Attachment 1990petition to deny

1990petition to deny

PETITION TO DENY submitted by AT&T

petition to deny


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19900830-00049 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                  mEVWELEIV EL

                                                     OCt 1 5 19                   PECFIVED
                                                 Domestic Facilities Division
                                Before the         Satellite Radio Branch             OCI 1 1 1990
                 FEDERAL C(_)MMUN ICATIONS COMMISSION                           Federal Communications Commission
                      Washington, D.C.           20554                                Office of the Secretary

In the Matter of .                           )

American Satellite Company
       a/b/a Contel ASC
                                             j                                  S)VE' ExT — 46)

                                             )   File Nos. 1804+/+802/
Authorization to Construct,                  ) . T803=—DSS—MP/ML—89—
Launch and Operate Contelsat—1l              )


              Pursuant to Section 21.30 of the Commission‘s

Rules,   47 C.F.R.    § 21.30, American Telephone and Telegraph

Company ("AT&T")      hereby petitions to deny the Application

of American Satellite Company G/b/a Contel ASC ("Contel"),

dated August 30,      1990,    for a one—year delay in the date by

which Contel is authorized to Eegin construction of its

Contelsat—l1 satellite.

              The Commission‘s "milestone" dates, which it

typically requires as conditions of satellite licenses

issued under Sections 308, 309 and 319 of the

Communications Acf of 1934,        as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 308,

309,   319,    are designed to "prevent[]          orbital 1ocationsA

from being      ‘warehoused‘   by licensees who have not yet

decided whether to proceed with their plans."                           MCI

Communications Corp.,   2 FCC Rced.   233    (1987),   at 4| 5.

Contel requests a one—year extension of time to begin

construction,   precisely because the impending merger of

Contel‘s parent company with GTE Corporation makes it

uncertain whether it will proceed with construction of

Contelsat—1 or not.*    Contel‘s Application (at 2 n.3)           also

indicates that Contel has apparently not yet decided on a

satellite manufacturer or even issued an RFP for formal

proposals from satellite manufacturers —— even though its

license presently requires that construction was to have

begun in August 1990.       Contel nonetheless seeks to

maintain its exclusive orbital slot assignment for a

*   Contel‘s application states:

         "Since the resulting corporation [after the
         merger) will be heavily involved in the
         satellite business, Contel ASC expects that
         the resulting entity will require additional
         satellite capacity in the 1990‘s and that
         the sound design and orbital location of
         Contelsat—l will make this satellite the
         logical candidate for fulfilling those
         requirements.  However, as the merger
         agreement was only just recently 51gned on
         August 7, 1990, firm decisions concerning
                        m       requiremen       £
         resulting entity cannot be made by
         August 31."   (Contel Application, at 2 n.5,
         emphasis added.)

         "In light of the uncertainty regarding the
         satellite requirements of the resulting
         company, making such financial and technical
         commitments at this time [for construction
         of the Contelsat—1] could hinder the
         resulting entity in its ability to provide
         high quality, cost—efficient services to the
         public."  (Ig., at 2.)

further year while it decides whether to proceed.             This is

classic "warehousing",    which is directly contrary to the

Commission‘s announced policies.*

           In order to prevent such orbital slot

warehousing,    the Commission has traditionally granted

milestone delays only "when delay in implementation is due

to circumstances beyond the control of the licensee."                MCL

Communications Corp.,    supra,   at "I 5.     Contel   concedes   that

it does not meet that standard (Application at 3—4)            and

instead attempts to rely on Hughes Communications Galaxy

DA 90—780, Order and Authorization (released June 6,

1990),   in which the Commission granted a short delay where

satellite construction had already been commenced and the

licensee‘s commitment to launch was assured.** Contel‘s

reliance on Hughes is misplaced,      because Contel,      unlike

the licensee in Hughes,    has not yet commenced

construction,   and indeed seeks to postpone commencing

construction precisely for the purpose of deciding whether

to construct the satellite at all.           As the Commission has

stated, extension of milestone dates for reasons like

these that are not beyond the licensee‘s control is

*    e.g., Communications
                        Corp., supra,
*«   See also,  American Tel
     DA 90—1221, Order and Authorization (released
     September 19, 1990), "[ 17 (two—month delay in
     construction completion and launch granted where
     applicant had already expended construction funds and
     was committed to launch) .

generally not permitted,      in order to "prevent orbital

locations from being held by licensees who have not yet

decided whether to proceed with their plans,        [to]l   the

exclusion of others who would use that location."*

            Contrary to Contel‘s contention     (Application

at 4—5),    other satellite operators have a need for

additional orbital positions,      especially for "hybria"

locations such as the one assigned to Contelsat—1.**              For

example, AT&T‘s TELSTAR 403      "hybrid"   satellite is

presently authorized as a ground spare,        but has not been

given launch authorization.       AT&T is evaluating whether to

apply to launch TELSTAR 403.       Any such application would

be hampered because there is presently no unassigned

"hybrid" location in the orbital arc from which a

satellite can "see" all of the continental United States.

AT&T may apply for authorization to use the orbital

position at 8§3° W.L.     presently assigned for Contelsat—1,

*      and Company, supra, at
       § 16.

*x*—    A "hybrid" satellite location is one that is available
        for transmissions in both the C and Ku Bands of
        spectrum.  Hybrid satellites are the most economical
        for many applications.  However, because of the number
       ~of orbital locations that have been allocated to
        satellites which are authorized for only C Band or
        Ku Band domestic communications, only a few orbital
        locations remain which are possible for "hybrid"
       satellites,   and all of those "hybrid" locations have
       been assigned.  Thus, Contel‘s request to (in effect)
       "warehouse" a hybrid location is even more burdensome
       than a request to "warehouse" a general orbital
       location would have been.

if it becomes available.       Alternatively,    the availability

of this orbital    location may make it possible for other

satellite operators to request a change in their assigned

locations,    thereby freeing a Gifferent     location for AT&T.

Moreover,    enforcement of the Commission‘s policy against

warehousing may result in further slots becoming

available,    as other satellite operators who have not met

their "milestone" commitments are also required to

relinquish their unused orbital assignments.

            Accordingly,   the Commission should deny Contel‘s

requested milestone delay.      Because the current August

1990 date for commencement of construction of Contelsat—1

has passed and Contel has not yet commenced construction,

the Commission should now declare that Contel is in

violation of its license conditions, that the Contel‘s

license is null and void,     and that the position

at 83° W.L.    is available for general applications.        MCI

Communications Corp., supra, "" 8,      11.     If,   at some future

time,    Contel decides that it wishes to build and launch a

communications satellite,         it can submit an application for

a   license.

                                  Respectfully submitted,


                          By__/s/ Francine J. Berry
                                  Francine J. Berry
                                  David P. Condit
                                  Richard F. Hope

                                  Its Attorneys

                                  295 North Maple Avenue
                                  Room 3244J1                .
                                  Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920

Dated:    October   11,    1990

                   ERTIFICAT       F_SERVICE

         I, Ann Marie Abrahamson, hereby certify that a
true copy the foregoing "Petition to Deny" was served this
llth day of October, 1990 by first class mail, postage
prepaid, upon the parties listed below:

         *Richard M. Firestone, Chief
         Common Carrier Bureau
         Federal Communications Commission
         1919 M Street,   N.W.,   Room 500
         Washington,   D.C.   20554

         Joan M. Griffin, Esq.
         American Satellite Company d/b/a
         Contel ASC
         Columbia Square
         555 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
         Suite 480 West
         Washington, D.C.  20004—1109

                                      Ann    i           n
                                      Ann Marie Abrahamson

*   Indicates hand delivery service.

Document Created: 2014-09-11 11:58:32
Document Modified: 2014-09-11 11:58:32

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