Attachment 2002EchoStar-OA DA 0

2002EchoStar-OA DA 0




This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20010810-00071 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                    Federal Communications Commission                                   DA 02—118

                                                 Before the
                                    Federal Communications Commission
                                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

EchoStar Satellite Corporation                                       File Nos.
Application for Minor Modification of
Direct Broadcast Satellite Authorization,                            Call Sign DBS8801
Launch and Operating Authority for EchoStar 7

                                     ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION

Adopted: January 15, 2002                   j                          Released: January 16, 2002

By the Chief, Satellite and Radiocommunication Division, International Bureau:

                                                 I. INTRODUCTION

         1.        By this Order, we grant EchoStar Satellite Corporation ("EchoStar") authority to launch
and operate a new direct broadcast satellite ("DBS"), EchoStar 7, and co—locate it with EchoStar‘s
existing network of satellites at the 119° W.L. orbital location. This authorization will allow EchoStar to
use its frequencies at 119° W.L. more efficiently and expand its programming options, thereby serving
the public interest.

                                                 II. BACKGROUND

       2.      EchoStar provides DBS service to U.S. consumers from the 61.5° W.L., 110° W.L.,
119° W.L., and 148° W.L. orbit locations.‘ EchoStar now seeks to launch and operate a new satellite,
EchoStar 7, and co—locate it with its EchoStar 4 and EchoStar 6 satellites at 119° W.L.* In support of its
application, EchoStar explains that EchoStar 7, a spot beam satellite, will increase DBS consumers‘
programming choices, improve EchoStar‘s spectrum efficiency, and enhance the system‘s capacity to
provide local broadcast signals under the broadcast signal carriage provisions of the Satellite Home

‘ Application of EchoStar Satellite Corporation for Minor Modification of DBS Authorization, Launch and
Operating Authority for EchoStar 7, File Nos. SAT—MOD—20010810—00071 & SAT—A/O—20010810—00073, at 1
(August 10, 2001) (EchoStar Application).

> Id. at 2. EchoStar is authorized to operate DBS channels 1—21 at the 119° W.L. orbit location. Id. at 2 & nn.3, 4.
EchoStar 4 and EchoStar 6 are currently located at 118.9° W.L. and 119.05° W.L., respectively. Id. at 3. See also
EchoStar Satellite Corporation, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 15 FCC Red 23636, 23642 14 (Sat. &
Radiocomm. Div. 2000).

                                    Federal Communications Commission                                   DA 02—118

Viewer Improvement Act of 1999 ("SHVIA") and the Commission‘s rules implementing SHVIA
These provisions (otherwise known as "local—into—local" service) require satellite carriers to carry — upon
request — all local television broadcast stations‘ signals in local markets in which the satellite carriers
carry at least one television broadcast signal pursuant to the statutory copyright license, subject to other
carriage provisions of SHVIA.*
       3.   In response to public notice of EchoStar‘s application," Northpoint Technology, Ltd. and
Broadwave USA, Inc. (collectively, "Northpoint") and the National Association of Broadcasters
("NAB") filed pleadings,® to which EchoStar responded.‘ Among other things, Northpoint requested that
we stay action on EchoStar‘s application, asserting that EchoStar had not made all the technical data in
its application publicly available.‘ EchoStar, subsequently, provided that information to Northpoint.
Consequently, Northpoint withdrew its motion for stay." Accordingly, it is unnecessary to address issues
related to the stay request.

> EchoStar Application at 6—7 (citing the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act of 1999, Pub. L. No. 106—113,
113 Stat. 1501, 1501A—526 to 1501A—545 (November 29, 1999) ("SHVIA"), codified at 47 U.S.C. § 338, and
Implementation of the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act of 1999, CS Docket No. 00—96, Report and Order,
16 FCC Red 1918 (2000), Order on Reconsideration, 16 FCC Red 16544 (2001)). The U.S. Court of Appeals for
the Fourth Circuit recently upheld the constitutional validity of SHVIA and the reasonableness of the Commission‘s
rules promulgated thereunder. See Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association v. FCC, __ F.3d ____,
2001 WL 1557809 (4th Cir., December 7, 2001).

*47 U.S.C. §338; 47 C.F.R. § 76.66(b).

5 Public Notice, Report No. SAT—00080 (rel. August 24, 2001).

° See Petition of Northpoint Technology, Ltd. and Broadwave USA, Inc. to Stay Proceedings Pending Disclosure
and Analysis of Data Regarding Planned Signals, File Nos. SAT—MOD—20010810—00071 & SAT—A/O—20010810—
00073 (September 24, 2001) (Northpoint Petition); Letter of Henry L. Baumann & Benjamin F.P. Ivins to Magalie
Roman Salas, Secretary, FCC, File Nos. SAT—MOD—20010810—00071 & SAT—A/O—20010810—00073 (September
24, 2001) (NAB Comments).                                                '

" Opposition of EchoStar Satellite Corporation and Motion to Strike, File Nos. SAT—MOD—20010810—00071 &
SAT—A/O0—20010810—00073 (October 4, 2001) (EchoStar Opposition). EchoStar‘s Opposition claims that NAB
violated the Commission‘s ex parte rules for restricted proceedings by not serving its comments on EchoStar; rather,
EchoStar obtained a copy of NAB‘s comments from members of the press. Id. at 9 (citing 47 C.F.R. § 1.1208). We
do not find that the failure to serve these comments has tainted the application proceeding, and it does not appear
that EchoStar‘s ability to fully and fairly present arguments regarding the issues in NAB‘s comments was unduly
prejudiced by the lack of service. See, e.g., Beehive Telephone, Inc., et al. v. The Bell Operating Companies,
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 12—FCC Red 17930, 17945—46 30 (1997) (citing PA4TCO v. FLRA, 685 F.2d
547, 564 (D.C. Cir. 1982)), aff‘d, 179 F.3d 941 (D.C. Cir. 1999).

® Northpoint Petition at 1—2.

° Notice of Withdrawal of Motion to Stay; Opposition to Motion to Strike; and Reply Comments of Northpoint
Technology, Ltd. and Broadwave USA, Inc., File Nos. SAT—MOD—20010810—00071 & SAT—A/O—20010810—00073,
at 1—2 (October 15, 2001) (Northpoint Reply).

                                    Federal Communications Commission                                    DA 02—118

                                                III. DISCUSSION

         4.      Northpoint and NAB‘s primary concerns relate to EchoStar‘s satellite design,
specifically, that one of the proposed EchoStar 7 spot beams will be directed toward Mexico."
Northpoint comments that if EchoStar‘s purpose in launching EchoStar 7 is to enhance EchoStar‘s
capacity to provide local broadcast signals into local markets pursuant to SHVIA, then the Commission
should require EchoStar to direct all of its proposed spot beams to locations within the United States."
NAB similarly comments that it is inconsistent for EchoStar to argue, in other proceedings, that it lacks
capacity to offer local—into—local service in additional cities, while designing a satellite with a beam over
Mexico." EchoStar responds that EchoStar 7 is designed "to maximize service to the entire United
States, including Alaska and Hawaii," and it could not technically direct this beam into the United States
without causing harmful self—interference into other spot beams in EchoStar‘s fleet." Rather than leave
one spot beam slot unused, EchoStar "decided to direct it toward Mexico, where it may be used in the
event it becomes economically and legally feasible for EchoStar to provide DBS service in that
         3.      SHVIA does not require DBS operators to use all satellite beams for local—into—local
service, nor does SHVIA mandate a specific satellite design based on the satellite‘s potential to provide
local—into—local service. Rather, satellite carriers have the choice to serve any particular local market. A
review of the EchoStar 7 application reveals that 14 out of 15 beams are directed to the United States,
allowing for increased efficiency and capacity to enable EchoStar to increase the number of local
communities it may choose to serve under SHVIA‘s broadcast signal carriage provisions." Commission
policy allows satellite operators flexibility in the technical design of their space stations to best
implement their business plans.‘" In addition, we note that the Commission permits DBS licensees to
provide DBS service in other countries, in accordance with U.S. treatyobligations, from U.S. DBS orbit
locations, provided the satellite operator obtains all necessary approvals from the foreign
administration.""‘ For these reasons, we find that granting EchoStar‘s application is in the public interest.

‘° Northpoint Petition at 2—3 & Reply at 2—3; NAB Comments at 1—2.

‘‘ Northpoint Petition at 3.

" NAB Comments at 1—2.

} Id. at 6—7; but see Northpoint Reply at 3—4 (questioning EchoStar‘s technical explanation for EchoStar 7‘s design).

* EchoStar Opposition at 7.

" Id.; see also EchoStar Application, Technical Annex at 4, Table 2—1 (beam number 8 is the beam directed toward

 See, eg., The Establishment ofPolicies and Service Rules for the Mobile Satellite Service in the 2 GHz Band, IB
Docket No. 99—81, Report and Order, 15 FCC Red 16127, 16151 { 50 (2000); Rulemaking to Amend Parts 1, 2, 21,
and 25 of the Commission‘s Rules to Redesignate the 27.5—29.5 GHz Frequency Band, to Reallocate the 29.5—
30.0 GHz Frequency Band, to Establish Rules and Policies for Local Multipoint Distribution Service andfor Fixed
Satellite Services, CC Docket No. 92—297, Third Report and Order, 12 FCC Red 22310, 22322        29 (1997).

 Amendment to the Commission‘s Regulatory Policies Governing Domestic Fixed Satellites and Separate
International Satellite Systems, IB Docket No. 95—14, Report and Order, 11 FCC Red 2429, 2439 J« 66—67 (1996).


                                   Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 02—118

        6.     In considering EchoStar‘s application, we must evaluate its interference potential to
other DBS permittees and to the radiocommunications systems of other countries. In particular, we must
determine whether the EchoStar 7 satellite will be operated in accordance with Appendices $30 and
S30A of the International Telecommunication Union ("ITU") Radio Regulations. Because the technical
parameters of EchoStar‘s DBS system vary from those set forth for U.S. assignments in the Region 2
broadcasting satellite service ("BSS") plans and its associated Feeder Link Plan," the Commission must
request modification of the Region 2 BSS Plan and its associated Feeder Link Plan for the EchoStar 7
satellite." Annex 1 of Appendices $30 and $30A provide the methodology and criteria for determining
whether a proposed satellite system (i.e., a proposed modification to the Plan) might interfere with
frequency assignments in accordance with the Region 2 BSS Plan and its associated Feeder Link Plan,
other satellite systems, or terrestrial services."" If the limits in Annex 1 are exceeded, the system must be
coordinated with the affected systems or services.
         7s      In that regard, we remind EchoStar that its satellite operations are not guaranteed
protection from interference from systems licensed by other Administrations operating in accordance
with the ITU Radio Regulations until the Region 2 BSS Plan and its associated Feeder Link Plan are
modified to include the technical parameters of EchoStar 7. Further, we condition operation of
EchoStar 7 such that, until the Region 2 BSS Plan and its associated Feeder Link Plan are modified to
include EchoStar 7‘s parameters, it shall not cause greater interference than that which would occur from
the current USA Plan assignments at 119° W.L. to other BSS or feeder link assignments, or other
services or satellite systems, operating in accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations. EchoStar will be
expected to provide continuing documentation, as necessary, for either the coordination or agreement—
seeking process.*‘

                                        IV. ORDERING CLAUSES

       8.      Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, that the Application of EchoStar Satellite Corporation
for Minor Modification of DBS Authorization, Launch and Operating Authority for EchoStar 7, File
Nos. SAT—MOD—20010810—00071 & SAT—A/O—20010810—00073, IS GRANTED, and EchoStar Satellite
Corporation IS AUTHORIZED to launch and operate its satellite, EchoStar 7, using channels 1—21 at the

} The International Telecommunication Union ("ITU") Radio Regulations divide the world into three Regions.
Generally, Region 1 includes Africa, Europe, Northern and Western portions of Asia; Region 2 includes the
Americas and Greenland; and Region 3 includes Southern portions of Asia, Australia and the South Pacific. See
ITU Radio Regulations Article $5, Section I. Unless referring specifically to the Region 2 BSS Plan and its
associated Feeder Link Plan, in the United States the term "DBS" is used interchangeably with "BSS."

* Some of these varying parameters include type of emission, size of receive dish antennas and the use of spot

* See ITU Radio Regulations, Appendices $30 and $30A.

* This includes, but is not limited to, the submission of any information or analyses necessary for completing the
Plan modification process. Modifications of the BSS Plans are expected not only to continue, but also to increase,
in the future. Accordingly, EchoStar may be required to assist the Commission in future cases in which it must
coordinate with or grant agreement to the Administrations of later implemented systems regarding EchoStar‘s

                                 Federal Communications Commission                               DA 02—118

119° W.L. orbit location in accordance with the terms, representations, and technical specifications set
forth in its application.
        9.      IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the authorization granted in this Order is subject to the
following conditions: (1) until the International Telecommunication Union ("ITU") Region 2 BSS Plan
and its associated Feeder Link Plan are modified to include the technical parameters of EchoStar 7 and
its associated feeder links, this satellite system shall not cause greater interference than that which would
occur from the current U.S. assignments in the Region 2 BSS Plan at 119° W.L. to other BSS or feeder
link assignments, or other services or satellite systems operating in accordance with the ITU Radio
Regulations; and (2) no protection from interference caused by radio stations authorized by other
Administrations is guaranteed to EchoStar 7 unless and until Appendices $30 and S$30¥ plan
modification procedures are successfully and timely completed.
         10.     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that EchoStar Satellite Corporation shall coordinate all
transfer orbit Telemetry, Tracking, and Control operations with other potentially affected in—orbit DBS
         14.     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that EchoStar Satellite Corporation has 30 days from the
date of the release of this Order and Authorization to decline this authorization as conditioned. Failure
to respond within that period will constitute formal acceptanceof the authorization as conditioned.
         12;    This Order and Authorization is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s
rules on delegations of authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release.

                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                     x "{
                                                  Thomas S. Tycz
                                                  Chief, Satellite and Radiocommu
                                                                            ication Division
                                                  International Bureau

Document Created: 2019-04-22 00:54:56
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 00:54:56

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