Attachment Loral ex parte ltr s

Loral ex parte ltr s


ex parte


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19991102-00106 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                         EX PARTE OR LATE FiLED

LOMRAL                                            RECEINED
  Space & Communications Ltd.                     rR
      1755 Jefferson Davis Hwy.                                                          John P. Stern
                   Suite 1007                          SEP 2 0 2001
   Arlington, VA 22202—3501                                                              Depuly:General Counsel
                (703) 414—1060
           Fax: (703) 414—1079                 reawnai.ornce
                                                        communiCARON®  COXMSABION
                                                             of me sEcaEmIN

                                          September 20, 2001

Ms. Magalie Roman Salas
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street SW, TW—A325
Washington, DC 20554

Re:        Ex Parte Presentation in File Nos. SAT—MOD—19991102—00106; SAT—MOD—19991101—
           00107; SAT—MOD—19991101—00108; SAT—MOD—19991101—00109

Dear Ms. Salas:

       Laurence Atlas and I (Loral Space & Communications Ltd.), Robert Hedinger, R. Victor
Bernstein, Richard Currier (Loral Skynet), and Phil Verveer (Willkie Farr & Gallagher) met
yesterday with Thomas Tycz, Fern Jarmulnek, John Martin and Jennifer Gilsenan of the
International Bureau to discuss and review certain technical details contained in the above
referenced pending requests for modifications to certain Loral satellite authorizations and to
discuss the status of the requests.

           All of these modification requests are "permit but disclose" proceedings. Pursuant to
section 1.1206(b) of the Commission‘s ex parte rules, I am submitting an original and 2 copies of
this cover letter with the attached summary of certain technical details of the modification
requests, which was distributed and discussed at yesterday‘s meeting. This attached summary
contains no new data; all the information presented in the summary is also contained in the
pending modification requests filed at the Commission on November 2, 1999.

           Please contact me at (703) 414—1060 if you have any questions concerning this matter.

                                                John P. Stern
Attachment                                                                n    Apmas
                                                                         ho. of Copies rec‘d   (Zi;
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              Review of Telstar 8:
         Loral‘s First Ka—band Satellite

@_QRAL SKYNET"     Loral Skynet Proprietary   RHC, 9/19/01, Page 1

     Telstar 8 Efficiently Uses the Ka—band Spectrum

«_   Operates in 500 MHz of the Ka—band spectrum
     — 19.7 — 20.2 GHz downlink
     — 29.5 —30.0 GHz uplink

«_   Four times frequency re—use: 1584 MHz total used bandwidth

_    Twenty—four 66 MHz (usable bandwidth) uplink spot beams fully
     cover CONUS

«_   Four 396 MHz (usable bandwidth) downlink spot beams cover LA—
     San Francisco, Denver, Chicago, and NY—Washington areas

«_   Six uplink spot beams connect to one downlink spot beam

@_QRAL SKYNET*                 Loral Skynet Proprietary   RHC, 9/19/01, Page 2

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                             Telstar 8 Ka—Band Frequency Plan

29.500 GHz                                      Uplink                                     30.000 GHz

           ‘         Ch 1       Ch 2     Ch 3           Ch 4          Ch 5        Ch 6

   ——»| 66 MHz |———
                   Channel                              .
                                            Downlink                                           20200

                                            Channels 1 to 6

               <                       500 MHz Downlink Channel                           »>

  C        LOMRAL SKYNET                   Loral Skynet Proprietary          =_   RHC, 9/19/01, Page 4

                  Telstar 8 Payload Capabilities

e   NAFTA Coverage at Ku—Band
    —   24 Transponders (each at 36 MHz) (H— & V—pol)
    —   130—W Ku—band linearized TWTAs
    —   Coverage emphasized over SE USA by +2 dB
    —   Interconnectivity between NAFTA and South America

e   NAFTA Coverage at C—Band
    —   22 Transponders (20 at 36 MHz and 2 at 72 MHz)
    —   Twenty 37—W and two 100—W C—band linearized TWTAs
    —   Interconnectivity between NAFTA and South America for 72 MHz transponders

_   Interconnectivity and Broadcast Mode
    —   Between Ku—band South America and NAFTA beams for up to two transponders
    —   Between C—band South America and NAFTA beams for two 72—MHz transponders

%ORAL SKYNET*                      Loral Skynet Proprietary        RHC, 9/19/01, Page 5

NAFTA — Ku—Band Everage Contours


                                                        __—2 dB
                                                        __4 dB
                                                        __—6 dB

                                                        __—10 dB

                                                        __—20 dB

                                                        © Sub—Sat
                                                        @ Ant. Bore

             Loral Skynet Proprietary   RHC, 9/19/01, Page 6

         Telstar 8 — Payload Capabilities (cont.)

_   South America Coverage at C— and Ku— Bands
    — Ku—band coverage over most of South America
    — Ku—band emphasized over east coast of Brazil and Argentina
    — 12 Ku—band transponders (each at 36 MHz)
    — 130—W Ku—band linearized TWTAs
    — C—band coverage over most of South America
    — _6 C—band transponders (each at 72 MHz)
    — 100—W C—band linearized TWTAs with —3 dB OBO

@_QRAL SKYNET*                Loral Skynet Proprietary     RHC, 9/19/01, Page 7

South America — Ku—Band EIRP Coverage Contours
                                              MAX EIRP = 51.6 dBw

                   Loral Skynet Proprietary     RHC, 9/19/01, Page 8

Document Created: 2016-11-03 18:28:57
Document Modified: 2016-11-03 18:28:57

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