Attachment application.pdf

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19960702-00095 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COM@FR’I G l N‘A‘k by OMB
                                                                            FCC REMIT’]ANCE ADVICE                                              Expires 2/28/97

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              EarthWatch,           Incorporated
              6940 Koll Center Parkway
              Suite      200
 (6) CITY                                                                                       (7) STATE           (8) ZIP CODE
              Pleasanton                                                                           CA                     94566
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          EarthWatch,           Inc.                                                                                                  ¢          v
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          DA95—1707                                                           :           B        F      Y                1              $ 5740.00
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E/ARITHAWAATCH                    Incorporated

                                                                                    28 June 1996

Via Overnight Delivery

Federal Communications Commission
c/o Mellon Bank
3 Mellon Bank Center
525 William Penn Way
27th Floor, Room 153—2713
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15259—0001
(Attention: Wholesale Lockbox Shift Supervisor)

        Please Direct to:        Ms. Fern J. Jarmulnek
                                 Chief, Satellite Policy Branch
                                 Satellite & Radiocommunications Division

       Re: Modification of Authorization; EarthWatch Incorporated: File No. DA 95—1707

Dear Ms. Jarmulnek:

       EarthWatch Incorporated ("EarthWatch") hereby applies for authority to modify its
authorization to construct, launch and operate its low—Earth orbit (LEO) remote—sensing satellite
system; DA 95—1707 (See also, Files 21/22—DSS—P—93; 43 DSS—LA—94(2); 52—SAT—AMEND—95)
to add two additional satellites to the system.

       EarthWatch currently holds an FCC authorization to construct, launch and operate a
remote sensing satellite system consisting of two satellites and associated ground stations.

       Two additional satellites have been licensed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration ("NOAA") pursuant to the Land Remote Sensing Commercialization Act (15
U.S.C.§ 4201 et seq.). Consequently, we are requesting the Commission to modify the
EarthWatch FCC authorization to add two additional remote sensing satellites to the authorized
EarthWatch system.

                    EarthWatch Incorporated: "An Imaging and Information Company"

                            6940 Koll Center Parkway #200 Pleasanton, CA 94566
                                     Tel: 510.417.2040 Fax: 510.417.2045

Federal Communications Commission
Page 2

        The two new satellites will be very similar to the previously authorized satellites in terms
of the communications systems and their operation, with a few improvements as follows:
        —     The inclination of the orbits will be 52 degrees and the altitude of the orbits will
                be 600 kilometers to improve the data gathering characteristics of the system;"

         —      Component design life has been increased to five years;

         —      The resolution of the optical sensors will be improved to 1 meter IFOV
                panchromatic and 4 meters IFOV color;"

         —      The bandwidth of the space—to—earth data downlink will be increased to 350 MHz
                to handle the increased data flow resulting from the increased resolution of the
                optical sensors;*

         —      Downlink telemetry transmissions will be moved to the band 8025 — 8400 MHz
                and operate in a 4.2 MHz channel consistent with the data down—link frequencies
                and to avoid over crowding in the band presently utilized.

         —      Uplink telemetry transmission will be moved to the band 2025 — 2110 MHz and
                operate in a 30 KHz channel.

         —      Construction of the two satellites will commence in the fall 1996, expected
                completion in December 1997, anticipated launch in January 1998, and estimated
                date of placement into service in February 1998.

       EarthWatch will coordinate with other agencies to ensure that the systems are compatible
with other authorized users in the same or adjacent bands.

         Pursuant to the Commission‘s rules, we enclose a completed fee processing form (FCC
Form 159) and a check in the amount of five—thousand seven—hundred forty dollars ($5740) made
payable to the Federal Communications Commission to cover the cost of the requisite filing fee

         1     Precise orbit characteristics are controlled by the Department of Commerce and
may not be changed without prior approval of the Department of Commerce.

      2       Spatial resolution is one of the technical characteristics which was carefully
reviewed by the Department of Commerce and subjected to review by the Department of
Defense and the State Department prior to approval.

      3       A further technical description of the communications system is attached in
Appendices 1—6.

         *      The downlink will operate in the same band as the previously authorized
satellites; 8025 — 8400 MHZ.

Federal Communications Commission
Page 3

for modification of space station authorization. We include an extra copy of this modification
marked "Return Copy" and kindly request that you date—stamp it and return it to EarthWatch in
the enclosed envelope.

       Please call the undersigned or EarthWatch‘s Washington, D.C. counsel, Mr. Dennis
James Burnett, if you have any questions regarding this modification.

                                                         Very truly yours,
                                                             6    fi‘         ;   /

                                                         Howard J. Gannes
                                                         Vice President
                                                         EarthWatch Incorporated

ce:      Dennis James Burnett, Esquire
         Pierson & Burnett, L.LP.
         1667 K St., NW., Suite 801
         Washington, D.C. 20006
         (202) 466—3044 (telephone)
         (202) 466—3055 (facsimile)

encl:     Original +9 copies
         Receipt copy

                                       Appendix 1

         EarthWatch IA Spacecraft Communications Overview

The EarthWatch IA communications architecture is shown in Figure 1.            The
EarthWatch IA spacecraft, an enhanced satellite system from EarthWatch, designed
to improve ground image resolution will require an increase in downlink bandwidth.
The system will communicate through Remote Ground Terminals (RGT‘s) in Italy,
Japan, and the U.S. to and from the Mission Control Center (MCC) in Longmont,
CO, USA. Links between the RGT‘s and the MCC will be established commercial
satellite or terrestrial channels.

                     Figure 1 EarthWatch IA Communications Architecture

The EarthWatch IA space—ground communication links are described in Figure 2.
The 320 Mbps wideband downlink will transmit compressed image data to the
EarthWatch RGT‘s using the 8025 — 8400 MHz Earth Exploration Satellite X—band
frequency allocation. The command uplink requires a 2 KHz channel in the 2025 —
2110 MHz STDN frequency allocation; the telemetry downlink resides in a 4.2 MHz
channel at approximately 8030 MHz in the Earth Exploration Satellite allocation.
All communications to and from the spacecraft will occur only while the vehicle is in
view of a RGT. The additional command and telemetry frequencies requested for the
EarthWatch IA spacecraft are required to support enhanced operations for an
expanded constellation of spacecraft.

EarthWatch, Incorporated

        Link                Center     Modulation    Bandwidth / Data Rate      Encryption
 Wideband Data             8185 MHz       QPSK         160 MHz / 320 Mbps        No (TBR)
    Command           2025—2110 MHz     FSK Tones       30 KHz / 2 Kbps            Yes
        Uplink         (one channel)
    Telemetry              8030 MHz    PCM/BPSK/PM    4.096/16.384 Khps on         Yes
     Downlink          (two channel)                   1.7 MHz sub carrier
                                                     256 Khbps on the carrier

                 Figure 2 EarthWatch IA Space—Ground Communication Links

Wideband Data Downlink

The Wide—Band Data Downlink, shown in Figure 3, will contain compressed image
data.     The 320 Mbps, QPSK downlink is centered at 8185 MHz. The wideband
downlink flux density level is kept below the ground flux density levels specified in
ITU Radio Regulation 2570 by emitting only enough energy (with adequate margin)
as required by a 3 meter Remote Ground Terminal antenna. This design provides
4.1 dB of link margin and a minimum of 2 dB of margin with respect to ITU Radio
Regulation 2570, detailed in Appendix 3. This link design also provides 4 dB of
margin with respect to the —176 dBW/m* / 4 KHz            flux density levels at
geosynchronous orbit given in ITU Radio Regulation 2631. During normal operation
the flux density is —210 to —220 dBW/ m* / 4 KHz at geosyne given the 30 to 40 dB
front to back ratio of the transmit antenna. EarthWatch is mindful of the users in
the band and has participated in the X—band workshops with NASA to assure
system compatibilities.

EarthWatch, Incorporated

                                                                       +25 dBiC GAIN
         1 CHANNEL                                                     ANTENNA
          @10nz                                            6 Watt Po
              RS 422


         Q CHANNEL
            16 LINES
               RS 422
                             Primary Channel                sP2T                   2 AXIS
                                                           SWITCH                 GIMBAL

        I CHANNEL
           16 LINES
          @10 MHZ
              RS 422

        Q CHANNEL
           16 LINES
              RS 422
                           Redundant Channel

                       Figure 3 Wide—Band Data Downlink Functional Diagram

Particular care will be taken to ensure that out of band emissions in the 8400—8500
MHz NASA Deep Space Network band will be below the CCIR recommended limit.
This is accomplished by a combination of bandpass filtering on the spacecraft and
operational restrictions. In the band from 8400 — 8500 MHz the ground flux density
level at the Deep Space Network site will be at least 4 dB below the recommended
limit of —255.1 dBW/m* / Hz.             Appendix 2 gives the link calculations; Appendix 3
shows the flux density margins.

Command Uplink

The command uplink (ref. Figure 4) will convey commands that manage the
operation of the spacecraft including the sensor subsystem. Adequate link margins
and omni—directional antennas on the spacecraft will allow positive control during
normal and anomalous operations. Commands to the spacecraft will be encrypted
and authenticated to preclude unauthorized access and control. The commands will
be encrypted at the EarthWatch Longmont, CO Mission Control Center before
routing to any of the RGT‘s.

EarthWatch, Incorporated

      Nadir Antenna

                                J—     Receiver 1      Command Unit 1 |——>
                                       Receiver 1      Command Unit 1 |——>»

     Zenith Antenna
                           Figure 4 EarthWatch IA Command Uplink

All commands will be verified for correct word length, parity, and command decoder
identification code. This will preclude the execution of corrupted commands. In
addition critical commands will be protected using arming commands, so that a
single inadvertent command cannot cause permanent damage to the satellite or its
payload. The RGT radiated RF power will be adjustable so as to use the minimum
power needed in order to guarantee a usable link.            This will minimize the
opportunities for co—channel interference with other users of the STDN uplink
allocation. This design will conform to the limits on EIRP on Earth Station uplinks
between 1—15 Ghz as specified in RR 2541. Appendix 4 gives the link calculations for
the command uplink.

Telemetry Downlink

The telemetry downlink ( ref. Figure 5) will contain spacecraft and sensor health
and status data along with the information necessary for the processing and
geolocation of the imagery. This link is encerypted to preclude unauthorized use of
the image data on the wideband link.

EarthWatch, Incorporated

                      Naditr Antennas

                                                         Transmitter 1|(«——

                                NF   Coupler
                                                         Transmitter 1|<——

                     Zenith Antenna
                           Figure 5 EarthWatch II Telemetry Downlink

The spacecraft can switch between omni—directional antennas with adequate link
margins to assure contact can be maintained with the spacecraft under all
conditions and a nadir—only antenna for increased gain during higher—rate normal
operations. All commands to the spacecraft will be returned in the telemetry
downlink for verification. The telemetry link calculations are shown in Appendix 5.
The downlink flux levels will meet the requirements of ITU Radio Regulation 2557
by a minimum of 1.78 as shown in Appendix 6.

EarthWatch, Incorporated

Appendix 2, Mission Data Downlink Analysis

                       320 MHZ DATA RATE DOWNLINK ANALYSIS

                                               Fo=8.185   GHz

            Frequency:                              8.185    GHz
            Orbit Height in km                        600    Km
            Local elevation angle above hor.             5   degrees
            Data Rate                                 320    Mbps
            Bandwidth                               171.2    Mbps
            Spacecraft Ant EIRP @ max scan           58.9    dBm
            Slant Range:                           2327.8    km
            Ground Antenna G/T:                         23   dB/K
            BER                                    1.00E—
            Required Eb/No (Without Coding)         12.55
            Hardware Imp. BER Loss:                    1.5   dB
        Satellite EIRP dBm                           58.9 dBm
        Path Loss:                                 —178.1 dB
        Total Loss (Rain, Polarization, Ect.)         —3.0 dB
        Required Eb/No                               10.1 dB (With Coding Gain & Hardware BER Losses)
            Available Eb/No                          14.1 dBm
       DOWNLINK MARGIN:                              4.1 dB
Spacecraft Antenna Segment
            Spacecraft Dish Diameter                   11    inches
            Approx. HPBW                             9.01    degrees
            Gain of Spacecraft Antenna               25.0    dBi
            Loss Between HPA out & Ant. input         1.5    dB
            Transmitter Po                            3.5    Watts (@ xmitter output)
            EIRP of satellite Ant. System            58.9    dBm
Ground Antenna Segment
            Ground Antenna G/T:                        23    dB/K
            System Noise Temperature:               187.2    K (Referenced at Aperture)
            Directivity Gain Ground Antenna          45.7    dBiC
            Ground Dish Diameter:                     3.0    meters
            Approx. HPBW                              0.8    degrees

EarthWatch, Incorporated

Appendix 3, Power Flux Density; Wideband Downlink

                            X—Band Wide Band Downlink — In Band Power Flux Density On The Earth
                                         QPSK Modulation 160 Mbps x 2 Channels
         —130                             —    :     :    }      ;       ;     ;    ;            .         ;    M
                  i0   o       Ee   0    D     o    iD   O      i)      0     D     o     i      O   iD   &    D    0
                       x~      ht   O    O     &    &    S      S       Lt    L     ©     «©     m   m    to   co   &

                                                              Elevation (deg)


                                                         FCC X—Band Rqmt
   S —440 i4
   a.    ~145 4
                                                                     3 Meter Dia. Grd. Station
                                                                     59 dBm EIRP, 320 Mbps
                                                                 over a 160 Mhz BW / Carrier

         —150 4


EarthWatch, Incorporated

                  Appendix 4, S—Band Command Uplink Link Analysis

              PARAMETER                     UNITS           VALUE
          1   UPLINK EIRP (35.70B, 25 W)    dBw                 78.0
          2   FREE SPACE DISPERSIONLOSS     dB                —166.6
          3   ATMOSPHERIC LOSS 42 mm/hr     dB                    0.4
          4   S/C ANTENNA GAIN <+/— 75DEG   dBi                  —5.0
          5   POLARIZATION Loss             dB                     —3
          6   SICLINELoSS                   dB                   —2.7
          7   TOTAL S/C RECEIVED POWER      dBm                —98.9
          8 NET RECEIVED POWER              dBm                —98.9
          9 MIN CARRIER ACQUIS POWER        dBm               —117.0
         10 MARGIN CARRIER ACQUISITION      dB                  18.1

         11 NET RECEIVED POWER          dBm                    —98.9
         12 MINIMUM CMD CHANNEL POWER   dBm                   ~112.0
         13_COMMAND DESIGN MARGIN       dB                      13.1

EarthWatch, Incorporated

                   Appendix 5, Narrowband Downlink Link Analysis

             PARAMETER                           UNITS       VALUE
         1   TOTAL TRANSMIT POWER                dBm            37.0
         2   PASSIVE Loss                        dB              —2.5
         3    S/C ANTENNA GAIN >+/— 90DEG        dBi             —9.0
         4   FREE SPACE DISPERSIONLOSS           dB           1781
         5   ATMOSPHERIC Loss                    dB              —1.0
         6   GROUND STATION G/T (spec)           dB/K           24.8
         7   TOTAL RECEIVED POWER/T              dBm/K        —128.8
         8   BOLTZMAN CONSTANT                   dBm/Hz/K     —198.6
         9   TOTAL RECEIVED POWER/KT                            69.8
             CARRIER CHANNEL
        10   CARRIERTOTAL POWER                  dB              —5.9
        11   CARRIER POWER/KT (min)              dBm/Hz/KT      63.9
        12   CARRIER LOOP BW (60 Hz)             dB—Hz          17.8
        13   CARRIER/NOISE                       dB             46.1
        14   REQUIRED CARRIER/NoiSsE             dB             15.0
        15   CARRIER MARGIN                      dB             31.1
             DATA CHANNEL (PEM/PM) (playback
        16   DATA/TOTAL PoOWER (MIi=1.0)         dB              —2.1
        17   DATA POWER/KT                       dBm/Hz/KT      67.8
        18   INFORMATION RATE 256 KBPS           dB—Hz          54.1
        19   AVAILABLE S/N                       dB             13.7
        20   REQUIRED Eb/No 10E—5 BER            dB             12.1
        21   CODING GAIN                         dB               4.4
        22   AVAILABLE SIGNAL MARGIN             dB               6.0
             DATA CHANNEL (PECM/PSK/PM) (real time)
        23   DATATOTAL POWER (Mi=.5)             dB             —14.7
        24   DATA POWER/KT                       dBm/Hz/KT      55.2
        25   INFORMATION RATE (16 KBPS)          dB—Hz          42.1
        26   AVAILABLE S/N                       dB              13.0
        27   REQUIRED Eb/No 10E—5 BER            dB              12.1
        28   CODING GAIN                         dB               4.4
        29   AVAILABLE SIGNAL MARGIN             dB               5.3

EarthWatch, Incorporated

Appendix 6, Flux Density; Narrowband Downlink

                                  Narrow Band Downlink — In Band Power Flux Density On The Earth
                —125                    M               M     ;        .
                         i   o    t     0   uD    O     i    0        i    O     D   o   Lo   0    D   0    D    o
                             v—   hot   O   O     c     c    but      St   >     i   ©   ©    m    d   co   co   &

                                                                   Elevation (deg)
                130 —

                4135 —

                                                            FCC X—Band Rqmt
                140 —

                1445 4
                                                 Carrier Modulation
                —150 —

                ~155 4                                      Subcarrier Modulation

                —160 —


EarthWatch, Incorporated

Document Created: 2016-11-07 17:55:45
Document Modified: 2016-11-07 17:55:45

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