Attachment 1990request to modif

1990request to modif

REQUEST submitted by Contel

Request to modify the construction permit


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19900830-00049 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


 Contel Corporation                                           ,             Pb‘  BPPP    ER]i3L
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 555 Thirteenth Street, NWI/Suite 480 West                        (   L4 e t« &                 b             en
 we    gron, DC 200041108 _                                                               é/"       SS—LX]         70
         8700 Office, 202 383 8710 FAX

                                                           August 30,             1990

Ms.    Donna R.              Searcy
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, NW
Washington, D.C.  20554

         Re:           American Satellite Company d/b/a
                       Contel ASC
                       Authorization to Construct, Launch,                                and
                       Operate Contelsat—1
                       File Nos.             1801/1802/1803—DSS—MP/ML—89

         Attn:            Cecily Holiday
                          2025 M Street,              NW
                          Suite 6324

Dear Ms.              Searcy:

         American Satellite Company d/b/a Contel ASC ("Contel
ASC"), by its attorney, hereby requests that the Commission
modify the construction permit granted to Contel ASC for the
satellite known as Contelsat—1.  In particular, Contel ASC
asks that the Commission delay the date by which Contel ASC
must commence construction of this satellite from August 31,
1990 until August 31, 1991.  This request is necessitated by
the proposed merger of Contel ASC‘s parent company, Contel
Corporation ("Contel"), and GTE Corporation ("GTE").   As
shown below, grant of this request will serve the public

          Contel ASC was authorized to cgnstruct,                                        launch,    and
operate Contelsat—1 in late 1988.     Contelsat—1 is a
hybrid satellige that i§ presently assigned to the orbital
location at 83  wW. L.     By the terms of Contel ASC‘s
original authorization for the satellite, Contel ASC must
commence construction of Contelsat—1 by August, 1990 and
must place the satellite into service by May, 1993.

                      Contel ASC,             3   FCC Rod 6982          (1988) .

                      American Satellite Company, 5 FCC Rced 1186                                  (1990) .

     Contel ASC has not yet signed a contract with a
spacecraft manufacturer for the construction of Contelsat—1
gnd thus has not commenced construction of this satellite.
  Contel ASC seeks to delay the date by which it must
commence construction of Contelsat—1 because of the proposed
merger of Contel and GTE.  As the Commission knows, Contel
and GTE recently entered into a definitive agreement
pursuant to which the parties will merge.  The agreement
provides that consummation of,the merger is subject to the
approval of the Commission.     One of GTE‘s subsidiaries,
GTE Spacenet, operates satellites and provides satellite
services as does Contel ASC.  Both Contel ASC and GTE
Spacenet have satellites constructed and scheduled for
launch.  Further, both companies hold authorizations for
replacement or expansion satellites.  To the best of Contel
ASC‘s knowledge, the merger is unique in terms of the number
of satellites and related authorizations to be transferred.

     Considering the size of the companies involved and the
varied nature of the businesses conducted,   Contel and GTE
have only begun to consider how the resulting company will
operate after the merger.  Transition teams are now being
formed to address the plethora of issues presented by the
transaction.  Among other things, the transition teams will
determine how the resulting corporation will address the
market for satellite services.   More importantly,   the
parties will be analyzing the requirements of the resulting

     3   since receiving its authorization for Contelsat—1,
Contel ASC has made progress towards the commencement of
construction.  For example, Contel ASC has had numerous
discussions with various satellite manufacturers about
spacecraft design and contract terms and conditions.   As a
result of these discussions,   Contel ASC has further refined
its satellite design, and is currently considering the
advantages and costs of special features such as
cross—strapping.   In addition, Contel ASC has explored
possible joint venture arrangements with other
communications companies whereby the risks and costs
associated with Contelsat—1 would be shared in some manner.
Work with one particular company has advanced to the point
where the parties have discussed and negotiated the
structure of the joint venture, have drafted and discussed a
memorandum of understanding,   and are researching the
regulatory implications of their proposed agreement.

        An application for approval of the transaction will
be filed with the Commission in the very near future.

entity for satellite capacity through the 1990‘s and will
decide how those requirements can be best satisfied.   Until
these basic decisions are made, Contel ASC cannot,
consistent with sound business practices, entersinto a
contract for the construction of Contelsat—1.         A delay of
one year in the start of construction will give the parties
the time needed to assess their forthcoming satellite
requirements apd enter into a contract with a spacecraft

     Of particular importance to the Commission,   Contel ASC
further emphasizes that executing a contract for the
construction of Contelsat—1 at this time would not serve the
public interest.  The company that results from the merger
of GTE and Contel will not be in the satellite business
merely to construct and launch satellites, but rather to
provide cost—effective, quality satellite services that best
address the needs of the user market.  Since Contel ASC is
not vertically integrated with a satellite manufacturer, it
is not possible for Contel ASC to enter into a satellite
construction contract without incurring a substantial
financial obligation and making irrevocable decisions on
spacecraft design.  In light of the uncertainty regarding
the satellite requirements of the resulting company, making
such financial and technical commitments at this time could
hinder the resulting entity in its ability to provide high
quality, cost—efficient services to the public.

     Contel ASC realizes that the Commission in the past has
not looked with favor on requests for construction delays in
the fixed—satellite service that were prompted by economic
considerations or other reasons arguably within the control

     °   since the resulting corporation will be heavily
involved in the satellite business, Contel ASC expects that
the resulting entity will require additional satellite
capacity in the 1990‘s and that the sound design and orbital
location of Contelsat—1 will make this satellite the logical
candidate for fulfilling those requirements.   However, as
the merger agreement was only just recently signed on August
7, 1990, firm decisions concerning the space segment
requirements of the resulting entity cannot be made by
August 31.

     6   Contel ASC would expect that the satellite
requirements of the resulting entity in the mid 1990‘s will
necessitate execution of a contract for Contelsat—1 in
considerably less than a year; however, Contel ASC is
seeking a year‘s extension out of an abundance of caution.

of the permittee.     As the Commission recently noted,
requiring licensees to adhere to implementation milestones
that are based upon the schedules proposed in their
applications prevents orbital locations from being held by
licensees who have not decided whether to proceed with their
plans at the_exclusion of others who would use the
locations.     Nonetheless, Contel ASC respectfully submits
that the particular facts of this case, viewed in the
perspective of the current state of the satellite industry,
warrant the Commission‘s favorable consideration.

     Contel ASC is not a new entrant; it has an establisged
track record of constructing and launching satellites.
Contelsat—1, as Contel ASC‘s only expansion satellite, will
occupy the third orbital location assigned to Contel ASC.
The timely use of that orbital location is not at issue in
this case, since Contel ASC is seeking only a delay in the
commencegent of construction at this time and not a launch
delay.      Thus, Contel ASC‘s request for a extension of
its construction start date does not evidence any attempt on
Contel ASC‘s part to "warehouse" an orbital location.

     Further,   Contel ASC believes that no one will be hurt
if the Commission grants Contel ASC‘s request.  To the best
of Contel ASC‘s knowledge, there are no applications pending
before the Commission as of this date for satellites in the

     7   But see Hughes Communications Galaxy, Order and
Authorization (Mimeo No. DA 90—780), released June 6, 1990.
In this case, Hughes Communications Galaxy ("HCG") sought
and received authority from the Commission to delay its
construction completion and launch dates for its C—band
Galaxy 4—R satellite.    HCG‘s request was based on reasons
entirely within the control of HCG, namely HCG‘s desire to
launch a single hybrid satellite rather than two separate
C—band and Ku—band spacecraft.     Thus,   Contel ASC submits
that the HCG decision provides precedence for granting
Contel ASC‘s request.

     8   ASC—1 was launched on schedule in August,     1985.
ASC—2 is presently on track for launch in April, 1991, well
in advance of its Commission—required launch date of June,
1991.  Contelsat—1 is Contel ASC‘s only other authorized
expansion satellite (Contelsat—2 is the replacement for
ASC—1 and Contelsat—3 is a ground spare).

     9   Of course,   Contel ASC would reserve the right to
request a launch delay for this satellite at a later date,
if the circumstances so require at that tinme.

fixed—satellite service that would require new orbital
locations.    Even if such an application were to be filed in
the near future, suitable orbital locations are available
for the satellites requested.  As demonstrated above,
requiring Contel ASC to commence construction of Contelsat—1
at this time would not serve the public interest.  In this
context,   there would appear to be no substantive interests
to be served by a strict application of the Commission‘s
policy on construction delays to Contel ASC‘s instant

     For these reasons,   Contel ASC believes that grant of
its request for modification of its construction permit for
Contelsat—1 is warranted.  The required filing fee of
$500.00 is enclosed.  Please direct all questions and
correspondence regarding this request to the undersigned
(d@irect dial: 383—8704).

                               Very truly yours,


Document Created: 2014-09-11 11:57:40
Document Modified: 2014-09-11 11:57:40

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