Attachment 1996TRW Comments sec

1996TRW Comments sec

COMMENT submitted by TRW Inc.



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19960308-00044 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                       BEFORE THE
                                                                                    APR 1 9 1996
         Federal Communications COMMISSk@®BNowncanions commussion
                               WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                               OFFICE OF SECRETARY

In re: Application of                              )
L/Q LICENSEE, INC.                                 J      File Nos. 90—SAT—ML—96
                                                   )                19—DSS—P—91(48)
For Authority to Construct, Launch and             J                and CSS—91—014
Operate Globalstar*M, a Low—Earth Orbiting         )
Satellite System, to Provide Mobile—Satellite      )
Services in the 1.6/2.4 GHz Bands.                 )

                               COMMENTS OF TRW INC.                                                       i

              TRW Inc. ("TRW"), by counsel, hereby comments on the above-ca!ptioned

system modification application filed by L/Q Licensee, Inc. ("LQL") on February 29,

1996. TRW does not oppose grant of the application; however, it does have some

observations concerning the alterations in LQL‘s Globalstar®X system proposal as they

relate to LQL‘s recent comments on TRW‘s modification of its Odyssey"*Y system. The

changes to the Globalstar®Y system indicate that LQL‘s assertion that the Commussion

should establish a "per constellation" power flux density ("p.f.d.") limit for code division

multiple access ("CDMA") mobile—satellite service ("MSS") systems may have been a

defensive effort motivated by the inherent susceptibility of its own system proposal to

interference. Although this aspect of the LQL system design does not affect the overall

acceptability of its application, neither does it provide a basis for constraining the


operation of Odyssey"*~ through the sort of unwarranted restriction that LQL has

previously proposed.

                In its recent Comments concerning TRW‘s license modification application,

LQL acknowledged that the S—band p.f.d. coordination threshold for MSS systems had

been relaxed at WRC—95.4         However, at the same time LQL asserted that the

Commission should establish an additional "per constellation" p.f.d. limit — as opposed

to the "per satellite" values adopted at WRC—95 — specifically for CDMA MSS systems

in the 2483.5—2500 MHz band.*

                In response, TRW pointed out that such a step by the Commission would be

unwarranted in view of its prior directive to the CDMA MSS licensees to coordinate their

operations informally, without formal Commission intervention." TRW also noted its

belief that these negotiations could be concluded successfully, based on its anticipated

compliance with the existing standards."

       LQL itself sought a waiver of the former p.f.d. limits in its original application,
       anticipating the actions that were in fact taken at WRC—95. See Loral/Qualcomm
       Partnership, L.P., 10 FCC Red 2333, 2335—36 ((¢ 19—21) (Int‘l Bur.1995).
¥      See LQL Comments, File No. 33—SAT—AMEND—96, at 6—7 (filed February 23, 1996).

2      See Amendment of the Commission‘s Rules to Establish Rules and Policies Pertaining to a
       Mobile Satellite Service in the 1610—1626.5/2483.5—2500 MHz Frequency Bands, 9 FCC
       Red 5936, 5962—63 ("Big LEO R&O").

4      See TRW Consolidated Response, File No. 33—SAT—AMEND—96, at 6 (filed March 7,

                                                 c3 _

               LQL‘s modification application provides further insight into its desire to

impose additional regulatory limitations on other CDMA MSS systems. In its

modification application, LQL includes revised satellite parameters which indicate that

the average power available for each satellite‘s communications payload has been

reduced by nearly half — to 346 Watts (from 660 Watts in the licensed system)." The

ultimate result of this change is a nearly 75 percent reduction in the power available for

S—band service links, as detailed below, and a likely substantial diminution in overall

system performance.

               Contemporaneously with the filing of LQL‘s license modification

application, Mitsubishi Electric published a paper showing that the high power C—band

feeder link amplifiers to be used with the Globalstar"®Y system are capable of delivering

25 Watts of multicarrier RF output power at a DC power consumption of approximately

120 Watts." Because two of these amplifiers will be used by Globalstar"®4, the

Mitsubishi paper implies that a total of 240 Watts will be used by that system for the

feeder link transmissions, with the remaining power available for transmitting to handsets

or other user terminals. Simple calculations show that this constitutes a 75 percent

reduction in

3     See LQL Modification Application at Table 2. In addition, the satellite mass has been
       increased by approximately ten percent.

5     See Ono, T., T. Ozawa, A. Kamikokura, R. Hayashi, K. Seino, and H. Hirose, "Linearized
      C—Band SSPA Incorporating Dynamic Bias Operation for Globalstar," 16th International
       Communications Satellite Systems Conference, February 25—29, 1996, Washington, D.C.


the average power available for S—band service links —i.e., 660 — 240 = 420 Watts for

the licensed system, and 346 — 240 = 106 Watts for the modified system.

                With most of the satellite power servicing the high power amplifiers to

transmit from the satellite to feeder link earth stations, there is correspondingly less

power available for service links to subscriber handsets." This is particularly significant

for Globalstar®M because it has always proposed S—band signal strengths that are lower

than those of the other 1.6/2.4 GHz systems. As a result, it must either service fewer

subscribers at the same power levels or attempt to serve the same number of subscribers

with weaker downlink signals — with a consequent increase in susceptibility to


                Because serving fewer subscribers would be likely to have a significant

impact on LQL‘s revenue projections for Globalstar"®4, it is apparent that LQL finds itself

desiring extra protection for its weaker signals to avoid this result. This desire explains

LQL‘s change of heart on the question of relaxing the S—band p.f.d. levels, and its more

recent proposal to constrain p.f.d. levels in the S—band to a greater extent than is

necessary or required under the Radio Regulations. LQL is evidently concerned about

potential interference from entirely permissible Odyssey"*¥M operations because the

Globalstar"Y satellites have now been redesigned to be substantially less robust.

U      A small portion of the communications payload power also goes to the receivers that
       detect signals in the L—band service uplinks.


              While TRW remains committed to reaching a mutually acceptable

coordination solution for CDMA MSS,*it comments here to note that the system design

changes LQL is proposing are entirely volitional, and are likely to make the Globalstar"Y

system substantially less robust. LQL is proceeding down this path with its eyes open,

and TRW must not have its ability to optimize the Odyssey*X system unreasonably

constrained in order to accommodate possible shortcomings of the new LQL system.

design. In short, Odyssey"Y? must not be required to adhere to some unspecified p.f.d.

limitation in addition to the ITU coordination limit simply for the purpose of ameliorating

inherent service quality problems with the Globalstar®Y system.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                     TRW INC.

                                                          anl Lt
                                                                     /                +

                                                     By: M//
                                                            Stephen D. Baruch
                                                            David S. Keir

                                                            Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
                                                            2000 K Street, NW.
                                                            Suite 600
                                                            Washington, D.C. 20006
                                                            (202) 429—8970

April 19, 1996                                       Its Attorneys

8     In its application, TRW stated its expectation that it would, in most cases, operate at
      levels below the coordination thresholds established at WRC—95. See TRW Amendment
      at 4.

                                    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

           I, Kaigh K. Johnson, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing

"Comments of TRW Inc." was mailed, first—class postage prepaid, this 19th day of April, 1996 to

each of the following:

                        * Scott Harris, Chief
                          International Bureau
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          2000 M Street, NW, Room 800
                          Washington, DC 20554

                        * Tom Tycz, Chief
                          Satellite and Radiocommunication Division
                          International Bureau
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          2000 M Street, NW, Room 811
                          Washington, DC 20554

                          Philip L. Malet, Esq.
                          Steptoe & Johnson
                          1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW.
                          Washington, D.C. 20036
                            Counsel for Motorola, Inc.

                          William D. Wallace, Esq.
                          Crowell & Morning
                          1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
                          Washington, D.C. 20004—2595
                            Counsel for L/Q Licensee, Inc.

*By Hand Delivery


                      Leslie Taylor
                      Leslie Taylor Associates
                      6800 Carlynn Court
                      Bethesda, MD 20817
                       Counsel for L/Q Licensee, Inc.

                                                 Lk     . |   /     |

                                                      Kaigh K. Johnson


Document Created: 2013-12-26 15:37:03
Document Modified: 2013-12-26 15:37:03

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