican en esta Seccion Especial.
     présente Section spéciale.
6)   Les lettres—circulaires CR/58 (21.10.96) et         6)   Circular—Letters      CR/58        (21.10.96)        and    6)    Las cartas circulares CR/58 (21.10.96) y
     CR/65      (22.11.96)     fournissent   des              CR/65        (22.11.96)        provide         detailed          CR/65      (22.11.96)         dan    informaciones
     explications      détaillées    concernant    les        explanations     —regarding        the       information         detalladas relativas a las informaciones del
     renseignements relatifs a I‘Appendice $4                 requirements of Appendix S$4 to the Radio                        Apéndice      S$4       del     Reglamento        de
                                                              Regulations.                                                     Radiocomunicaciones.

                                                                             Page / pagina 19

Relatives     aux    observations    des    Relating _to comments administrations       Relativas a las observaciones de las
administrations     concernant      cette   may have on this coordination request       administraciones sobre esta solicitud de
demande de coordination

Toute la correspondance relative a cette    All correspondence regarding this request   Toda la correspondencia relativa a la
demande de coordination doit         étre   for coordination is to be addressed (with   presente solicitud de coordinacion debe
adressée (avec copie au Bureau des          copy to the Radiocommunication Bureau)      ser enviada (con copia a la Oficina de
radiocommunications) a:                     to:                                         Radiocomunicaciones) a:

                                            FEDERAL           COMMUNICATIONS
                                            INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                            ATTENTION:      MR.    RICHARD     B.
                                            445, 12TH STREET, S.W.
                                            WASHINGTON, DC 20554
                                            UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                            TELEFAX: +1 202 418 1208/ 418 0398
                                            TELEX: 025 VIA TWX 7108220160

                                                           Page / pagina 21

                                    Engineering Certification

        I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for preparation of
the engineering information contained in this exhibit of Loral CyberStar, Inc.; that I am familiar
with Parts 21 and 25 of the Commission‘s rules; that I have either prepared or reviewed the
engineering information contained in the underlying application; and that it is complete and
accurate to the best of my knowledge.

                                      Dated the 20th day of November 2001


                                      Sundaram C. Moorthy
                                      Vice President, Satellite and Spectrum Development
                                      Loral Skynet®!‘

‘ Skynet is a registered trademark of Loral SpaceCom Corporation

Exhibit 1

Document Created: 2016-12-28 16:59:45
Document Modified: 2016-12-28 16:59:45

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