Attachment application.pdf

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19971230-00234 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                                     DEC 3 0 1997
                                            Before the                                                       Feders} Con::nunications Commisgion
                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                               Office of Secratary
                              Washington, DC 20554

                                                                                    EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION

                                            m uin t Nt ut S ult Ned Ned twlld Ssd
In the Matter of                                                                     REQUESTED

EchoStar Satellite Corporation                                                      File No. DBS—88—01/68—SAT—ML—96/7D
Directsat Corporation                                                               File No. DBS—88—02/6—SAT—ML—97/7/
                                                                                    File No. 74—SAT—P/L—96/Z1
EchoStar DBS Corporation

Application for Authority to Make
Minor Modifications to Direct                                                                                                   4y3
Broadcast Satellite Authorizations,
Launch and Operation Authority

                      OF DBS AUTHORIZATIONS, LAUNCH
                         AND OPERATION AUTHORITY

David K. Moskowitz                                                                  Philip L. Malet
Senior Vice President and General Counsel                                           Pantelis Michalopoulos
EchoStar Satellite Corporation                                                      James M. Talens
Directsat Corporation                                                               STEPTOE & JOHNSON LLP
EchoStar DBS Corporation                                                            1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
90 Inverness Circle East                                                            Washington DC 20036
Englewood, CO 80112                                                                 202/429—3000

                                                                                    Their Counsel

December 30, 1997


               Pursuant to Section 309 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,

47 U.S.C. § 309, and Parts 25 and 100 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § § 25 and 100,

EchoStar Satellite Corporation ("ESC"), Directsat Corporation ("Directsat") and EchoStar DBS

Corporation ("EchoStar DBS") hereby file this joint application for authority to make certain

minor modifications to their Direct Broadcast Satellite ("DBS") authorizations —— the DBS

licenses of ESC and Directsat and the DBS construction permit of EchoStar DBS." ESC also

applies for authority to Iafinch EchoStar‘s new satellite to the 119.2° W.L. orbital location and

EchoStar DBS applies for authority to operate a satellite at the 148° W.L. orbital slot.*

               Currently, ESC‘s license covers 11 channels at 119° W.L.* Directsat‘s license

covers 10 channels, also at 119° W.L.* ESC and Directsat use these 21 assigned channels

through two 16—transponder satellites launched in December 1995 and September 1996,

respectively. For its part, EchoStar DBS has a construction permit for 24 channels at the 148°

W.L. orbital location.*

1.     The ultimate parent of all three applicants is EchoStar Communications Corporation
("EchoStar"). The three applicants are referred to collectively in this application as "EchoStar."

4       EchoStar files this application in conjunction with other requests filed today by Directsat,
Direct Broadcasting Satellite Corporation ("DBSC"), ESC and EchoStar DBS, seeking a
realignment of those permittees‘ milestones to effectuate the satellite deployment plan proposed

¥      See EchoStar Satellite Corporation, 7 FCC Red. 1765, 1770 (1992).

4      See Directsat Corporation, 8 FCC Red. 7962, 7964 (1993).

 .     See EchoStar DBS Corporation, 11 FCC Red. 16291, 16295 (1996).

                By the instant applications, EchoStar seeks authority to replace one of the two

16—transponder satellites currently operating at 119° W.L. with a new switchable

32/16—transponder satellite due to be launched in March 1998. ESC‘s satellite currently operating

at 119° W.L. will be relocated to 148° W.L. and will operate over 16 of the 24 channels assigned

to EchoStar DBS.

                Grant of this application will allow EchoStar to respond to an extraordinary

challenge never before faced by any U.S. DBS licensee —— integrating several satellites operating

at widely scattered orbital locations into a seamless DBS offering. Launch of a new

32—transponder satellite té the 119.2° W.L. orbital location will allow the ESC satellite currently

operating at 119° W.L. to move to 148° W.L. and provide 16 channels of DBS service almost

immediately. At the same time, with a 32—transponder and a 16—transponder satellite at 119°

W.L., EchoStar will ensure centrally located spare capacity that can back up or complement

satellites at Hhree orbital locations during the critical period when EchoStar will be integrating its

offerings at 119.2° W.L., 148° W.L. and 61.5° W.L.

               The launch of a state—of—the—art satellite to 119.2° W.L. will allow EchoStar to

provide Alaska and Hawaii with more than 120 channels of its main, full—CONUS offering,

including cable channels and superstations. From the 148° W.L. slot, EchoStar will also be able

to offer DBS service to Alaska. The combination of relocating a satellite from 119° W.L. to

148° W.L. and launching a more powerful 32—transponder satellite to 119.2° W.L. will thus

enable EchoStar to serve Alaska from two orbital locations and Hawaii from one orbital location.

               Finally, the proposed modifications will not entail the use of any additional

spectrum resources, will not cause harmful interference to any authorized user of the spectrum,


will not cause substantial additional interference compared to EchoStar‘s current authorizations

or any further substantial departures from the parameters of the Region 2 ITU Plan compared to

the characteristics of the already published satellites.

                Since EchoStar currently plans to launch its next satellite in March 1998,

EchoStar respectfully requests expedited consideration of the instant application.

                                                 —iii —

                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

SUMMARY \...............2.2222222262 666666 6k e k k k6 en t e t eb e e e t k e a e e e e e e e en e e e e e e e e e e e e k k es i

1.       INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND \......................6kkks ks k e 0 k.                                                        3

          INTEREST |..........e.06 se es es s es se s e v e e en e n en e e n e e en e e eb eb e e e n e e n e e e e e e e e e es    4

          A.        The Proposed Minor Modifications Will Allow Rapid
                    Commencement of Service from 148° W.L. and Free Up Valuable
                    In—Orbit Spare Capacity at a Critical Period of Time ..................... 4

          B.        The Proposed Modifications Will Facilitate DBS Service to Alaska
                    and Hawaii .....................2...220226 20 6kkk 6k e k66 ks e e e e e e k k en e k e e k e e k es 6

         PARAMETERS OF THE REGION 2 ITU PLAN \......................kk.k.k...                                                        7

IV.        APPLICATION FOR LAUNCH AUTHORITY \.............................k..                                                        9

V.      APPLICATION FOR OPERATIONAL AUTHORITY .........................                                                              9

         SERVICE REQUIREMENT ................22.2222600es es e r se e r se es e e es se k es                                        10

         A.        The Geographic Service Requirement ................22222.22222.2......2. ... 11

         B.        EchoStar‘s Plan for Service From Multiple Orbital Locations |........... 11

          C.        EchoStar‘s Proposed Deployment Plan Will Optimize Service to
                    Alaska and Hawaii .................2..2.2... k k k k k e k e k k e l k.k. 13

VII.      WAIVER PURSUANT TO SECTION 304 OF THE ACT .....................                                                           14

VIII.      CONCLUSION \........0 0022222 se e e e e e e e e e e e e en n n en en en n en n n en n en en e e e e e e e e es          14

                                                                                                        DEC 3 0 1997
                                            Before the                                          Federa! Uomnunications Comenisalon
                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                 Clice of Secretary
                                      Washington, DC 20554

                                                                          EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION

In the Matter of                                                           REQUESTED

                                              No/ No N N N N N NZZI NNN
EchoStar Satellite Corporation                                            File No. DBS—88—01/68—SAT—ML—96/__
Directsat Corporation                                                     File No. DBS—88—02/6—SAT—ML—97/__
EchoStar DBS Corporation                                                  File No. 74—SAT—P/L—96/_

Application for Authority to Make
Minor Modifications to Direct
Broadcast Satellite Authorizations,
Launch and Operation Authority

                      OF DBS AUTHORIZATION®S, LAUNCH
                         AND OPERATION AUTHORITY

               Pursuant to Section 309 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,

47 U.S.C. § 309, and Parts 25 and 100 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § § 25 and 100,

EchoStar Satellite Corporation ("ESC"), Directsat Corporation ("Directsat") and EchoStar DBS

Corporation ("EchoStar DBS") hereby file this joint application for authority to make certain

minor modifications to their Direct Broadcast Satellite ("DBS") authorizations —— the DBS

licenses of ESC and Directsat and the DBS construction permit of EchoStar DBS." ESC also

4      The ultimate parent of all three applicants is EchoStar Communications Corporation
("EchoStar"). The three applicants are referred to collectively in this application as "EchoStar."

applies for authority to launch EchoStar‘s new satellite to the 119.2° W.L. orbital location and

EchoStar DBS applies for authority to operate a satellite at the 148° W.L. orbital slot.*

               Currently, ESC‘s license covers 11 channels at 119° W.L. (odd—numbered

channels 1—21).4 Directsat‘s license covers 10 channels (even—numbered 10—20), also at 119°

W.L.* ESC and Directsat use these 21 assigned channels through two 16—transponder satellites

launched in December 1995 and September 1996, respectively. For its part, EchoStar DBS has a

construction permit for 24 channels at the 148° W.L. orbital location (odd and even channels

1—17, odd—numbered channels 19—31).*

               By the inétant applications, EchoStar seeks authority to replace one of the two

16—transponder satellites currently operating at 119° W.L. with a new switchable

32/16—transponder satellite due to be launched in March 1998. EchoStar‘s current plan is to use

the new satellite for all of ESC‘s 11 assigned channels and 5 of Directsat‘s assigned channels.

The remaining 5 channels assigned to Directsat will initially be carried by Directsat‘s existing

satellite. ESC‘s satellite currently operating at 119° W.L. will be relocated to 148° W.L. and will

operate over 16 of the 24 channels assigned to EchoStar DBS —— odd—numbered channels 1—31.

¥       EchoStar files this application in conjunction with other requests filed today by Directsat,
Direct Broadcasting Satellite Corporation ("DBSC"), ESC and EchoStar DBS, seeking a
realignment of those permittees‘ milestones to effectuate the satellite deployment plan proposed

2      See EchoStar Satellite Corporation, 7 FCC Red. 1765, 1770 (1992).

4      See Directsat Corporation, 8 FCC Red. 7962, 7964 (1993).

5      See EchoStar DBS Corporation, 11 FCC Red. 16291, 16295 (1996).


               In 1989, the Commission granted ESC and Directsat conditional permits to

provide DBS service from "two or more satellites delivering 11 channels to each half of the

United States, or one or more satellites delivering 11 channels to the continental United States."*

In 1992, the Commission assigned 11 channels to ESC to provide service from 119° W.L.* In

1993, the Commission assigned 10 channels to Directsat, also at 119° W.L., for the same


               ESC launched its first satellite to the 119° W.L. orbital location in December

1995, and since March 1996 has provided continuous DBS service to customers throughout the

continental United States." Directsat launched its first satellite to the 119° W.L. orbital location

in September 1996, which allowed EchoStar to integrate ESC‘s and Directsat‘s satellites into an

offering of about 125—130 video channels.*

               In January 1996, EchoStar DBS was the winning bidder in a Commission auction

for 24 channels at 148° W.L." In December 1996, the Commission authorized EchoStar DBS to

&      Continental Satellite Corporation, 4 FCC Red. 6292, 6300 (1989).

4     EchoStar Satellite Corporation, 7 FCC Red. 1765, 1770 (1992). ESC was assigned the
odd—numbered channels 1—21.

&     Directsat Corporation, 8 FCC Red. 7962, 7964 (1993). Directsat was assigned its
even—numbered channels 2—20.

¥      EchoStar Satellite Corporation, 11 FCC Red. 3015, 3015 (1996).

19     Directsat Corporation, 11 FCC Red. 10575, 10577 (1996).

l       See EchoStar DBS Corporation Wins 24 DBS Channels at the 148 Degree Orbital
Location With a High Bid of $52,295,000, FCC Press Release (Jan. 26, 1996).

construct, launch and operate its DBS system at 148° W.L.~* 12 The construction and launch

milestones for this satellite are December 2000 and 2002, respectively.‘*


               The Commission has a long—standing policy of allowing satellite licensees to

incorporate the most advanced technologies into their systems to the greatest extent possible, to

serve "the ultimate goal of service to the public."‘* The proposed modifications will further this

goal. Specifically, the modifications sought in this application are in the public interest because

they will allow EchoStar:. (1) to rapidly commence service from 148° W.L.; (2) to make

available valuable in—orbit spare capacity for a critical period of time; and (3) to bring

high—quality DBS service for the first time to Alaska and Hawaii.

       A.      The Proposed Minor Modifications Will Allow Rapid Commencement of
               Service from 148° W.L. and Free Up Valuable In—Orbit Spare Capacity at a
               Critical Period of Time

               Because each of the ESC and Directsat satellites has only 16 transponders, both

are currently needed to provide the assigned 21 channels at 119° W.L. Launch of EchoStar‘s

32—transponder satellite to 119.2° W.L. will eliminate the need for two operational satellites at

that slot. This also will allow relocation of ESC‘s 16—transponder satellite to 148° W.L. and

permit speedy commencement of service from that location —— several years ahead of EchoStar

DBS‘s construction and operation milestones of December 2000 and 20024 Launch of a

12     EchoStar DBS Corporation, 11 FCC Red. 16291, 16295 (1996).

1¥X    47 C.F.R. § 100.19(b); EchoStar DBS Corporation, 11 FCC Red. 16291, 16295 (1996).

14      United States Satellite Broadcasting Company, 7 FCC Red. 7247, 7250 (1992).

157     See EchoStar DBS Corporation, 11 FCC Red. 16291, 16295 (1996).

32—transponder satellite to 119° W.L. will complement Directsat‘s 16—transponder satellite at that

orbital location. This will create a valuable reservoir of centrally located in—orbit space capacity

for possible use in case of need anywhere in EchoStar‘s constellation.

                EchoStar‘s DBS system presents significant logistical and operational challenges.

In addition to ESC‘s and Directsat‘s operational satellites at the 119° W.L. orbital location,

another EchoStar subsidiary, DBSC, recently launched its first satellite to the 61.5° W.L. orbital

location. With EchoStar‘s fourth satellite due to be launched in the first quarter of 1998,

EchoStar will have more DBS satellites in orbit than any other U.S. licensee. In addition,

because of the constrainté of the Region 2 ITU allotment plan and EchoStar‘s scattered channel

assignments, EchoStar‘s satellites are widely dispersed over the geostationary arc. In fact, the

integration of satellites operating from as few as two different locations into a single integrated

DBS offering has never been attempted by any U.S. DBS licensee. In light of the growing

number of EchoStar satellites and the wide range of orbital locations they use, ensuring the most

strategic possible deployment of EchoStar‘s satellite fleet is increasingly important. Thus, the

availability of centrally located, in—orbit spare satellite capacity becomes an issue of considerable

importance to system reliability.

                Of course, EchoStar must accomplish these objectives within the capital

constraints it is under as the only independent, entrepreneurial DBS operator. Moreover,

EchoStar needs to devote as many in—orbit resources as possible to providing video programming

in order to compete in the Multi—Channel Video Programming Distribution ("MVPD") market.

In light of these constraints, EchoStar cannot currently afford to launch an in—orbit spare satellite.

Nevertheless, the proposed modifications will ensure the availability of centrally located in—orbit

spare capacity for a limited but critical period of time.

       B.      The Proposed Modifications Will Facilitate DBS Service to Alaska and

                The proposed modifications will usher in the first—ever DBS service to Alaska and

Hawaii, several years ahead of EchoStar DBS‘s milestones for the 148° W.L. location. While

ESC and Directsat are not subject to an obligation to serve Alaska and Hawaii from 119.2°

W.L.,.* the proposed modifications will enable service to these two states from that location.

This is a key benefit of thé proposed deployment plan, as the two states will secure access to

more than 120 channels of the main, full—CONUS offering of EchoStar, including the most

popular cable channels and superstations. In addition, when relocated to the 148° W.L. orbital

slot, ESC‘s satellite will be capable of serving Alaska with relatively small dishes. Alaskans will

thus be able to enjoy DBS service from 148° W.L. as early as next year._"

               Under the proposed modifications, Alaskans and Hawaiians will thus find their

MVPD choices dramatically increased. Today, they are not offered DBS service, and can look

only to cable operators to receive anything more than broadcast programming. EchoStar offers a

solution that will by November 1998 result in the provision of at least 120 channels of

18      The Commussion‘s Rules require only new licensees to serve Alaska and Hawaii from any
location if technically feasible. Older permittees such as ESC and Directsat need only provide
service to Alaska and Hawaii from their western orbital locations in order not to relinguish their
assignments at these locations. See 47 C.F.R. § 100.53.

e      The satellite to be relocated to 148° W.L. will not serve Hawaii, and EchoStar is
requesting a technical waiver of the Commission‘s rules in that respect. However, this waiver
will allow EchoStar to provide Hawaii with more than 120 channels of cable channels and
superstations as opposed to a complementary offering of local and niche programming that
would be less valuable on a stand—alone basis. See below.

full—CONUS video programming to Hawaii and Alaska (in addition to service to Alaska from

148° W.L.). The Commission has long expressed concern that no DBS provider has chosen to

serve Alaska and Hawaii."* Through these proposed minor modifications, EchoStar can swiftly

rectify this situation.


                 This application proposes minor modifications that are not "substantial" and will

neither significantly incréase "the potential for interference" nor change "the proposed

frequencies or orbital locations to be used.""* Indeed, each of the applicants will still operate

over the same orbital location and assigned spectrum: channels 1—23 (odd) at 119° W.L. for ESC,

channels 2—20 (even) at 119° W.L. for Directsat, and channels 1—17 (odd and even) and 19—3 1

(odd) at 148° W.L. for EchoStar DBS.** Furthermore, as Dr. Barnett explains in the attached

analysis, the requested modifications will not substantially increase the potential interference for

any authorized user of the spectrum. Similarly, the modifications will not cause any substantial

additional interference compared to EchoStar‘s current authorizations or further departures from

the parameters of the Region 2 ITU Plan compared to those authorizations.* In fact, the new

18      See, e.g., In the Matter ofRules and Policiesfor the Direct Broadcast Satellite Service,
Report and Order, 11 FCC Red. 9712, 9762 (1995) ("DBS Order").

19      CL. 47 CF.R. § 25.116(b).

20    ESC‘s satellite to be relocated to the 148° W.L. will operate over a subset of EchoStar
DBS‘s assignments (the 16 odd—numbered channels 1—31).

al      Modifications that do not involve significant risks of increased interference with other

                                                                                       (continued ...)
                                                —7 .

satellite will not cause harmful or additional interference to or from any U.S. authorized user of

the spéctrum. Outside the U.S., the new satellite will provide better isolation to the Caribbean

region. While the same higher EIRP values previously experienced with ESC‘s satellite

southwest of the United States will now extend to a slightly larger area in the same region, Dr.

Barnett believes that the differences are relatively slight and should not pose a substantial


               As the Commission is aware, the Telemetry, Tracking & Control ("TT&C®")

operations of ESC‘s satellite are in the C—band.2Z Dr. Barnett believes that C—band TT&C

operations at the 148° WL location will not cause harmful interference to any U.S. licensee (the

closest U.S. satellite is located at 139° W.L.). Further, Dr. Barnett opines that international

coordination of those limited TT&C C—band operations at 148° W.L. should not present

problems. Indeed, unlike the location where ESC‘s satellite is currently located, the 148° W.L.,

slot is far removed from the Canadian/Mexican portion of the C—band geostationary arec under the

U.S.—Canada—Mexico trilateral agreement.*" Thus, TT&C operations at the 148° W.L. slot do not

require the elaborate coordination and prior consent process contemplated by the agreement,

which ESC has had to follow with respect to the 119° W.L. slot.

24     (... continued)
systems are routinely granted by the Commission. See L/Q Licensee, 11 FCC Red. 16, 410
(1996); TRW Inc., 11 FCC Red. 20,419 (1996); Motorola Satellite Communications, Inc., 11
FCC Red. 13,952 (1996); PanA4mSat Licensee Corp., 9 FCC Red. 1869 (1994); GTE Spacenet
Corp., 5 FCC Red. 4112; American Satellite Co., 5 FCC Red. 1186 (1990).

22     See EchoStar Satellite Corporation, 11 FCC Red. 3016 (1996).

22     "Trilateral Arrangement Regarding use of the Geostationary Orbit Reached by Canada,
Mexico, and the United States," Public Notice, Mimeo No. 4406 (Sept. 2, 1988).
                                                —g —


                Pursuant to Section 309 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,

47 U.S.C. § 309, and Parts 25 and 100 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. Parts 25 and 100,

ESC hereby applies for authority to launch a new switchable 32—transponder satellite to the

119.2 ° W.L. orbital position.

                This new satellite has already been contracted for by EchoStar from Lockheed

Martin Corporation, and its construction is scheduled to be completed soon. The launch of this

satellite is currently scheduled for March, 1998.

                As discuséed above, the attached technical analysis of Dr. Richard Barnett

demonstrates that replacement of ESC‘s existing satellite with the new state—of—the—art

32—transponder satellite will not significantly increase the potential interference for any

authorized user of the spectrum nor cause substantial additional interference compared to

EchoStar‘s current authorizations. This analysis also shows that the new satellite will not cause

any substantial further departures from the parameters of the Region 2 ITU Plan compared to

ESC‘s existing satellite.


                Pursuant to Section 309 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,

47 U.S.C. § 309, and Parts 25 and 100 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. Parts 25 and 100,

EchoStar DBS hereby applies for authority to operate a DBS satellite at the 148° W.L. orbital


                Much of the technical data relevant to this request has already been submitted by

EchoStar DBS in conjunction with its 1996 application for authority to launch and operate a DBS


satellite system at 148° W.L. Dr. Barnett believes that the few technical changes resulting from

the operation of a 16—transponder satellite, as opposed to the switchable 32—transponder satellite

proposed in the 1996 application, will not substantially affect the previously conducted analysis.

Specifically, operation of a 16—transponder satellite at the 148° W.L . orbital position will neither

cause additional interference compared to EchoStar‘s current authorizations at that location nor

result in any significant further departures from the parameters of the Region 2 ITU plan

compared to the satellite described in EchoStar DBS‘s 1996 application. Furthermore, as

discussed above, the TT&C C—band operations at 148° W.L. will not cause harmful interference

and should be reasonably easy to coordinate internationally.


               Pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.3, EchoStar

requests that the Commission grant a partial waiver of Section 100.53 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R.

§ 100.53, which requires that EchoStar serve Hawaii from 148° W.L. The Commission "may

waive any provision of its rules if it determines that good cause has been shown and that a grant

of the waiver would not undermine the policies embodied in the rule.""* EchoStar‘s proposed

modifications will aedvance the polices embodied by the geographic service requirement. While

Hawaii will not receive service from the EchoStar satellite to be relocated to 148° W.L., the

deployment plan proposed in these modification applications will in fact improve service to both

Hawaii and Alaska compared to technical compliance with the geographic rule. If this waiver

request and EchoStar‘s other modifications are granted, Alaska will receive almost twice as many

24/    King Broadcasting Company, 5 FCC Red. 3068 (1990); see also Thomas Radio v. FCC\,
716 F.2d 921 (D.C. Cir. 1983); WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153 (D.C. Cir. 1969).
                                            — 10 —

channels of DBS service as it would under the rule. Hawaii too will receive EchoStar‘s main,

full—CONUS offering —— 125—130 cable channels and superstations, which are significantly more

desirable than the "niche" channels it would receive under the rule.

       A.      The Geographic Service Requirement

               In 1995, responding to the need to assure availability of DBS service to residents

of Alaska and Hawaii, the Commission promulgated two rule provisions designed to achieve that

end.*" First, those holding DBS permits or licenses on or before January 16, 1996 must either

provide service to Alaska and Hawaii from any of their orbital locations or give up their

assignments at 148° W.L., 157° W.L., 166° W.L., and 175° W.L.* Second, those who acquire

DBS authorizations after January 16, 1996 must provide service to Alaska and Hawaii from all

locations where such service is technically feasible.*" EchoStar obtained its DBS authorization

for 148° W.L. after the January 16, 1996 cut off date, and is therefore required to serve Alaska

and Hawaii from that location.

       B.      EchoStar‘s Plan for Service From Multiple Orbital Locations

               While the other DBS providers have satellites at one centrally located orbital slot,

EchoStar must serve its customers from a combination of CONUS and non—CONUS orbital

locations scattered across the geostationary arc. EchoStar must therefore integrate its DBS

service from these widely scattered orbital locations while minimizing the inefficient duplication

254    See DBS Order, 11 FCC Red. at 9762.

26     47 C.F.R. § 100.53.

22     Id.
                                              — 11 —

of programming among its satellites. From 119° W.L., EchoStar can provide service to most of

its customers, including all of those in the continental United States. Therefore, EchoStar

provides what might be called its "main" programming from that location. This service ——

currently about 130 channels of digital video and audio programming —— constitutes the backbone

of EchoStar‘s DBS offerings, including much of its most popular "national" entertainment,

information, and sports programming.

               EchoStar can only reach a portion of its subscribers from each eastern and western

orbital location.**" These locations, therefore, hold limited potential for broad coverage.

EchoStar must optimize the service capabilities of these slots by using them to offer local

network programming (to the extent permitted by law) or other "niche" or complementary

programming —— between 100 and 150 channels of local, regional, and foreign language

programming designed specifically for subscribers in a more localized region.

               Through the use of multiple dishes, the vast majority of EchoStar subscribers will

be able to receive both basic and niche programming. A subscriber in Maryland, for example,

will receive basic programming on one dish from 119° W.L. and eastern niche programming on a

second dish from 61.5° W.L. Similarly, a subscriber in San Francisco will receive basic

programming from 119° W.L., and will soon be able to receive western niche programming on a

second dish from one of EchoStar‘s western orbital locations.

248    EchoStar‘s eastern orbital location is 61.5° W.L.; its western locations are 148° W.L. and
175° W.L.

       C.      EchoStar‘s Proposed Deployment Plan Will Optimize Service to Alaska and

               Compliance with the Commission‘s geographic service requirements in this

instance would mean that Hawaii and Alaska would receive the local, niche or other

complementary programming available from EchoStar‘s western locations. On a stand—alone

basis, this package is less valuable than EchoStar‘s backbone cable and superstation package

available from 119° W.L.

               EchoStar, however, is currently unable to provide Alaska and Hawaii with basic

programming because its. two satellites currently operating at 119° W.L. are not equipped to

reach either state (except possibly through the use of large dish antennas). Notably, EchoStar is

not required to serve Alaska or Hawaii from 119° W.L.Z" Nevertheless, the proposed

deployment plan will exceed the geographic service requirements imposed on EchoStar, allowing

EchoStar to introduce the first—ever, top—quality DBS offering to these faraway states.

               As described above, EchoStar seeks authority to launch its new satellite to 119.2°

W.L. and relocate one of its operational satellites from 119° W.L. to the 148° W.L. slot. From

the 119° W.L. location, the new satellite will be capable of serving Hawaii and Alaska through

the use of small receive dishes. EchoStar will thus be able to provide its backbone cable and

superstation programming to Alaska and Hawaii almost immediately.

29     47 C.F.R. § 100.53. See also DBS Order, 11 FCC Red. at 9762 ("Two licensees
(DIRECTV and USSB) are currently operating from their eastern location, and another
(EchoStar/Directsat) will begin operations from its eastern location next year. None of these
parties has designed satellites capable of providing full service to Alaska and Hawaii from those
eastern orbital locations. We will not adopt a rule that would immediately place the only
operational systems in violation or our regulations.").
                                               —13 —

               As discussed above, the satellite at 148° W.L. will also provide complementary

programming to Alaska by use of slightly larger dishes. Thus, Alaska, which currently has no

DBS service, will soon have both basic and niche services from 119° W.L. and 148° W.L.

respectively. While that satellite will not serve Hawaii (necessitating the partial waiver requested

herein) the net result will be far better service to Hawaii compared to an alternative deployment

plan that might be in technical compliance with the geographic service rule. Specifically, Hawaii

will receive service from the 119° W.L. location (even though such service is not required by the

Commission rules) instead of a complementary offering from 148° W.L. that would be less

meaningful on a stand-aléne basis. Thus, the technical waiver requested would in fact allow

EchoStar to satisfy the spirit of the rule, exceed the geographic service requirements that the

Commission chose to impose, and ensure improved service to Alaska and Hawaii.


               In accordance with Section 304 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,

47 U.S.C. § 304, EchoStar hereby waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of

the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United States because of the

previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise.


               The proposed modifications set forth in this application, as well as the other

contemporaneously filed applications, will allow the efficient and rapid introduction of DBS

service from the 148° W.L. orbital location several years ahead of EchoStar DBS‘s required

construction and operation milestones. These modifications will allow EchoStar to provide the

                                               — 14 —

first U.S. DBS service to the public in Alaska and Hawaii. Further, they will optimize the

strategic deployment of EchoStar‘s satellites, which becomes increasingly important as the

number of EchoStar‘s in—orbit satellites and the distances among them increase. The proposed

modifications also will make available to EchoStar affordable and centrally located in—orbit spare

capacity during a critical period of satellite fleet expansion and integration.

                  Lastly, the proposed modifications will not entail the use of any additional

spectrum resources, will not cause significant harmful interference to any authorized user of the

spectrum and will not cause additional substantial interference, or cause any substantial further

departures from the pararfieters of the Region 2 ITU Plan, compared to EchoStar‘s current


                  In sum, the requests contained in this application will allow EchoStar better to

serve the consuming public.

                  Since EchoStar currently plans to launch its next satellite in March 1998,

EchoStar respectfully requests expedited consideration of the instant application.


                                Respectfully submitted,

                                ECHOSTAR SATELLITE CORPORATION
                                DIRECTSAT CORPORATION
                                ECHOSTAR DBS CORPORATION

                                       David K./Mosl(owitz
                                       Senior Vice President
                                        and General Counsel
                                       EchoStar Satellite Corporation
                                       DirectSat Corporation
                                       EchoStar DBS Corporation
                                       90 Inverness Circle East
                                       Englewood, CO 80112
                                       (303) 799—8222

Philip L. Malet
Pantelis Michalopoulos
James M. Talens
1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW.
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 429—3000
Their Counsel

Dated: December 30       1997

                             ANTI—DRUG ABUSE CERTIFICATION

                Pursuant to Section 1.2002 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 1.2002 (1997),

Applicants certify that neither the Applicants nor any of their shareholders, nor any of their officers or
directors, nor any party to this Application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to authority
granted in Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

                                                          Respectfully submitted,
                                                          ECHOSTAR SATELLITE
                                                          DIRECTSAT CORPORATION
                                                          ECHOSTAR DBS CORPORATION

                                                  By: /Qn//f//lw
                                                          David K. Mos}éowitz/
                                                          Senior Vice President
                                                           and General Counsel
                                                          EchoStar Satellite Corporation
                                                          DirectSat Corporation
                                                          EchoStar DBS Corporation
                                                          90 Inverness Circle East
                                                          Englewood, CO 80112
                                                          (303) 799—8222

Dated: December 39         1997


       I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for
preparation of the engineering information contained in the foregoing submission,
that | am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission‘s rules, that I have either
prepared or reviewed the engineering information submitted in this pleading, and
that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

                                                 Richard J. Barnett, PhD, BSc
                                                 Telecomm Strategies, LL.C.
                                                 4806 Fort Sumner Drive
                                                 Bethesda, Maryland 20816
                                                 (301) 229—0204

Dated: December 30 , 1997

                                  Technical Annex

1. Echostar 104 satellite at 119°W

The technical changes that occur by replacing the Echostar 1 satellite (USABSS—
3) at 119°W with the Echostar 104 satellite are discussed in this section. Figure
1 gives the proposed coverage of the Echostar 104 satellite and Figure 2 gives
the coverage of the existing Echostar 1 satellite, both from 119°W.

In comparing the two coverages the most notable difference is that the Echostar
104 satellite provides the additional benefit of high quality service to both Alaska
and Hawail. The EIRP to parts of Alaska is in the range of 40.1 to 43 dBW while
the EIRP range to Hawaii is 40.1 to 45 dBW. Users will be able to employ small
DBS dishes both in Hawaii and in the southern and more populated parts of
Alaska. These users will receive more than 120 channels of Echostar‘s full—
CONUS U.S. offering. Moving the Echostar 1 satellite from 119°W to 148°W will
provide additional service to Alaska as discussed in section 4 below.

The CONUS coverage of the two satellites is very similar with the peak EIRP
value being approximately 53 dBW in certain parts of the US. The Echostar 104
coverage provides more isolation to Caribbean countries than Echostar 1. On the
other hand, the EchoStar 104 satellite coverage extends further southwest than
Echostar 1 and the EIRP values that were already previously experienced will
now apply in a somewhat larger region of this area.

On the whole, recognizing that there are only moderate changes in regions
outside of the U.S. it should be possible through the Region 2 BSS Plan
modification procedures‘, and coordination if required, to modify the Region 2
Plan to include the parameters of the Echostar 104 satellite network at 119°W.

2. C—band TT&C Operation at 148°W

In this section we will discuss the coordination issues associated with the
operation of the Echostar 1 C—band TT&C at the 148°W orbital location.

Echostar 1 has been operating at 119°W and performing C—band TT&C * with no
reports of harmful interference from other satellite networks. The move of the
Echostar 1 satellite to 148°W will place this satellite in a less congested part of
the orbital are and so coordination should be straightforward. Of course,

1   These procedures are defined in Article 4 of Appendix 30 of the ITU Radio Regulations.
*   The Echostar 1 TT&C operations are performed in the following conventional C—band
    Uplink:        5926—5927 MHz and 6423—6424 MHz
    Downlink:      4198.4—4198.6 MHz and 4199.4—4199.6 MHz.

coordination will be required with nearby existing and planned satellites in the
geostationary arc.

The main characteristics of TT&C operations, from an interference perspective,
are the use of only small amounts of spectrum"® and large earth stations*. As a
result the coordination of TT&C carriers with other GSO networks is not normally

Table 1 shows the list of GSO satellite networks that plan to use C—band within a
+10° arc of the 148°W orbital location. This data was extracted from Sections 1
and 9 of the ITU SNL (Space Network List) dated September 1997.

3   The total amount of bandwidth required for the Echostar 1 TT&C signals, in both uplink and
    downlink directions, is 2.4 MHz.
*   The Echostar 1 TT&C earth station uses an antenna of greater than 9 m in diameter.

                Table 1. List of C—band networks £10° from 148°W

NAME                   LONG     |ADM|     AREC       APUB CREC              CPUB      FREG1     FREG ?
EXPRESS—A12           —155.00   RUS      07.01.91   |19.11.91| 13.10.92]   22.06.93   3400.00   4200.00
EXPRESS—A12           ~155.00   RUSs|    07.01.91   |19.11.91|13.10.92     22.06.93   5730.00   6520.00
STATSIONAR—26         155.00    URS|    08. 18.87   |27.10.87 28.03.88|    02.08.88   3400.00   3945.00
STATSIONAR—26         155.00    URS|    68. 18.87   |27.10.37 28.03.88]    02.08.88   5730.00   6270.00
N—SAT—152W            152.00      J     02.05.97*                                     3400.00   4200.00
N—SAT—A152W           152.00      J     02.05.97*                                     5850.00   6725.00
N—SAT—150W            150.00      J     02.05.97*                                     3400.00   4200.00
N—SAT—150W            150.00      J     02.05.97*                                     5850.00   6725.00
Echostar 1            ~148.00   USA                                                   4198.40   4198.60
                                                                                      4199.40   4199.60
                                                                                      5926.00   5927.00
                                                                                      6423.00   5424.00
N—SAT—i48w            —148.00 J         02.05.97*                                     3400.00   4200.00
N—SAT—148W            —148.00 J         02.05.97"                                     5850.00   6725.00
N—SAT—145W            —145.00 J         02.05.97"                                     3400.00   4200.00
N—SAT—A145W           145.00 J          02.05.97°                                     5550.00   6725.00
N—SAT—143W            143.00 J          02.05.97*                                     3400.00   4200.00
N—SAT—143W            —143.00 J         02.05.97*                                     5850.00   6725.00
INMARSAT—2—POR—       —142.00 |(G/N     05.11.96°                                     6425.00   6443.00
EAST                             M
N—SAT—441W            141.00 J          02.05.97*                                     3400.00   4200.00
N—SAT—141W            —141.00 J         02.05.97*                                     5850.00   6725.00
US SATCOM 1—R         —139.00 USA                22.06.82|13.12.83|        19.06.84   3700.00   4200.00
US SATCOM 1—R         —139.00 USA                22.06.82|13.12.93|        19.06.84   5925.00   6425.00
USASAT—22l            ~139.00 USA       03.20.92 |25.086.92|20.09.92]      18.05.93   3700.00   4200.00
USASAT—221            ~139.00 USA       03.20.92 |25.08.92| 20.09.92|      18.05.93   5925.00   6425.00
* Section 9 of SNL September 1997 has not been reviewed by the ITU for completeness.

As shown in Table 1 there are several Japanese satellite networks within a £10°
of 148°W. One of these networks ("N—SAT—148W") would be collocated with
Echostar 1. Networks from Administrations other than Japan are at least 5° away
and the closest US satellite network, USASAT—221, is 9° away. Coordination with
these non—Japanese networks will be minimal and may not even be necessary,
depending on the results of DeltaT/T calculations.

It should be noted that the Advance Publications for the six Japanese satellites
included in Table 1 were only recently filed with the ITU in May 1997. Therefore
these Japanese satellite networks are clearly only at the initial design stage and
so they should retain considerable flexibility for coordination, particularly bearing
in mind the modest spectrum requirements of the Echostar 1 TT&C signals.
Furthermore, the TT&C signals of Echostar 1 are very close to the transition
between conventional and extended C—band and therefore should be able to be
accommodated in the guard bands between transponders in the Japanese

networks. Therefore we believe that successful coordination of the Echostar 1
TT&C transmissions with these Japanese networks will not be problematic, and
should be commenced as soon as possible.

During the drift of Echostar 1 from the 119°W orbital location to the 148°W orbital
location it will be necessary for EchoStar to coordinate with operational GSO C—
band networks that could potentially experience interference. This orbit
maneuver is limited in time and the potential interference effects will be of short
duration due to the movement of the satellites relative to each other during this
period. Potential interference may occur from the Echostar 1 telecommand
signal when the main beam of the tracking Echostar 1 TT&C earth station is
directed towards an operational GSO satellite. Another potential interference
path will be from the Echostar 1 satellite telemetry signal as the Echostar 1
satellite passes through the main beam of another GSO receiving earth station.
In order to avoid these potential interference occurrences EchoStar will
determine, prior to beginning the satellite drift maneuver, which GSO orbital
locations may be affected. Echostar will then coordinate with the potentially
affected GSO satellite operators and if necessary will cease TT&C operations for
the short duration of these in—line events.

3. Echostar 1 satellite at 148°W
This section discusses the proposed operation of the Echostar 1 satellite at the
148°W orbital location, as shown in Figure 3.

Echostar 1 is a 16 transponder satellite, whereas the satellite that was planned to
be operated at 148°W would have had 32 transponders. The ITU submissions
already prepared for the DBS use of the148°W orbital position also refer to the
use of all 32 channels.

The move of Echostar 1 to 148°W will provide additional coverage of Alaska that
is not now possible from the same satellite operating at 119°W. The EIRP over
the southern and most populated parts of Alaska is approximately 45 dBW,
allowing the use of relatively small receive earth stations. This will complement
the coverage of Alaska from the Echostar 104 satellite at 119°W, as described in
section 1 above. Because of the shape of the beam on this existing in—orbit
satellite it will not be possible to provide service to Hawaii from this orbital
location with this satellite. However service to Hawaii will be provided by the
Echostar 104 satellite from the 119°W orbital location, as described in section 1

Figure 3 shows that the Echostar 1 satellite at 148°W will partly cover Mexico,
but this should not cause interference to that country‘s BSS assignments since
Mexico‘s closest assignment is at 127°W, more than 20° away. in fact no Region
2 BSS assignment should be affected since the closest, the Canadian

assignment at 138 °W, is 10° away. Since both Mexico and Canada are each
assigned all 32 BSS channels, and they have submitted modifications to the
Region 2 BSS Plan indicating their intent to use BSS systems, it is unlikely that
these countries would also implement terrestrial services in this band. Therefore,
it should be possible through the Region 2 BSS Plan modification procedures,
and coordination if required, to modify the Region 2 Plan to include the
parameters of the Echostar 1 satellite network from the 148°W orbital position.

4. Elevation Contours from Alaska and Hawaii for 148°W and 175°W

Figures 4 and 5 below show the 10°, 20°, 30°, 40°, 50° and 60° elevation
contours for 148°W and 175°W respectively. The elevation angles to the western
portion of the U.S. are uniformly higher from the 148°W orbital location than for
the 175°W orbital location. These higher elevation angles will allow superior
coverage of a larger portion of the U.S. population from 148°W because the
attenuation of the signal due to path loss will be less.

                                                                                                    Fri Dee 19 17:21:39 1997
                                                                                                      duiob gosve;in
                                                                                                                                                                       Figure 1:

                                                                                                                                    from 119°W Orbital Location
                                                                                                                                Echostar 104 Satellite EIRP Contours


"'"4        ||||||||    Il‘l’ll'(ifll"ll'Fri{‘lll'il‘[ii"'llrl‘lil['!IIIIIllf‘fiill'
       —9       —B     —7    ~—6    —S     —4    —3     —2     —1     O      1     2   3        4
       Sat Long=—f19 Nadir at—250 Az/—5.80 El (Ant—sys) Bore Long=—1005 Lat= 3867 Ant Rot= 26
           Yaw Rot=0 Freq= 12450 GHz IC—POL Conv Factor= 20.30 dB Peak= 56.88 dB


                                                                                                                                  Fri Dec 5 13:14:30 1997




                                                                                                                                                                                                 Figure 2:


                                                                                                                                  u106usta 1 1°OPOOIP

                                                                                                                                                               from 119°W Orbital Location


                                                                                                                                                            Echostar 1 Satellite EIRP Contours

                                                                                         60   .
                                                                                              ons '_\.h‘




                                                                                                       ._.) /

'—‘4                                                                                                              }
                                                                                                                                 u1dbw 1q H 2000IP

                                                           iIIITIlll‘n||tl||Il]‘il                T—r=—f              rtvo—ort

       —9        —8   —7    _ —6    —53    —4     —3     —2     —1      O      1         Z2            . 3

          Sat Long=—119 Nadir at—2.50 Az/—5.89 El (Ant—sys) Bore Long=—100.3 Lat= 37.4 Ant Rot=0
          Yaw Rot=0 Freqg= 12.661 CHz RC—POL Conv Factor= 692.35 dB Peak= 55.88 dB                 '

                                                                                                                Fri Dec 5 14:33:13 1997


                                                                                                                                                                                     Figure 3:


                                                                                                                                          from 148°W Orbital Location

                                                                                                                                                                        Echostar 1 Satellite EIRP Contours


                                          il|I‘||‘|‘i||‘I‘T‘II1)I\]TI‘Illll]llllr’llll‘ll]llllllll'l\lllll /

                                                                                                                urpbua1a s L000P

     —9     —8     —7   _ —6    —5     —4     —3      —2    —1      0      1      2oo _ 3                   4
      Sat Long=—148 Nadir at—3.30 Az/—6.49 El (Ant—sys) Bore Long=—120.0 Lat= 48.0 Ant:Rot=0
                             Yaw Rot=0 Freqg= 12.661 CHz RC—POL Comv Fauctor= 69.35 dB Peak= 55.88 dB   *

Figure 4: 10°, 20°, 30°, 40°, 50° and 60° Elevation Contours from 148° W

                North Latitude (Degrees)

                                                                       _                   1   :___
                                                                      —1 58
                                                                Eost Longitude (Degrees)

Figure 5: 10°, 20°, 30°, 40°, 50° and 60° Elevation Contours from 175° W

             North Letitude (Degrees}

                                           ~50                    —                                       4

                                                       .    ;                      :                  1

                                                 110       160                 —150              ~100
                                                             East Longitude (Degrees)

Document Created: 2017-01-04 16:24:41
Document Modified: 2017-01-04 16:24:41

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