Attachment DA 92-1481.pdf

DA 92-1481.pdf


DA 92-1481


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19911231-00036 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                            Federal Communications Commission                                            DA 92—1481

                                                                                       I. INTRODUCTION
                           Before the                                   1. Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. (HCG) and its
              Federal Communications Commission                      wholly—owned     subsidiary,   Satellite   Transponder       Leasing
                    Washington, D.C. 20554                           Corporation (STLC), have filed several applications relating
                                                                     to their domestic fixed—satellite systems. HCG/STLC request
                                                                     authority to consolidate two single—band satellites into one
     In the Matter of                                                hybrid satellite and request authority for various interim
                                                                     and regular orbital assignments. Petitions to deny and com—
                                                                     ments were filed on the various applications. For the rea—
     HUGHES                        File Nos. 5/6—DSS—MP/ML—92        sons discussed below, we grant HCG authority to operate a
     COMMUNICATIONS                                                  hybrid satellite at 95° W.L., grant HCG authority to replace
     GALAXY, INC.                                                    Galaxy 2 with Galaxy 6 at 74° W.L., dismiss HCG‘s request
                                                                     to locate Galaxy 6 at 103° W.L. on an interim basis, grant
     Application to combine two single                               STLC authority to locate SBS—4 at 77° W.L. on an interim
     satellites into one hybrid satellite                            basis subject to certain conditions, and deny STLC author—
                                                                     ity to locate SBS—6 at 95° W.L. on an interim basis.
     HUGHES                               File No. 16—DSS—ML—92
     COMMUNICATIONS                                                                     II. BACKGROUND
     GALAXY, INC.                                                      2. HCG is authorized to operate a 12/14 GHz (Ku—band)
                                                                     satellite at 131° W.L. (Galaxy B—R) and a 4/6 GHz (C—band)
     Application for interim orbital                                 satellite at 95° W.L. (Galaxy 3—R). HCG wants to combine
     assignments of Galaxy 6                                         these two single—band satellites into a single hybrid satellite
                                                                     at 95° W.L. (Galaxy 3H) to be launched January 1994.
     HUGHES                               File No. 17—DSS—ML—92      Communications Satellite Corporation (Comsat) filed a pe—
                                                                     tition to deny‘ the HCG request because Comsat‘s subsid—
                                                                     iary, Comsat General Corporation (Comsat General), is
     GALAXY, INC.                                                    operating the Ku—band SBS—3 satellite at 95° W.L. Comsat
                                                                     General is authorized to operate SBS—3 at that location
     Application to use Galaxy 6 as                                  until November 1992. Using the Comsat maneuver‘ to
     replacement satellite for Galaxy 2                              extend SBS—3‘s useful life, Comsat General has requested
                                                                     extended authority to operate SBS—3 at 95° W.L. beyond
     SATELLITE TRANSPONDER                File No. 18—DSS—ML—92      the date on which HCG seeks to launch Galaxy 3R
     LEASING CORPORATION                                               3. HCG‘s C—band Galaxy 6 satellite is operating at 99°
                                                                     W.L. on an interim basis until Galaxy 4H is launched into
                                                                     99° W.L. in early 1993. Galaxy 6 does not have a regularly
     Application for interim orbital
                                                                     assigned orbital location. Galaxy 2 is operating at 74° W.L.
     assignment of SBS—4 to 77° W.L.                                 until its end—of—life in December 1993. HCG wants to use
                                                                     Galaxy 6 as the replacement satellite for Galaxy 2 at 74°
     SATELLITE TRANSPONDER                File No. 19—DSS—ML—92      W.L. instead of launching a new satellite as Galaxy 2‘s
     LEASING CORPORATION                                             replacement. No party objects to this request. HCG also
                                                                     wants to operate Galaxy 6 at 103° W.L. for an interim
     Application for interim orbital                                 period between the time Galaxy 4H replaces it at 99° W.L.
                                                                     in early 1993 and the end—of—life of Galaxy 2 in December
     assignment of SBS—6 to 95° W.L.                                 1993. GTE Spacenet Corporation (GTE Spacenet) and GE
                                                                     American    Communications, Inc.       (GE Americom)           filed
                                                                     comments on both applications. GTE Sgacenet has no
                ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION                              objection to Galaxy 6 being located at 103° W.L. provided
                                                                     that such authority be conditioned on Galaxy 6 not causing
Adopted: October 2, 1992;          Released: November 2, 1992
                                                                     any adverse interference into its Spacenet 4 hybrid satellite
                                                                     at 101° W.L. GE Americom argues that Hughes has not
     By the Chief, Common Carrier Bureau:                            justified an interim assignment at 103° W.L. and that any
                                                                     authorization should be conditioned to prevent Hughes
                                                                     from obtaining regular authority at 103° W.L.
                                                                        4. STLC is operating its Ku—band SBS—4 satellite at its
                                                                     assigned 91° W.L. location. STLC seeks to relocate SBS—4
                                                                     temporarily at 77° W.L. when the Galaxy 7H satellite (as—

 \  The petition was received after the established comment          in an inclined orbit mode using the Comsat maneuver. Comsat
  eriod.                                                             General Corporation, 6 FCC Red 3345 (Dom. Fac. Div. 1991).
E The Comsat maneuver is a satellite control technique in            Comsat General has filed a request to extend the operating
which a satellite operator ceases north—south stationkeeping of      authority of $SBS—3 until December 31, 1995. Application File
its satellite to conserve fuel and thereby extend the spacecraft‘s   No. 29—DSS—ML—92. We will dispose of that application in a
operational life—time.                                               separate action.
 3 The SBS—3 satellite is assigned to, and operating at, 95° W.L.

DA 92—1481                                 Federal Communications Commission

signed to operate at 91° W.L.) is launched in October 1992.           authorization subject to cancellation without a hearing
STLC seeks to operate SBS—4 at 77° W.L. through the end               should the Commission find it necessary to accommodate
of SBS—4‘s useful life in August 1994." No party objects to           more efficient satellites or if, in the opinion of the Com—
this proposal.                                                        mission, circumstances should so require."
   5. STLC seeks an interim orbital assignment for its Ku—               8. HCG proposes to consolidate two single—band satellites
band SBS—6 satellite. SBS—6 is operating at 99° W.L. on a             into a state—of—the—art hybrid satellite that would operate at
temporary basis, although it is assigned to 72° W.L.‘ STLC            95° W.L. Operating a state—of—the—art hybrid satellite rather
wants to relocate SBS—6 to 95° W.L. in February 1993                  than two single—band satellites may have certain efficien—
when Galaxy 4H becomes operational at 99° W.L. STLC                   cies. Construction, launch and insurance costs for one
wants to operate SBS—6 at 95° W.L. until Galaxy 3H is                 hybrid will be lower than the costs for two single—band
launched into 95° W.L. in January 1994. Comsat filed a                satellites."" Moreover, hybrid satellites can be designed with
petition to deny the STLC request arguing that it intends to          technical capabilities equivalent to single—band satellites.
operate SBS—3 at 95° W.L. until 1995.° GE Americom filed              Thus, hybrid satellites can provide cost savings to operators
comments suggesting that if an interim orbital assignment             and customers with no decrease in technical performance.
is granted, the older SBS—4 should be used at 95°             W.L.    Consequently, the Commission has attempted, when possi—
instead of the newer SBS—6 so that HCG may not "lever—                ble, to assign operators to corresponding C—band and Ku—
age" regular authority from this grant.                               band orbital locations."" We have also reassigned C—band
                                                                      and Ku—band satellites assigned to different locations to
                                                                      facilitate implementation of hybrid satellites."
                        III. DISCUSSION                                 9. Comsat opposes HCG‘s proposal because Comsat Gen—
                                                                      eral wants to continue to operate its SBS—3 satellite at 95°
  Galaxy 3H                                                           W.L. beyond its November 1992 license expiration and past
   6. HCG progoses to implement a new Galaxy 3H hybrid                the launch of Galaxy 3H in January 1994." We find,
satellite at 95° W.L. instead of implementing a Ku—band               however, it is not in the public interest to allow an ob—
satellite at 131° W.L. and a C—band satellite at 95° W.L. The         solete satellite to continue to operate past its license term
proposed technical specifications of Galaxy 3—H are virtu—            and effectively block the entry of a new, more efficient
ally identical to those authorized for the single—band sat—           hybrid satellite that may be regularly assigned to that loca—
ellites. Grant of this request would essentially entail               tion. New state—of—the—art satellites employ technological ad—
reassigning HCG‘s Ku—band space segment from 131° W.L.                vancements that use the spectrum more efficiently and that
to 959 W.L. HCG would receive no additional orbital loca—             allow more customers to be served with maximum quality
tions. Comsat General is operating SBS—3 at 95° W.L. using            service. SBS—3, for example, does not employ full frequency
the Comsat maneuver. It has applied for authority to con—             re—use nor are its transmission powers comparable to the
tinue to use this maneuver to extend SBS—3‘s useful life              latest generation of satellites being built. Accordingly, we
beyond its November 1992 license expiration and the pro—              find it is in the public interest to permit HCG to combine
posed launch date of Galaxy 3H. Comsat General asserts                its single—band licenses at 95° W.L. and 131° W.L. into one
that if it is required to cease operations from 95‘1 W.L.             license for a state—of—the—art hybrid satellite at 95° W.L.
before 1995 ,it will suffer irreparable economic harm.‘                  10. Further, we do not find that Comsat‘s desire to
   7. The Bureau has authorized the use of the Comsat                 operate SBS—3 beyond its license term gives rise to hearing
maneuver to extend the operational life of older satellites           rights or alters the availability of the 95° W.L. orbital
until state—of—the—art satellites authorized to operate from          location for reassignment. Comsat has not applied for a
the same locations are ready to be launched." However,                replacement satellite for SBS—3."" Consequently, Comsat has
those authorizations were not intended to be used to delay            no renewal expectancy‘‘ at 95° W.L. and the location is
the availability of new satellite technology. Thus, authoriza—        available for reassignment at the expiration of SBS—3‘s li—
tions to use the Comsat maneuver to operate a satellite               cense term.‘" Any grant of extended operational authority
beyond its license term include a condition rendering the             for SBS—3 would be granted subject to cancellation in its

 * Originally, STLC proposed to relocate SBS—4 to 83° W.L.            September 1, 1987) (Comsat maneuver for SBS—2, Comsat D—
 Petitions to deny this proposal were filed by GE Americom,           2/D—4 and SBS—1, respectively). See also GTE Spacenet Corpora—
 American Telegraph & Telephone (AT&T) and Primestar Part—            tion, 5 FCC Red 1182 (Com. Car. Bur. 1990) (Comsat maneuver
 ners, L.P. Consequently, STLC decided to propose an alternative      for GSTAR IID.
 interim location for SBS—4 at 77° W.L.                               10 See Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc., 5 FCC Red 3423
 3 See Satellite Transponder Leasing Corporation, 5 FCC Red           gCom. Car. Bur. 1990).
 1651 (Com. Car. Bur. 1990).                                           _ See Assignment of Orbital Locations to Space Stations in the
    See para. 2, supra.                                               Domestic Fixed—Satellite Service, 3 FCC Red 6972 (1988).
    Comsat also argues that the Commission is obligated to hold       2 See GE American Communications, Inc., 7 FCC Red 5169
 a hearing before it can grant HCG‘s applications pursuant to         gCom. Car. Bur. 1992).
 Section 309 of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. $ 309 (1991),        3 Comsat General has stated that the Comsat maneuver can
 and Ashbacker Radio Corp. v. FCC, 326 U.S. 327 (1945), be—           extend a satellite lifetime by five to seven years beyond the
 cause Comsat argues the competing claims to 95° W.L. are             normal design life.
 mutually exclusive.                                                      Comsat seeks to operate SBS—3 for an additional three years.
    See Comsat General Corporation, 4 FCC Red 3820 (Com.              Satellite operators may file applications for authority to con—
 Car. Bur. 1989), at para. 8.                                         struct and launch satellites up to five years in advance of the
    See, e.g., letters from Chief, Domestic Facilities Division, to   planned launch date. Licensing Space Stations in the Domestic
 H. Richard Juhnke (February 26, 1988) (Extension of operating        Fixed—Satellite Service, 50 Fed. Reg. 36071 (1985), at para. 28.
 authority and authority to use the Comsat maneuver for Westar        15   1988 Assignment Order, 3 FCC Red 6972, at note 31.
 3) and Robert Mansbach (July 26, 1988, February 29, 1988 and         16 See, e.g., 1988 Assignment Order, 3 FCC Red 6972, at para. 11

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                                                                Federal Communications Commission                                               DA 92—1481

                      entirety without a hearing, consistent with prior Division           Rather, it is assigned to 72° W.L., where it may begin
                      action."‘" Thus,. contrary to Comsat‘s claim otherwise, the          providing service immediately. We do not believe that any
                      Commission is not required to conduct a hearing pursuant             public interest benefits to be gained from permitting HCG
                      to Ashbacker Radio Corp. v. FCC. In addition, Comsat, in             to occupy 95° W.L. for eleven months would outweigh the
                      its petition to deny, has failed to make specific allegations        costs to Comsat and its customers in requiring SBS—3 to
                      of fact sufficient to show that grant of HCG‘s application           vacate 95° W.L. eleven months before it would otherwise
                      would      be prima     facie   inconsistent   with   the: public    be necessary. Therefore, until Galaxy 3H is launched in
                      interest.‘" Even assuming that all of Comsat‘s allegations           January 1994, we see no reason for SBS—3 to be decommis—
                      are true, grant of HCG‘s request would not be contrary to            sioned or moved.""
                      the Commission‘s domestic satellite policies. As stated
                      above, the Commission has recognized the public interest                Galaxy 6
                      benefits inherent in state—of—the—art hybrid satellites."" More—        13. HCG proposes to operate Galaxy 6 at 103° W.L. for
                      over, the Commission has recognized the importance of                an interim period between the time Galaxy 4H replaces it
                      implementing newer generation satellites by including a              at 99° W.L. in early 1993 and the end—of—life of Galaxy 2 in
                      condition in all license terms extensions that allows the            December 1993. HCG then requests authority to move
                      additional operating authority to        be cancelled    without
                                                                                           Galaxy 6 into Galaxy 2‘s 74° W.L. location, where it will
                      hearing. Thus, we found above that grant of the Galaxy 3H            serve as Galaxy 2‘s replacement.
                      proposal is consistent with the public interest because it
                      allows the realization of the efficiencies gained by the                14. The 103° W.L. location is within that portion of the
                      regular assignment of a state—of—the—art satellite over the          orbital arc that is included in a Canadian, Mexican and
                      temporary assignment of an obsolete satellite operating past         United States trilateral arrangement reached in 1988."" Un—
                      the end of its license term.                                         der the provisions of the arrangement, Canada is permitted
                                                                                           to occupy the 104.5° W.L. location with a C—band satellite
                                                                                           until the 1994 time frame, when GTE Spacenet launches a
                                                                                           hybrid satellite into 103° W.L. Thus, we will not approve
                        11. SBS—6 now operates at 99° W.L. on a temporary basis,           the interim C—band assignment of 103° W.L. to Galaxy 6
                      although it is assigned to 72° W.L. STLC proposes to                 without the express consent of the Canadian administra—
                      operate its Ku—band SBS—6 satellite temporarily at 95° W.L.          tion. This consent is found nowhere in the record. More—
                      starting in February 1993 when Galaxy 4H becomes oper—               over, we will not initiate renegotiations: of the trilateral
                      ational at 99° W.L. and until Galaxy 3H is successfully              arrangement absent compelling public fnterest reasons to
                      launched into 95° W.L. in January 1994. Comsat‘s Ku—band             do so. HCG‘s desire to provide service from 103° W.L. for
                      SBS—3 satellite has been operating at 95° W.L. since its             less than one year does not warrant reopening the complex
                      launch in November 1982. Comsat filed a petition to deny             negotiations that preceded the signing of— the 1988 arrange—
                      STLC‘s application, stating that it intends to use the Com—          ment. Therefore, we dismiss without prejudice the HCG
                      sat maneuver to keep SBS—3 operational beyond its ten—year           application requesting an interim orbital assignment for
                      license term."                                                       Galaxy 6 of 103° W.L.
                        12. As stated above, this Bureau has found that it is in              15. No party opposes HCG‘s proposal to replace Galaxy
                      the public interest to allow operators to extend the useful          2 with Galaxy 6 at 74° W.L. and therefore, we grant the
                      life of older satellites until new state—of—the—art satellites are   application. In the interim period between the time Galaxy
                      ready to be launched. This allows the operator of the older          4H replaces Galaxy 6 at 99° W.L. and the end—of—life of
                      satellite to serve customers and to receive a returit on its         Galaxy 2, HCG must co—locate Galaxy 6 with another one
                      investment for as long as possible while not impeding the            of its C—band satellites.""
                      availability of new technologies and services."‘ In this or—
                      der, HCG is authorized to implement a new state—of—the—art             SBS—4
                      satellite at 95° W.L. in early 1994, when Galaxy 3H is
                      launched. STLC‘s request to locate SBS—6 at 95° W.L. on a               16. STLC proposes to operate its Ku—band SBS—4 satellite
                      temporary basis beginning in February 1993 would effec—              at 77° W.L. through the end of its life in August 1994.
                      tively require the decommissioning of SBS—3 one year be—             SBS—4 has been operating at 91° W.L. since its launch in
                      fore Galaxy 3H is operational. We will not permit HCG to             1984. It will be replaced in the next few months, however,
                      "bootstrap" itself into an earlier stake in the 95° W.L.             with Galaxy 7—H. STLC‘s request to move SBS—4 to 77°
                      orbital location by giving it a regular assignment beginning         W.L. upon Galaxy 7—H‘s launch is unopposed. The 77°
                                                                                           W.L. location, however, has not been coordinated interna—
                      in 1994. While SBS—6 may be technically superior to the
                      older SBS—3 satellite, SBS—6 is not assigned to 95° W.L.             tionally. Accordingly, while we grant STLC‘s request for

                       (76° W.L. reassigned from Safecom Partnership to National Ex—       6—10, supra.
                       change Satellite, Inc. after expiration of Safecom Partnership‘s    21 See para. 7, supra.
                       licenses) and 5 FCC Red 179, para. 26 (85° W.L. reassigned from     * GE Americom‘s arguments regarding STLC‘s ability to le—
                       American Telephone & Telegraph Company (AT&T) to Hughes             verage regular authority to operate at this location from an
                       Communications Galaxy, Inc. after expiration of AT&T‘s li—          interim authorization are rendered moot by this decision.
                       cense).                                                             23 See letter from Chief, Common Carrier Bureau, FCC to
                       7 See note 9, supra.                                                Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Government of Canada De—
                           See Astroline Communications Company Limited Partner—           Eartment of Communications (August 19, 1988).
                       ship v. FCC, 857 F.2d 1556, 1561 (D.C. Cir. 1988); Arnold L.            For example, HCG could co—locate Galaxy 6 with Galaxy 2
                       Chase, 5 FCC Red 1642, 1644 (1990).                                 at 749 W.L. Also, because HCG‘s Galaxy 2—R will not be built,
                       i9 See para. 8, supra.                                              we render the authorization for Galaxy 2—R, Hughes Commu—
                       9 Comsat also reiterates its claim that a hearing is necessary      nications Galaxy, Inc., 3 FCC Red 6989 (1988), null and void.
                       before STLC‘s request can be granted. See discussion at paras.

DA 92—1481                                 Federal Communications Commission

reassignment, we will permit operation of SBS—4 at 77°
W.L. on a non—interference basis only until such time as
coordination is completed.*

                IV. ORDERING CLAUSES
  17. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that Application File
Nos. 5 & 6—DSS—MP/ML—92 ARE GRANTED and Hughes
Communications Galaxy, Inc. IS AUTHORIZED to con—
solidate its Ku—band Galaxy B—R satellite at 131° W.L. and
its C—band Galaxgl 3—R satellite at 95° W.L. into the hybrid
Galaxy 3—H at 95° W.L. as proposed in its application.
   18. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Ku—band por—
tion of the 131° W.L. orbital location is available for reas—
   19. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Application File
No. 16—DSS—ML—92 requesting authority to locate Galaxy 6
at 103° W.L. temporarily IS DISMISSED WITHOUT
  20. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Application File
No. 17—DSS—ML—92 IS GRANTED and Hughes Commu—
nications Galaxy, Inc. IS AUTHORIZED to use Galaxy 6
to replace Galaxy 2 at 74° W.L. at the end of Galaxy 2‘s
useful life.
   21. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the authorization
for Galaxy 2—R, Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.. 3
FCC Red 6989 (1988), is NULL and VOID.
   22. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Application File
Satellite Transponder Leasing Corporation IS AUTHO—
RIZED to operate SBS—4 at 77° W.L. on a non—interference
basis until international coordination is completed. The
period of operation shall start when Galaxy 6H is launched
and terminate at the expiration of SBS—4‘s license term.
  23. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Application File
No. 19—DSS—ML—92 requesting an interim orbital assign—
ment of SBS—6 to 95° W.L. IS DENIED.
  24. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Petition to
Deny filed by Communications Satellite Corporation IS
DENIED as it pertains to the grant of Application File
Nos. 5/6—DSS—ML—92 and IS GRANTED as it pertains to
the denial of Application File No. 19—DSS—ML—92.
  25. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Order and
Authorization will be effective upon adoption.


  Cheryl A. Tritt
  Chief, Common Carrier Bureau

 25   See Section 25.111(b) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §   25.111(b).

Document Created: 2016-12-13 18:33:47
Document Modified: 2016-12-13 18:33:47

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